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Ophthalmic Manifestations of Xeroderma

A Perspective from the United Kingdom
Rongxuan Lim, BM BCh (Oxon) FRCOphth,1,2 Mieran Sethi, MBBS, BSc (Hons),1,3
Ana M.S. Morley, FRCOphth, MD1,2

Purpose: To document the ocular manifestations of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), presenting via the United
Kingdom (UK) XP service, and to analyze the correlations between XP genotype and ophthalmic phenotype.
Design: Prospective observational case series.
Subjects: Eighty-nine patients seen by the UK Nationally Commissioned XP Service, from April 2010 to
December 2014, with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of XP.
Methods: Patients underwent a full ophthalmic examination at each visit. Clinical features from both eyes
were recorded on a standard proforma. The most recent assessments were analyzed. A 2-tailed Fisher exact test
was used to assess for differences in ocular features between patients in XP subgroups with impaired tran-
scription coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) (category 1: XP-A, B, D, F, and G) and preserved TC-NER
(category 2: XP-C, E, and V).
Main Outcome Measures: Lid and periocular abnormalities, ocular surface pathologies, neuro-
ophthalmologic abnormalities, lens and retinal abnormalities, and visual acuity (VA).
Results: Ninety-three percent of XP patients in our cohort had ocular involvement, with 65% describing
photophobia. The most common abnormalities were in the periocular skin and ocular surface, including inter-
palpebral conjunctival melanosis (44%) and conjunctival injection (43%). Eleven percent of patients had required
treatment for periocular cancers and 2% for ocular surface cancers. The most common neuro-ophthalmologic
finding was minimal pupillary reaction to light (25%). Patients in category 2 had significantly more ocular sur-
face abnormalities than patients in category 1, including a greater proportion of conjunctival injection (P ¼ 0.003),
conjunctival corkscrew vessels (P < 0.001), corneal scarring (P ¼ 0.01) and pingueculae under the age of 50
(P ¼ 0.02). Meanwhile, patients in category 1 had a higher proportion of poorly reactive pupils (P < 0.001) and
abnormal ocular movements (P ¼ 0.03) compared with those in category 2. Five patients (6%) presented to
ophthalmologists with ocular surface signs related to XP, before any formal diagnosis of XP was made.
Conclusions: A large proportion of XP patients have ocular involvement. Regular examination by an ophthal-
mologist is essential, especially in screening for eyelid and ocular surface tumors. The ocular phenotypeegenotype
segregation within XP patients suggests that XP is a heterogeneous and complex disease. With further study, we
hope to offer these patients more individualized patient care. Ophthalmology 2017;-:1e10 ª 2017 by the American
Academy of Ophthalmology

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive and dry eyes.5e7 There is also some early evidence that XP
DNA repair disorder with ophthalmic, dermatologic, and patients experience an accelerated rate of corneal endothelial
neurological manifestations.1,2 Most patients present to cell loss.8
dermatologists with abnormal freckling, extreme sunburn The estimated incidence of XP in the United States,
reactions, or premature and multiple skin cancers.1,2 Pro- Japan, and Western Europe is 1 in 250 000,9 1 in 22 00010
gressive neurodegeneration occurs in 20% to 30% of cases, and 1 in 500 000,11 respectively. The clinical
initially affecting cognition, hearing, and mobility, but manifestations of XP are extremely varied and are
which can also result in premature death.1,2 Ophthalmic influenced by the precise genetic mutation (and therefore
pathology has been described in 40% to 100% of XP pa- XP complementation group), as well as environmental
tients and generally affects the sun-exposed periocular skin factors, such as cumulative sun exposure.1,2
and the ocular surface.3e6 Changes include ectropion, There are 8 known XP complementation groups (XP-A
lagophthalmos, conjunctival injection, conjunctival mela- to XP-G, and XP-V), which correspond to the 8 genes that
nosis, corneal scarring and keratopathy, pterygium, and are affected in this condition. The proteins encoded by the
cancers of both the ocular surface and eyelids.3e6 XPA to XPG genes are involved in nucleotide excision
Commonly reported ocular symptoms include photophobia repair (NER), which identifies and repairs DNA damage

