a. the money supply falls. b. interest rates rise.: Trắc Nghiệm Câu 1. Other things the same, as the price level falls,

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Câu 1. Other things the same, as the price level falls,

a. the money supply falls.
b. interest rates rise.
c. a dollar buys more domestic goods.
d. the aggregate-demand curve shifts right.
Câu 2. Other things the same, when the price level rises, interest rates
a. rise, so firms increase investment.
b. rise, so firms decrease investment.
c. fall, so firms increase investment.
d. fall, so firms decrease investment.
Câu 3. Which of the following both shift aggregate demand left?
a. a decrease in taxes and at a given price level consumers feel more wealthy
b. a decrease in taxes and at a given price level consumers feel less wealthy
c. an increase in taxes and at a given price level consumers feel more wealthy
d. an increase in taxes and at a given price level consumers feel less wealthy
Câu 4. As the price level rises
a. people are more willing to lend, so interest rates rise.
b. people are more willing to lend, so interest rates fall.
c. people are less willing to lend, so interest rates fall.
d. people are less willing to lend, so interest rates rise.
Câu 5. Which of the following decreases in response to the interest-rate effect from an increase
in the price level?
a. both investment and consumption
b. consumption but not investment
c. investment but not consumption
d. neither investment nor consumption
(Mức giá P có quan hệ nghịch chiều với cả C, I và NX)
Câu 6. An increase in household saving causes consumption to
a. rise and aggregate demand to increase.
b. rise and aggregate demand to decrease.
c. fall and aggregate demand to increase.
d. fall and aggregate demand to decrease.
Câu 7. In the context of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, the wealth effect refers to the
idea that, when the price level decreases, the real wealth of households
a. increases and as a result consumption spending increases. This effect contributes to the
downward slope of the aggregate-demand curve.
b. decreases and as a result consumption spending increases. This effect contributes to the
upward slope of the aggregate-supply curve.
c. increases and as a result households increase their money holdings; in turn, interest rates
increase and investment spending decreases. This effect contributes to the downward slope of the
aggregate-demand curve.
d. decreases and as a result households increase their money holdings; in turn, interest rates
increase and investment spending decreases. This effect contributes to the upward slope of the
aggregate-supply curve.
Câu 8. As the price level rises
a. people will want to buy more bonds, so the interest rate rises.
b. people will want to buy fewer bonds, so the interest rate falls.
c. people will want to buy more bonds, so the interest rate falls.
d. people will want to buy fewer bonds, so the interest rate rises.
Câu 9.When taxes decrease, consumption
a. decreases as shown by a movement to the left along a given aggregate-demand curve.
b. decreases as shown by a shift of the aggregate demand curve to the left.
c. increases as shown by a movement to the right along a given aggregate-demand curve.
d. increases as shown by a shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right.
Câu 10. Other things the same, an increase in the price level makes the dollars people hold worth
a. more, so they can buy more.
b. more, so they can buy less.
c. less, so they can buy more.
d. less, so they can buy less.
Câu 11. Suppose a stock market boom makes people feel wealthier. The increase in wealth
would cause people to desire
a. increased consumption, which shifts the aggregate-demand curve right.
b. increased consumption, which shifts the aggregate-demand curve left.
c. decreased consumption, which shifts the aggregate-demand curve right.
d. decreased consumption, which shifts the aggregate-demand curve left.
Câu 12. The aggregate demand and aggregate supply graph has
a. quantity of output on the horizontal axis. Output can be measured by the GDP deflator.
b. quantity of output on the horizontal axis. Output can be measured by real GDP.
c. quantity of output on the vertical axis. Output can be measured by the GDP deflator.
d. quantity of output on the vertical axis. Output can be measured by real GDP.
Câu 13. In which of the following cases would the quantity of money demanded be smallest?
Trong trường hợp nào sau đây, lượng tiền yêu cầu sẽ nhỏ nhất?
a. r = 0.06, P = 1.2
b. r = 0.05, P = 1.0
c. r = 0.04, P = 1.2
d. r = 0.06, P = 1.0
Đáp án: Lãi r cao thì cầu tiền MD sẽ thấp. Và mức giá P mà thấp thì cầu tiền thấp.
Câu 14. Other things the same, a decrease in the price level motivates people to hold
a. less money, so they lend less, and the interest rate rises.
b. less money, so they lend more, and the interest rate falls.
c. more money, so they lend more, and the interest rate rises.
d. more money, so they lend less, and the interest rate falls.
Câu 15. When the price level falls
a. The interest rate falls because people will want to hold more money and so sell bonds.
b. Firms will want to spend more on new business buildings and business equipment and
households will want to spend more building new homes.
c. Both A and B are correct.
d. None of the above are correct.
(Mức giá giảm thì cầu tiền giảm)
Câu 16. If the price level falls, the real value of a dollar
a. rises, so people will want to buy more.
b. rises, so people will want to buy less.
c. falls, so people will want to buy more.
d. falls, so people will want to buy less.
Câu 17.The supply of money increases when
a. the price level falls.
b. the interest rate increases.
c. the Fed makes open-market purchases.
d. money demand increases.
Câu 18. According to the classical model, an increase in the money supply causes
a. output to increase in the long run.
b. the unemployment rate to fall in the long run.
c. prices to rise in the long run.
d. interest rates to fall in the long run.
Câu 19. Which of the following is most commonly used to monitor short-run changes in
economic activity?
a. the inflation rate.
b. real GDP.
c. interest rates.
d. value of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange market.
Câu 20. A relatively mild period of falling incomes and rising unemployment is called a:
a. depression.
b. recession.
c. expansion.
d. business cycle.
Câu 21. The classical dichotomy refers to the separation of
a. prices and nominal interest rates.
b. taxes and government spending.
c. decisions made by the public and decisions made by the government.
d. real and nominal variables.
Câu 22. Which of the following is correct?
a. Real GDP is the variable most commonly used to measure short-run economic fluctuations.
These fluctuations can be predicted with some accuracy.
b. Real GDP is the variable most commonly used to measure short-run economic
fluctuations. It is almost impossible to predict these fluctuations with much accuracy.
c. Nominal GDP is the variable most commonly used to measure short-run economic
fluctuations. These fluctuations can be predicted with some accuracy.
d. Nominal GDP is the variable most commonly used to measure short-run economic
fluctuations. It is almost impossible to predict these fluctuations with much accuracy.
Câu 23. According to the classical model, which of the following would double if the quantity of
money doubled?
a. prices but not nominal income
b. nominal income but not prices
c. both prices and nominal income
d. neither prices nor nominal income
Câu 24. Which of the following explains why production rises in most years?
a. increases in the labor force
b. increases in the capital stock
c. advances in technological knowledge
d. All of the above are correct.
Bài 1/503. Giải thích liệu mỗi sự kiện sau đây sẽ tăng, giảm, hoặc không ảnh hưởng gì đến
nguồn cung tổng hợp chạy dài.
a. Hoa Kỳ trải qua một làn sóng của nhập cư.
b. Quốc hội tăng mức lương tối thiểu lên $10 mỗi giờ.
c. Intel phát minh ra một com- mới và mạnh mẽ hơn chip putter.
d. Một cơn bão nghiêm trọng gây thiệt hại cho các nhà máy Bờ Đông.
Bài 3/384. You take $100 you had kept under your mattress and deposit it in your bank account.
If this $100 stays in the banking system as reserves and if banks hold reserves equal to 10
percent of deposits, by how much does the total amount of deposits in the banking system
increase? By how much does the money supply increase?
Bài 2/384:
Which of the following are money in the U.S. economy? Which are not? Explain your answers
by discussing each of the three functions of money.
A. a U.S. penny
B. a Mexican peso
C. a Picasso painting
D. a plastic credit card
Bài 9/505. Đối với mỗi sự kiện sau đây, hãy giải thích các hiệu ứng chạy ngắn và chạy dài đối
với sản lượng và mức giá, giả sử các nhà hoạch định chính sách không có hành động gì.
a. Thị trường chứng khoán giảm mạnh, giảm sự giàu có của người tiêu dùng.
b. Chính phủ liên bang tăng chi tiêu cho quốc phòng.
c. Một sự cải tiến công nghệ nâng cao sản xuất- tuổi thọ.
d. Sự suy thoái ở nước ngoài khiến người nước ngoài mua ít hàng hóa Mỹ hơn.
Bài 1/412. Suppose that changes in bank regulations expand the availability of credit cards so
that people need to hold less cash.
a. How does this event affect the demand for money?
b. If the Fed does not respond to this event, what will happen to the price level?
c. If the Fed wants to keep the price level stable, what should it do?
Bài 2/503. Giả sử nền kinh tế đang ở trạng thái cân bằng dài hạn
a. Vẽ đồ thị minh họa trạng thái của nền kinh tế. Thể hiện rõ tổng cầu, tổng cung ngắn hạn
và tổng cung dài hạn.
b. Giả sử thị trg chứng khoán đổ vỡ làm giảm tổng cầu. Sử dụng đồ thị trên minh họa điều
gì xảy ra với sản lượng và mức giá trong ngắn hạn. Điều gì xảy ra với tỉ lệ thất nghiệp
c. Sử dụng lí thuyết tổng cung tiền lương kết dính để giải thích điều gì xảy ra với sản lượng
và mức giá trong dài hạn (giả địng không có thay đổi về chính sách). Mức giá kì vọng có
vai trò gì trong sự điều chỉnh này? Minh họa phân tích của bạn bằng đồ thị.

