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Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161

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Environmental and economic assessment of sustainable municipal solid T

waste management strategies in Iran
Abtin Maghmoumi, Fatima Marashi, Ehsan Houshfar*
School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-4563, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Waste management in urban areas has always been a major concern for municipalities. The gigantic population
Waste management growth results in massive waste production, leading to a worrying rise in the level of greenhouse gas emissions, a
GHG emissions major global issue. The most common techniques for energy recovery from waste are WTE and landfill gas
WTE plant plants. In this research, four different waste management scenarios have been investigated, and the emitted
GHGs are analysed using the IPCC guideline for municipal solid waste (MSW) in Tehran. Furthermore, the total
Sensitivity analysis
cost of each scenario is calculated. Also, effect of various parameters, such as plant usage, methane recovery
factor, and MSW heating value, on the emissions is evaluated. The results depict that among all the investigated
alternatives, scenario 3 (in which 50 % of the waste was burned in WTE plant, 30 % landfilled, and 20 %
recycled) has the least GHG emissions in the target region. For a more thorough analysis, a cost comparison
between the scenarios was performed, indicating that landfilling with recovery is the most economical option.
Focusing on various technical, economic, and environmental aspects of waste management, this paper provides a
comprehensive framework for a combined plan of action in the waste management sector of Iran.

1. Introduction Several studies have analysed different MSW management scenarios

using available WTE technologies. Yang et al. evaluated carbon emis-
As the urban population is growing at a rapid rate, managing mu- sion from different waste components and waste sectors using life cycle
nicipal solid waste (MSW) is an environmental concern all over the analysis. The study is done on Xiamen city located in Southeast Asia,
world. Tehran, the capital of Iran with a population of more than 8 and emissions related to generation, transportation, and disposal of
million, generates over 3 million tonnes of MSW in a year (Tavana waste are considered in the analysis. Also, waste composition variation
et al., 2019). Currently, almost all of the MSW collected from Tehran is and their emissions are evaluated from 2015 to 2050 (Yang, Xu, Gao,
open-dumped in suburban areas. As a result, problems such as severe Guo, & Huang, 2018). Islam et al. compared different MSW manage-
air, groundwater, and surface water pollution have arisen near open ment scenarios for Bangladesh aiming to minimize GHG emissions.
landfill dumping sites. If this practise persists, there will be no place left These scenarios include landfill with recovery, WTE, and material re-
to dump the MSW in a near future. To solve this problem, new MSW covery facility (MRF). They recommended that a combination of WTE
management methods must be implemented. Recently, waste-to-energy and landfilling with recovery is the optimal procedure (Islam, 2017). In
(WTE) has been recognized as an MSW management strategy to control a more recent similar study, further detailed sustainable approaches are
the pollution and simultaneously generate electricity and/or heat from recommended for Bangladesh and other developing countries to reduce
MSW. There are currently different WTE technologies implemented greenhouse gases from the treatment of urban waste (Shams, Sahu,
around the World, e.g. incineration, landfilling with recovery, and Rahman, & Ahsan, 2017). Woon et al. evaluated GHG emissions from
anaerobic digestion (AD). Our calculations, based on the IPCC method four defined MSW management scenarios in Hong Kong. The scenarios
(Jensen & Pipatti, 2001), shows that large dumpsites in Tehran emit consisted of landfill extension and advanced incineration facility. They
889.6 kg CO2 eq. per tonne of waste in a year; thus, WTE has to be further conducted a sensitivity analysis to discover the effect of dif-
considered as one of the main solutions to minimize these GHG emis- ferent parameters on the GHG emissions (Woon & Lo, 2013). Tan et al.
sions. Considering Iran’s situation, incineration and landfilling with evaluated the economic and environmental impact of incineration,
recovery are well-suited technologies, as they are mature and well-de- landfill, and AD for Taman Beringin, Malaysia (Tan, Hashim, Lee, Taib,
veloped for different conditions and capacities. & Yan, 2014). Two years later, Fazeli et al. reviewed different waste

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Houshfar).
Received 26 August 2019; Received in revised form 27 March 2020; Accepted 27 March 2020
Available online 25 April 2020
2210-6707/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Maghmoumi, et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161

