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Division of Marinduque

Santa Cruz North Cluster Page

Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

The department of education {DEPED} implemented the k to 12 program for
To adapt in the changing world especially being molded to develop specific competence
needed in their future. One of these competencies is the communication skill that are very
essential in entering the global competition. K to 12 enhance skill of the learners such their
writing skill to become more competent in facing the challenges of school and work.
We all know how hard and challenging our life at present but department of
education [DEPED] implement a new way to be continued the education for the student and
it is module we all know that activities in module are difficult to answer without explanation
of the teacher but we need to accomplish the activities in module because education is
important in every person it have difficult problem that face the student in answering module
activities there are different problem in answering module activities of the student like lack
of internet connection, lack of gadgets to be research the answer, lack of time for studying
there module, technical issue distraction ,lack of inperson interaction and other problem.
Activities in module is important for every learners to know the teacher what the
student learn about the module. And to enhance there mind for doing activities without help
of others. Activities in module are very challenging for every learners activity is meaning
full and ensure student development and advancement through the unit. Activity should
build previous activities and avoid being repetitive, they should unable student to engage
with and develop there skills, knowledge and understanding in different ways. Meaning full
activities engage students inactive constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative ways.
Education plays vital role in rationale development. All nation of the world trying
there best for there survival in the race of development and progress and education is being
considered as the key element for the purpose in recent year the need for distance and
combined forms of education has growth increasingly. It is mainly due to increased demand
for tertiary education and the need for frequent in changes in vocational education traditional
full time teaching can often not be use in employee training. The problem of distance in
learning is the most participant have no practical experience with this form of teaching. This
lead to worse result for distance student, student need not only to prepare quality teaching
materials but also to adapt their teaching method (van de vord 2010) (klimova 2015) it turns
that distance learning is difficult for the student. The most important problem lies in abilities
of student to manage there studies. Part of the student is unable to plan a well – proportioned
schedule for learning they often start to learn at the and of the semester before exam day are
requested to finish successfully courses and that’s why they don’t have enough time to
complete all course requirement, and oftened the fail and they whole study (me phee 2012)
the fist semester of the study is the most problematic period of studies there are many such
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

student that interupt there studies on this period one of the reason is wrong information and
incorrect idea about the distance learning ( levy 2007) (shachar, neuman 2003)


This study focused on problem encountered by selected grade 11 student in
answering module activities. This particular study sought answer o the following.
1.what are the experience of the respondent in understanding the module ? the respondent understand the module and answer the activities?
3.what are the implication of having more activities, less activities? they overcome the challenges?


This study may help the following.
1.grade 11 student
Will beneficial to the grade 11 student who has struggling on answering their module
activities. The finding of this study may help the student to overcome those problem.
To know the teachers why student sometimes did not answer the other activities in
module and to know what is the problem encountered by the student by answering modules
activities and how they explain it clearly to the student about the activities in module.


This study was conducted in barangay Ipil Sta. Cruz Marinduque specially in this
study the research sample/respondent were twelve (12) student of grade 11 in Ipil Sta. Cruz
This study focused mainly on problem encountered by grade 11 student in answering
module activities

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Santa Cruz North Cluster Page
Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

This chapter discussed about the related literature and studies gathered by the
researchers from various resources. The researcher collect information and analyze each of it
topic. Likewise the researchers compare and contrast the different perception of the others
mention in this study to clearly state the difference and similarities of it, which may serve as
a great help for them to the study they are working on.


Proper and good education is very important for all of us it facilitate quality learning
all through the life among people of any age group, cast, creed, religion and region. It is the
process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs and moral habits. People need to get
high level awareness about importance of knowledge more than before. Education is very
necessary for each and everyone in order to improve knowledge, way of living as will as
social and economic status throughout the life. Getting proper education is the birth right of
everyone restricting which is the crime. Education is ultimate way to get victory over all the
personal social problem. Education is very important roles in over life. Wee need to be
educated. It transform us completely from inside and outside by changing our mind and
personality as will as improving our confidence level it change our life completely as it is
constructive in nature.(rosen berg 2001) as we look at the factors in the development e
learning approach become very important today (kegl,. Sarsar, arikan, meghur ,sahin and
kokog 2010) the independence of e learning environment from the time and space in an
important factor fo student(Emir 2006) e learning is a great opportunity for those individual
who have little time to study because of work or other commitment as well as there who
cannot undertake or continue face to face education of physical barrier (bates, 2005) in order
to ensure the organization and follow up of e learning courses the learning management
system software is used (Aydan and birogul 2008) this software provides for student
registration course. Registration course monitoring acces to teaching resources assessment
and evaluation of activities (duran,onal and kurtalug , 2006 greenberg , 2002) one of the
most important issue in e learning is measurement and evaluation (simoonion,shaldino
,Albright and zvazeck, 2006) according to the nature of e learning the measurement of
evaluation process are undertaken through computer or internet via online exam modules.

