Model Test 100

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Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100


Directions (1-6): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it.
Today, bicycles are elegantly simple machines that are common around the

world. Many people ride bicycles for recreation, whereas others use them as a
means of transportation. The first bicycle, called a draisienne, was invented in
Germany in 1818 by Baron Karl de Drais de Sauerbrun. Because it was made of
wood, the draisienne wasn’t very durable nor did it have pedals. Riders moved it by
pushing their feet against the ground.
In 1839, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, invented a much
better bicycle. Macmillan’s machine had tires with iron rims to keep them from
getting worn down. He also used foot-operated cranks, similar to pedals, so his

bicycle could be ridden at a quick pace. It didn’t look much like the modern
bicycle, though, because its back wheel was substantially larger than its front
wheel. Although Macmillan’s bicycles could be ridden easily, they were never
produced in large numbers.
In 1861, Frenchman Pierre Michaux and his brother Ernest invented a bicycle

with an improved crank mechanism. They called their bicycle a vélocipède, but
most people called it a “bone shaker” because of the jarring effect of the wood and
iron frame. Despite the unflattering nickname, the vélocipède was a hit. After a
few years, the Michaux family was making hundreds of the machines annually,
mostly for fun-seeking young people. Ten years later, James Starley, an English

inventor, made several innovations that revolutionized bicycle design. He made

the front wheel many times larger than the back wheel, put a gear on the pedals
to make the bicycle more efficient, and lightened the wheels by using wire spokes.
Although this bicycle was much lighter and less tiring to ride, it was still clumsy,
extremely top- heavy, and ridden mostly for entertainment. It wasn’t until 1874
that the first truly mod- ern bicycle appeared on the scene. Invented by another
Englishman, H.J. Lawson, the safety bicy- cle would look familiar to today’s cyclists.
The safety bicycle had equal-sized wheels, which made it much less prone to
toppling over. Lawson also attached a chain to the pedals to drive the rear wheel.
By 1893, the safety bicycle had been further improved with air-filled rubber
tires, a diamond- shaped frame, and easy braking. With the improvements provided
by Lawson, bicycles became extremely popular and useful for trans- portation.
Today, they are built, used, and enjoyed all over the world.
1. There is enough information in this passage to show that
1) several people contributed to the develop- ment of the modern bicycle.
2) only a few vélocipèdes built by the Michaux family are still in existence.
3) for most of the nineteenth century, few people rode bicycles just for fun.
4) bicycles with wheels of different sizes can- not be ridden easily.
5) none
2. The first person to use a gear system on bicycles was
1) H.J. Lawson. 2) Kirkpatrick Macmillan.
3) Pierre Michaux. 4) James Starley. 5) none

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

3. This passage was most likely written in order to

1) persuade readers to use bicycles for transportation.
2) describe the problems that bicycle manufacturers encounter.
3) compare bicycles used for fun with bicycles used for transportation.
4) tell readers a little about the history of the bicycle. 5) none
4. Macmillan added iron rims to the tires of his bicycle to
1) add weight to the bicycle. 2) make the tires last longer.
3) make the ride less bumpy. 4) make the ride less tiring. 5) none
5. Read the following sentence:
Ten years later, James Starley, an English inventor, made several innovations

that revolutionized bicycle design.
As it is used in the sentence, the bold word revolutionized most nearly means
1) cancelled. 2) changed drastically. 3) became outdated.
4) exercised control over. 5) none
6. Which of the following statements from the passage represents the writer’s opinion?
1) The safety bicycle would look familiar to today’s cyclists.
2) Two hundred years ago, bicycles didn’t even exist.
3) The Michaux brothers called their bicycle a vélocipède.