Nomenclature Abbreviations

CFj Carbon fraction of component j [-] AD Anaerobic digestion

DOC The fraction of degradable carbon in waste [-] EAC Equivalent annual cost
DOCF The fraction of degradable carbon decomposed [-] FOD First order decay
dmj Dry matter fraction of component j [-] GHG Greenhouse gas
F Recovery rate of methane from LFG [-] IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change
FCFj Fossil carbon fraction of component j [-] LCA Life cycle assesement
MCF Methane correction factor [-] LFG Landfill gas
OX Oxidation factor [-] MRF Material recovery facility
R Recovery rate of methane [-] MSW Municipal solid waste
WFj The weight factor of component j [-] MSWM Municipal solid waste management
RDF Refuse-derived fuel
Subscripts SLCP Short-lived climate pollutants
SRF Solid recovered fuels
j Component j TPP Tarasht power plant
WTE Waste to energy

management techniques used in Malaysia and stated that incineration, biological methods would outperform. Due to the distinct character-
gasification, and pyrolysis are applicable considering the high level of istics of MSW in each city, a specific MSW management approach is
moisture in Malaysia’s MSW composition (Fazeli, Bakhtvar, needed. Thus, based on the city dimension, organic fraction of MSW,
Jahanshaloo, Che Sidik, & Bayat, 2016). Mavrotas et al. developed a and wealth generated in the city, a guiding framework is proposed
multi-objective mathematical model to find Pareto optimal candidate (Aleluia & Ferrão, 2016). In a later study, Liu et al. used EaseTech
solutions for a waste management framework in the Athens region in software to model five MSW management scenarios in China. Their
Greece. To find an optimal solution, the GHG emissions were evaluated research depicts that because of high organic fraction (i.e., about 50–70
in addition to the economic analysis. Each optimal solution presents the %) and moisture content (> 50 %), the net GHG emissions in China
corresponding technologies and their capacities (Mavrotas, Gakis, differ from the developed countries (Liu, Sun, & Liu, 2017).
Skoulaxinou, Katsouros, & Georgopoulou, 2015). Ouda et al. assessed In this study, for the first time, different municipal solid waste
different MSW management strategies’ potential in KSA. They con- management (MSWM) scenarios are analysed for Tehran to produce
sidered two possibilities for WTE, incineration, and refuse-derived fuel, electricity from the waste sector. The goal of this study is to reach a
along with biomethanation (Ouda et al., 2016). Ali et al. evaluated the strategy for MSW management while minimizing GHG emissions and
environmental impact of different MSW management scenarios for costs. The data used in this research has been gathered from different
Pakistan and concluded that in terms of Emergy investment and net sources, such as statistical yearbooks, official information, and IPCC
GHG emissions, the scenario which consists of sanitary landfilling, report (Coburn, Pingoud, Thorsen, & Wagner, 2006). After data gath-
composting and recycling is the most applicable solution (Ali, ering, the net GHG emissions and cost of different scenarios were cal-
Marvuglia, Geng, Chaudhry, & Khokhar, 2018). culated and analysed. This article, thereby, aims to thoroughly in-
In Iran, most of the research and policy actions have been focused vestigate the feasible strategies and support decision-makers in the area
on the northern region and especially on the incineration option (Feyzi, of solid waste management, highlighting the pros and cons of various
Khanmohammadi, Abedinzadeh, & Aalipour, 2019). Malmir and Tojo waste management scenarios.
studied the changes in Tehran’s waste stream from 2008 to 2012. It is
concluded that the generated MSW increased by 10 % in these 4 years
(Malmir & Tojo, 2016). In a recent comprehensive study, Tavana et al. 2. Methodology
investigated the possible electricity recovery from MSW in all of the
provinces’ capital cities in Iran to find a suitable substitute for fossil fuel Tehran is the capital of Iran and the most crowded city in the
power generation. Also, suitable waste incineration plants are sug- country. Hence, waste management has always been a problem. In this
gested for each province (Tavana et al., 2019). In another study, research, four scenarios are determined and the GHG emissions and
Akhavan Limoodehi et al. suggest five waste management scenarios for economic feasibility of each strategy is evaluated. The scenarios consist
Tehran’s MSW and compares them using the life cycle assessment (LCA) of incineration, landfill with energy recovery, and material recovery
method. The emissions of each scenario are obtained from the in- facility (MRF), as summarised in Table 1. The calculations are done for
tegrated waste management (IWM) model (Limoodehi, Tayefeh, a 100-year time frame, but the final results are converted to a one-year
Heydari, & Ali, 2017). period. GHG emissions were calculated using the IPCC guideline
Mayer et al. reviewed over 300 studies published in the field of (Coburn et al., 2006). The output energy from the WTE technology is
environmental LCA of WTE technologies. The studies included tech- used to offset the energy demand of a typical gas turbine power plant.
nologies such as AD, hydrothermal carbonization, pyrolysis, and in- So, GHG avoidance can be calculated based on the power plant’s data.
cineration. They suggested that AD and gasification have a lower en- The gas turbine power plant considered in this research is Tarasht
vironmental effect over a lifetime perspective (Mayer, Bhandari, &
Gäth, 2019). Arafat et al. studied the environmental impact of five Table 1
Proposed MSW management scenarios for Tehran.
waste treatment methods with energy recovery; including incineration,
gasification, AD, bio-landfills, and composting. They compared the CO2 Scenario Incineration Landfill MRF
emitted from different components of waste in each method. (Arafat, (tonnes MSW day−1) (tonnes MSW day−1) (tonnes MSW day−1)