ª 2017 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology 1

Published by Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0161-6420/17
Ophthalmology Volume -, Number -, Month 2017

primarily induced by ultraviolet radiation (UVR).1,2,12 There The laboratory methods of XP genotyping used, as well as
are 2 subpathways within NER: transcription-coupled amalgamated data on the dermatologic, neurological, and ophthal-
nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER), which repairs mologic findings of the cohort, has been described in a previous
actively transcribed DNA, and global genome nucleotide article from our group19 and will not be repeated here. However, this
study will discuss the ophthalmologic findings, including periocular
excision repair (GG-NER), which repairs DNA not under-
and neuro-ophthalmic findings, in greater detail.
going transcription at that time. XPC and XPE proteins only As mentioned in the introduction, various phenotypic differ-
contribute to GG-NER, whereas XPA, XPB, XPD, XPF, ences have been reported between the 8 XP complementation
and XPG proteins are required for both GG-NER and TC- groups. These differences are most marked when comparing those
NER (Fig 1). XPV is not directly involved in NER; it groups in which TC-NER is impaired (i.e., XP-A, B, D, F, and G)
encodes a DNA polymerase (h) that is required for DNA with those where TC-NER is preserved (i.e., XP-C, E, and V)
replication past damage that has not been repaired by (Fig 1). As such, we performed a statistical analysis on the
NER, in a process known as translesion synthesis.13,14 ophthalmic features of our patients by subdividing them into
XP patients from complementation groups C, E, and V these 2 categories, termed category 1 and category 2,
(where TC-NER is preserved) have normal sunburn re- respectively. Statistical analysis was computed using SPSS v24.0
(IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) and a 2-tailed Fisher exact test was
actions for skin type and do not develop manifest neuro-
always used unless otherwise specified.
degeneration.15,16 However, they have an earlier age of Finally, we also used an overall quantitative score for
onset of first skin cancer.15 However, XP patients from ophthalmic pathology to look at the specific ophthalmic morbidity
complementation groups A, B, D, F, and G (where TC- of individual complementation groups. This score was similar to
NER is impaired) have severe and exaggerated sunburn that described in our group’s previous article,19 but here we have
reactions on minimal sun exposure and suffer included neuro-ophthalmic, fundal, and periocular features as
neurodegeneration.15,16 part of the scoring.
There is currently no cure for XP. Educating patients about
the importance of rigorous photoprotection, as well as regular
screening for cancerous lesions, is paramount in the man- Results
agement of this condition.17 Due to the difficulties many A total of 89 patients with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of XP
patients face in accessing the necessary range of hospital were assessed successively in the study period and all were included.
services for screening and advice, a nationally The XP complementation groups of these patients were as follows:
commissioned multidisciplinary XP service was set up 18 XP-A, 2 XP-B, 28 XP-C, 14 XP-D, 4 XP-E, 3 XP-F, 8 XP-G, and
in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2010, with input 12 XP-V. There were 45 female patients and 44 male patients. The
from dermatologists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, median age in December 2014 was 23 years (range, 4e80 years)
psychologists, and geneticists.18 Patients are generally seen (Table 1), with notably older ages for patients in complementation
once or twice a year and undergo a comprehensive review groups B, E, and V. The represented ethnicities, based on the
by the multidisciplinary team in a single visit that usually Office for National Statistics’ breakdown of ethnic categories for
classification from the 2001 census, are shown in Table 2. XP-A
spans the day. In this study, we specifically describe the
and XP-C were largely composed of patients of Eastern origin,
ocular manifestations of our patients in the UK National XP including Pakistani and Bangladeshi patients, whereas XP-D, XP-E,
Service and the correlations between genotype and XP-F, and XP-V comprised mostly white patients.
ophthalmic phenotype that we have observed. We also Eighty-three of 89 (93%) XP patients in this study had at least 1
highlight the crucial role that ophthalmologists play in the ophthalmic abnormality. For ease of analysis, ophthalmic features
diagnosis and management of this condition. were categorized into 1 of the following 4 groups: (1) periocular/
eyelid abnormalities; (2) ocular surface abnormalities; (3) neuro-
ophthalmic abnormalities; (4) lens/retinal abnormalities. A sum-
Methods mary of the above results is given in Tables 3 and 4.
As VA, color vision, and IOP could not be reliably assessed in
We conducted a prospective observational case series of all pa- all pediatric or neurologically impaired patients, results from these
tients seen by the UK National XP Service, from its establishment ophthalmic assessments are discussed separately. The best-
in April 2010 until December 2014, in whom a genetic diagnosis of corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of the better eye of each patient
XP had been confirmed. The study was approved by the Research is also shown in Table 5.
Ethics Committee of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital National
Health Service (NHS) Trust, London (reference 12/LO/0325). Eyelid Abnormalities
Informed consent was obtained from all patients and the study
adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Fifteen of 89 (17%) patients had either ectropion or lagophthalmos
At each clinic attendance, all patients were seen by a single on gentle closure, but none had entropion. All ectropia were related
consultant ophthalmologist, or occasionally by a senior ophthalmic to cicatricial skin changes, principally secondary to surgery for
colleague. A full ophthalmic examination was conducted at each management of periocular skin cancers (Fig 2A), but also due to
visit, including Snellen visual acuity (VA), Ishihara color vision, dry, tight skin. Lagophthalmos was caused by upper lid scarring
Goldman tonometry for intraocular pressure (IOP), ocular motility, from surgery (Fig 2B) or marked periocular fat atrophy resulting
pupillary responses, lid position and function, and slit-lamp in enophthalmos and superior sulcus hollowing. No statistically
assessment of the ocular surface, anterior chamber, lens, and significant difference was found in the prevalence of ectropion or
fundus. All patients were also asked whether they experienced lagophthalmos between categories 1 and 2.
photophobia. The findings were recorded on a standard proforma At the time of our assessment 10 of 89 (11%) patients had been
each time and the clinical features of both eyes from each patient’s diagnosed with and treated for eyelid skin tumors; this included 2
most recent assessment were used in the data analysis. squamous cell carcinomas (1 XP-C and 1 XP-V patient), 7 basal

