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07/12/2018 9 Exam Paper - IB HL - Numerical Methods - 1st order differential equations

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9 Exam Paper ­ IB HL ­ Numerical Methods ­ 1st order differential

Syllabus: IB(HL)     Questions: 7     Time: 1 hour 5 minutes     Total Marks: 54

This paper contains a set of questions followed by the corresponding mark schemes. The time you
should spend on each question together with its worth in marks is also given. The content of this
paper is based on material from a wide selection of national and international examination boards
and organisations.

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07/12/2018 9 Exam Paper - IB HL - Numerical Methods - 1st order differential equations
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9 Exam Paper ­ IB HL ­ Numerical Methods ­ 1st order differential equations
Questions: 7     Time: 1 hour 5 minutes     Total Marks: 54

Q1 ­ ID: 7529   [9 marks, 11 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
x2 + 4y 2
where f (x y ) = and y(3) = 2 8  
  Use the Euler formula yr+1 = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 15 ,  
to obtain an approximation to y(3 15) giving your answer to 4 dp.  
(b) Use the improved Euler formula yr+1 = yr + 12 (k1 + k2 ),  
where k1 = hf (xr yr ) and k2 = hf (xr + h yr + k1 ) and h = 0 15,  
to obtain an approximation to y(3 15), giving your answer to 4 dp. 

Q2 ­ ID: 7530   [7 marks, 8 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
where f (x y ) = 5x ln x + and y(2) = 1 3  
  Use the Euler formula y = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 1 ,
to obtain an approximation to y(2 1) giving your answer to 4 dp.  
(b) Use the formula yr+1 = yr−1 + 2hf (xr yr ) with your answer  
to part (a) to obtain an approximation to y(2 2), giving your answer to 3 dp. 

Q3 ­ ID: 7518   [9 marks, 11 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
where f (x y ) = ln(3 + x2 + 3y) and y(3) = 0 3  
(a) Use the Euler formula yr+1 = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 2 ,  
 to obtain an approximation to y(3 2) giving your answer to 4 dp.  
(b) Use the improved Euler formula yr+1 = yr + 12 (k1 + k2 ),  
where k1 = hf (xr yr ) and k2 = hf (xr + h yr + k1 ) and h = 0 2,  
to obtain an approximation to y(3 2), giving your answer to 4 dp. 

Q4 ­ ID: 7528   [9 marks, 11 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
where f (x y ) = x2 + y 2 + 8 and y(2) = 2 8  
(a) Use the Euler formula yr+1 = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 05 ,  
to obtain an approximation to y(2 05) giving your answer to 4 dp.  
(b) Use the improved Euler formula yr+1 = yr + 12 (k1 + k2 ),  
where k1 = hf (xr yr ) and k2 = hf (xr + h yr + k1 ) and h = 0 05,  
to obtain an approximation to y(2 05), giving your answer to 4 dp.,7515,7516,7518,7528,7529,7530&t=9%20Exam%20Paper%20-%20IB%20HL%20-%20Numerical%20Me… 2/5
07/12/2018 9 Exam Paper - IB HL - Numerical Methods - 1st order differential equations
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Q5 ­ ID: 5094   [6 marks, 7 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
where f (x y ) = x2 − 2y 2 and y(2) = 2  
  Use the Euler formula yr+1 = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 15,  
to obtain an approximation to y(2 15) .  
(b) Use the formula yr+1 = yr−1 + 2hf (xr yr ) with your answer to  
part (a), to obtain an approximation to y(2 3). 

Q6 ­ ID: 7515   [6 marks, 7 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
where f (x y ) = ln(x + 2y) and y(3) = 8  
Use the improved Euler formula yr+1 = yr + 12 (k1 + k2 ),  
where k1 = hf (xr yr ) and k2 = hf (xr + h yr + k1 ) and h = 0 25,  
to obtain an approximation to y(3 25), giving your answer to four decimal places. 

Q7 ­ ID: 7516   [8 marks, 10 minutes]

The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation = f (x y )  
x2 +1y 2
where f (x y ) = x+y
and y(2) = 7  
(a) Use the Euler formula yr+1 = yr + hf (xr yr ) with h = 0 2 ,  
to obtain an approximation to y(2 2).  
(b) Use the improved Euler formula yr+1 = yr + 12 (k1 + k2 ),  
where k1 = hf (xr yr ) and k2 = hf (xr + h yr + k1 ) and h = 0 2,  
to obtain an approximation to y(2 2), giving your answer to four decimal places.,7515,7516,7518,7528,7529,7530&t=9%20Exam%20Paper%20-%20IB%20HL%20-%20Numerical%20Me… 3/5
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9 Exam Paper ­ IB HL ­ Numerical Methods ­ 1st order differential equations ­ Mark