4) Macmillan’s machine had tires with iron 5) none
Directions (7-8): Choose the correct meanings of these idioms and phrases out of
the five options.
7. A Snowball’s Chance in Hell:

1) One’s spouse (derogatory but often affectionate)

2) Little to no likelihood of occurrence or success
3) To rescue someone from a bad situation, to shield someone from the
consequences of his or her actions
4) A rough estimate 5) None

8. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine:

1) Value for money 2) A year marked by strong successes
3) Fix something quickly, because if you don’t, it will just get more difficult to fix
4) Value for your money 5) None
Directions (9-11): In this question, words (A), (B), (C), and (D) are given in bold. If
two of these words are interchanged, the sentence will be meaningful and
grammatically correct. Identify the pair of words, if interchanged which will make
the sentence meaningful and grammatically correct. That pair is your answer.
9. The authorities driven (A) the van’s mileage from the attempted (B) owner and
carefully previous (C) to construct miles secured (D) to pin-point Grasso’s hideout.
10. In some places, within my own scrape (A) the pines would remembrance,(B)both
sides of a chaise at once, and women and children who were compelled to go this
often (C)to Lincoln alone and on foot did it with fear, and way (D)ran a good part
of the distance.
11. With an anxious look around to peeked (A) sure no one was watching (B), Deidre
hoping (C) into the open door, make (D) it led to a McDonalds or some other
place with food.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

Directions (12): Read the following passage carefully and answer the question
given below it.
Litigation is not always the only or best way to resolve conflicts. Mediation
offers an alternative approach and it is one that can be quite efficient and
successful. Mediation can be faster, less expensive, and can lead to creative
solutions not always possible in a court of law. Additionally, mediation focuses on
mutually acceptable solu- tions, rather than on winning or losing.
12. This paragraph best supports the idea that
1) there is too much reliance on litigation in our society.
2) litigation is expensive, slow, and limited by its reliance on following the letter
of the law.

3) mediation is the best way to resolve a crisis.
4) mediation can be an effective way to resolve conflicts. 5) none
Directions (13-16): In this question a sentence divided into four parts denoted by
(1), (2), (3) and (4) has been given. Read the sentence to find out whether there is
any grammatical error in it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence.
That part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is “No error”. Ignore the

errors of punctuation of any.
(1) Hopefully, this last order of the apex court / (2) will help in bringing a speedy
closure to the case / (3) and sound out politicians and bureaucrats / (4) against


interfering in CBI investigations. / (5) No error
(1) Among the many things that Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami talks / (2)
about are running is a brief treatise / (3) that capture both the audacity of youth
/ (4) as well as the optimism that comes with dexterity / (5) No error
15. (1) Young Indians pursuing different goals in varied arenas / (2) are thinking

differently, creating new business models / (3) and influence our life and times
more comprehensively /(4) than at any time in our history / (5) No error
16. (1) It is tough to single from a couple of names / (2) from among a large number of
dedicated and hard – working leaders / (3) who have shown the potential to hold
/ (4) the party in good stead in the future / (5) No error
Directions (17-21): In the following question, a set of six sequences is given.

Which when properly sequenced, from a coherent paragraph. Arrange the

sentences in the numbering order (such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) which is equal to
alphabetical order (such as A, B, C, D, E and F) and answer the questions that
A. First, the grant of a waiver would have to be accompanied by a “tech transfer”
that provides generic pharmaceutical manufacturers with the requisite trained
personnel, raw materials and hi-tech equipment and production know-how.
B. Third, the impact on global supply chains for vaccine production should be
examined so major disruptions might be avoided.
C. including developed nations sharing a significantly greater part of their vaccine
stockpiles, particularly in cases where the latter exceed projected domestic need.
D. There are merits to the argument that an IPR waiver, even if it were to become
a reality, may not entirely resolve the vaccine deficit issue in countries suffering
the worst of the pandemic now.
E. Finally, alternative options to urgently address vaccine shortfalls should be
F. Second, there must be a scientifically convincing answer to the question of
how any vaccine then produced by these generic manufacturers — in all likelihood,
years from now — would pass the tests of safety, immunogenicity and protective
17. Which of the following sentences replaces sentence C after rearrangement?
1) F 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) E