Jijakli, & Ahsan, 2013). Scenario 1 8223 (100 %) 0 0

Aleluia and Ferrão reviewed waste production in low and middle- Scenario 2 0 8223 (100 %) 0
income Asian countries. In developing Asian countries, the organic Scenario 3 4112 (50 %) 2467 (30 %) 1645 (20 %)
fraction of MSW is generally more than 50 %, which suggests that Scenario 4 2467 (30 %) 4112 (50 %) 1645 (20 %)

A. Maghmoumi, et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161

power plant (TPP) located in downtown Tehran. The procedure to Mechanical Treatment (MT) analysis (Papageorgiou, Karagiannidis,
calculate GHG avoidance is explained in section 2.2. Barton, & Kalogirou, 2009). As mentioned before, 20 % of MSW is
To estimate the percentage of the MSW treated in the MRF facility, treated in the MRF facility, where refuse-derived fuel (RDF), recyclable
the suggested classification by Ouda et al. for the components of MSW metals, and residues are the outcomes. In general, RDF is an unspecified
suitable for MRF was taken into account (Ouda et al., 2016). Thus, fuel derived from the coarse fraction of the MSW treated in the MRF
waste components, including plastics and plastic bottles, textiles, paper facility before the biological treatment is applied. Papageorgiou et al.
and cardboard, and leather and rubber, were suggested to be recycled. substituted the coal used as the fuel in cement kilns with RDF; since
The above-mentioned compositions make up 20 % of Tehran’s MSW Attica has no waste incineration power plant. Therefore, in the current
(Sanei, Houshfar, Nasiri, & Ashjaee, 2015). study, the emission avoidance of coal was replaced with natural gas,
which is used as fuel in the incineration plant. Also, the RDF, which is
2.1. GHG emissions recovered from the coarse fraction, is calculated based on real domestic
data (Sanei et al., 2015).
2.1.1. Incineration
Incineration of MSW leads to various GHG emissions. Based on the 2.2. GHG avoidance
IPCC report, the main gases which should be considered are CO2, CH4,
and N2O (Guendehou, Koch, Hockstad, Pipatti, & Yamada, 2006). Each Firstly, the amount of electricity produced through incineration was
component of the waste stream has a different fossil carbon fraction, calculated based on the heating value of MSW adapted from data of a
which causes CO2 emissions during incineration. The specifications of recent investigation (Sanei et al., 2015). The efficiency of the power
Tehran’s waste was adapted from a previous work of our group (Sanei plant that uses the heat produced from MSW was adapted from a study
et al., 2015). Due to lack of data, the default values of IPCC for fossil performed at Columbia University (Rodríguez, 2011). Knowing the
carbon fraction of different components of MSW were considered. The amount of produced electricity, the GHG avoidance could be defined as
following equation was adapted for calculating GHG emissions from the the amount of emissions avoided to produce equal electricity in a ty-
incineration plant (Guendehou et al., 2006). pical power plant, which is TPP in this research. Based on the TPP’s
44 data, to generate 1 kW h electricity, 0.9707 kg CO2 eq. is emitted. For
CO2 Emissions = MSW × ∑ (WFj × dmj × CFj × FCFj × OFj) × 12 landfilling, the same procedure was followed, only the amount of
electricity was calculated based on the methane recovery from landfill.
Here, MSW is the portion of waste sent to the incineration facilities 2.3. Cost analyses
(tonne), WFj is the weight factor of component j, dmj is the dry matter
fraction of component j, CFj is the carbon fraction of component j, FCFj A reliable cost analysis is arduous as the economy is on the verge of
is the fossil carbon fraction of component j, and OFj is the oxidation collapse in Iran. However, considering the analogy between waste
