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Journal of Crystal Growth 127 (1993) 770—773 J o~ CRYSTAL

North-Holland GROWT H

High mobility and high sheet electron density in selectively doped

InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructures grown by MBE on GaAs
T. Mishima, T. Tanimoto, M. Kudoh and M. Takahama
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo 185, Japan

A selectively doped InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure, which combines both high mobility and high sheet electron density with a
high-resistivity buffer layer, is examined by MBE on GaAs using either lnAlAs or InGaAs ternary buffer layers. Lower In
compositions increase the mobility and sheet electron density of the channel by reducing misfit dislocations and enlarging the
conduction-band discontinuity between InAlAs and InGaAs. With an InAlAs buffer, the mobility reaches its maximum 7980
2/Vs and the sheet electron density is 2.8x 1012 cm2, at an In composition of 0.3. The resistivity of the InAlAs buffer was
greater than 108 fl/cm2. The InGaAs buffer made a slightly higher mobility possible at the same In composition, although its
resistivity was too low (about i05 fl/cm2) for FET applications.

1. Introduction When using GaAs substrates, one is not re-

stricted to an In composition of 0.5, which is
Recent papers have described the excellent needed for lattice-matching to InP. When using
high-frequency performance of selectively doped InAlAs buffers, we found that lower In composi-
0 5A105A5/In05Ga05As FETs grown lattice- tions increased both the mobility and the sheet
matched on InP [1,21. Other papers have de- electron density of the channel by reducing misfit
scribed the crystal growth of selectively doped dislocations and enlarging the conduction-band
In0 5A105As/1n05Ga05As heterostructures on discontinuity between the InAlAs and the In
GaAs substrates [3—51 which results in structures GaAs. InGaAs buffers, which make higher mobil-
that are in many respects superior to those grown ities possible, especially at a high In-composition
on InP substrates; e.g., they are tougher, easier to range, were also considered for comparison. We
etch, easier to clean thermally, and cost less. investigated the mobility in the channel by com-
Such heterostructures have been shown to have paring the lattice constants of the buffers perpen-
high mobilities despite the lattice-misfit disloca- dicular and parallel to the surface. This compari-
tions generated when InGaAs is used as a com- son showed that the residual strain in the buffer
positionally graded buffer layer [5]. InGaAs differed between the two materials, and that this
buffers cannot, however, be used in FETs be- difference might be the cause of the different
cause their low resistivity results in leaky charac-
2 be- mobility characteristics of the channel.
teristics, a resistivity
ing required higher than 108
for FET applications. fl/cm
InAlAs buffers,
on the other hand, have a high resistivity, but 2. Experiments
very few reports have been made on the electrical
properties of selectively doped InAlAs/InGaAs The epitaxial layers were all grown using our
heterostructures with InAlAs buffers, probably home-made MBE machine. The layer structure is
due to difficulties in achieving high mobilities. In shown in fig. 1. After thermal cleaning of the
working towards applications, we concentrated GaAs substrate at 600°C,substrate temperature
on the use of InAlAs and a simple buffer struc- was lowered to 320—370°C to grow the buffer
ture with no compositional grading. layer with maintaining a smooth surface. The

0022-0248/93/$06.00 © 1993 — Elsevier Science Publishers By. All rights reserved

T. Mishima et aL / High mobility and high sheet electron density in SD InAlAs /InGaAs HSs 771

y= 0.2 P-’- 0.5
‘ 5 ~

18cm’ 8
n-InyAIi-yAs:Si l3nm Na~3.5x10 E
In,AIi.yAs 2nm ,__\ \. 3
Iny,o.2Gaos-yAs 1 3nm Growth Temp. ‘‘c 6

InyGai-yAs 460’C
or 1.5~tm 320~
________________________ 370’C E0
= 2 0 • on In~Ga
a 1~
S.I.(I00)GaAs substrate a . on In5AI18As buffer
0 0
__________________________ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 1. The selectively doped InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure In Composition , Y
considered in this study. Fig. 3. Electrical properties of selectively doped InAlAs/In-
GaAs heterostructures versus In composition.

final 0.3 ~m of this In~Al1~Asor In~Ga1~As

layer was grown at a temperature of 460°C. On shows the difference between the conduction
top of this, an In~±02Ga08..~As strained channel band edge and the hybrid-orbital energy, EHO, of
layer, with a higher In composition, was grown. the two materials as a function of the In composi-
These and subsequent layers, from the ~ tion [6]. The effects of strains in the InGaAs are
A11~As spacer to the In~Ga1~Ascap, were not compensated for in the figure, thus the actual
grown at a rate of 1 jim/h and at an As pressure band edge of the InGaAs will be slightly higher.
of 1.5 x i0~ Torr. The In composition ranged However, this figure is accurate enough to pre-
from 0.2 to 0.5, lower than that of previous stud- diet that the highest sheet carrier density should
ies [3—5], although the lower In composition be achieve at In compositions between 0.3 and
should be advantageous in reducing the lattice- 0.4, because the energy difference between the
misfit dislocation density because of the smaller InGaAs band edge and the donor, or DX, level of
difference in the lattice constants of the buffers the n-InAlAs reaches a maximum.
and the GaAs substrate, and should also enlarge The electrical properties of this structure were
the conduction-band discontinuity between the evaluated using the conventional van der Pauw
n-InAlAs and the strained InGaAs layers. Fig. 2 method, and the lattice constants perpendicular
and parallel to the surface were measured by
X-ray diffraction from the (400) and (511) planes.
The resistivity of the buffer layers was measured
2.C after chemical etching down to the InGaAs chan-
nel layer.
1.5 ~DXCenter

