Note 19-Mar-2021

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Lrlerachve Sesion Friday, (4% March 2021 REF ef 2 made X a Qn Az a v2 Bun val Beckie cke" EROS t BO ey . —» AF oo-e oh. © ° 2 okr °° nan Oo o . oO Exams : fosgible REFS of size 2x3 ae oo 0 [3 * x [3 ae [o 08 | [¢ oO 020 ax3 oO Fy, fy eR be [e o° on * ook oh * where * Caw oo hk wcunk number, and be, Pa are nonzero ooenk chambers + Basis of a vechy Space ee de any VS RT! a aenbspace fF 26 V ort, ys clesed av rt. addin & scalar mult, hee, X yeviaxtyev xeVve v cope Suppee Vw a Bubspace of Rm Defn: A cubsel SAF VIS 4 basis f Vr TO ¢ ts nearly indep, ® S has He wrancimum peserbte mo. eltc among Uns indep subsets FV, which means st = mon f iv]: TONM,T Heh clement Lin, indap wel . ( Note: rtoR ¥ inktp => (TIl<1 ) (oe Character eaten of a baeic) Sis a bags ep a veer sha V™ <7 oss rea. pndap., ard S Shans Ve This means eve YEW is a dened Def: combinedan of fnitely — (s)= Grit, HONS vechss in S, spon (S)= the set of al Grane thes combinahons of elements & S, S spans Vo means shan(S)= Ve A basis of 4 ve ctr Spare Vean be Hought oh as a Swami ad nearly inclepe nate cubodt” of Vy ber cuboet SPV ste S is Uns indep, and there is no S'CV Ste slits Aine dep and sos’, ut Sheet #3 t nx Gr) VV subspace IR wth dim V=%. scVv: S Frit. , span S= Vv, jsl=4 To show: 0) 47%" Let Bbe a bars f V. Then [Bl=%. Sine Shen csev2a2B, ee elf. & B is adn. comb’ of te # elements of S, xf we had ep, then by the © Crucial Therem”, B would be Ainontey dsperdent , which fs & ombedtichon, So we mauct Reve “2 <> This proves a, Ui) «4 @ S* abavis #V, This can be seen by showing that ee Shans Vo and S tc Bans defendant, then FxES ot: x & shen Sr where S, 2S SL%4. But teen eae SAMY But then ee akplzing part) # S- => Sy 2th, which contradicts 48a astambhon : feat S=*- [.Nole! rf we abply gimila argument 4S, as was dore S, and continue, fen we rll be able 4 Show that every cet S Het shans Vo hos & cubset which is a bass of wl thes bagis e-> minimal chanving set Citi) <> rancna tons tree sek ZF sod, ten S contain a beavis of V. Since 2 7%, and fhe 4 elements of B chan V. S must be tinenerly Aspertink (iy Crvciel, so FIXES ot x I of elements of Sim Sv$x,b, Now FF [Sl=%, we ave done by past Ci) : O thexwice Il ra, art by a eimilar argument, s, Is dineakly oleperdent ad 3 XE S ote FE Bee comb” of elements op Sy = grtet= sx i, %} Sid kara chen S = span Spa shen = Me Th (Syl =%, We ore dora by part cl). Oterme 19,17% ord we continue as bodore +b get So ard so mM, Confinuing in thy wag, we obtain a subset of S which shans VC and has A elements, avd io tere aband V. [Aliter: Cheese 4 Lin, iadep. eubset of S oR wonimues poserbhe cardinality and observe fot if must span Vi, and is Rena a bacw of V. J ¢ a Lineas comb” Ae Re” in REE => pivotal cotamns f A” form & To show basis F A‘), bBo: First { of cours wee wos } . TE we dene fro pivotak columns bg Ce Co tt Or and (Ff be Barco lr denole te pivots eh GO 7 GMOS backing at ~t crpeeincle dezi~ 0 (sin @ =o) 7 : x, Peele tT ee) tie eX, oO cine pt? fe . —p ween care Lin, indep ° 4 at So thin can be dona by First looking a “8 tine wat pe Xe Pe. , and then subst ting He & JerRing ak Aliker: Greider avd em, ne . xe % a. cle]. Co | Cg Then : oO Py ae Kr has a cebution He 2x2 oinsbin and tho stows that 1 € span JCipoeGeb, ) BIA = fn ee ren iR ig a enbspaw of called the crow -space of A a EES A’ —=s RIA = RIA), Suppere the wows of A axe Oy M2, >> Om Thee UR)» Sben §2 1p Payor Bd. R; AS By jon DD, Dio % 9:3} ‘ i Oy See Ge “a R44 Rj r ada: ” A 7 3SA Byrn Op, 2748, &R; 1 Dare eee re Um A — OA By, B43) Dies, we S, Tn each case iF v easy to seq Rak fen Sous @ AYR = shan f sows PAP, NOTE | esoyrrank (A) = dim ® (A) . EG) per”, ceR™ To show: wcanklA B) < pain {rank A, ranks e bin, combinations Columns of AB an dim G(KB) < den BA), be, => crank (AB) S rank (A) , Using tris cesult ¢ we also sax that - crank ETAT) < vane (B ) ' scank (AB) = wank (Cay) < wank (B) thes pauk CAB) < min § wank (A) onl ()f [ Niter: NCB) & w(AB) Sx: axcok $x »ABK =o? So nullify (8) < nullify (A®) p- wank (8) < ce rey ccank (AB) < vwonk (B), J , Aliter 2: Observe that ab) < RB). jew of AB = QAB)= (gA)B ty a Bin. comb of. vows FB. Hone yk (AB) < rank (BD, J @oafelr vif: o2 3 3 ¢ 3 Ly eo By ~~ REF a ‘ ' aank (A) = 3 A b cnullify (A) = 5-3=2. dim (sotaken space of. Ax=0) =~ 2 Reagan Ae Noll- space of A @rob = [a] a Aen b[e] DX, 2X3 14% — =2 Ce! 5X, — + =| —2%y =2 => xX = a-Xo_ -l lke 2 Zz Wy a AeMeraes 2 ita Be ° Ss $ Y%,= -3 p= 73 y 1 luxg tXo 42 Yo = 2% 2g lta tS Qa fy. rteh Yet2 1 (e% te (ted Ye) ¢ ‘) - is 2 pid Tp + le a 10 2 2 = s+ (s -Z4t)*s = e+ (aot *) Ke 1° - To This % = %e X= + Ya = B- BS 10 = ~2%¢ So He gareral svluton of AX= be given bg : 0 t 33// _ - (O xe © 2% é t4%] -3/10 ~( ° vo 3 ( were Xi, HAVE onbeheany seclews

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