factor (default value of 1 has been taken into account). characteristics in Iran and China, a cost estimation based on the WTE
To calculate the N2O emissions according to the IPCC guideline, we incineration plant data in China seems to be the most accurate option.
have to either use the default values or use the country-specific values. For landfilling, the data of landfills in China were used, and MRF capital
Due to lack of data, we implemented the default value for N2O emission and maintenance costs were adapted from a comprehensive cost ana-
per tonne of waste (50 g N2O tonne−1 of waste), considering that the lysis study performed for Canada (Inc., R.R.S. & S., 2012). To compare
incineration facility works continuously. Based on the IPCC report, in the total cost of different scenarios, the calculation was done for 20
well-functioning incinerators, CH4 emissions are negligible years—from 2015 till 2035—and to compensate different lifetime of
(Guendehou, Koch, Hockstad, Pipatti, & Yamada, 2006). these different WTE methods in the cost analysis, equivalent annual
cost (EAC) was utilized. All costs were converted to USD2015.
2.1.2. Landfilling
The landfill with energy recovery facility is an anaerobic managed 2.3.1. Incineration
landfill. To calculate the methane emissions from the landfill, the mass The capital cost of an incineration plant varies with the plant ca-
balance method is used, given inadequate data for using the First Order pacity. Thus, according to the data from China (Qiu, 2012), a function
Decay (FOD) method. As IPCC states, the fraction of degradable carbon for the cost of incineration plants based on the tonne of MSW was de-
in the MSW which is decomposed (DOCF) is used to calculate the GHG rived. In the next step, the total cost of an incineration plant suitable for
emissions from landfilling (Jensen & Pipatti, 2001). The degradable Tehran’s MSW was calculated. For a better comparison between the
organic carbon (DOC) fraction of the MSW was selected based on the cost of an incineration plant and a landfill, the equivalent annual cost of
IPCC default values. The recovery fraction is assumed to be 0.8. an incineration plant was calculated considering the fact that the op-
16 erating age of a landfill site is 1 year and after that only the methane
CH4 Emissions = MSW × MCF × DOC × DOCF × F × × (1 − OX ) recovery takes place.
× (1 − R) (2)
2.3.2. Landfill
Here, MSW (tonne) is the portion of waste sent to the landfill sites, MCF According to a recent report (Zhou, Gong, Hu, Cao, & Liang, 2015),
is the methane correction factor (MCF is assumed to be 1 in this cal- the average cost of landfill per tonne of waste is 12.9 USD tonne−1. An
culation), DOC is the fraction of degradable carbon in the MSW stream, additional 2.5 USD tonne−1 was considered for purchasing the land
DOCF is the fraction of degradable carbon decomposed, F is the fraction required for the sanitary landfill site. The area needed for the site was
of methane in the landfill gas (default value of 0.5 has been used), OX is calculated based on the volume of the MSW generated in a year in
the oxidation factor (default value of zero), and R is the recovered Tehran, which is about 4,500,000 m3 year−1. The depth of the landfill
methane. site is considered 6 m, and the land value is 10 USD m−2. The main
Following the IPCC recommendations, N2O emissions from land- difference between landfilling and incinerating the generated MSW is
filling are not significant (Coburn et al., 2006). the area of land needed for each one of these methods. The area re-
quired for landfilling is much greater in comparison to the area needed
2.1.3. Material recovery facility for building an incineration plant, taking into account that in land-
Net GHG emissions of MRF are adapted from a comprehensive filling, the required area increases as untreated MSW enters the stream.

