Redevelopment of Machhabhaudi, Dharan, Sunsari: Project Proposal

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Redevelopment of Machhabhaudi,
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
Requirement for the degree of
In the Department of Architecture
Purwanchal Campus

Aliza Bhattarai(05)
Bipin Basnet(13)
Dinesh Thapa(15)
Durga Rai(18)
Kritim Katwal(22)

Submitted to:
Ar. Shashi Kumar Mandal
Ar.Sanjaya Babu Maharjan
Department of Architecture
Date: Poush 19, 2078


We (Aliza Bhattarai/Bipin Basnet/Dinesh Thapa/Durga Rai/Kritim Katwal) hereby

declare that this dissertation has not been previously accepted in substance for any degree and
it is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree. I state that this
dissertation is the result of my own independent work/ investigation except otherwise stated. I
hereby give consent for my dissertation, if accepted, to be available for any kind of
reproducing and understand that any reference to or Quotation from my thesis will receive an


Group A3
B. Arch. IOE,
Purwanchal, Campus

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We (Aliza Bhattarai / Bipin Basnet / Dinesh Thapa / Durga Rai / Kritim Katwal ) would
like to express our sincere gratitude towards our supervisor Ar. Sanjaya Babu Maharjan
and Ar. Shashi Kumar Mandal for guiding us for site observation of Redevelopment
Project of Machhabhaudi. We would also want to express our appreciation for successfully
guiding us through various stages of the site observation. We would also like to be thankful
to their continued support, guidance and supervision which helped us a lot to understand
things better throughout the process of the research works, case study materials, observation
works and preparation of report and presentation. Knowledge is the greatest gift one can
share and We have been blessed to get adequate of that under their supervision and guidance.
Our sincere gratitude also goes to the Architecture Department (HOD & Faculty staffs) for
giving us such an opportunity to redevelop the Machhabhaudi (Local Market &
community) through the Design Studio VII project.
During the course of our observation, we came to know about the history behind the
development of Machhabhaudi, settlement pattern distribution, elements of market, various
landmarks and heritages, within the surroundings and got to learn about them in brief.
Urbanisation is the one of the important parameters for quality life. So, it is our responsibility
to preserve them to their original form and upgrade it as per the need of the time so that we
can hand it over to our future generation. Such studies help to discover the facts, stories and
values which are being forgotten these days that would obviously preserves the emotional
values, functional values and cultural values of an area while preserving the structure that
emanates those vibes.
A sincere thanks goes to our class members who helped us to understand different aspects of
the site through data sharing and presentations given on studio as everyone has different
Also we are grateful to the inhabitants of the site, Ward no. 3 chairperson Asharam Shrestha
for their contribution to help us to collect the important information which would help to
guide through the whole project.
And lastly, we would like to recall all the helping hands who helped us through the project
either directly or indirectly.

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Machhabhaudi is an market area located around the peripheral of Heart of the Dharan
city(Bhanu Chowk). It is an old settlement of the Dharan Which needs to be redeveloped
according to the need of the time. The site has an area of 24317.9 sq. meter extended from
Machhabhaudi park to Bhanusmiriti path & Sadan road to Shanti path having existing park
on west side. The site is impacted by squatter settlement, unmanaged vendors, traffic
congestion, parking problems, footpath problems. With the observations of site done through
different approaches like interviewing, questionaries, reading history; related report is

Page 4


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………4
PROPOSAL & OBJECTIVES………………………………………..................................6
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..7
2. BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………………….7
3. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION…………………………………………………...8
4. OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………….8
5. JUSTIFICATION…………………………………………………………………...9
6. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………….9
7. SCOPE & LIMITATION…………………………………………………………10
8. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………….10

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Sites are not always barren lands ready to be executed into different model systems.
Sometimes they can be scaled up to the pre-existing masses of developed cities which
would need a relook to upgrade or revive the quality of life for the users.
Urban redevelopment can be defined as the concept or process that
involves the study of the past, predicting the future of the place while designing for
the current needs of the place improving and reusing real estate in your neighborhood
or city by adding or rehabilitating buildings, making more marketable properties. The
word redevelopment is derived from the combination of two words ‘re’ and
‘development’ which means development again and again. Redevelopment is all
about meeting future needs, preserving history and ensuring ecological stability. The
indicators of redevelopment are construction, rehabilitation and relocation. The
benefits of redevelopment are as follows:
1. Improvs the community’s image and its economic and site conditions.
2. Improves infrastructures and public facilities and enhance open spaces.
3. Increases the commercial value of the site and property value.


Dharan is a sub-metropolitan city in Sunsari District of Province No. 1, Nepal, which was
established as a fourth municipality in the Kingdom in 1958. Dharan is the location of the
former Vijayapur, the seat of a historical Koch kingdom, which was later used by the Sen
kings of Makwanpur. Dharan is situated on the foothills of the Mahabharat Range in the north
with its southern tip touching the edge of the Terai region at an altitude that varies from 119m
to 1,778m. The total area of Dharan is 192.32 km 2. The Koshi highway runs through the heart
of the city which also connects the major cities like Biratnagar, Itahari as well as Dhankuta.
The population of Dharan is 1,37,705 and the climate is moderate. Dharan is packed with
major landmarks like Budha Subba, Dantakali temple, Dharan Bhanu square, Chindey
Danda, etc.
Our site lies inside the boundary of ward no.3 which has total area of 0.131
sq. km. and population of 4661. People with variety of ethnic group live here and the
language spoken in this area consist of Nepali, Newari and Tamang.