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

18. Which is correct position of sentence F in the final arrangement?

1) 1st 2) 3rd 3) 2nd 4) 5th 5) 6th
19. Which of the following will be 2nd sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) E 3) D 4) F 5) B
20. Which is the correct position of sentence B in the final arrangement?
1) 1st 2) 4th 3) 2nd 4) 5th 5) 6th
21. Which of the following will be 5th sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) D 3) E 4) F 5) B
Directions (22): Read the following passage carefully and answer the question

given below it.
Every year, Americans use over one billion sharp objects to administer
healthcare in their homes. These sharp objects include lancets, needles, and
syringes. If not disposed of in puncture-resistant containers, they can injure
sanitation workers. Sharp objects should be disposed of in hard plastic or metal
containers with secure lids. The containers should be clearly marked and be
puncture resistant.
22. The paragraph best supports the idea that san- itation workers can be injured if

1) do not place sharp objects in puncture- resistant containers.
2) come in contact with sharp objects that have not been placed in secure

3) are careless with sharp objects such as lancets, needles, and syringes in their
4) do not mark the containers they pick up with a warning that those containers
contain sharp objects.

5) none
Directions (23-24): In the following questions, a word is given along with its
usage in sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which use of the
given word is contextually and grammatically correct.
23. Epoch
I. Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they epoch with the same music.
II. A new historical epoch is created by the development of superior forces of
production by a new social group.
III. He managed to pursue his epoch interests in parallel with his fast-moving
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III
24. Illicit
I. The commission pursued its effects to force the return of illicit state payments
to industries.
II. The state is fully aware that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons
causes regional instability and fuels humanitarian crisis.
III. The current negotiations of a protocol on illicit trade in tobacco products are a
strong step in the right direction.
1) only I 2) only II 3) only III 4) I & II 5) I, II & III

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

Directions (25-27): In each sentence below, four words which are represented as
(A), (B), (C), (D) have been printed in bold type, one of which may be either
inappropriate in the context to the sentence or wrongly spelt. The corresponding
alphabet of that word is the answer. If all the four words are appropriate and also
correctly-spelt, mark (E) i.e. ‘All correct’ as the answer.
25. The relevent (A) separate articles in these two great dictionaries(B), Protestant
and Catholic respectively, will supply adequate(C) information and ample
references(D) on most points.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) ALL CORRECT
26. To the native Egyptians Alexander appeared(A)as a deliverer(B)from the

Persian tyrany(C), and he sacrificed piously(D) to the gods of Memphis.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) ALL CORRECT
27. But notwithstanding its illogicality, its tendency(A) to underate (B)Nature as
inferred(C) from such idealistic premises, and its certain transition(D) into a
consistent idealism, hypothetical realism has, with little excuse, 
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) ALL CORRECT
Directions (28-30): The sentence has a blank which indicates something has
been omitted. Which of the following words given against the sentence, fits the
blank in the given sentence both grammatically and meaningfully.

After making ________ remarks to the President, the reporter was not invited to
return to the White House pressroom.
1) hospitable 2) itinerant 3) enterprising 4) chivalrous 5) irreverent
29. With her ________ eyesight, Krystyna spotted a trio of deer on the hillside and she
reduced the speed of her car.

1) inferior 2) keen 3) impressionable 4) ductile 5) conspiratorial

30. Her ________ display of tears at work did not impress her new boss, who felt she
should try to control her emotions.
1) maudlin 2) meritorious 3) precarious 4) plausible 5) schematic

Direction (31-35): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
The given Line graph shows the percentage of unsold MOBILE of two
different companies over years.

