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School Dela Paz National High School Grade Level Grade 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mark A. Soliva Learning Area Mathematics 9

Teaching Dates and Time (Week 7-8) Quarter Quarter I
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational
Standards algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Competencies/ Enumerate the steps in solving
Objectives Identify Quadratic Inequalities Graph of quadratic inequalities Weekly evaluation
Quadratic inequalities
D. Most Essential
Solves problems involving
(MELC) Illustrates quadratic inequalities Solves quadratic inequalities Solves quadratic inequalities
(if applicable write quadratic inequalities
indicated MELC)
E. Enabling Recognizes the inequality symbol and its
(if available, write
attached enabling
F. Enrichment
(if available, write
Patterns and
II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra
A. References
TG Mathematics G9
a. Teacher’s
TG Mathematics G9 p. 58 - 60 TG Mathematics G9 p. 58 - 60 TG Mathematics G9 p. 58 - 60 TG Mathematics G9 p. 58 - 60 p. 58 - 60
Pages PIVOT BOW in MATH 9 p. 179 PIVOT BOW in MATH 9 p. 179 PIVOT BOW in MATH 9 p. 179 PIVOT BOW in MATH 9 p. 179 PIVOT BOW in
MATH 9 p. 179
b. Learner’s
Learners Material, p.
Material Learners Material, p. 96 - 98 Learners Material, p. 96 - 98 Learners Material, p. 96 - 98 Learners Material, p. 96 - 98
Pages 96 - 98
c. Textbook
d. Additional Integrative Mathematics 9 through Integrative Mathematics 9 through Integrative Mathematics 9 through Experiential Integrative Mathematics 9 through Integrative
Materials Experiential Approach Experiential Approach Approach Experiential Approach Mathematics 9
from through Experiential

B. List of Learning
PPT videos, smart
Resources for PPT videos, smart phones, internet PPT videos, smart phones, internet PPT videos, smart phones, internet phones, internet
PPT videos, smart phones, internet access
Development access (Facebook & Youtube), and access (Facebook & Youtube), and access (Facebook & Youtube), and access (Facebook &
and Engagement (Facebook & Youtube), and google meet access
google meet access google meet access google meet access Youtube), and
google meet access

What I need to know? What I need to know? What I need to know? What I need to know? What I need to know?
-The learners will be oriented about what they -The learners will be reminded of what they -The learners will be reminded of what they need to do and -The learners will be reminded of what -The learners will be
need to do and must not do during the online need to do and must not do during the online must not do during the online session. they need to do and must not do during reminded of what they
session. session. -The content and lesson objectives about graphing the online session. need to do and must not
-The content and lesson objectives about -The content and lesson objectives about illustration of quadratic inequalities will also be introduced -The content and lesson objectives about do during the online
quadratic inequalities will also be introduced enumeration solving quadratic equations will among the learners. solving problems involving quadratic evaluation.
among the learners. also be introduced among the learners. inequalities will also be introduced among
the learners.
A. Introduction What’s new? What’s new? What’s new? What’s new?
The learners will read the introduction The teacher will review them about the topic You knew already how to find the solution
Note to the teacher: Ask the students
and focus questions, lesson and coverage and yesterday. set of quadratic inequalities. You may solve
module map to have an overview of the “What are the steps in finding the solution set of a quadratic it algebraically using the number line or
topics/lessons they will be learning this week. Give the four (4) standard forms of quadratic you may solve it by graphing. This time, you
inequality. are going to apply it in solving word
problems related to quadratic inequalities.

B. Development What I Know? What I Know? What I Know? What I Know?

The learners will be asked o write different Guide Question: The teacher’s will invite the students to think of another way Guide Questions:
mathematical symbols. 1.What are the steps in finding solution of of solving quadratic inequalities. 1.What are the steps in solving word
Quadratic Inequalities? (Answer may vary) problem?

What’s in? What’s in? What’s in? What’s in?

The teacher lets the students realize that Study the following. What have you observed
recognizing the different mathematical symbols on the inequality used in each number line? Note to the teacher: Ask the students Note to the teacher: Ask the following
are important skills needed to understand the What can you conclude? “What are the steps in finding the solution set of a quadratic question,
concept of quadratic inequalities.. inequality? “What are the steps in finding the solution
set of quadratic inequality determined by a
A: Step 1. Change the inequality to standard form of graph?”
quadratic equation.
Expected Answer:
Step 2. Find the value of x by using any of the four 1.) Draw the parabola.( Find the
methods in solving quadratic equation. coordinates of the vertex
x = (-b)/2a and substitute into the
Step 3. Make 3 intervals. equation to find y. Then find 4 more points
to draw the parabola.)
Step 4. Test a number from each interval against the
inequality. 2.) Make the parabola Dashed for > and <;
Solid for ≤ and ≥ .
Step 5. Test also the points (values of x in step 2) by using
the given inequality if they too satisfies the given inequality. 3.) Choose a test point and see whether it
is a solution of the inequality.
Step 6. Plot the corresponding points on the number line.
Hollow circles are use in the graph to show that the points 4.) Shade the appropriate region. (if the
are not part of the solution set. Bold circles if they are part of point is a solution, shade where the point
the solutions. is, if it’s not a solution, shade the other
Step 7. Write the solution set

