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08 August, 2021

Mass Introduction:

God follows us quietly, gently of our life’s journey. When we are at the darkest
points of our life’s journey, he never leaves us but He comes to us as the BREAD FOR LIFE.
He strengthens and nourishes us on our journey through the Holy Eucharist. Today, as we
partake in this Eucharistic Celebration, let us examine and ask ourselves, “How do we
approach the holy Eucharist?”.

1st Reading

Elijah, discouraged and fearing for his life, flees into the desert and prays for death. Though
he is discouraged and desperate when he flees into the desert, Elijah is transformed and
strengthened by the bread and water sent from God.

2nd Reading

Today’s passage describes the undeniable love that Christ has shown. Paul reminds the
Ephesians that they share in new life with God. Christ gave his life for love of us; we must in
turn show love to our neighbor.
08 August, 2021

Prayer of the Faithful

Cel: Jesus is the bread of life that has come down from heaven, and eating his flesh is the
way to eternal life. Jesus offers his body and blood in the Eucharist. Let us place our petitions
before the Lord.

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. For the pope, the bishops and the clergy that through the exhortation of the Word and
administration of the sacraments they may build up the community of the faithful, we
2. That Catholics all over the world may re-kindle their devotion to the Eucharist, and
may never abandon the age-old practice of attending the Eucharist on Sundays and
other days of obligation, we pray…
3. That vocations to priesthood may increase in our country, and that volunteers from the
Laity may be trained to become Eucharistic ministers so that Holy Communion may
be brought to the sick and the homebound, we pray…
4. For all of us present in this Eucharistic assembly that nourished by the Word of God
we may worthily receive the sacred body and blood of Christ, we pray…
5. For all those who are going through a crisis in their life especially that they may be
comforted and strengthened, we pray…

(Let us silently present our personal and community needs)

Cel: God, our Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus who is the living bread of
life. The body and blood of Christ is the source of eternal life. Give us the grace that we may
approach the Eucharist with hearts and minds made pure. We make this prayer through Christ
our Lord. AMEN

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