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Unnamed novella proposal

Summary: First draft of a supernatural novella about a trans sex worker of colour.

Describe your project. Explain the inspiration for your project or why you wish to
undertake it at this time:


My story will follow the life of a medically transitioning non-binary Torontonian, who pays for
their testosterone, groceries, and rent by selling sex magic services.

I was inspired to pursue this project after asking for recs about trans sex workers from every
bookshop in my area and being disappointed by the lack of options. Outside of niche corners of
the internet, I had a hard time finding anything on the complexities of being both trans and a sex
worker that wasn’t a clinical study.

There is little to no media representation about trans sex work, but plenty that use it as a
punchline or in brief mention as an act of performative activism. What exists beyond joke fodder
is usually woeful, problematic, or serves as a kooky plot device in a cis-centric storyline. My goal
is to draw on my lived experiences and writing background to craft a project that centres rich,
nuanced portrayals of trans sex workers.

I am hoping to incorporate fantastical elements like magic, mythology, and monsters in the
work, grounded in the magical realism genre. Stories in this tradition, especially those by writers
of colour, are known for challenging mainstream, state-complacent agendas. The fantastical is a
playful avenue for criticizing and subverting the material conditions.



published digitally and in “real-time,” with readers getting the new chapter via a regular email
every month, as if they’ve subscribed to the protagonist’s newsletter. May feature interactive
elements through reader interaction (similar to a visual novel): polls for what choices the
protagonist should take, relevant news and research shared via hyperlinks, and amplifying IRL

2. Providers: A Speculative Fiction Magazine For Sex Workers

Summary: An anthology of short creative fiction about and for LGBTQ sex workers, through the
medium of lifestyle journalism for providers, from an alternate universe.
3. T4T

Summary: Inspired by the notorious hookup acronym “t4t,” it’s a short erotica anthology about
trans people loving and desiring other trans people.

Story ideas: trans fantastical monsters seeking trans fantastical monsters; genderbending
fanfiction takes on a life of its own; a rogue mecha pilot romances her gender euphoria-inducing


True north for any project

● Weird narratives with social depth

● Drawing on lived experiences, but not relying on them; extensively researched
(Canadian sex work history, laws, and best practices encouraged by activists + trans
healthcare, community resources, trans-centred political paradigms)
● Has to be a joy to read, prose has to have a good “mouthfeel;” prioritize marginalized
readers with appetites for something fun for a change
● Should criticize state interventions and capitalistic goals that make current realities for
people so hard

$6000-9000 in consulting, sensitivity reading, and honorariums when applicable
$16000-19000 in subsistence/lead creator fee (500 a week = roughly a half-year to 9-10-month
long project)

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