U6.LP5.Foreign Policy

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Name: ___________________________________________ Mod: ________

Date: _______ / ________ / 2011 U6.LP5: Foreign Policy

Objective: Students will analyze foreign policy concept in order to analyze national interests and create
policy solutions to current world events.

Warm-Up: Match the example and vocabulary term.

_____ 1.House of Representatives
A. 100 member, 2 for each state
_____ 2. Senate
B. President’s block
_____ 3. Head of State
C. 435 Members, one for each district
_____ 4. General Assembly
D. State Legislative Branch
_____ 5. Mayor
E. Congress’ action in response to veto
_____ 6. Governor
F. The President meets with foreign leaders
_____ 7. Executive Order
G. A place where bills are marked up and
_____ 8. Committees rewritten.

_____ 9. Override H. A city’s executive leader

_____ 10. Veto I. The President ability to clarify a law

J. A state’s executive leader

Frayer Model
Definition Characteristic
______________________ policy is a country's goals in _ Causes:
 _________________________________
_________________________ to other nations and the  Political differences
 National Security, ________________________
methods and strategies used to achieve them, Control
including ___________________________ military  War
 __________________________________
assistance, and ____________________________ aid.

Foreign Policy
Examples Non-examples
The 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement France creates a ___________________ about students’

____________________________which remove barriers and right to wear _____________________ scarves in school.

increase trade among the United States, Canada,

and ________________________.
Main Points Supporting Details
Economic Foreign  Countries set up _________________________________ trade policies with other
Policy countries in order to get essential ________________________ from other countries
and protect their countries’ ________________________________.
 Key vocabulary:
o Trade: to _______________ and sell goods
o Exports: goods that are ___________________________ to other countries
o Imports: goods that are ____________________________ into a country
o Free Trade: An agreement to ____________________________________
________________________________, such as tariffs and quotas to trade
between countries.
o Tariff: a ____________________________ on imports and exports
o Quota: a restriction on the _________________________________ of specific
items imported.
o Embargo or Economic Sanction: To _______________________ all trade
with a country. Embargoes are imposed primarily to
________________________________ other nations into eliminating policies
by ____________________________________ their economy.
Political / Military
 Countries must ________________________________ its borders, citizens and freedoms
Foreign Policy
in order to stay a ______________________________________ (independent) nation.
 Key Vocabulary
o Treaties: ____________________________ among nations that each nation
o Military alliances: an agreement among countries to help one another
when attacked.
o _____________________: North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a
_________________________ alliance that protects member nations.
o United Nations: an ___________________________________ organization with
more that 190 country members to promote _______________________________
o Diplomacy: _______________________________________ foreign policy

Social /  Countries assist struggling countries for the sake of helping __________________
Humanitarian people and maintaining _____________________ and democracy in unstable countries
Foreign Policy  Key Vocabulary
o Human rights: basic rights of all people
o ______________________: lack of food, mass starvation
o Civil War: war within a nation

Why do we have Foreign Policy protects our national interests for:

foreign policy?  national security: protecting ________________________
 economic stability: maintaining a healthy ______________________________
 promoting ________________________________________: helping other country’s
establish democratic governments
 protecting _________________________________________ rights: protecting
innocent people from human rights abuses
 the reputation of the United States as a world leader: asserting our
position as a military and economic ____________________________________.

Check for Understanding

In the 1980s, the United States, some European countries, and the United Nations banned the trade of
certain goods and services to South Africa. The policy was in response to South African laws, which
enforced racial segregation.
Which of these best describes this action toward South Africa?
A. the use of diplomacy to gain military strength
B. the use of free trade to build military alliances
C. the use of humanitarian aid to win political support
D. the use of economic sanctions to bring about social change

Read the news headline below.

Which of these is a purpose of this action by the United States?

A. to decrease the cost of lumber
B. to protect the United States lumber industry
C. to decrease United States lumber exports
D. to allow for the free trade of lumber

Which of these is an example of an economic sanction?

A. providing poor countries with humanitarian aid
B. creating trade alliances with bordering countries
C. refusing to meet with a diplomatic representative of a dictatorship
D. ending trade with a country that has a poor human rights record

In 1972, the United States and 143 other nations signed a treaty that banned the development, production,
and storage of biological weapons.
What is most likely the goal of this treaty?
A. to give nations the right to defend themselves
B. to stop nations from acquiring military secrets
C. to conduct research on the effects of biological weapons
D. to prevent the use of biological weapons by nations at war

“… let us resolve to wage an unrelenting [continuous] battle against poverty and for shared prosperity so
that no part of humanity is left behind in the global economy.….” —President Bill Clinton, at the United
Nations, September 21, 1999
Which of these topics is most related to the excerpt?
A. arms reduction
B. climatic changes
C. military deployment
D. development assistance
Guided Practice
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v61IdnDey-8
1. What national interests are threatened? (Explain your answers)

2. What questions do you have for Pakistan?

3. Do you think that the United States should pull troops out of Afghanistan now? Why or why not?

Independent Practice
In the Middle East, a civil war in one nation has provoked an invasion by a neighboring nation.
The invading country, which now occupies part of its neighbor's territory, is a close U.S. ally.

The conflict is taking place in an extremely unstable region, where warfare is common. In
addition, the two nations are situated near several oil-producing countries, on which the United
States depends for its energy supply.
1. What national interests are threatened? (Explain your answers)
2. Should the United States send peacekeeping troops? Why or why not?

3. What are the risks to the United States of not participating in a peacekeeping mission?

A small European nation has declared independence from the larger nation to which it once
belonged. The larger nation opposes the move toward independence, and the conflict has led to
many military and civilian casualties. Some observers see the dispute as a civil war, while others
consider it an international crisis.

Over time, the conflict has created thousands of refugees. Many of the refugees have fled to
countries that are U.S. trading partners. The countries that receive the refugees are forced to
provide costly humanitarian aid.

If no action is taken, major European powers such as Germany, France, and Italy could eventually
become involved in the war, though some believe that is unlikely. Even if the war is contained,
many thousands of people lack food and shelter, and civilians are routinely killed in the fighting.
1. What national interests are at stake? (Explain your answers)

2. Should U.S. peacekeeping troops help end the conflict? Or should the two small nations work out
their differences on their own? Why?

3. Should U.S. troops provide humanitarian aid for the refugees? Why?
The citizens of an African nation have suffered years of civil war. As a result of the unrest, famine
is widespread. Despite offers of humanitarian aid, the warring armies refuse to allow outside
nations to deliver needed food.

If no action is taken, millions of people will die. Yet, if they try to deliver food, peacekeeping
troops will probably face attacks from soldiers fighting in the civil war. There is no risk that the
war will spread to other nations or threaten U.S. security or economic stability directly. The
conflict, however, could continue for many years.
1. What national interests are threatened? (Explain your answers)

2. Should the United States send troops? Why or why not?

3. Does the United States have a responsibility to offer aid? Why or why not?


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