35 35
30 30
25 25 25
20 15 20
20 Vivo
10 10 10 10
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

31. If total number of MOBILE manufactured by the company Vivo in 2019 is 5000,
then what is the number of sold MOBILE by Vivo in 2019?
1) 2750 2) 3750 3) 4750 4) 4850 5) 5850

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

32. The number of MOBILE sold by the company Vivo in the year 2018 is approximately
what percent of the number of MOBILE sold by the company Vivo in the year 2019?
1) 20 2) 30 3) 40 4) 50 5) cannot be determined
33. If the total number of MOBILE manufactured by Redmi in 2015 and 2016 is 6000
and 7000 respectively, then find the difference between the number of Redmi
sold in 2015 and 2016?
1) 1150 2) 2150 3) 3150 4) 4150 5) 5150
34. Find the number of MOBILE manufactured by Redmi in 2017, if total number of
sold MOBILE of Redmi is equal to the total number of MOBILE manufactured by
Redmi in 2016 and the total number of MOBILE manufactured by Redmi in 2016
is 13000?

1) 13000 2) 14000 3) 15000 4) 16000 5) 20000
35. If the total number of MOBILE manufactured by companies is equal in 2017, then
the number of unsold MOBILE by Redmi in 2017 is what percent of the number of
sold MOBILE by Vivo in 2017?
1) 46.66 2) 56.66 3) 66.66 4) 76.66 5) 86.66
Direction (36-40): Two equations (I) and (II) are given in each question. You have
to decide the relation between ‘x’ and ‘y’ and give answer.
36. I: x2 - 21x + 54 = 0 II: y2 - 17y + 52 = 0
1) x > y
4) x  y

E 2) x  y 3) x < y
5) x = y (or) the relation cannot be established
37. I: x = 576 II: y2 = 625
1) x > y 2) x  y 3) x < y

4) x  y 5) x = y (or) the relation cannot be established

38. I: x – 2y = 6 II: 7x – 5y = -3
1) x > y 2) x  y 3) x < y
4) x  y 5) x = y (or) the relation cannot be established
39. I: 23x + 24y = 17.5 II: 24x + 23y = 17.75

1) x > y 2) x  y 3) x < y
4) x  y 5) x = y (or) the relation cannot be established
40. I: x + 5x + 6 = 0 II: 3y2 + 2y – 1 = 0
1) x > y 2) x  y 3) x < y
4) x  y 5) x = y (or) the relation cannot be established
Direction :(41 - 45) What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the
following number series.
41. 4, 8, 16, 32, ?, 128
1) 48 2) 52 3) 42 4) 64 5) 54
42. 985, 962, 1008, 916, 1100,?
1) 784 2) 732 3) 846 4) 921 5) 748
43. 972, 486, 162, 40.5, ?
1) 12.5 2) 24 3) 18 4) 8.1 5) 20
44. 192, 48, 288, 36, ?, 30
1) 120 2) 112 3) 360 4) 144 5) 240
45. 7, 20, 78, ?, 2318
1) 387 2) 512 3) 484 4) 360 5) 420
46. If the average age of six persons is 24, the average age of first four persons is 26
and that of last four persons is 22. Find the average age of the third and fourth
1) 25 2) 24 3) 23 4) 22 5) 21

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

47. Arjun travelling in a car from A to B, a distance of 32 km in 40 minutes, what is

the time taken by him to cover 240km with the same speed?
1) 5hrs 2) 2.5hrs 3) 3.5hrs 4) 2hrs 5) 3hrs
48. What is the difference between the amount compounded half yearly and quarterly
on Rs.20,000 at 20% p.a. for 6 months?
1) 1025 2) 25 3) 50 4) 150 5) 625
49. There are two varieties of oil worth Rs.45 per L and Rs.35 per L. If ‘X’ L of 1st kind
of oil is mixed with 28L of 2nd kind of oil to get a profit 25% by selling the mixture
at Rs.47.5 per L, then what is the value of X?

1) 12lt 2) 14lt 3) 6lt 4) 7lt 5) 24lt
50. Sree can completed a piece of work in 32 days, when his friend joins the work it
was completed in 4 days. In what time his friend can complete the work alone?
32 ha 16 8 4
1) 12days 2) days 3) days 4) days 5) days
7 7 3 3
Direction: (51 - 55): Study the information carefully and answer the following
questions that follow.

