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Massagem korugi (face)

Benefits of Korugi:
The following benefits can be obtained with the Korugi massage:
- Lighten your skin by removing signs of tiredness and black circles around the eyes.
- Make the facial skin more flexible, and so contribute to a look that is glowing and wrinkle-
- Return the face to their younger shape.
- Improve blood flow to the skin
Preparation for the massage
A few important points you should read before beginning the massage technique:
First, it's important to note that this massage is forbidden to people who have ear, nose and
throat issues, people with lymph node problems, chronic skin issues or facial wounds or
open sores.
Second, before you start the massage, work some oil into your skin and clean it.
Third, make sure you do the massage in front of a mirror, as you want to do it as close to
the example as possible.
Also, make sure you use strong movements of rubbing and pressing, without hurting

7 Essential Korugi Exercises 

1. Cheek Lift
Sit at a table. Put your elbows on the table and make fists with both hands. Relax your face
and press the fists to your cheekbones, as seen in the image. Stay in this position for 5
seconds, and repeat it 5 times in total.
2. Massaging the forehead and neck
Lean your head back a bit and make fists with both hands.
Put both fists by the middle of the forehead at the hairline, as you can see in the image.
Slide the finger knuckles to the side and down through the temples and to your earlobes. 
Open your fists and slowly move your fingers down the sides of your neck to your shoulder
3. Smoothing the cheeks

Put the fingers of both hands together and leave the thumbs straight, as can be seen in the
Put the upper part of the right thumb just under your left eye, in the side closer to the nose,
and slide it along the cheekbone all the way to the ear.
Slide down the thumb from the ear lobes, on the neck side, and until the clavicle.
Do this twice and then twice on the other side of your face.
4. Smoothing the forehead

Make your hands into fists again and put them against the line of your eyebrows.
Slide your finger knuckles up from the eyebrows to the hairline.
Slide them down and a bit to the side in a circular motion back to the eyebrows.
Repeat this exercise 5 times.
5. Eye lifting
Make your hands into fists and put the finger and knuckles on the right eyebrow, on the
side closest to the nose. 
Slide them on the eyebrow to the right side.
Repeat this for 5 times and then repeat it 5 more times with your left hand and eyebrow.
6. Massaging the lower part of the face
Make your right hand into a fist and slide the finger knuckles from the chin to the right and
up until the temple. Slide them back down to the chin.
Repeat this exercise 8 times then repeat it 8 more times using the left hand and left side.
7. Finish the massage
Open your fists. Put the fingers of both hands on the forehead, as can be seen in the
image, and slide them towards the temples. 
Slide them from the cheeks to the earlobes, and from there down along the sides of the
neck to the collarbone. 
Do these 7 steps once a week for best results.

Enrijecendo a pele do pescoço com mudanças do estilo de


Exercite os músculos faciais e cervicais. Vários exercícios alongam e
fortalecem tais músculos. Repita-os uma ou duas vezes por dia. Conforme o
pescoço se fortalecer, a pele ficará cada vez mais firme. [2]
o Ponha uma mão na testa. Empurre a cabeça contra a mão,
usando-a para impedir que a cabeça se mova para frente. Você notará os
músculos do pescoço agindo. Mantenha essa posição por cerca de 10
segundos. Depois, entrelace os dedos atrás da cabeça e empurre-a para trás,
contra as mãos, e mantenha a posição por 10 segundos.
o Sente-se com as costas eretas. Levante a cabeça para trás, de
modo que o queixo aponte para o teto. Deixe a boca fechada. Na sequência,
faça um movimento de mastigação com a mandíbula. Você sentirá os músculos
faciais e cervicais sendo trabalhados. Repita 20 vezes. [3]
o Mais uma vez, sente-se com as costas eretas, o queixo apontado
para o teto e a boca fechada. Desta vez, forme um bico com os lábios, como se
fosse dar um beijo. Repita o exercício duas vezes. Embora provoque uma
sensação similar à do exercício acima, esse movimento trabalha diferentes
grupos musculares do rosto e do pescoço.[4]
o Seja cuidadoso com o exercício a seguir, porque ele pode
lesionar seu pescoço. Deite-se na cama com a cabeça para fora da borda do
colchão. Lenta e cuidadosamente, use o pescoço para levantar a cabeça em
direção ao tronco, depois abaixe a cabeça para voltar à posição inicial. Repita o
exercício cinco vezes, e pare imediatamente se sentir alguma dor. [5]

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