(Note: The inequalities printed in red are the

expected answers )
What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?
The teacher will discuss the idea about quadratic The teacher will discuss the steps in solving Illustrative Example:
inequality. quadratic inequalities. Present samples of graphs of quadratic inequalities.
“The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm. If x
A quadratic inequality is one that can be written
Find the solution set of a quadratic inequality? is equivalent to its length, find its possible
in one of the following standard forms:
dimension if the area of the same rectangle
Illustrative Example : is less than 35 sq. cm.”

Find the solution set of x2 + 7x +12 > 0. Solutions:

1.) P = 2L + 2W
Step 1. Change the inequality to standard form Let the students describe the graph.
of quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. 2.) 24=2 L+ 2W
x2 + 7x +12 = 0 Lead the students to the steps in finding the solution set of
A quadratic inequality is in standard form when
the quadratic inequality graphically: 3.) let x = L
the inequality is set to zero (0).
Step 2. Find the value of x by using any of the 4
methods in solving quadratic equation. 1.) Draw the parabola.( Find the coordinates of the vertex 4.) 24 = 2x + 2W
x = - 3, x = - 4 −b 2
x= and substitute into the equation to find y. Then
Step 3. Make 3 intervals. 2a 5.) 12 = x + w w = 12 - x
a.) -∞ < x < -4 find 4 more points to draw the parabola.)
b.) -4 < x < -3 6.) Area of a rectangle = LW
c.) -3 < x < ∞ 2.) Make the parabola Dashed for > and <; Solid for ≤ and ≥ .
x (12 – x) < 35
12x – x2 < 35
Step 4. Solve to test a number from each 3.) Choose a test point and see whether it is a solution of the
( - x2 +12x - 35 < 0) (-1)
interval against the inequality. inequality.
x2 -12x + 35 > 0
a.) for -∞ < x < - 4, let x = -5:
x2 + 7x +12 > 0 4.) Shade the appropriate region. (if the point is a solution,
7.) Factor: ( x – 7 ) ( x – 5 ) > 0
-52 + 7(-5) + 12 > 0 shade where the point is, if it’s not a solution, shade the
x–7=0; x–5=0
25 -35 +12 > 0 other region).
x=7 ; x=5
-10 +12 >0
2>0 8.) Draw a number line and make 3
True intervals and check which satisfies the
inequality :
b.) for -4 < x < - 3 , let x = -3.1:
x2 + 7x +12 > 0
-3.1 + 7(-3.1)+12 > 0 5 7
9.61 – 21.7 +12 > 0
-31.31 +12 > 0 a.) let x = 0
-19.31 > 0 x2 -12x + 35 > 0
False 02 -12(0) + 35 > 0
0 - 0 + 35 > 0
c.) for -3 < x < ∞, let x = 0 35 > 0
x2 + 7x +12 > 0 True
02 + 7(0)+12 > 0 b.) let x = 6
0 + 0 +12 > 0 x2 -12x + 35 > 0
12 > 0 62 -12(6) + 35 > 0
True 36 - 72 + 35 > 0
-1 > 0
Step 5. Test also the points x = -3, x = -4 by False
using the given inequality if they too are also c.) let x = 8
part of the solution or not. x2 -12x + 35 > 0
a.) let x = -4 82 -12(8) + 35 > 0
x2 + 7x +12 > 0 64 - 96 + 35 > 0
-42 + 7(-4) + 12 > 0 3>0
16 -28 + 12 > 0 True
-12 +12 > 0 9.) Check also the factors if they too
0>0 satisfies the inequality.
True a.) a.) let x = 5
b.) let x = -3 x2 -12x + 35 > 0
x2 + 7x +12 > 0 52 -12(5) + 35 > 0
-32 + 7(-3)+12 > 0 25 - 60 + 35 > 0
9 -21 +12 > 0 0>0
-12+12 > 0 False
0>0 b.) let x = 7
True x2 -12x + 35 > 0
72 -12(7) + 35 > 0
Step 6. Plot the corresponding points on the 49 - 84 + 35 > 0
number line. Hollow circles are used in the 0>0
graph to show that (-3) and (-4) are not part of False
the solution set. Bold circles if they are part of 10.) Therefore, the solution set of x 2 -12x +
the solutions. 35 > 0 is
{ x : x < 5 or x > 7 }.