The BAR chart shows the percentage break up of corona affected people in
different cities in India.Total affected people:10000
30 28

25 23

20 18 17


City A City B City C City D City E
The table shows female to male ratio.

City Females : Males

A 3 :4
B 5 :2
C 9 : 14
D 7 :2
E 2 :3

51. What is the total number of affected males in city B?

1) 924 2) 126 3) 378 4) 388 5) 400

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

52. Number of corona affected females in city D is what percent of the total number
of corona affected?
1) 33% 2) 12.5% 3) 14% 4) 15% 5) 21%
53. What is the ratio of total number of corona affected males in all the cities together
to that of total number of corona affected females?
1) 241:259 2) 115:97 3) 103:78 4) 235:107 5) 95:77
54. Total number of corona affected females in five cities is approximately what percent
of the total number of corona affected?
1) 41% 2) 37% 3) 39% 4) 45% 5) 52%
55. Number of corona affected females in cities A and C together how much more
than the number of corona affected females in Cities B and E together?

1) 420 2) 680 3) 540 4) 438 5) 378
56. Percentage discount availed by customer when he buys an article with marked
price Rs.3100 for Rs.2635?
1) 10% 2) 15% 3) 20% 4) 5% 5) 25%
57. A boat goes 164 km downstream in 4 hours and a distance of 122.5 km upstream
in 3.5 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water?
1) 38kmph 2) 42kmph 3) 6kmph 4) 32kmph 5) 48kmph
58. A notebook was to be sold for Rs.140. Customer bought it for Rs.89.25. In this

2) 10%

transaction customer got 2 successive discounts of 15% & x%. Find value of x.
1) 15% 3) 25% 4) 5% 5) 30%
59. How much payment will discharge a debt of Rs.750 at the end of three years at a
rate of 20% per annum at compound interest?
1) 1080 2) 1296 3) 980 4) 1266 5) 756

60. Find the diameter of a sphere whose surface area is 256  cm2?
1) 7cm 2) 16cm 3) 14cm 4) 8cm 5) 10cm
Directions (61 – 65): The following questions are accompanied by two statements
I and II. You have to determine which statements is/are sufficient to answer the

61. Find the difference between the percent profit earned and the discount percent
allowed while selling the article?
Statement I: Respective ratio of the marked price and cost price of an article 5:3.
Statement II: Percent profit earned on selling the article is 40%.
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Both I and II 4) Either I or II 5) Neither I nor II
62. What time do they meet?
Statement I: The distance between two cities P and Q is 330 km. A train starts
from P at 9 am and travels towards Q at 60 km/hr.
Statement II: Another train starts From Q at 10 am and travels towards P at 75
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Both I and II 4) Either I or II 5) Neither I nor II
63. What is the speed of boat in still water?
Statement I: A boat moves downstream at the rate of 8 km in one hour.
Statement II: Upstream at the rate of 5 km in one hour.
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Both I and II 4) Either I or II 5) Neither I nor II
64. What was the original number before the flood?
Statement I: A village lost 15% of it goats in a flood and 10% of remainder died
from diseases.
Statement II: If the number left now is 7650.
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Both I and II
4) Either I or II 5) Neither I nor II

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

65. Find the side x of the trapezium?

Statement I: The area of trapezium is 450 cm2.
Statement II: Their parallel sides are x and 10 cm long and distance between
them is 18 cm.
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) Both I and II
4) Either I or II 5) Neither I nor II
66. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘OBJECTS’ which have as
many letters between them as in the alphabetical series as both ways?
1) One 2) Two 3) More than three

4) Three 5) None
67. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word from the first, third,
fifth and eleventh letters of the word ‘INHERITANCE’ using each letter only
once, second letter from right end of formed word is your answer. If more than
one such word can be formed your answer is X. If no such word can be formed,
your answer is Z.
1) Z 2) X
ha 3) P 4) E 5) U
Direction (68-70): Read both the statements and then decide which of the given


conclusions logically follows from the given statements.
Statements: All Beds are Woods. Only a few Woods are Irons.
Only a few Irons are Steels.
Conclusions: I) Some Beds are Irons. II) Some Woods can be Steels.