A. Maghmoumi, et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161

2.3.3. MRF tonne−1 GHG emissions, i.e., 25.14 % lower than the first scenario. As
To obtain a function for the operating cost of an MRF facility, the Fig. 1 illustrates, there is a great difference between scenario 1 and 2
same procedure as the WTE incineration plant was followed based on from the GHG emission perspective, making scenario 1 the worst GHG
data of a detailed report (Inc., R.R.S. & S., 2012). As mentioned pre- emitting scenario. The lower portion of the incinerated MSW in sce-
viously, 20 % of the MSW is treated in the MRF facility; thus, the MRF nario 4 compared to scenario 3, leads to 6.15 % difference between the
facility recycles about 600,000 tonnes of MSW in a year. A large MRF two scenarios.
station is capable of handling about 50,000 tonnes year−1 of MSW. As a
result, 12 large MRF stations are required for Tehran. In the cost
3.2. GHG avoided from different scenarios
modelling conducted by the Resource Recycling Systems and Stew-
ardEdge Inc. for Ontario, the total capital and operating cost is calcu-
The avoided GHG emission is the GHG emitted from TPP to produce
lated for six models of MRF facilities. The equation which estimates the
the same amount of electricity in the WTE plant. As Fig. 1 illustrates,
cost per tonne of waste is derived from the capital cost calculations. It is
the electricity generated from burning all of the MSW in an incineration
assumed that the facilities have 7.5 productive hours per 8 -h shift.
plant results in the most avoided GHG emissions. As expected, the
Furthermore, land costs are not included in this model (Inc., R.R.S. & S.,
landfilling approach has the least avoided GHG, and based on Fig. 1, it
2012). The labour cost varies in Iran and Canada and might cause a
also has the least emitted GHG. Moreover, WTE incineration plants
small deviation in the calculations.
have the most GHG emissions, nevertheless realizing the fact that they
To calculate the capital cost of the MRF station, the estimated ca-
avoid the most GHG emissions through electricity generation, brings
pital cost from the equation was converted to USD2015. The same life-
about the need for a profound comparison. Therefore, it is necessary to
time of 20 years was considered for the EAC analysis.
consider the net GHG emissions. The results indicate that some sce-
narios may have negative net GHG emissions due to their high value of
2.4. GHG emission reduction from the energy recovery system
avoided GHG.
It is assumed that the electricity generated in the WTE plant is
displaced by the electricity generated in TPP. Because of the high 3.3. Net GHG emissions
moisture content of Iran’s MSW, moving grate is the appropriate type of
incinerator, which has a grate-fired furnace, empty vertical passes, and The difference between generated GHG emissions and avoided GHG
a vertical boiler based on Rodríguez (Rodríguez, 2011). The heat loss in emissions presents the net GHG emissions, which is the best parameter
the furnace, ash bin, and the stack gases is 10 %, the thermal efficiency for comparing the gaseous pollutions in the four scenarios. The net GHG
of the turbine is about 28 %, and approximately 15 % of the electricity emissions for all scenarios range from −97.98 to 41.41 kg CO2 eq.
produced is consumed by the plant itself (parasitic load). Also, the net tonne−1 of MSW at the reference year 2015, as shown in Fig. 2. The
electric efficiency is 21 %. According to our previous investigations negative value of net GHG emissions is due to electricity generation
(Sanei et al., 2015), the heating value of MSW in Iran is about 8.4 MJ from MSW and the corresponding avoided GHG emissions in fossil fuel
kg−1. Adapting the heating value of Tehran’s MSW and considering the power plants. As the portion of landfilling increases, the net GHG
heat loss, turbine cycle efficiency, and the consumed electricity by the emissions increase, because emission avoidance due to incineration is
plant, the energy from MSW exported to the grid is 0.496 MW h higher than landfilling in the current circumstances in Iran. This can be
tonne−1. pertinent to the fact that the methane generation in landfill is only
caused by the biodegradable portion of MSW (Woon & Lo, 2013). The
2.5. Sensitivity analysis on TPP fuel, MSW heating value, and CH4 recovery results indicate that landfilling (scenario 2) has the highest net GHG
rate emissions, so producing the lowest GHG emissions does not necessarily
lead to the lowest net GHG emissions.
The sensitivity analysis is conducted to depict the effect of each Scenarios 1 and 3 nearly have the same amount of net GHG emis-
factor on the net GHG emissions. Accordingly, the value of the above- sions. Fig. 3 illustrates the share of each technology in the net GHG
mentioned factors was changed in a short-range to determine the var- emissions in scenarios 3 and 4. It is observed that by decreasing the
iation of net GHG emissions in each scenario. For the plant usage, the portion of incinerated waste in scenarios 3 and 4, the net GHG emis-
range of 0.3–0.7 Sm3 kWh−1 of natural gas is chosen, based on the cycle sions increase. The per cent of net GHG reductions, compared to sce-
efficiency. The heating value of MSW varies in the range of 7–10 MJ nario 2, are approximately 307 %, 337 % and 275 % for scenarios 1, 3,
kg−1. The methane recovery rate varies from 0.6 to 1, based on IPCC and 4, respectively. Based on the results, a combination of an in-
(Coburn, Pingoud, Thorsen, & Wagner, 2006). The methane recovery cineration plant with recovery, landfilling, and MRF is the best option
rate of 1 is chosen to illustrate the ideal situation.
3. Results and discussion
GHG Emissions (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)