-4 -3 Expected answer: The possible dimension

of the area of the same rectangle which is
Step 7. Write the solution set. less than 35 sq. cm could be :
{ x : x < -4 or x > -3 } L = 8 cm
W = 4 cm
or 8 cm by 4 cm

C. Engagement What’s more? What’s more? What’s more? What’s more?

Which of the following mathematical sentences Find the solution set of x2 - x ≤ 20. A rectangular box is completely filled with
are quadratic inequalities? A: dice. Each die has a volume of 1cm3. The
(Note: Answers are highlighted) 1.) x2 - x = 20 length of the box is 3cm greater than its
width and its height is 5 cm. Suppose the
x2 - x – 20 = 0
box holds at most 140 dice. What are the
possible dimensions of the box?
2.) Roots from the equation: x = -4; x = 5
Expected Answer:
3.) a.) -∞ ≤ x ≤ -4 width = 4 cm, length = 7 cm, height = 5 cm
b.) -4 ≤ x ≤ 5 width = 3 cm, length = 6 cm, height = 5 cm
c.) 5 ≤ x ≤ ∞

4.) a.) for -∞ ≤ x ≤ -4 , let x = -5

-52 – (-5) ≤ 20
25 +5 ≤ 20 So the solution set of y ≤ x 2 +6 x−4 is
30 ≤ 20
False {x: x ≤ -6.5 or x ≥ 0.5}

b.) for -4 ≤ x ≤ 5 , let x = 0

x2 - x ≤ 20
02 - 0 ≤ 20
0 ≤ 20

c.) for 5 ≤ x ≤ ∞ , let x = 6

x2 - x ≤ 20
62 - 6 ≤ 20
36 - 6 ≤ 20 So the solution set of y >−x 2 +4 x −3 is
30 ≤ 20
False {x: x < 1 or x > 3}

5.) let x = -4
x2 - x ≤ 20
-42 – (-4) ≤ 20
16 + 4≤ 20
20 ≤ 20

c.) let x = 5
x2 - x ≤ 20
52 - 5 ≤ 20
25 - 5 ≤ 20
20 ≤ 20


-4 5

7.) The solution set of x2 - x ≤ 20 is { -4 ≤

x ≤5}
What I can do? What I can do? What I can do? What I can do?
The learners will be asked to give at least five The learners will be asked to create at least 1 The teacher will give them a problem to answer and the The teacher will give them a problem to
examples of their own quadratic inequalities. example of solving quadratic inequalities output will compile it in their portfolio. answer and the output will compile it in
They’ll be asked to submit their outputs online and showing the different steps discussed. Outputs their portfolio.
compile it in their portfolio. The output must must be submitted online and compile in their
consist the generated patter/ sequence and the portfolio.
rule that they applied in order to create their
What other enrichment activities can I engage in? What other enrichment activities can I engage What other enrichment activities can I engage in? What other enrichment activities can I
The learners will be asked to watch a video about in? The learners will be asked to watch a video about “Solving engage in?
“Quadratic Inequalities” The learners will be asked to watch a video quadratic inequalties (visual explanation)”
about “Solving Quadratic Inequalities” Solving Word Problems Involving
Inequalities - Example 1 by patrickJMT Solving Word

Problems Involving Inequalities - Example 2

by patrickJMT


Quadraic Inequalities by KHAN ACADEMY


What I have learned? What I have learned? What I have learned? What I have learned?
Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
 How would you find the solution set • What are the steps in graphing a quadratic  What are the steps in solving
• What is a Quadratic Inequality? of quadratic inequalities? inequality? word problems involving
• When can we tell that a quadratic quadratic inequalities?
inequality is in standard form?
What I can do? What I can do? What I can do? What I can do? What I can do?
. Draw a if it is a quadratic inequality and draw a The city government is planning to construct a 2
if it is not: new children’s playground. It wants to fence in
Graph and find the solution set of y >−x +4 x −3 .
1.) Julius built a triangular display case for Please refer to the
a rectangular ground using one of the walls of a his coin collection. The height of the display prepared online
building. The length of the new playground is Answer: {2 ≥x ≥ 5}
case is six inches less than twice the width evaluation through the
D. Assimilation 15m longer than its width and its area is greater of the base. The area of the back of the use of Google Forms
than the old playground. The area of the old case is 70 square inches. Find the height
playground is 2200 m2. What could be the area and width of the case.
of the new playground? What could be its
Answer: The height is 14 inches and the
length and width?
width is 10 inches.
(Answers may vary)
(One possible answer: Area of the new
playground could be 2250 m2 and its length is
50 m and its width is 45 m.)

The learners will write in their notebook, The learners will write in their The learners will write in their notebook, journal The learners will write in their The learners will
journal or portfolio their personal notebook, journal or portfolio their or portfolio their personal insights about the notebook, journal or portfolio write in their
V. REFLECTION insights about the lesson. personal insights about the lesson. lesson. their personal insights about the notebook, journal or
(Reflection on lesson. portfolio their
the type of I understand that _____________ I understand that ___________ I understand that ___________ personal insights
formative I realize that _________________ I realize that _______________ I realize that _______________ I understand that _____________ about the lesson.
assessment used for I realize that _________________
this particular I understand that
exemplar) _____________
I realize that

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