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April/May 2011

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“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the
founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the
cross.”-Hebrews 1b-2b
Haaave you met...
MINISTRY UPDATE Eddy! Or more commonly known
by his artist name, Villanova. He
Where do I start? The busy-ness sunrise and an online Easter is a talented rapper who directs
here never leaves me with nothing service of Jessica’s church. his musical giftings to giving God
to talk about. In mid-April we glory. Currently he is recording
Perhaps the biggest news is the his first album, “Retomando La
celebrated Holy Week (Semana
success of our first ever retreat Vision,” (Getting Back the Vision),
Santa), which here in the D.R. is expected to be released this fall.
(campamento) which occurred
equivalent to our Spring Break He’s been involved in the
May 6-8. We saw 31 students movement for almost a year, &
Vacation. So students were free
attend and experience challenging I’ve greatly appreciated his
from class and no one works past concerts, friendship, & all the
c o m p e t i t i o n s, m o t i v a t i o n a l
Wednesday, and everyone vacates encouragement he gives. I’m
speeches, and of course lots of
the city and enjoys the beach. excited for how our Lord uses him
food and fun! Thanks to all of in the future!
Since no students = not much nnn
you who were faithful in prayer;
ministry to do, we decided to
God showed up and did amazing
formally use our vacation days
things that weekend. What Will Jimmy
and spent 4 days at an all-
inclusive resort on the north coast Today marks 31 left until my Come take a closer look!
(Puerto Plata). We enjoyed great return. I cannot tell you how
food and the beach and even eager I am to come and see you Facebook:
spent a day doing white water all!!! With my return so near, it’s cqfY0y
Twitter: jimmydavis5
rafting (dangerous. But incredibly been difficult to focus on ministry.
For more detailed updates, check
fun!). I returned just in time to But I continue to keep my eye on out my blog:
celebrate the Resurrection Day of the prize to finish this part of the “Jimmy’s Dominican
our Lord Jesus by watching the race strong! Learning Blog”
Jimmy Davis

• Pray for God’s will concerning next year’s STINT

team. We are trusting God to raise up one more man to
complete the team.
• Pray for focus. We are all excited to come back home,
but need our hearts & minds centered on finishing our
work here well.
Spring Retreat • Pray about re-joining my ministry team both
! prayerfully and financially.

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