Generated GHG Avoided GHG

In this section, the result of the analysis is explained thoroughly,
and the optimum scenario for MSWM is presented. It is necessary to
mention the fact that due to the absence of landfill with recovery sites 300
in Iran, the required data were adapted from countries with similar
3.1. GHG emissions from different scenarios

The CO2 emitted from different WTE technologies has caused global
concern. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize a WTE technology with the
least GHG emissions. As shown in Fig. 1, the avoided and emitted GHG 0
emissions from different scenarios are studied. The first scenario (i.e., Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
100 % incineration) has 396.14 kg CO2 eq. tonne−1 GHG emissions,
while the second scenario (i.e., 100 % landfill) has 296.53 kg CO2 eq. Fig. 1. Generated and avoided GHG emissions from different scenarios.

A. Maghmoumi, et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161

60 to manage waste in Tehran. However, scenario 1 shows a promising

value of net GHG emissions with a difference lower than five per cent
GHG Emission (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)

with the third scenario. So, a cost analysis on each scenario could
benefit the implementation of the better policy.
3.4. Net GHG emissions from different scenarios

-40 The energy recovery system plays a crucial role in reducing net GHG
-60 emissions. The comparison between the GHG emitted in Fig. 1 and net
GHG emissions from Fig. 2 help to understand the effect of recovery on
-80 -72.56 net GHG emissions in different scenarios. As expected, each scenario
-85.67 with an energy recovery option has considerably lower net GHG
emissionscompared to the no-recovery systems. However, this contrast
is more distinguishable in the first scenario, where the difference be-
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
tween the two net GHG emissions is about 480 kg CO2 eq. tonne−1 of
Fig. 2. Net GHG emitted from different scenarios. MSW. Furthermore, scenario 2 has the lowest level of emissions, not
considering the energy recovery system. Although considering the en-
40 ergy recovery system, it is the only scenario with positive net GHG
GHG Emission (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)

0 3.5. MSW transportation GHG emissions
-20 -42.84
MRF It should be noted that the GHG emitted from the transportation of
-40 MSW were neglected in this study, given its low value. It is re-
-60 -67.57 IncineraƟon
commended, however, to carry out a more detailed survey on the ef-
fects of transportation, especially for the regions which MSWs final
-80 -67.57
destination is distant. It is also necessary to point out that the con-
-100 sidered MSWM sites are located in different suburban regions of
Tehran. So the emitted GHG from transportation require complicated
-120 calculations.
Scenario3 Scenario4

Fig. 3. Net GHG emitted from different parts of scenario 3 and 4. 3.6. Cost analysis

140,000,000 The cost comparison is illustrated in Fig. 4. The results indicate that
landfilling is the cheapest scenario, although there is an excessive need
for purchasing land. All the facilities have initially a capital cost, and
100,000,000 after commissioning a constant maintenance and operation cost is
Cost (USD2015)

80,000,000 MRF added. As expected, the incineration plant has the highest capital cost,
in contrast to landfilling. Incineration is the major technology utilized
in scenarios 1 and 3, which makes them the two most expensive sce-
40,000,000 narios, with a 11 % difference in the capital cost. As stated, the in-
cineration plant is a highly-priced technology, and as it is shown in
Fig. 4, in scenarios 3 and 4, 87 %, and 52 % of the capital cost is due to
0 incineration. It is also necessary to note that landfilling the same
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
amount of incinerated waste leads to 62 % reduction in the capital cost.
Fig. 4. Equivalent annual cost of each scenario. The cost analysis makes the decision-making process even more
complicated, because scenario 3, which has the least net GHG emission,
200 is the second most costly scenario. Also, scenario 2 is the cheapest,
Net GHG Emission (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)

150 while it has the maximum net GHG emission.