Lim et al 
Ophthalmic Manifestations of XP

Figure 1. Role of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) proteins in the repair of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) damage (taken from Ref. 19). A, Nucleotide excision
repair (NER). The figure represents a scheme for NER, showing only the roles of the XP proteins. For simplicity, other proteins involved have not been
included. In global genome (GG)-NER, XPE and XPC are involved in damage recognition. Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH), containing XPB and XPD, are
subsequently recruited and open out the DNA structure in the vicinity of the damage. XPA verifies the damaged structure before dual incisions by XPF-
ERCC1 and XPG. After the damaged section has been removed, DNA polymerases and ligases fill in the gap. In transcription-coupled (TC)-NER, blockage
of RNA polymerase by the damage is the recognition signal. Proteins CSB and CSA, defective in Cockayne syndrome, are recruited and these in turn recruit
TFIIH to enable the rest of the NER process to proceed. B, Translesion synthesis. DNA replication, carried out by DNA polymerases d or ε, is blocked by a
UVR damage lesion, but frequently reinitiates beyond it. The resulting gap is filled in by DNA polymerase h, which is deficient in XP variants.

cell carcinomas (2 XP-C, 3 XP-D, 1 XP-E, and 1 XP-V patient), was found in the prevalence of eyelid tumors between categories 1
and 3 malignant melanomas (1 XP-C and 2 XP-V patients). Two and 2.
patients had both an upper-eyelid basal cell carcinoma and a lower-
eyelid malignant melanoma. The median age of patients with Ocular Surface
eyelid tumors as of December 2014 was 58 years (range, 6e71
years). All periocular tumors had been managed with surgical Photophobia was a very commonly reported symptom, described
excision and reconstruction. No statistically significant difference by 58 of 89 patients (65%) and reported by patients in all

Ophthalmology Volume -, Number -, Month 2017

Table 1. Demographics of Patients in the Study According to Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group


Number of patients 18 2 28 14 4 3 8 12 89
Men 10 0 14 7 0 2 4 7 44
Women 8 2 14 7 4 1 4 5 45
Median age as of December 2014 (yrs) 23 45 14 24 56 23 19 55 23

XP ¼ xeroderma pigmentosum.