1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.

3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.
69. Statements: Only a few Fans are Light All Televisions are Fan
Only a few Switch are Television

Conclusions: I) All Switch can be Fan. II) All Light can be Television.
1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.
3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.
70. Statements: Only a few Cricket are Football All Hockey are Football
Only a few Hockey are Tennis
Conclusions: I) All Tennis can be Cricket.
II) All Hockey being Cricket is a possibility.
1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.
3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.
Direction (71-73): In each of the following questions, relationship between different
elements is shown in the statements followed by two conclusions. Find the
conclusion which is definitely true.
71. Statement: X  Y>S  I=N<Y
Conclusions: I) X > N II) Y > S
1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.
3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

72. Statements: C  D < L = F  G , K = L > M

Conclusions: I) K > D II) F > C
1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.
3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.
73. Statements: A > B  C > D , K = C > M
Conclusions: I) B > K II) K = B
1) Only conclusion I follows. 2) Only conclusion II follows.
3) Either conclusion I or II follows. 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) Both conclusions I and II follow.

Direction (74-76): Study the following information carefully and answer the below
Point G is 20m to the South of point D. Point E is 20m to the East of point G.
Point A is 10m to the North of point E. Point C is 30m to the West of point A. Point
F is 20m to the South of point C. Point B is 10m to the East of point F.
In which direction is point F with respect of point G?
1) North 2) South-West 3) South-East 4) West 5) North-West
75. What is the shortest distance between D and B?

1) 35 2) 15

E 3) 25 4) 30 5) 20
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group.
Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
1) C-G 2) D-G 3) D-E 4) C-B 5) D-A
Direction (77-80): Study the following information carefully and answer the below

526 354 128 786 329
77. What is the value if second digit of highest number is divisible by second digit
of lowest number?
1) 3 2) 4 3) 8 4) 5 5) 6

78. If all the digits in each numbers are arranged in ascending order then what is
the difference between second highest and second lowest number?
1) 139 2) 104 3) 119 4) 106 5) 96
79. How many numbers are there if the difference of first and last digit of each
number is greater than second digit of the numbers?
1) Three 2) One 3) Two 4) Five 5) Four
80. If all the digits of the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right
and also numbers are arranged in increasing order from left to right then
which is third number from left end?
1) 354 2) 786 3) 128 4) 526 5) 329
Direction (81-84): Study the following information carefully and answer the below
In the certain code language.
‘telephone lines are busy’ is written as ‘vk jd ba ef’
‘draw two parallel lines’ is written as ‘qn vk hf om’
‘busy people never draw’ is written as ‘tx ba su hf’
‘two lines are interesting’ is written as ‘mi om jd vk’.
(All the given codes are two letter codes only).
81. What is the code for ‘telephone’ in the given code language?
1) mi 2) qn 3) vk 4) ef 5) hf

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

82. What is the code for ‘people’ in the given code language?
1) su 2) tx 3) hf
4) Either option (1) or (2) 5) Either option (2) or (3)
83. In the given code language, what does the code ‘ba’ stand for?
1) busy 2) two 3) parallel 4) are 5) lines
84. What will be the code for ‘draw parallel’ in the given code language?
1) mi qn 2) jd mi 3) hf om 4) qn hf 5) hf vk
85. If all the Vowels of the word IMPORTED are replaced by next letter in the
alphabetical series and all the consonants of the word are replaced by previous
letter in the alphabetical series , then the letters are arranged from left to right

in reverse alphabetical order then which of the following will be 4th letter from
left end?
1) O 2) L 3) P 4) Q 5) None of those given as option
Direction (86-90): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below. ha
Eight persons-A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table
facing center.Only one person sitting between A and B. Only two persons are
sitting between B and D when counted from either to the left or right of B. A and
D are not an immediate neighbours. C sits opposite to E. Two persons are sitting

between E and F when counted from either to the left or right of E.H sits immediate
left of the person who is facing F. A and C are immediate neighbours.
86. Who sits immediate left of B?
1) G 2) H 3) F 4) E 5) C

87. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

I) Number of person sits between G and F when counted from right of G is same
as between B and C when counted from left of C.
II) H sits second to the left of G.
III) Both H and D are sitting opposite to each other.