Bài 12/505. Suppose firms become very optimistic about future business conditions and invest
heavily in new capital equipment.
a. Draw an aggregate-demand/aggregate-supply diagram to show the short-run effect of this
optimism on the economy. Label the new levels of prices and real output. Explain in words why
the aggregate quantity of output supplied changes.
b. Now use the diagram from part (a) to show the new long-run equilibrium of the econ- omy.
(For now, assume there is no change in the long-run aggregate-supply curve.) Explain in words
why the aggregate quan- tity of output demanded changes between the short run and the long
c. How might the investment boom affect the long-run aggregate-supply curve? Explain.
Bài 11/505. Trong nền kinh tế A, tất cả lao động đều đồng ý trước với mức lương danh nghĩa mà
chủ doanh nghiệp sẽ trả cho họ. Trong nền kinh tế B, một nửa người lao động có hợp đồng lương
danh nghĩa này, trong khi nửa lao động còn lại có hợp đồng điều chỉnh lương theo chỉ số, nghĩa
là lương của họ tự động tăng hay giảm theo mức giá. Theo lí thuyết tổng cung tiền lương kết
dính, nền kinh tế nào có tổng cung ngắn hạn dốc hơn? Nếu cung tiền tăng 5% thì tác động lên
sản lượng sẽ cao hơn ở nền kinh tế nào? Tác động lên mức giá sẽ lớn hơn ở nền kinh tế nào? Giải
Bài 8/505. Suppose the Fed expands the money supply, but because the public expects this Fed
action, it simultaneously raises its expectation of the price level. What will happen to output and
the price level in the short run? Compare this result to the outcome if the Fed expanded the
money supply but the public didn’t change its expectation of the price level.
Bài 5/504. For each of the three theories for the upward slope of the short-run aggregate-supply
curve, carefully explain the following:
a. How the economy recovers from a recessionand returns to its long-run equilibrium with-out
any policy intervention.
b. What determines the speed of that recovery.

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