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Certified Psychics Psychics Online Now About Psychic Predictions Testimonials Prayers and Healing FAQ

Accurate Psychic Predictions

A client recently asked me the following question:

"My psychic predicted something about a job promotion and I ended up

not getting it. 

"I still don't doubt her because I know she is not God and as human
beings, we can all be wrong . . . but now I'm starting to get a little
scared about her predictions about my boyfriend . . . can you give me
some advice?  How does it work with psychics? How accurate are
psychic predictions?"

"It plays itself

out; that’s life." I receive many such questions about psychic
predictions, mostly asking:

"How accurate are psychic predictions?

Here is how I see it.

Here is what I believe about psychic predictions:

The “future” is not written in stone. We create it as we go along.

When psychic "tunes in" to your energy field, they are reading the
energy created by your
thoughts and feelings. They are not reading "The Future" as an absolute.

You create your future. Each of us creates our own future, moment to moment, through the
power of our thoughts and feelings.

And this I know – our thoughts and feelings change, sometimes moment to moment. That
energy field indicative of your potential future -- can and does change.

It seems, many people really to want to hear future predictions from psychics.

Why? I suppose this is for comfort, hope, something to look forward to; or, the permission to
give up hope.

I try to discourage a client from pressuring their psychic to attempt to give precise future
predictions when they get a psychic reading. When I see this happening, it often is a case of
the client trying to get the psychic to say what he or she wants to hear.

A gifted psychic clairvoyant can and will pick up the potential future you are creating, with
what feels to him or her like great certainty, on the path that your thoughts and feelings are
creating, with regard to future outcomes, at the time of any given reading.

Nonetheless, the future is not written in stone.

There are a great number of variables that interfere with your intended outcomes.

The power of your thoughts and feelings at the time of the reading may be dimmed in the
coming days, so the outcome seen is not produced.

That is not to take away from the gift of a psychic clairvoyant ;

It is just that the path of life, the universe, our intent, the God-force within us, whatever you
want to call it, is not “written in stone.” It is a Creative Force, plastic to the energies of our
thoughts and feelings.

It plays itself out; that’s life.

It requires constant vigilance and highly awakened consciousness to actualize one’s intent
into reality on a day to day basis.

Most of us do not have that level of discipline.

How accurate are psychic predictions? No psychic is 100% accurate - any psychic who
makes such a claim should be looked at with some skepticism.

The most excellent, spiritual psychics are about 80 -90% accurate with regard to future
predictions. But they can be 95-100% accurate on what is needed next on your spiritual

Remember, it is best not to pressure your psychic into making future predictions. We are not
fortune-tellers. The best use of your psychic reading is to gain higher insight into the issues
of your life where you need clarity and guidance. That, I promise, you will receive.

God bless and lots of love,

Gail Summer

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