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Axe of the Earth Blade of the Whole

Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement) Weapon (shortsword or longsword), very rare (requires
While you are wielding this weapon, as an action you may attunement)
slam the axe into the ground. You and all creatures adjacent While attuned to this weapon, you gain a modifier to attack
must succeed a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked and damage rolls dependent on the amount of hit points you
prone. have left. If you have hit points equal to your hit point
maximum, the modifier is +3. If you have hit points which are
Blade of Power Overwhelming less than your hit point maximum, but more than half your hit
Weapon (any that can deal slashing damage), very rare point maximum (rounded down), the modifier is +2. If you
(requires attunement) have hit points equal to less than half your hit point
You have a modifier to your attack and damage rolls with maximum (rounded down), the modifier is +1.
this weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded
down. Blood-Strung Crossbow
While you are attuned to the blade, when you score a hit Weapon (any crossbow), rare (requires attunement)
that is not a critical hit on an attack, you may reduce your While attuned to this weapon and weilding it, thin traces of
Strength score by 2, and the hit is resolved as if it were a blood form between the ends of the arc of the bow and your
critical hit. wrist. The Blood-strung crossbow has no other string or
When you are hit or affected by another creature's attack or cords.
spell, you can reduce your Constitution by 2 to gain You have a modifier of +1 on attack and damage rolls using
resistance to the total damage of that attack or spell. this weapon, and deal an additional damage die on a hit,
When you make a saving throw, you may reduce the which is not doubled on a critical hit. This weapon does not
attribute you are making the save in by 2, to gain advantage use ammunition, it instead forms its bolts from your blood
on that specific saving throw roll. using necromantic magics. All damage dealt by this weapon
Reduced stats recover during rests. You may regain up to is necrotic. When you fire this weapon, you take 1 necrotic
half the amount you have reduced them by when you finish a damage.
short rest, or to their full normal scores at the end of a long Additionally, as a bonus action you may expend one of your
rest. hit die to set the blood in the crossbow aflame. When you do
this, all damage dealt by this weapon becomes fire damage
Blade of the Consumed for one minute.
Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)
You have a +3 modifier to attack and damage rolls with this Bow of Heavenly Thunder
weapon. On a hit this weapon deals 2d6 slashing damage, or Weapon (longbow or shortbow), very rare (requires
2d8 damage if held in two hands. In addition, your reach is attunement)
increased by 5 feet for attacks made with this weapon. You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this
Curse: Each time you score a hit with this weapon, it gains weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded
1 charge. At the end of a long rest, your maximum hit points down. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack
are reduced by the number of charges the sword has, then from this weapon you may deal an additional 1d6 lightning
the sword loses all its charges. If this reduces a creature's hit damage to the target, as long as the bow has at least 1 charge
point maximum to 0, they are utterly consumed, mind, body, left. Using this ability does not consume any of the bow's
and soul. Not even a wish spell can bring back someone so charges.
devoured. Maximum hit points can be regained by expending The Bow has a maximum of 4 charges, and regains d3+1
hit die at the end of a long rest. When you do this, you do not charges when you finish a long rest. When you declare an
roll the hit die, but you regain maximum hit points up to your attack with this weapon, you may expend one of the bow's
normal maximum at a rate of 2 maximum hit points per hit charges to deal an additional 3d6 lightning damage to the
die expended in this way. target if you hit.
In addition, when you roll initiative, you may expend As an action, you ay expend all of the bows charges to cast
charges the sword has to power one of the following effects, chain lightning. The spell's save DC is 15, and it deals 4d6
which always target you. You may expend 2 charges to cast lightning damage plus 2d6 lightning damage for every charge
bane. You may expend 3 charges to cast hold person. You expended as part of the casting.
may expend 5 charges to cast bestow curse. You may expend
7 charges to cast contagion. You also concentrate on any Cascade Blade
spells so cast, but cannot voluntarily release concentration on Weapon (any sword), rare
those spells. If you attack with advantage using this weapon, you may
A Gnoll that wields the blade gains a further ability. As a make another attack as a bonus action. It it hits, you can
bonus action they may expend one charge to kill another make a third attack as a reaction. This third attack must be
Gnoll it can see, transforming that Gnoll into a Witherling. made at disadvantage.