complementation groups except XP-B. It was not clearly linked to keratopathy, and mild corneal neovascularization. However, 2
abnormalities of the ocular surface, neuro-ophthalmologic system, siblings with XP-G from a consanguineous marriage were seen
or retina (Table 3). with congenital, diffuse, generalized corneal opacification. The
Conjunctival Abnormalities. Thirty-eight of 89 (43%) patients older of these 2 had undergone bilateral penetrating keratoplasties
had conjunctival injection. There was a greater proportion of pa- as a child, as well as bilateral cataract extractions. A third child
tients with conjunctival injection in category 2 compared with with XP-G, from a nonconsanguineous marriage, presented with a
category 1 (59% vs. 27%; P ¼ 0.003). Many patients had received smaller area of central corneal opacification, without any other
topical anti-inflammatory drops for this, before review in the XP peripheral corneal changes. Overall, we found a greater proportion
clinic, with little effect. of category 2 patients with corneal scarring compared with cate-
Twenty of 89 (22%) patients were found to have conjunctival gory 1 (27% vs. 7%; P ¼ 0.01).
corkscrew vessels. These are typical prominent and tortuous ves- None of our patients had corneal edema, although this has
sels (Fig 2C). Again, these were more common in patients from previously been described in the literature elsewhere.20,21
category 2 as compared with category 1 (43% vs. 2%; P < 0.001). Ocular Surface Cancers. Two of 89 (2%) patients had a history
Thirty-nine of 89 (44%) patients had interpalpebral conjunctival of ocular surface cancers. These consisted of 1 squamous cell
melanosis. This may partly reflect the racial conjunctival pigmen- carcinoma at the limbus (XP-A) (Fig 2D) and 1 limbal melanoma
tation present in some dark-skinned individuals, who form a large (XP-B). The age of 1 of the patients as of December 2014 was 24;
proportion of our XP cohort (Table 2). However, we have often the other patient died during the review period aged 55 years.
observed increased conjunctival pigmentation in patients who Five other patients were also noted to have cellular dysplasia,
also have abnormal XP-related skin freckling, suggesting that without invasive disease, on ocular surface biopsy. The biopsies were
this conjunctival melanosis could be XP-related. Nonetheless, taken either by our team or by the referring hospital for any suspicious
interpalpebral conjunctival melanosis in fair-skinned white patients ocular surface lesions. Cases included 2 patients with conjunctival
was also assessed separately and found to be lower, at 4 of 42 intraepithelial neoplasia (XP-A and XP-C), 1 with limbal intra-
(10%). There was no statistically significant difference in general epithelial neoplasia (XP-C) (Fig 2E), and 2 with conjunctival
conjunctival pigmentation between the 2 categories. intraepithelial melanocytic proliferation with atypia (XP-A and XP-C).
Thirty-six of 89 (40%) patients exhibited pterygia, spread
relatively evenly between both categories. Of the 74 patients under Neuro-ophthalmic Abnormalities
the age of 50, 21 (28%) had pingueculae, although these showed a
higher prevalence in category 2 (42% vs. 17%; P ¼ 0.02). Twenty-two of 89 (25%) patients were found to have sluggish
Corneal Abnormalities. The most common corneal abnor- pupils that showed minimal or no constriction to light, despite
mality was corneal staining, in the form of superficial punctate reasonable VA. All of these patients were from category 1 and
keratopathy, indicative of dry eyes. This was present in 19 of 89 none was from category 2 (49% vs. 0%; P < 0.001).
(21%) patients and did not show a statistically significant differ- Seven of 89 (8%) patients had strabismus, which consisted of 5
ence between the 2 categories. exotropias (examples in Fig 2F and G) and 2 esotropias. All the
Fifteen of 89 (17%) patients were found to have corneal scar- patients with exotropias were in category 1, whereas all the
ring (Fig 2C). In general, this was peripheral and associated with patients with esotropias were in category 2. However, we did not
other corneal surface changes, such as pterygia, exposure find a statistical difference in the distribution of esotropias and

Table 2. Ethnicity of Patients in the Study According to Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group, Based on the Office for
National Statistics’ Breakdown of Ethnic Categories for Classification from the 2001 Census

Ethnicity XP-A XP-B XP-C XP-D XP-E XP-F XP-G XP-V Total
White 1 1 7 12 3 3 5 10 42
Pakistani 11 0 11 0 1 0 1 0 24
Bangladeshi 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 7
Middle Eastern 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 4
Somalian 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4
Mixed 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3
Indian Asian 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Chinese 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Sri Lankan 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Other Asian 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

XP ¼ xeroderma pigmentosum.

Lim et al 
Ophthalmic Manifestations of XP

Table 3. Summary of Number of Patients with Specific Ophthalmic Findings, Organized According to Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Complementation Group

