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Course Outcome: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

CO1. Describe the fundamental elements of relational database management systems and understand the database
systems and its applications.
CO2. Conceptualize and depict a database system using ER diagram.
CO3. Construct queries using relational algebra, relational calculus and SQL.
CO4. Understand the functional dependencies and design the database using normalization.
CO5. Understand the needs of Transaction processing and learn techniques for controlling the consequences of
concurrent data access.
CO6. Understand basic database storage structures and access techniques: file organizations, indexing methods
including B-tree, and hashing.

Prerequisite: Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics


Introduction to database systems; Characteristics of databases, File system V/s Database system, Users of Database
system, approaches to building a database, data models, database management system, Data Independence, DBMS
system architecture, challenges in building a DBMS, various components of a DBMS.

E/R Model:

Conceptual Data Modeling – motivation, entities, entity types, various types of attributes, relationships, relationship
types, Entity set types, Participation constraints, E/R diagram notation, Extended E/R Model, Examples.

Relational Data Model:

Concepts of relations, schema-instance distinction, keys, referential integrity & foreign keys, converting the database
specification in E/R notation to the relational schema, Relational algebra operators: selection, projection, cross product,
various types of joins, division, set operations, example queries, tuple relational calculus, domain relational calculus,
Fundamentals of SQL.

Relational Database Design:

Importance of a good schema design, problems encountered with bad schema designs, motivation for normal forms,
dependency theory - functional dependencies, Armstrong's axioms for FD's, closure of a set of FD's, minimal covers,
Normalization, Normal Forms - 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, decompositions and desirable properties of them, multi-
valued dependencies and 4NF, join dependencies and 5NF, Concept of Denormalization.

Transaction Processing:

Transaction processing and Error recovery - Concepts of transaction processing, ACID properties, concurrency control,
Serializability, locking based protocols, Timestamp based protocols, recovery and logging methods.

Data Storage & Indexing:

Data Storage and Indexes - File organizations, primary, secondary index structures, various index structures – hash-
based, dynamic hashing techniques, multi-level indexes, B and B+ trees.
Text Books:

1. Fundamentals of Database System By Elmasari & Navathe, 7th Edition, 2018, Pearson Education
Reference Book

1. Database System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth & Sudarshan, 6th Edition, 2019, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Database Management Systems by RamaKrishna & Gehrke, 3rd Edition, 2018, McGraw-Hill Education
3. Database System Concepts by Rob & Coronel, Indian Edition, 2011, Cengage Learning
4. Fundamentals of Relational Database management Systems by Sumathi & Esakkirajan, 2007, Springer

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