3.7. Sensitivity analysis
0 The GHG emitted from different scenarios is dependent on several
Scenario 1
-50 parameters. It is necessary to evaluate the effect of different parameters
Scenario 2
-100 such as the plant usage, methane recovery rate, and the heating value of
Scenario 3
-150 MSW on the results. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates a better
Scenario 4
perception of these relations.
3.7.1. Plant usage sensitivity analysis
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
The methane usage of the gas turbine power plant is a parameter
Plant Usage (m3 kWhо1) related to the plants’ efficiency, and it has a significant impact on the
net GHG emissions of each scenario, as Fig. 5 shows. The results in-
Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis on the effect of plant usage on net GHG emissions. dicate that incineration is the most sensitive scenario to plant usage, as
the plant usage variation shifts it from the second most pollutant sce-
nario to the least pollutant scenario. Also, scenario 2 has the least de-
pendence on plant usage. Increasing the plant usage results in a 294.6

A. Maghmoumi, et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 59 (2020) 102161


Net GHG Emission (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)



0 Scenario3
-100 Scenario4



0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Methane recovery factor
Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis on the methane recovery rate.

Net GHG Emission (kg CO2 eq. tonneо1 of MSW)


Scenario 1
-50 Scenario 2
Scenario 3
-100 Scenario 4


10 9 8 7
HeaƟng Value (MJ kgо1)
Fig. 7. Sensitivity analysis on MSW heating value.

% and 126.5 % decrease in the net GHG emissions from scenario 1 and emissions in scenario 2. If the recovery factor reaches 0.871 and above,
scenario 2, respectively. It is obvious that the net GHG emissions of landfilling releases less GHG emissions than incineration. So it is vital to
scenario 3 follow the same variation as scenario 1, as 50 % of waste is develop and utilize technologies with a higher methane recovery rate.
incinerated in this scenario.
It is concluded that the net GHG emission is affected by the policies
of fuel composition, especially if the incineration technology is utilized. 3.7.3. MSW heating value sensitivity analysis
Improving the fuel composition and also the MSWM technology can The heating value of MSW varies with its composition. Hence it is of
result in a significant reduction in cities' GHG emissions. great interest to study the impact of increasing the heating value. The
heating value only affects the incineration method, as Fig. 7 illustrates.
If the heating value of MSW increases, in the energy recovery process,
3.7.2. Methane recovery rate sensitivity analysis more energy is generated, so more electricity is produced. The pro-
The methane produced in the landfill plant is recovered and com- duced electricity supersedes the electricity generated in the power
busted for electricity generation. It is evident that by increasing the plant. In scenario 1, a 10 % increase in the heating value, results in
recovery factor, net GHG emission decreases. This reduction is both as a maximum 75 % increase in the net GHG emissions. For heating values
result of less release of GHG emissions and more avoided GHG emis- less than 6.2 MJ kg−1, the net GHG emissions of scenario 1 reache
sions. As Fig. 6 demonstrates, the methane recovery factor only affects values higher than scenario 2.
landfilling. In scenario 2, a 10 % change in the methane recovery factor, The heating value of MSW increases as the dry matter composition
results in a maximum 80 % change in the net GHG emissions. Methane increases. Low level of heating value is directly a result of high moisture
recovery factor’s impact on scenario 3 is less than scenario 4; because in content in the MSW. MSW components such as paper, cardboard, and
scenario 4 a greater portion of MSW is landfilled. To achieve a net-zero plastic have a high heating value, in contrast to food waste, metals, and
GHG emission, the methane recovery factor must reach approximately glass. In Tehran, about 62 % of MSW consists of putrescible (Sanei
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