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English 101- Vocabulary

Unit One:

1. trendy: fashionable, in style at this time

2. unique: only one of its kind
3. popular: everybody likes it
4. space: the area outside of the Earth
5. star: a small point of light in the sky
6. moon: the shining round object that moves around
the Earth
7. planet: a large object in space that moves around
the Sun

Unit Two:

1. part-time job: a job for only a few hours or days a

2. babysitter: a person who takes care of babies or
children when the parents are away
3. fitness instructor: a person who leads exercise
4. office assistant: a person who provides general
support in an office
5. sales associate: a person who sells things in a retail
6. social media assistant: a person who helps create
and update content on social media
7. tutor: a person who teaches private lessons
8. posts: online messages, such as blog posts, comments,
9. social media: electronic communication that lets
people share information on the Internet
10. fabrics: cloth, especially that people use to make
11. sociologists: a person who studies society and
relationships between people
12. behave: to do or say things
13. apps: short for “application”; small computer
programs that you can use on a smartphones or other
14. get fit: to exercise in order to be in good physical

Unit Three:
1. hopeful: feeling positive about the future
2. truthful: honest
3. friendly: niece to other people; sociable
4. powerful: strong
5. jealous: unhappy because you want someone`s
6. confident: believe you can do anything
7. creative: good at thinking of new, unique ideas
8. crazy: strange
9. extraordinary: unusual or out of the ordinary
10. online: using the Internet
11. land: the surface of a planet
12. certificate: an official document
13. place a bid: compete against other people to
buy something by offering a specific amount of
14. pet rock: a small rock used as a humorous
“pet” in place of living animals or plants in the
15. I will take it: I will buy it

Unit Four:
1. R & B: rhythm and blues
2. hip-hop: music of African American origin, with
rhyming words and strong beat
3. country: music from the southern and Western U.S.
4. electronic: music created by electric instruments
and computer
5. Latin: music from any Spanish-speaking area (e.g.
Latin America and Spain)
6. jazz: music of African American origin, with a strong
7. performer: a person who sings or acts
8. go platinum: to sell more than a million
9. chill out: relax
10. fans: people who love a celebrity
11. recording contract: a legal agreement between a
musical performer and a recording company to sell
the performer`s albums
12. album: a collection of songs on CD or record
13. Grammy Awards: a set of prizes given to people
who work in the music industry
14. Hurricane victims: people who have been in a
violent storm (e.g. Hurricane Katherine in New
Orleans, US
15. inauguration: a ceremony to celebrate a new start,
such as a new job or a new building

Unit Five:

1. fresh air: air outside buildings that is clean and

2. barbecue: cooking food over a fire outdoors
3. housework: work people do to take care of the
home, such as cleaning
4. make an effort: try to do something

Unit six
1. ice hockey: a game played on ice between two
teams who use a curved stick to try to get a puck
into the other team`s goal
2. treadmill: a machine for walking or running
3. bowling: a game where you roll a heavy ball down a
long wooden lane to try to knock down ten wooden
“pins” that are arranged in a triangle
4. weight training: lifting weights to become stronger
5. Seriously? : Really?
6. couch potato: a person who watches a lot of TV
and is not very active
7. servings: portions of food
8. junk food: food that is not good for you

Unit Seven:

1. cable car: a car vehicle that hangs from cables and

carries people up mountains
2. man-made: made by people, not natural
3. desert: a large, hot dry area of land with little
water and few plants
4. land art: art that uses the natural materials of the
earth in the landscape
5. satellite: a piece of equipment that travels in
space and sends signals to Earth
6. prehistoric: of a time in the past before there
were written records

Unit Eight:

1. downtown: the business center of a city

2. convenient: easy to get to or find things
3. traffic: the amount of cars and trucks using a road
4. crime: illegal activities
5. safe: not dangerous; without crime
6. hip: very fashionable at the moment
7. indie: not controlled by anyone else
8. live music venue: a place where musicians perform
music for an audience
9. festival: a series of special events or
10. boutique: a small shop that caries specially
selected item
11. locally made: something that is created close
to where it is sold

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