N ¼ 18 N¼2 N ¼ 28 N ¼ 14 N¼4 N¼3 N¼8 N ¼ 12 N ¼ 89
Ectropion or lagophthalmos 2 0 6 3 0 1 1 2 15 (17)
Entropion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0)
Periocular cancers 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 3 10 (11)
Photophobia 9 0 20 12 3 2 3 9 58 (65)
Conjunctival injection 5 1 20 2 3 0 4 3 38 (43)
Conjunctival corkscrew vessels 0 0 16 0 1 0 1 2 20 (22)
Interpalpebral melanosis regardless of skin pigmentation 13 0 21 1 0 0 2 2 39 (44)
Interpalpebral pigmentation in white subjects (n ¼ 42) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 (10)
Pterygium 9 1 14 7 3 0 1 1 36 (40)
Pinguecula under the age of 50 (n ¼ 74) 2 0 9 3 0 0 2 5 21 (28)
Corneal scar or neovascularization 1 0 8 0 2 0 2 2 15 (17)
Corneal staining (superficial punctate keratopathy) 2 2 9 2 0 1 2 1 19 (21)
Ocular surface cancer 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (2)
Sluggish pupils 7 1 0 8 0 1 5 0 22 (25)
Strabismus (total) 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 7 (8)
Exotropia 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 5 (6)
Esotropia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 (3)
Abnormal extraocular movement 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 6 (7)
Optic disc abnormality 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0)
Lens abnormality 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 4 (4)
Retinal abnormality 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 (4)
Average age-adjusted ocular score* 0.1 0.07 0.3 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.1

XP ¼ xeroderma pigmentosum.
*Average age-adjusted ocular score is derived from the addition of the scores in all the above columns divided by the number of patients and the mean age of
the patients in each complementation group.

exotropias between the categories, possibly due to the small The results for these are therefore not included in the main data set.
number of patients with strabismus in our cohort. Instead, Table 5 shows the BCVA in the better eye of all patients
Six of 89 (7%) patients had abnormal extraocular movements. where an assessment could be made.
This consisted of limitation of eye movements, slow or incomplete BCVA in the better eye was assessed to be at least 6/9 for 76 of
saccades, and nystagmus. All these patients were from category 1 84 (90%) patients assessed. Of the 8 patients with recorded BCVAs
(13% vs. 0%; P ¼ 0.03). worse than 6/9 in their better eye, 2 patients were the young sib-
None of the patients in our cohort had any optic disc lings discussed previously with XP-G who had congenital corneal
abnormality. opacification and, in the case of the older sibling, additional cata-
ract surgery (BCVA: 6/24 and 6/36).
Lens/Retinal Abnormalities The remaining 6 patients who had recorded BCVAs worse than
6/9 in their better eye had severe neurological impairment. Three of
Four of 89 (4%) patients had some cataract but only 1 was younger these were children for whom assessment of VA was very chal-
than 50 years of age. This latter patient, with XP-G and who has lenging and difficult to interpret. None of them objected to oc-
been mentioned previously, had undergone bilateral cataract sur- clusion of either eye and their parents had no concerns about their
gery, together with bilateral corneal grafts for corneal opacification, vision. Three were adults whose ability to comprehend and
by the age of 18. In this patient’s case, the cataracts, and corneal perform VA tests was very limited. One was unable to use a
opacification, were felt to have been congenital. pinhole and may have had a refractive problem. The other 2 had
Four out of 89 (4%) of our patients had retinal abnormalities. These previously recorded VAs of 6/9 with refraction but subsequently
consisted of age-related drusen in 1 patient with XP-E, panretinal became unable to perform the tests. It is possible that there may
photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy in another with XP-V, and a have been a genuine simultaneous reduction in VA with this
second pair of siblings with XP-G in their late 30s with mild macular neurological defect; however, their families did not describe any
retinal pigment epithelial changes. Despite the above features, these difficulty with vision per se.
XP-G siblings had good VA of at least 6/9 in both eyes, although the Color vision was normal (score of 16/17 on the Ishihara color
elder sibling had reduced color vision of 12/17 on the Ishihara color test) in 75 of 80 (94%) patients. Three patients had abnormal color
test. No patient exhibited peripheral pigmentary retinopathy. vision due to known congenital color blindness. A further 2 pa-
tients had slightly reduced color vision at 15/17 and 12/17, with the
Visual Acuity, Color Vision, and Intraocular first test plates read correctly. The patient with a score of 12/17 was
Pressure the elder of a pair of siblings with XP-G who exhibited subtle
macular retinal pigment epithelial changes, discussed in the retinal
VA, color vision, and IOP were assessed for all patients where section above. However, these color vision test results must be
possible. However, an accurate assessment was often not feasible interpreted with caution, given the limited sample size and small
in young children or patients with severe neurological problems. magnitude of the abnormality.

