Graphical Representation of Data

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ino Pete eee eee eee a space. A frequency distribution can be presented graphically in any of the following ways: 1. Histograms 2. Frequency Polygons 3. Frequency Curves 4. Ogives or Cumulative Frequency Curves Histogram. A histogram is the most widely used way of presenting a given frequency distribution graphically. A histogram is a series of rectangles, each proportional in width to the range of values within a class and proportional in height to the number of items falling in the class. If the classes we use in the frequency distribution are of equal width, then the vertical bars in the histogram are also of equal width. The height of the bar for each class corresponds to number of items in the class. As a result, the area contained in each rectangle (width times height) is proportional to the frequency of that class. If the classes were unequal and the width of the intervals differed among the classes, then the height of the bar for each class would be proportional to the frequency density of that class, where the frequency density of a class is obtained by dividing the class frequency of that class with the corresponding width of the class. That is, Class Frequency width of the class interval ” The height of the bar for a class, in such a case, may be taken as the product of the corresponding frequency density and the width of the class having smallest size. Note. It may be noted that histograms cannot be constructed for frequency distributions with open-end classes. Frequency density = Example 8. Draw a histogram to represent the following data : Daily wages (2) : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 No. of workers : 3 9 15 30 18 Ss Solution. The histogram representing the given frequency distribution has been shown in Fig, 2.3. 30 On the horizontal axis, we have shown the class 27 intervals. On the vertical axis, we have marked the frequencies of the classes shown on the horizontal axis. Since the class intervals are of 8 equal width, the height of the rectangle for each & 8 class corresponds to the frequency of that class, 3 15 Example 9. Draw a histogram to represent the 2. 12 following frequency distribution: 9 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Daily Wages (®) Fig. 2.3 25 GRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS Para 2.6 Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-90 90-100 No. of Students : 4 6 14 16. 14 10 16 5 Solution. Since the class intervals are of unequal width, therefore the height of the rectangle for each class is proportional to the frequency density of that class. In fact, the height of the rectangle for each class corresponds to the product of the corresponding frequency density and the width of the class having smallest size. That is, height of a rectangle = frequency density x width of the smallest class Computation of Frequency Density Class Interval | Class width | Frequency Frequency Density | Height of the rectangle a) 2) @) ~~ 4) =). 2 (4) x10 0-10 10 4 04 4 10- 20 10 6 06 6 20- 40 20 14 07 7 40-50 10 16 16 16 50- 60 10 14 14 14 60-70 10 10 10 10 70- 90 20 16 08 8 90-100 10 5 0s 5 The histogram representing the given frequency distribution is shown in Fig. 2.4. 16 14 14 2 2 10 5 10 3 8 = 2 Z 5 6 . 3 6 - 4 4 2 oUt ® 0 10 20 40 60 60 70 90 100 ‘ Marks Fig. 2.4 Note. If the mid-values of various classes are given in place of class intervals then these must first be converted into classes as is shown in the following example. Para 2.6 ORGANIZING STATISTICAL DATA A Example 10. Draw a histogram to represent the following data : Mid-value (X) Yee 115, 125 135 145 155 165 Frequency (f) : 3 6 8 7 4 2 Solution. Since we are given mid-values, we first find the class intervals. The difference 7 between any two consecutive mid-values is 7 10, we therefore subtract and add 10/2=5 = 7 : to each mid-value to get the corresponding 6 class interval. Thus the values of X are the > mid-values of the class intervals 110 - 120, § © 4 120-130, 130-140, and soon. The histogram § 4 representing the given data is shown in © 3 Fig. 2.5. 2 Ib 2 1 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Example 11. Draw a histogram to represent Class Interval the following data : Fig. 2.5 Weight : 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100-104 (in Ibs) No.of : 10 15 24 30 22 18 13 8 5 Students Solution. Since the class intervals are given by inclusive method, it is necessary to convert them into a continuous frequency distribution with exclusive type classes as shown below: Weight (in lbs) No. of Students 595- 645 10 645- 695 15 69.5- 74.5 © 24 "745-795 30 795 845 22 845- 895 18 895- 945 13 945- 995 8 99.5 -1045 5 The histogram representing the given distribution is shown in Fig. 2.6. Frequency Polygons. A frequency polygon is another way of representing frequency distribution in graphic form. Frequency polygons are more suitable than histograms we wish to compare two or more frequency distributions. sons 27 GRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS Para 2.6 * 30 25 24 22 2 20 18 5 3 15 565 3 13 g 10 2 10 . 5 5 1_it_, 59.5 64.5 69.5745 79.5 84,589.594.5 995 104.5 ‘Weight (in bs) Fig. 2.6 A frequency polygon is a many-sided closed figure which can be constructed by first drawing the histogram and then joining the midpoints of the tops of the adjacent rectangles by straight lines. To close the frequency polygon, two additional class intervals are added to both ends of the distribution, each with zero frequency. The mid points of these two additional classes enable us to connect both ends to the horizontal axis, resulting in a polygon. Remark. A frequency polygon can also be constructed without first drawing the histogram. Here the frequency polygon is constructed by plotting each class frequency by drawing adot * against its class mark and then connecting the successive dots with straight lines. Example 12. Draw a frequency polygon for the following distribution of marks obtained by 50 students in an examination: Marks : 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 No. of Students: 2 3 7 13 i 9 4 1 Solution. To construct the frequency polygon, we mark the frequency (ie., no. of students) on the vertical axis and the values of the variable (ée,, marks) on the horizontal axis. Next, we construct the histogram representing the given frequency distribution and then join the mid points of the tops of the adjacent rectangles with straight lines to form a polygon (see Fig. 2.7). Notice that two additional classes have been added to both ends of the distribution, each with zero frequency. Para 2.6 ORGANIZING STATISTICAL DATA 2, }¢— Histogram No. of Students Frequency Polygon LPT. 7 0510 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9095 Marks Fig. 2.7 Example 13. Draw a frequency polygon for the following distribution : Class interval : 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55. 