The above mentioned studies are closely related to the present study the author
emphasized learning is a great opportunity for those individuals who have little time to study

Problem encountered – difficulties that grade 11 student might encounter in doing their
Student – a selected person encountering a problem in doing their module activities.
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

Module – it consist of separate papers where activities was being done by the selected grade
11 students
Activities – it is a condition in which things are happening or being done a thing that grade
11 does doing their module.
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Santa Cruz North Cluster Page
Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

This chapter present the method used by the researchers which include the research design
,research locale, the population and sample, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and
data analysis use in the study.


The descriptive method was employed in the study to know what is the problem encountered of
selected grade 11student in answering module activities. Descriptive studies in which the researchers
interact with the participants may involve surveyor interviews to collect necessary information.

Descriptive method is fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of data. In order to
answer the question enumerated in the study. Also it is used obtain information relating to the current
states of an issue to described ‘what exist’ with in the variable or condition of the situation.


The study will be conducted at barangay Ipil. With twelve (12) respondents, the study focus more about
the problem encountered by selected grade 11 student in answering module activities.


The researchers used the non- probability sampling which is purposive as their method or process
of selecting respondents. The sample respondents were the grade 11 student in Ipil which consist of
twelve (12) students.


In conducting the study, the researchers use survey questionnaire as their data gathering
instrument which compost of three parts which are what are your common experiences that you
encountered during answering the module? What do you do when you can’t understand the questions in
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

the module? How helpful for you to have more or less activities? the questionnaire was developed on
what problem that always encountered by the grade 11 students in answering module activities.


The first phase of the study was the preparation of questionnaires to be answered by the grade 11
student in barangay Ipil.

The second phase was the distribution of the questionnaire to the grade 11 students in barangay
Ipil and then later was retrieved.

The third phase was analyzing and interpreting the result of the gathered data from grade 11
students in barangay Ipil.


The researcher provided questionnaire which respondent own insight. The researcher gathered
twelve (12) as a researcher respondents then after the respondents answering the questionnaire the
researcher interpret the respondents answer.
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Santa Cruz North Cluster Page
Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

This chapter presented the analysis and interpretation of data the result are presented in
which follow the sequence of the question presented in chapter 1
1. What are the common problem that you've encountered on answering your module?
 The problem that they encountered are they have no enough time to answer all
activities because sometimes they can't understand the given example and question
and hard to study by their own self.
2. Do you have any difficulties in self studying? Why or why not?
 Yes they have difficulties in self studying because they can't study by their own self
without explanation of teachers and day getting bored and stress to study alone.
3. How long did it take you to answer per subject?
 They take to answer 1-2 hours for the easiest and 2-4 hours for the hardest subject.
4. Why do you think it is important to read and analyze your module?
 It is important for them to analyze their module because they say that analyzing the
module is important to understand the lesson and to caught some answer for every
5. What do you do if you can't understand the question in the module?
 They do if they can't understand the question in the module are asked for the teacher
and use some research engine like Google to answer the question that they can't
6. What specific subject that you most can't understand the question?
1 The most specific subject that they can't understand the question are general
mathematics, practical research, introction to philosophy of a human person, Java
programing and understanding culture society and politics ( UCSP).
7. How helpful to have more or less activities?
 Less activity and more activity are same helpful because they say that less activities
is helpful because they have enough time to do all activities and to study well they
also say that more activities also helpful because they need to be more focus in their
module and to enhance their mind to do all activities and also to manage their time to
study their module.
8. Is it stressing you out to have more activities? Why?
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

 Yes they stress if have more activities because they have not enough time to do all
activities because some question in the module are hard to understand and they need
to think and read all the example and lesson to answer the activities.
9. Do having less of it makes you happy ? Why?
 Yes they happy if they have less activities because they have enough time to study all
the module and also less stress to think the answer for every activity.
10. How can you overcome those challenges in answering the activity?
 The say that they need to be positive thinking and more focos in their module to
analyze the lesson and they need a time management and do their best to answer all
activities to overcome their challenges in answering the activity.
Based on our gathered data above
it shows that grade 11 students have difficulties on understanding and answering their
module activities and also shows that all answer of grade 11 student for every question are
same because they have same experienced or same problem that they encountered on
understanding and answering their module activities.
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