1.0 Ifly 3. Results and discussion

U o.~ Fig. 3 shows the Hall mobility and sheet car-
doped versus the In composition
InAlAs/InGaAs of selec-
heterostructures on
InGaAs or InAlAs buffers. The data at y 0 are =

0E reference values obtained from a conventional

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 selectively doped A1GaAs/In02Ga08As het-
In composition; y erostructure with the same doping density and
Fig. 2. Distance from EH0 to conduction-band edge versus In spacer layer thickness. The variation in sheet
composition. carrier density with the In composition has little
772 T. Mishima eta!. / High mobility and high sheet electron density in SD InAlAs/InGaAs HSs

dependence on the choice of buffer layer materi-

als and reaches a maximum of 2.9 x 1012 cm2 at
y 0.4, in agreement with the expectation by fig.
= 10 InyGat-yAs buffer
2. The mobilities, on the other hand, differ greatly E 10’
between the heterostructures on InGaAs and In
AlAs buffers. Those grown on InGaAs buffers
have a mobility which rises monotonically with
the In composition up to 9130 cm2/v. s, compa- 10’
rable with the best reported value [51in spite of
their simple layer structure. Those grown on In 10’
AlAs buffer, on the other hand, reach a maxi-
mum mobility of 7890 cm2/v s at y 0.3, which =

decreases with increasing in composition. This 10’

shows that the quality of heterostructures on In 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
AlAs buffers in inferior to those built on InGaAs In composition; y
at higher In compositions. Fig. 5. Sheet resistivity versus In composition of InGaAs
In order to clarify this difference in mobility buffers.
behavior, we examined residual strain in the
buffers by measuring lattice constants parallel
and perpendicular to the surface. The results are
shown in fig. 4. InGaAs buffers produce a resid-
ual strain which is small at all In compositions,
presumably because the lattice-misfit dislocations InGaAs buffers. However, we could not find any
are concentrated at the interface with the GaAs distinctive difference in the cross-sectional TEM
substrate and because the crystalline quality re- images of the two buffers, because the observed
covers better than in InAlAs. On the other hand, dislocation density in the image depends largely
InAlAs buffers are highly strained, and the recov- on the thickness of the specimens.
cry of quality seems to be worse than for InGaAs The mobility of 7890 cm2/V. s achieved using
buffers. The dislocation density at the top of the InAlAs at y 0.3 is very high in spite of its

InAlAs buffer should be larger than that of the simple layer structure and, as expected, its mobil-
ity and sheet carrier density both exceed the
values at y 0.5. =

The variation of resistivity with In composition

in InGaAs buffers is shown in fig. 5. The resistivi-
ties of InAlAs buffers are not included in the
figure since they were so high (> 5 x 108 fl/cm2)
at all In compositions that our instruments simply
2 InyAli-yAs measured the resistivity of the GaAs substrate.
The resistivity of InGaAs buffers decreases at
higher In compositions, probably due to the de-
crease of the energy band-gap and an increase of
InyGat-yAs the dislocation density, since crystal defects such
as dislocations may become donors in InGaAs.
0 . The highest resistivity obtained was 1.6 X i0~
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 fl/cm2 at y 0.2, which is still lower than the

In composition;y value of 1 x 108 fl/cm2 required for FET appli-

Fig. 4. Changes in lattice constant perpendicular and parallel cations. Therefore, only InAlAs buffers are suit-
to the surface, able for FET applications.
T. Mishima et aL / High mobility and high sheet electron density in SD InAlAs /InGa~4sHSs 773

4. Summary References

A selectively doped InAlAs/InGaAs het- [1] L. Nguiyen, A. Brown, M. Delaney, U. Mishra, L. Lara-
erostructure, which combines high mobility and son, L Jelloian, M. Melendes, C. Hooper and M. Thomp-
high sheet electron density with a high-resistivity son, in: Tech. Dig. IEDM 1989 (IEEE, New York, 1989) p.
buffer layer, was examined for In compositions 105.
ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 and with a ternary layer of [2] P. Ho, MY. Kao, P.C. Chao, K.H.G. Duh, J.M. Ballingall,
S.T. Allen, A.J. Tessmar and P.M. Smith, Electron. Let-
either InAlAs or InGaAs. InGaAs buffers made
[3] ters
325. Chen, W.J. Schaff and L.F. Eastman,
high mobilities at higher In compositions possi-
ble, but their resistivities were too low for PET IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-35 (1988) 818.
applications. However, the InAlAs buffers made [4]J.C. Harmand, T. Matsuno and K. Inoue, Japan. J. AppI.
high mobilities of up to 7890 cm2/V s and high Phys. 28 (1989) 1101.
[5]K. Inoue, J.C. Harmand and T. Matsuno, J. Crystal Growth
sheet carrier densities of up to 2.8 x 1012 cm1 at 111 (1991) 313.
y 0.3 possible, and they also had very high
= [6]H. Hasegawa and H. Ohno, Japan. J. Appl. Phys. 25
buffer resistivities of > 5 x 108 fl/cm2. (1986) L265.

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