A1 ­ ID: 7529 [9 marks, 11 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 15 x0 = 3 y0 = 2 8 
yr+1   =  yr + hf (xr yr ) = 2 8 + 0 15f (3 2 8) = 2 9441   M 1A2  
(b)  k1   =  0 15f (3 2 8) = 0 15 0 960952 = 0 1441428   M 1A1  
  k2   =  0 15f (3 15 2 8 + 0 1441428) = 0 15 0 961703 
=  0 14425545  M 1A1  
y1   =  2 8 + 12 (k1 + k2 ) = 2 8 + 12 (0 1441428 + 0 14425545) 
=  2 9442  M 1A1 

A2 ­ ID: 7530 [7 marks, 8 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 1 x0 = 2 y0 = 1 3 
yr+1   =  yr + hf (xr yr ) = 1 3 + 0 1f (2 1 3) = 2 004   M 1A2  
(b)  y2   =  y0 + 2hf (x1 y1 ) 
=  1 3 + 0 2f (2 1 2 003981)  M 1A1  
=  1 3 + 0 2 7 949388 = 1 3 + 1 589878 
=  2 89  M 1A1 

A3 ­ ID: 7518 [9 marks, 11 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 2 x0 = 3 y0 = 0 3 
yr+1   =  yr + hf (xr yr ) = 0 3 + 0 2f (3 0 3) = 0 8114   M 1A2  
(b)  k1   =  0 2f (3 0 3) = 0 2 2 557227 = 0 5114454   M 1A1  
  k2   =  0 2f (3 2 0 3 + 0 5114454) = 0 2 2 752025 
=  0 550405  M 1A1  
y1   =  0 3 + 12 (k1 + k2 ) = 0 3 + 12 (0 5114454 + 0 550405) 
=  0 8309  M 1A1,7515,7516,7518,7528,7529,7530&t=9%20Exam%20Paper%20-%20IB%20HL%20-%20Numerical%20Me… 4/5
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A4 ­ ID: 7528 [9 marks, 11 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 05 x0 = 2 y0 = 2 8 
yr+1   =  yr + hf (xr yr ) = 2 8 + 0 05f (2 2 8) = 3 0227   M 1A2  
(b)  k1   =  0 05f (2 2 8) = 0 05 4 454211 = 0 22271055   M 1A1  
  k2   =  0 05f (2 05 2 8 + 0 22271055) = 0 05 4 619446 
=  0 2309723  M 1A1  
y1   =  2 8 + 12 (k1 + k2 ) = 2 8 + 12 (0 22271055 + 0 2309723) 
=  3 0268  M 1A1 

A5 ­ ID: 5094 [6 marks, 7 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 15 x0 = 2 y0 = 2 
f (x0 y0 )  =  −4 
x1   =  x0 + h = 2 + 0 15 = 2 15   M 1A1  
  y1   =  y0 + h f (x0 y0 ) = 2 + −0 6 = 1 4  A1  
(b)  f (x1 y1 )  =  0 7025  A1  
x2   =  x1 + h = 2 15 + 0 15 = 2 3 
y2   =  y0 + 2h f (x1 y1 ) = 2 + 0 21075 = 2 21075  M 1A1 

A6 ­ ID: 7515 [6 marks, 7 minutes]

h  =  0 25 x0 = 3 y0 = 8 
k1   =  0 25f (3 8) = 0 25 2 944439 = 0 73610975   M 1A1  
k2   =  0 25f (3 25 8 + 0 73610975) = 0 25 3 031207 
=  0 75780175  M 1A1  
y1   =  8 + 12 (k1 + k2 ) = 8 + 12 (0 73610975 + 0 75780175) 
=  8 747  M 1A1 

A7 ­ ID: 7516 [8 marks, 10 minutes]

(a)  h  =  0 2 x0 = 2 y0 = 7 
yr+1   =  yr + hf (xr yr ) = 7 + 0 2f (2 7) = 8 1778   M 1A2  
(b)  k1   =  0 2f (2 7) = 0 2 5 888889 = 1 1777778   B1  
  k2   =  0 2f (2 2 7 + 1 1777778) = 0 2 6 91054 
=  1 382108  M 1A1  
y1   =  7 + 12 (k1 + k2 ) = 7 + 12 (1 1777778 + 1 382108) 
=  8 2799  M 1A1,7515,7516,7518,7528,7529,7530&t=9%20Exam%20Paper%20-%20IB%20HL%20-%20Numerical%20Me… 5/5

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