Ophthalmology Volume -, Number -, Month 2017

Table 4. Comparison of Distribution of Ophthalmic Features between Xeroderma Pigmentosum Patients in Category 1 and Category 2

Category 1* Category 2*
No. of Cases (%) No. of cases (%)
N ¼ 45 N ¼ 44 P Valuey
Ectropion or lagophthalmos 7 (16) 8 (18) 0.8
Periocular cancers 3 (7) 7 (16) 0.2
Photophobia 26 (58) 32 (73) 0.2
Conjunctival injection 12 (27) 26 (59) 0.003
Conjunctival corkscrew vessels 1 (2) 19 (43) <0.001
Intepalpebral melanosis regardless of skin pigmentation 16 (36) 23 (52) 0.1
Interpalpebral pigmentation in white subjects (n ¼ 42) 2 (9) 2 (10) 1.0
Pterygium 18 (40) 18 (41) 1.0
Pinguecula under the age of 50 (n ¼ 74) 7 (17) 14 (42) 0.02
Corneal scar or neovascularization 3 (7) 12 (27) 0.01
Corneal staining (superficial punctate keratopathy) 9 (20) 10 (23) 0.8
Ocular surface cancer 2 (4) 0 (0) 0.5
Sluggish pupils 22 (49) 0 (0) <0.001
Strabismus (total) 5 (11) 2 (5) 0.4
Exotropia 5 (11) 0 (0) 0.06
Esotropia 0 (0) 2 (5) 0.2
Abnormal extraocular movement 6 (13) 0 (0) 0.03
Optic disc abnormality 0 (0) 0 (0) 1.0
Lens abnormality 3 (7) 1 (2) 0.6
Retinal abnormality 2 (4) 2 (5) 1.0

XP ¼ xeroderma pigmentosum.
*Category 1 includes all patients of complementation group XP-A, B, D, F, and G and category 2 includes all patients of complementation group XP-C, E,
and V.
P value using Fisher exact test (2-tailed) comparing complementation groups XP-A, B, D, F, G, and V with XP-C, E, and V. Statistically significant figures
(P < 0.05) appear in bold italics.

IOP was only measured in cases where this could be done had the highest score (0.3) of all the XP complementation groups,
without causing too much anxiety to the patient. This meant that suggesting a higher age-adjusted level of ophthalmic pathology.
most children and some adults with severe neurological impair-
ment did not get IOP measurements. All tested patients (n ¼ 79),
except 1 adult with known ocular hypertension, had IOPs less than Discussion
21 mmHg. The latter was an XP-B patient in her 50s who had
undergone enucleation of her right eye previously and whose IOP
in her only eye measured 24 mmHg. Our study found a very large proportion of XP patients
(93%) with ocular involvement. This is expected, given the
high exposure of the eye to UVR, as well as the role the eye
Average Age-Adjusted Ocular Score has within the neurological system, and underscores the
importance of regular ophthalmic review for XP patients.
To compare the level of ophthalmic pathology among the indi- Most of these changes were found in the periocular skin
vidual XP complementation groups, we derived an average age-
adjusted ocular score for each one. This was calculated by sum-
and ocular surface, as documented in the current literature.3e7
ming the number of patients with each ocular abnormality as listed The most common changes in our study were photophobia
in Table 3, dividing the total figure by the number of patients in (65%), interpalpebral conjunctival melanosis regardless of
each complementation group and then further dividing by the skin pigmentation (44%), and conjunctival injection (43%).
mean age of the patients in that complementation group, as XP- Significantly, some patients required treatment for eyelid
related ocular pathology accumulates over time. XP-C patients tumors (11%) and ocular surface tumors (2%).

Table 5. Distribution of Snellen Best-Corrected Visual Acuity of the Better Eye of Xeroderma Pigmentosum Patients in whom Testing
Was Possible (N ¼ 84)

6/6 <6/6 to 6/9 <6/9 to 6/12 <6/12 to 6/18 <6/18 to 6/24 <6/24 to 6/36 <6/36 to 6/60 <6/60
Number of patients 56 20 4 0 2 1 0 1

BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity.

Lim et al 
Ophthalmic Manifestations of XP

Figure 2. A, Patient with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP)-D showing inferior displacement (retraction) of right lateral lower lid and medial ectropion of left
lower lid, secondary to previous eyelid surgery for periocular cancer management. B, Patient with XP-V showing significant left cicatricial lagophthalmos on
gentle closure of eyes, secondary to previous surgical excision of left supra-brow squamous cell carcinoma. C, Anterior segment photograph of patient with
XP-C showing conjunctival corkscrew vessels and early limbal scarring. D, Anterior segment photograph of patient with XP-A showing medial limbal
invasive squamous cell carcinoma. E, Anterior segment photograph of patient with XP-C showing limbal conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3.
F, Exotropia in a patient with XP-A. G, Exotropia in a patient with XP-D.