Going back to the history, the development of Dharan started

from the reign of then Prime Minister Chandra Shumsher when the deforestation
caused by the exportation of woods to Accham of India made the land barren and
empty. The land was then filled by the influx of number of peoples invited by
Chandra Shumsher. People started using the locally available resources to construct
their new home which resulted in the growth of new settlements in the area. People
used farming as their major source of their income. With the growth of settlements,
the market from Fushre bazaar eventually shifted to the new area and the initial
settlement was called to be Chandrapur bazaar which is called to be Purano Bazaar as
Page 7

of now. Later on, using the same principles Juddha Shumsher established the
settlement name juddhanagar on the adjacent side of present Koshi highway, which
later on due to better services managed to replace Purano Bazaar as the major
commerce center of Dharan. The development of whole Dharan was triggered by the
events like British-Gurkha recruitment. Dharan was also known to be the zonal
headquarter. The development of Sadan road is believed to be triggered by Sadan Mid
school at first and with time with various influencing factors like purano bazaar and
linkage to other major part of cities were responsible for later development. Similarly,
around 2010 B.S. Dharan was full of wooden house and stone paved street along the
Sadan road. With no proper facility of drainage, all the surface water from Fushre and
Bijaypur would now collect into the Khahare khola washing away all the loose top
soil. Later on, along the edge of Khahare khola fish selling business was established
with the goods coming from Koshi as well as India. So, the major axis that would
influence the site area would be Sadan road, Purano Bazaar as well as Macchavaudi
area. Later on, after the recruitment center of Gurkhas was shifted to Pokhara and the
headquarter was shifted to Biratnagar. This caused a major setback in rapid
development of Dharan but to the individual level, the economic condition of people
was raised due to Ghopa camp and eventually, the living standard was raised. The
modernization of Dharan seemed to start from here which was reflected in changing
form of building from traditional to modern. Also, the transformation of traditional
way of housing to modern form was also triggered by the devastating earthquake
event that took place in 2045 B.S. From then, the façade of street has inclined towards
having more and more modern materials like plaster, metals and so on. Also, the land
to open space ratio has reduced over time. In the past, social and cultural activities
like singing, dancing, dramas, etc. in different nodes and junctions have been known
to be performed.


The increasing degradation of environment and unmanaged policies inside

the site area has set the alarm for redevelopment. Increasing population and
unmanaged development has directly affected the street form as well as the built form
of the area. The figure to ground ratio has been increasing day by day without proper
allocation of land-use and decreasing spaces for public interaction. Infrastructures like
transportation, electricity and water supply need to be relooked due to improper
management. The problem of squatter has been unsolvable from the past 30 years can
be taken into focus by involving them in the design process. Similarly, the housing
conditions, footpath conditions, seasonal rain damage, etc. are some of the factors that
induce the rethinking of the area.


Referring to all the problem identifications, follow objectives are set to

solve the problems:
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1. To promote more stable commercial facilities.

2. To promote community-based living connecting people from different backgrounds.
3. To provide better facilities for living by establishing proper land-use plan and


Since, Machhavaudi area has gone from being one of the central business
districts to transition zone with reference to Burgess concentric zone model. Influx of
large number of business people have completely changed the character of the urban
space. Also, the private house owners leaving the country and giving the house on
lease to their relatives or any other near person has brought a certain kind of
hinderance to the progress of development. The site has been in constant mode in
terms of development comparatively to the other parts of city which are rapidly
growing. The improper management of infrastructures have resulted in traffic
congestion. Also, the decrement of open spaces has led to less and less availability of
social and cultural interactive spaces. Having all kind of social, historical, religious
and economic background in the site leads to rethinking of the urban space into
making more vibrant and engaging environment, which defines and proves the
objectives of the project.

The methods to accomplish the study will be as given below in a flow diagram:

Site visit

Data collection

Literature review
& Case studies

data & analysis

Site analysis



Page 9
Final outcome

Obviously, the process in the redevelopment will be started with discussion of

project. Site visit and data collection will be done side by side where primary data will be
collected directly from the site using process like survey, interview, photographs, etc
whereas secondary data will be collected from the data existing in internet and some
handout copies provided by different authorities who are directly related to the site area.
The objectives from the site study will be reference for the data to be collected in
literature review and case studies. Site analysis will be conducted after which the
redevelopment project will go through the process of conceptual design phase, design
development and at last the final output will be obtained.

The study will focus on the re-location, revitalization and regeneration of any
elements that will fall inside the boundary of the site. Necessary changes may also be
done to the adjacent structures like squatter settlements, markets, etc. Any changes
done on the existing condition on the site by the ward or sub-metropolitan office will
not be taken into consideration after the site analysis phase is started. The study is
mainly focused towards the socio-economic, physical, environmental and cultural
aspects of the area. Any other aspects are taken into consideration when the topic has
impact on upward given focused aspects. Necessary participation of different kind of
people of the area could be taken into consideration during the design phase to get
more participatory method of design.


Through the site observation, we gained a better understanding on the

measurable aspect, spatial aspect, conceptual aspect and conceptual aspect of the site
development over years and similarly gained fair knowledge on the future of the site.
The following findings will guide us in the process of this development project. The
positives and negatives were found out on the basis of different kind of observation.
Finally, it was concluded that the redevelopment or regeneration of the area can be
done with the maintaining the physical, social and economical aspects of urban
society by carrying out objectives such as construction, relocation and revitalization.
This proposal will guide us effectively through all the process taking consideration of
the major factors and the limitations that will bound us to the end of project.

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