This chapter primarily presented the Summary of findings, conclusion and
This particular study primarily aimed to problem encountered by selected grade
11 students in answering module activities the respondents of this study were the grade 11
student which consists of twelve (12) students.
The researchers instrument is the descriptive method were the researchers used some
questionnaire as their data gathering instrument which composed of one (1) part this study
was conducted at Barangay Ipil Sta. Cruz Marinduque.
Based on the presentation and interpretation and interpretation gathered data in chapter 4, the
following are hereby summarized
The findings reveal that grade 11student have a difficulties in understanding
and answering their module activities.
In light of summary of findings made the following conclusions are hereby
The researcher fuond that the problem that encountered by the grade 11 students are
difficulties in understanding and answering their module activities.
From above findings, the researcher recommend the following.
1. This research recemmends to the teacher of the result of this study to add up what teachers
need to do or how they guide the students that experiencing difficulties in answering module
activities and also how they explain it to understand the students clearly.
2. The findings suggest that the grade 11 students should need to be more focus on their
module to help their self to answering all activities on their module.
3. The researcher further recommend this study to the parents of students that experiencing
difficulties in understanding and answering their module activities the parents should also
need their guide to know what they need to do for their siblings.
1. What are the common problem that you've encountered on answering your module?
2. Do you have any difficulties in self studying? Why or why not?
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Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

3. How long did it take you to answer per subject?

4. Why do you think it is important to read and analyze your modul?
5. What do you do if you cnat understand the question in the module?
6. What specific subject that you most can't understand the question?
7. How helpful to have more or less activities?
8. Is it stressing you out to have more activities? Why?
9. Do having less it makes you happy? Why?
10. How can you overcome those challenges in answering the activity?

Respondent 1.
1the common problem that I encountered is difficulties in understanding some of the given
example and questiins, it is so hard to learn by your own.
2. Yes it is so difficult to learn by yourself it is hard without guidance of teacher while
learning the lesson.
3. 1-2 hours
4. It is important to read the context of the modules because you can't answer the following
question and it is the way to learn the lesson
5. I ask my subject teacher she/ he gave me some important details so that i can understand it
6. I usually can't understand is that practical research subject.
7. Less activity is better while more activity is better too it both helpful but stressful
8. Yes. Because you have to think and read all the example and lesson to answer all the
9.yes of course, because less activity less stress to think.
10. I always tried to answer all the questions, sometimes I use internet or asking my teacher
to guide me in answering it and I tried my best to learn the lesson
1lack of time to answered all my activities
2. Can't concentrate in my self studying because sometimes it's hard to understand the ather
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3.2-3 hours for the hardest and easiest.

4. To understand and to know your lesson.
5. I search in Google.
6. General mathematics
7.more activities is helpful because to engage you to answer the activities to a right time and
less activities also helpful because less stress and I have enough time to do all my activities
8. Yes. Because some question in the module I can't understand it.
9. Yes. Because less stress and I have enough time to do all
10. Positive thinking and focus in my module.
Respondent 3.
1. The common problem that I encountered in answering my module , sometime I can't
concentrate in my module and sometimes lack of time and focus to answer all activities
2. Yes because some in the lesson is unfamiliar for me and I can't pick up quickly because it
is hard without explanation of teacher
3.the easiest for me it takes 1 hours and 2-3or 4 hours to the hardest
4. It is important to read and analyze because this way I help my self to understand the
5.isearch it in Google
6. General mathematics is helpful to be more activities because in this way you can manage your time and you
need to bo more focus In my module.
8. Yes. Because I have not enough time to do all the task and sometimes hard to answer by
my self
9. Yes because I have enough time to study all my module and also less stress.
10. By thinking positively and more focus on my module evev it's more or less and I need a
time management .
Respondent 4.
1. The common problem that I've encountered in answering my module is lack of time to
answer all my modules due to great number of activities.
2.yes. because some of the lesson are not familiar to me and there are some cases that it was
very hard to study by my own.
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3. I think it takes 1-2 hours for me to answer the easiest subject and 3-4 hours for the hardest
one it also depends on the number of activities in each subject.
4. It is important to read and analyze your module to easily understand and answer it.
5.i asked my teacher and also my classmates.
6. General mathematics. is helpful to have less activities so you can have enough time to study all the lesson.
8. Yes due to lack of time to answer all the activities.
9. Absolutely yes. Because I have enough time for all the task that I should do. I can also
take soma rest.
10. By thinking positively that I can answer it and also having time management.
Respondent 5.
1. Having difficulties doing it because it's hard to understand some of its questions.
2. Yes because i can ask no one. But thanks to those research engines I can manage the
3. I've answered it more than hour.
4. To understand the modules
5. Search in the Google and ask to my classmates.
6. General mathematics
7. It's helpful to have more if I have enough time, and less one if I need more time doing the
other stuff.
8. Yes . Because no one was there to help me sometimes.
9. Yes. Because less stress.
10. By reading , analyzing and understanding it rightfully.