A proportion of our patients had neuro-ophthalmic ab- 13% of their patients had some degree of visual axis
normalities in the form of minimal pupillary constriction to impairment, whereas 5% had no light perception in at
light (25%), strabismus (8%), and abnormal extraocular least 1 eye.
movements (7%). Notably however, none of our patients Our study also revealed several associations between
had any manifest optic atrophy. Although neuro- ophthalmic phenotypes and complementation groups.
degeneration is recognized in a significant proportion of XP Firstly, patients in complementation groups XP-C, E, and V
patients in the literature,1,2,4,6,16 reports of specific neuro- (category 2) had significantly more ocular surface abnor-
ophthalmic changes, such as ours, remain limited.22 malities compared with patients in complementation groups
Most of the patients in our study had good visual func- XP-A, B, D, F, and G (category 1). This included a greater
tion. The BCVA in the better eye was assessed to be at least proportion of conjunctival injection (P ¼ 0.003), conjunc-
6/9 in 90% of the 84 tested patients and, in those with lower tival corkscrew vessels (P < 0.001), corneal scarring (P ¼
BCVA, may have related to poor cerebral processing rather 0.01), and pingueculae under the age of 50 (P ¼ 0.02). As
than any ophthalmic abnormality per se. This percentage is previously discussed, patients in category 2 do not generally
higher than that previously reported in the global literature suffer from the severe sunburn reactions on minimal sun
and may be due to earlier diagnosis (compared with some exposure that affect patients in category 1.15 It is therefore
other countries), the naturally lower ambient UVR levels in possible that, before a diagnosis of XP, patients in
the UK, easier access to health care, and higher compliance category 2 spend more time in the sun and develop more
with meticulous photoprotection in our patients. For com- cumulative ocular surface damage than those in category 1.
parison, in their review of 830 published cases, Kraemer Within category 2, we found that patients with XP-C had
et al6 found that 12% of patients had what they defined as a higher average ocular pathology score compared with
“impaired vision.” More recently, a study based in India those with XP-E or XP-V (0.3 vs. 0.07 or 0.06, respectively;
by Goyal et al5 reported a VA of less than 6/36 in 50% of Table 3). Our group has previously reported that XP-E and
their cases, and a second Saudi Arabian study by Alfawaz XP-V patients generally have more skin cancers compared
et al7 reported a VA of 6/60 or less in 55% of their with the XP-C patients.19 Taken together, these findings
patients. These latter 2 results are markedly different from suggest that there are factors other than cumulative UVR
ours. Brooks et al,3 based in the United States, found that exposure that influence the extent of ocular pathology XP