1) Only (I) and (II) 2) Only (II) and (III) 3) Only (III)
4) All statements are true. 5) All are false.
88. Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to form a group,
which one of the following doesn’t belongs to that group?
1) GE 2) HA 3) FD 4) BC 5) EB
89. Who sits second to the right of G?
1) F 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) H
90. What is the position of F with respect to C?
1) Immediate left 2) Immediate right 3) Second to the right
4) Second to the left 5) None of those given as option.
Direction (91-95): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S were purchased different items in a
Two persons were purchased between D and P. Only one person was purchased
between P and C. B purchased immediately after C. Three persons were purchased
between C and Q. P purchased before B. Only one person was purchased between
R and S. Number of persons purchased between P and C is equal to A and C. Two
persons were purchased between A and S.
91. Who purchased immediately after B?
1) A 2) C 3) D 4) S 5) H

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS PO -X I PRELI MS MT -100

92. How many persons were purchased between A and C?

1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) None 5) More than three
93. Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to form a group,
which one of the following doesn’t belong to that group?
1) P, R 2) B, C 3) P, S 4) A, B 5) Q, D
94. Who purchased immediately before D?
1) C 2) B 3) A 4) Q 5) None
95. Which of the following statement is/ are true?
I) Q is the first person to purchase the item.

II) Three persons purchased between B and R.
III) S purchased just after P.
1) Only (I) and (II) 2) Only (II) and (III) 3) Only (III)
4) All statements are true. 5) All are false.
Direction (96-100): Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Eight persons are working in a company with different grade position such
as CEO, MD, GM, DGM, Senior Manager, Manager, Assistant Manager and Clerk.

Their positions are given in descending order, such as CEO as the highest position
and Clerk as the lowest position. B is a manager. Two persons are hold a position
between A and B. More than four person are hold a position between C and H. As
many person senior to C is same as that of junior to D who is junior to H. E is

junior to F and senior to G. D is not a MD.

96. What is the grade position of D?
1) Senior Manager 2) Clerk 3) Assistant Manager
4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these

97. How many persons are hold a position between B and A?

1) One 2) Four 3) Three 4) Two 5) None of the above
98. How many persons have higher grade position than C?
1) Two 2) Four 3) Three 4) One 5) C holds the highest position
99. Who is General manager?
1) C 2) F 3) G 4) D 5) A
100. Number of person hold a position higher than F is same as that of number of
person hold a position lower than _____?
1) B 2) E 3) G 4) D 5) H

1.1 2.4 3.4 4.2 5.2 6.1 7.2 8.3 9.2 10.5 11.5 12.4 13.1
14.5 15.4 16.1 17.1 18.2 19.1 20.2 21.3 22.2 23.2 24.5 25.1 26.3
27.2 28.5 29.2 30.1 31.2 32.5 33.1 34.5 35.1 36.5 37.5 38.1 39.1
40.3 41.4 42.2 43.4 44.3 45.1 46.2 47.1 48.3 49.1 50.2 51.5 52.3
53.1 54.5 55.1 56.2 57.1 58.3 59.2 60.2 61.3 62.3 63.3 64.3 65.3
66.2 67.2 68.2 69.5 70.5 71.2 72.5 73.3 74.2 75.4 76.2 77.2 78.4
79.3 80.3 81.4 82.4 83.1 84.4 85.1 86.2 87.3 88.4 89.1 90.1 91.1
92.1 93.3 94.5 95.2 96.2 97.4 98.5 99.5 100.5


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