55-65 65-75 Frequency t 10 16 18 15 13 4 Solution. Here the frequency polygon is constructed by plotting each class frequency by drawing a dot + against its class mark and then connecting the successive dots with! straight lines (see Fig. 2.8). Frequency Polygon Class Interval | Mid-point | Frequency 18 15-25 20 10 16 25-35 30 16 “4 35-45 40 18 12 45-55 50 15 510 55-65 60 12 zs 65-75 70 4 6 4 Frequency Curves. If the class intervals in a 2 distribution are continuously reduced in size 0 and if the number of items in the “distribution 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8 is continuously increased, the frequency Mid Points 3 polygon will resemble a smooth curve, called a smoothed frequency curve, or simply a Fig. 2.8 frequency curve. A frequency curve can be obtained from the histograin by joining the: mid-points of the tops of the adjacent rectangles by a freehand curve. 1 Fig. 2.9 is a frequency curve constructed from the data given in Example 12. Notice that | we have connected the mid-points of the tops of the adjacent rectangles with smoothe: 29 GRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS Para 2.6 curves to appoximate the way the polygon would look like if we had a very large number of data points and very small class intervals. 14 12 <—Frequency Curve g 10 3 5 8 8 B 6 s s 4 2 > 0510 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9095 Marks Fig. 2.9 Ogives (or Cumulative Frequency Curves). An ogive (pronounced “oh-jive’) is a graphic presentation of a cumulative frequency distribution. Since a cumulative frequency distribution can be of “less than” or “more than’ type, therefore there are two types of ogives viz. “less than” ogive and “more than” ogive. : “Less than” Ogive. An ogive associated with a less than cumulative frequency is called “less than” ogive. A “less than” ogive is constructed by plotting points determined by the upper class boundary and the cumulative frequency of the individual classes and then connecting the successive points by a freehand curve. A “less than” ogive will be ascending. “More than” Ogive. An ogive associated with a more than cumulative frequency is called “more than” ogive. A “more than” ogive is constructed by plotting points determined by the lower class boundary and the cumulative frequency of the individual classes and then connecting the successive points by a freehand curve. A “more than” ogive will be descending. Example 14, The following data shows the marks obtained by 100 students in an examination : Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 No. of Students 4 10 9 25 30 10 16 () Construct a less than cumulative frequency distribution for the given data. (i) Construct a “less than” ogive of the cumulative frequency distribution of the above data. Para 2.6 ORGANIZING STATISTICAL DATA Solution. (i) Less Than Cumulative Frequency Distribution / Marks No. of Students Marks No. of Students (Frequency) : (Cumulative Frequency) 0-10 10 Less than 10 10 } 10-20 9 Less than 20 19 20-30 25 Less than 30 44 i 30-40 30 Less than 40 74 i 40-50 10 Less than 50 84 i 50-60 16 Less than 60 100 j (id The “less than” ogive for the given data is shown in Fig. 2.10. | é 8 Less Than “ogive” —p sas No. of Students 68 aye aes ° (20 ey ey Marks Fig. 2.10 Example 15, Given below is the distribution of weights of a group of 60 students in a class : Weight (in kg) : 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 No. of Students : 3 5 12 18 14 6 2 Draw a “more than” ogive for the above data. Solution. A “more than” ogive is determined by the lower class boundary and the cumulative frequency of the individual classes. i i i i 4 31 GRAPHIC PRESENTATIONS OF FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS Para 2.6 More Than Cumulative Frequency Distribution Weight (in kg) No. of Students Weight No, of Students (Class Boundary) (Cumulative Frequency) 29.5 -34.5 3 More than 29.5 60 345-395 5 More than 34.5 57 395-445 12 More than 39.5 52 445-495 18 More than 44.5 40 49.5-54.5 14 More than 49.5 22 54.5 -59.5 6 More than 54.5 8 595-645 2 "| More than 59.5 2 The “more than” ogive for the given data is shown in Fig. 2.11. ¢—"More Than” Ogive No. Of Students eg oe Seo x 8 225 346 39.5 445 495 545. 505 Weight Fig. 2.11 Example 16, Draw a ‘less than’ and ‘more than’ ogive curves for the following data t Age (in years) 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 No. of Persons: 8 12 20 25 15 12 8 Solution. First we construct “less than” and “more than” cumulative frequency distributions as shown in Table 2.14. Para 2.7 ORGANIZING STATISTICAL DATA TABLE 2.14. Cumulative Frequency Distributions ‘Age No. of Persons Age No. of Persons (in years) (Less than Cum. Freq.) (in years) (More than Cum. Freq.) Less than 25 8 More than 20 100 Less than 30 20 More than 25 92 Less than 35 40 More than 30 80 Less than 40 65 More than 35 60 Less than 45 80 More than 40 35 Less than 50 92 More than 45 20 Less than 55 100 More than 50 8 The two ogives for the given data are shown in Fig. 2.12. "More Than" Ogive 40 30 20 Cumulative Frequency 2 8 20.25 -- 30 35 45 50 Age (in Years) Fig. 2.12 "Less Than" Ogive

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