Ophthalmology Volume -, Number -, Month 2017

patients develop. They also lend weight to the idea that parents and showed unusual mild macular speckling and
mutations in the different XP genes confer slightly reduced color vision, with more pronounced retinal pigment
different effects in different organs, perhaps because of epithelium granularity on optical coherence tomography.
specific local factors. Interestingly, the macular change does bear some resem-
We observed that a higher proportion of patients in cate- blance to another XP-G case described in the literature.3
gory 1 had pupils that reacted minimally to light compared Finally, the girl, also from nonconsanguineous parents,
with the patients in category 2 (P < 0.001), and that not a showed an unusual central congenital corneal opacity.
single patient in category 2 showed this feature. The cause of Such ophthalmic pathologies are not typical of XP but
this pupillary abnormality remains unclear, as visual function may represent a phenotypic overlap of these XP-G pa-
is not significantly affected in our XP patient cohort; however, tients with other DNA repair disorders, as has previously
it may represent a neurodegenerative problem with the been described in the literature.23,24 Alternatively, in the
efferent reflex pathway, not dissimilar to an Adie’s tonic case of 1 of the sibling pairs, it may be due to additional
pupil. Furthermore, there was a higher proportion of patients concurrent recessive ophthalmic pathologies, related to
with abnormal extraocular movements in category 1 parental consanguinity. Recruitment of more patients to the
compared with category 2 (P ¼ 0.03). This correlates with XP clinic and exchange of information with other XP ser-
reported data on clinically apparent neurodegeneration in XP, vices throughout the world should facilitate a greater un-
which is not manifested in category 2.15,16 derstanding of these unusual phenotypes.
Brooks et al3 noted that patients with a tendency to severe During this study, it also became apparent that 5 of our
sunburn reactions were less likely to have ectropion and XP cohort (6%) initially presented to ophthalmologists with
conjunctival melanosis, but were more likely to develop ocular surface signs related to their XP, before any formal
neoplastic ocular surface lesions, compared with patients diagnosis of XP had been made. Three had red, photophobic
with normal sunburn reactions for skin type. Our present eyes, which were repeatedly diagnosed as allergic eye dis-
study did not find any significant difference in ectropion ease, whereas 2 had premature pterygia. By raising aware-
and lagophthalmos (P ¼ 0.8), conjunctival melanosis ness of XP in the ophthalmology community, we hope that
(P ¼ 0.1), or ocular surface neoplasia (P ¼ 0.5) in patients the diagnosis of XP will be considered earlier in patients
in the complementation groups linked to severe sunburn presenting with ocular surface changes in the presence of
reactions (category 1) compared with those in either abnormal skin freckling or severe sunburn reactions
complementation groups with normal sunburn reactions for on minimal sun exposure.
skin type (category 2). However, due to the rarity of the
disease, the numbers of each complementation group in
both studies are small. This, coupled with the considerable
phenotypical variation in these groups and possible
different levels of UVR protection between patients,
renders difficulty in direct comparison of both studies.
In our statistical analysis, we chose to split the patients
into 2 categories (XP-A, B, D, F, and G [category 1] vs.
XP-C, E, and V [category 2]), mainly because of the dif-
ference in TC-NER function (impaired in category 1; pre-
served in category 2). However, within these 2 categories,
the number of patients within each complementation group
was not the same; for example, of the 44 patients in category
2, 28 (63%) were XP-C. The results of our study may
therefore be unduly influenced by the complementation
groups with larger numbers of patients, such as XP-C,
XP-A, and XP-D. As more XP patients are diagnosed and
the numbers of each group increase, we will be able to
perform more detailed analyses of the individual comple-
mentation groups compared with the whole cohort, which
will refine the genotypeephenotype correlations further.
It is also worth mentioning some unusual ophthalmic
phenotypes that we found in our cohort, which have been
referred to in the “Results” section. Specifically, within the
XP-G group we had 2 sets of sibling pairs, together with an
additional girl, all of whom had atypical ophthalmic fea-
tures. The younger of these sets of siblings was from
consanguineous parents and both siblings showed congen-
ital corneal opacification. The elder of the 2 also had
congenital or infantile cataracts, requiring bilateral cataract
surgery and penetrating keratoplasties during childhood. Figure 3. Visor used for facial and ophthalmic ultraviolet radiation
The other set of siblings was from nonconsanguineous protection.

Lim et al 
Ophthalmic Manifestations of XP

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geneity dependent on the precise molecular defect. Proc Natl
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Footnotes and Financial Disclosures

Originally received: January 28, 2017. London, UK. The sponsor or funding organization had no role in the design
Final revision: April 25, 2017. or conduct of this research.
Accepted: April 27, 2017. Author Contributions:
Available online: ---. Manuscript no. 2017-93. Conception and design: Lim, Morley
Nationally Commissioned Xeroderma Pigmentosum Service, Guy’s and Analysis and interpretation: Lim, Sethi, Morley
St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
2 Data collection: Lim, Sethi, Morley
Department of Ophthalmology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Trust, London, United Kingdom. Obtained funding: Not applicable
King’s College London, Kings Health Partners, Division of Genetics and Overall responsibility: Lim, Sethi, Morley
Molecular Medicine, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s Hospital, Abbreviations and Acronyms:
London, United Kingdom. BCVA ¼ best-corrected visual acuity; IOP ¼ intraocular pressure; GG-
Presented at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, May NER ¼ global genome nucleotide excision repair; NER ¼ nucleotide
21-23, 2013, Liverpool, United Kingdom; International Symposium on excision repair; NHS ¼ National Health Service; TC-NER ¼ transcription-
Xeroderma Pigmentosum & Related Diseases, March 5-7, 2014, Kobe, coupled nucleotide excision repair; UK ¼ United Kingdom;
Japan; and European Xeroderma Pigmentosum Society Meeting, September UVR ¼ ultraviolet radiation; VA ¼ visual acuity; XP ¼ xeroderma
28, 2016, Vienna, Austria. pigmentosum.
Financial Disclosure(s): Correspondence:
The National Multidisciplinary XP Clinic in the UK is funded by NHS Rongxuan Lim, BM BCh (Oxon) FRCOphth, Nationally Commissioned
England Highly Specialised Services. Supported by the Medical Research Xeroderma Pigmentosum Service, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Council (fellowship grant no. MR/M001210/1 to M.S.), the UK National Trust, London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom. E-mail: limrongxuan@gmail.
Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (based at com.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust), and King’s College


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