Respondent 6.
1.the common problem that I've encountered in answering my module is lack of time.
Because I'm with aunt's place that's why I need to do those chores or anything that I must do
before I'm preceed in answering my modules.
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2. A Lil bit for me it's not that hard to self study because you can use some research
enginebor ask your teacher if you've having a difficulties too.
3. It takes an hour for me to finish it.
4. It's important to read and analyze the modules for us to understand it and answer it
5. I does research, use my phone and google some questions that was hard to understand
sometimes I ask my teachers too.
6. Introduction to philosophy of a human person.
7. For me it's helpful to have more activities because I can gain more knowledge and I learn
new things . In the other it's also helpful to have less of it specially if I need to do the other
stuff or my responsibility in our house.
8. Yes specially if it is hard I had a lot of work after it.
9. Yes, because I can do some things and it can lessen my stress.
10. I over come it by praying and asking help to God.
Respondent 7
1. Unfamiliar words.
2. Yes because sometimes it's hard to understand.
3. 1-2 or 3 hours
4. To know the topic or the module that given
5. Search on Google.
6. Practical research
7. Helpful to have less activities because it is less stress and less to think.
8. Yes, I always stress if have more activities because some question are hard to understand.
9. Yes. Because less stress and less thinking to answer.
10. I need to no more focus in my module to answer all activities.

Respondent 8.
1. Can't understand the given example and question in math.
2. Yes, because it's hard to understand sometimes.
3. 1 hour to the easiest and 2-3 hours for the hardest.
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4. To understand properly and answer correctly.

5. I search in Google.
6. Java programing.
7. Less activities is helpful because I study all subject and also less stress. More activities
also helpful to maintain my time management to do all activities in module.
8. Yes, because it is stressing to have more activities.
9. Yes, because it is less stressful.
10. By anlyzing it properly.
Respondent 9.
1. The problem that I've encountered in answering module is difficult in answering the
question and the problem and solving in general mathematics.
2. Yes, because it's not easy to answer the other problem in module.
3. Sometimes it takes 2-3 hours.
4. Read and analyze my module is important because the answer in in the module and to
understand the lesson.
5. Ask help to my teacher and search in the Google.
6. General mathematics.
7. If I have a less activities I have enough time to answer.
8. Yes, because I have more activities to do and I don't know to do it.
9. Yes because the time is enough for me to answer my module.
10. I need to bocome positive minded and just focus in my module.

Respondent 10.
1. I can't understand some question in the module.
2. Yes, sometimes I got stress to answer my module by my self it's hard for me without
explanation of teacher .
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3. 1hour for the easiest and 2-3 hours to the hardest subject.
4. To understand my module.
5. I search to Google.
6. Understanding culture society and politics.
7.less activity is helpful because I have more time to answer more activity also helpful
because I need to be more focus in my module.
8. Yes, because sometimes I have no more time to do all my task because some question are
difficult to understand.
9. Yes, because less stress and I have a lot of time to study all my module.
10. I need to analyze the lesson for every module and more focus and always think positive.
Respondent 11.
1i can't understand easily the problem solving in math and I have not enough time to solve it
sometimes I skip it.
2. Can't concentrate without explanation of teacher.
3. 1 and half hours for the easiest and 1-2 or 3 sometimes for the hardest.
4. It is important because to understand and to know my lesson.
5. Search in Google.
6. General mathematics.
7. Less activity is helpful because to answer and study all my module. More activity also
helpful because mi mind will enhance for every activity.
8. Yes because sometimes I have enough time to answer all the activities because the other
question is hard to understand.
9. Absolutely yes because less activity less stress.
10. I need to be more focus in my module and time management also.

Respondent 12.
1. Difficult questions and the time is not enough for me to complete my answer.
2. Yes. Sometimes I got stress and bored to answer my module .
3. Sometimes the long did it take to answer per subject is 2-3 hours.
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4. It is important because the answer is on the module and because of that you more
understand the module.
5. I ask to my teacher and to my classmates.
6. General mathematics.
7. If I have more activities the time is not enough for me to complete my answer .if I have
less activities it is enough for me to complete my answer.
8. Yes. Because If I have more activities I didn't know what to do because there is more
activities that I need to finish.
9. Yes. Because the time is enough for me to study all my module and less stress.
10. To overcome those challenges in answering my activity I need to becone positive minded
that I can do even if it is hard and just focus in my module.

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Division of Marinduque
Santa Cruz North Cluster Page
Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

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