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A scar is a mark of injury, left after healing process. It is a met up of fibrous tissue, covered with thin
lair of cells. At the mark of scar, there will be no hair or sweat claims, it is slightly vascular, Due to
presence of less blood capillaries.

Importance of Scars:
1. A person or dead body can be identified by the size, shape or any specific location of a scar
on the body.
2. Identification of causative agent. This can be known as scar generally takes the shape of a
weapon, or article so causing it. For example:
I. Scar left by a sharp weapon is generally linier and straight.
II. Scars produced by tabbing are tri-angular in shape, and mainly smaller in size.
III. Scars left by blunt weapon i.e. road, and irregular n shape.
IV. Scars produced by extensive burns are irregular and usually show overgrowth of skin.
V. Scar resenting from injury of bullet is surrounded by the particles of unburnt
gunpowder, if the weapon was discharged from near distance. These are depressed and
disk shape, and also smaller than bullet, if fired from a distance. The scar of wound of
entrance of bullet is as a rule smaller than the wound of exit.
VI. Scars due to vaccination are 2 or 3 in number, and are present on arms.

Appearance of Scars
A scar usually appears fortnight, in case of A septic injury, which is caused by a surgical operation. In
other cases, appearance of scar depends on many factors like:

A. Gravity of injury,

B. body organs,

C. availability of medical assistance.

Disappearance of scars
Scars, which involve whole skin, are always permanent in nature. Some superficial scars involving
only upper lair of skin may disappear in the course of few years.

Examination of Scars or the purpose of identification

Scars should be examined by a magnifier in good light and its shape, size, location as well as other
things should be mentioned in medico-legal reports.
Age of Scars
It is difficult to estimate exact age of the scar, but a rough estimate can be made. Initially scar is red,
soft and covered by a lair of dead cells (Scab). Subsequently, it becomes brown, and with the passing
of time, it acquires a glistening or a bright appearance, which remain permanent for the rest of the
life. So, Variation in time is so great that it is not safe to fix any time limit.

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