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Jean Brienne C.

Reyes BSN IV A 09-25-2021

NCM 119


1.) What type of leadership theory is Nurse A using?

Based on the case that I have read, I can say that the leadership style used
by the nurse is the Path-Goal Theory. As mentioned, Nurse A tailors her leadership
style according to her employees' needs, experience, and situations. She is not
only assigning tasks that have to be done for the day but also, she is ensuring that
her employees are given enough instruction and assistance with the task they
The path-goal theory states that a leader’s behavior is contingent on the
satisfaction, motivation, and performance of their employees. It is the leader’s job
to assist followers in attaining goals and to provide the direction and support
needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the organization’s goals.
Path–goal theory assumes that leaders are flexible and that they can change their
style, as situations require.

2.) What are the benefits of changing the leadership style based on the
employee’s experience, knowledge, and situation?
One of the benefits of having this kind of leadership is that the employees
may feel that they are being cared for, which increases their motivation to work.
And also, if a leader is flexible in his/her work, he/she will not have a difficult time
when there will be a rapid change in work.

3.) What is the relationship between followership and leadership?

Leadership and followership are closely intertwined. Effective followers can
shape productive leadership behavior just as effective leaders develop employees
into good followers.
4.) Define your leadership style, what type of leadership do you work best?

My style of leadership I work best is the Participative or democratic

leadership. For me, I want to have an open communication with my subordinates.
Listening and discussing each other’s opinions and thoughts can drive us to well-
organized plan and a common end-goal. I want my subordinates to think that I am
part of the team and not in higher position where I only assign tasks to them. But
also, as a leader, I must ensure that the said plan is being followed and the tasks
are being done by my subordinates.

5.) Think about people you know in management positions. Are any of them
leaders as well? Describe the characteristics that makes them a leader?
For those people in management positions, I can say that they are leaders.
Of course, how can they manage if they do not know how to lead their people. If a
manager can influence and guide direction, opinion, and course of action, I can
say that he/she is a leader as well.

6.) Think of people you know who are not in management positions but are
leaders non the less. What characteristics do they have that makes them
The characteristics of those people who are not in management position

that are leaders nonetheless are:

They believe in themselves. They believe in their knowledge, abilities, and

skills that they have. They tend to show who they really are in working which
somehow makes other people admire them. I can say that a person is a leader if
he/she can motivate people and can help others develop themselves to be a
competent individual.

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