(Witherlings can be found in Volo's Guide to Monsters)
Faded Glory The Law-Breaker
Weapon (lance), rare (requires attunement) Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)
The magic of this weapon has long since faded, though You gain a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls made
some small ember of it remains. Once per long rest, when with this whip. In addition, when you score a critical hit with
you hit with this weapon, you may make a Charisma this weapon, in addition to the attack's damage, you cast the
(persuasion) check, which has a DC of 30 - the damage you thunderwave spell at 1st level, centered on the target of your
dealt on that attack. If you are successful, you coax the attack. The DC of the spell is 14.
ancient magic sealed within back to life, if only for a time. For The Law-Breaker Whip has 3 charges, and regains d3
one minute, the lance blazes with spectral flames. While the charges when you finish a long rest. While you are attuned to
flames blaze the lance deals an additional 2d4 fire damage on the Law-Breaker Whip, you may spend charges to use the
a hit, and you are under the effects of a bless and heroism snap of the whip to breifly break the laws of reality instead of
spell. dealing damage when you hit a creature with this weapon.
The laws you may break and the cost in charges are:
Filament Spear The Law of Gravity: (1 charge) You cast levitate on the
Weapon (pike or spear), uncommon target. The spell's DC is 14.
When you attack a creature, and another hostile creature is The Law of Time: (1 charge) You cast hold person on the
directly behind it, you may cause the spear to split and attack target. The spell's DC is 14. If the target is paralyzed by
both creatures. You use the same attack roll for both this effect, they cannot take damage until the paralysis
creatures, but roll damage seperately for each creature hit. ends.
The Law of Space: (2 charges) You cast banishment on
Gore-Gush Greataxe the target. The spell's DC is 14. The target is always
Weapon (Greataxe), rare (requires attunement) treated as if they were a native of the plane they are on for
You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this the purposes of this effect. The target will always return to
weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded where they were at the end of the spell's duration.
down. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, or roll
the maximum on at least one of the weapon's damage die, the Mace of Eyes
target of the attack must make a Charisma save, with a DC of Weapon (mace), uncommon
your passive Intimidation + this weapon's modifier. If the When you find this mace, it has 0 charges. It must also be
creature fails, it is frightened of you for 1 minute. fed 1 pound of meat every night, or you shall suffer its
If you are raging, once you hit a creature for the first time, impotent anger. If you face the mace's wrath, you may not
you can not drop out of your rage until the end of the full benefit from its abilities until you feed it.
duration of that rage. When you deal damage with this mace, it gains one charge,
up to a maximum of 10. When you hit a creature with the
Hammer of Shattering mace, you may expend a charge to deal an additional 1d4
Weapon (hammer or warhammer), rare (requires damage on the hit.
attunement) You may expend 10 charges as an action. If you do, the
This hammer has 3 charges, and regains up to d3 spent mace of eyes swells up briefly, and its meat-choked eyes will
charges at dawn each day. bulge in terror, it will let out a terrifying shriek like a wounded
When you deal damage to a creature with this weapon, you new-born. You cast fear on up to three creatures the mace
may expend a charge to cast shatter, centered on the target. can see within 15 feet, with a saving throw DC of 12.
The spell save DC is equal to the damage dealt by the attack,
after modifiers such as resistance are applied. A creature that Martha the Heathen's Brand
fails the save also has its AC reduced by 2 for 1 minute. Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)
As an action, without expending spell slots you may cast
Hammer of the Brittle hunter's mark with a range of touch, or branding smite.
Weapon (hammer or warhammer), uncommon (requires However, you may never be target of a spell cast by a good
attunement) aligned cleric that does not deal damage.
While you are attuned to this hammer, you are vulnerable
to bludgeoning damage, and resistant to piercing damage. Maul of Momentum
Whenever you take bludgeoning damage, one creature of Weapon (maul), uncommon (requires attunement)
your choice that is within 5 feet of you takes piercing damage When you find this weapon, it has no charges, and has a
equal to half the damage you took before applying maximum capacity of 1 charge. When you reduce a creature
vulnerabilities, rounded down. to 0 hit points with this weapon you regain 1 charge.
As an action, you may expend a charge to fly up to your
Knives of Sparking movement speed, and make one weapon attack at advantage.
Weapon (daggers), rare (requires attunement)
These magic daggers are always found in a pair.
If you are wielding one of these daggers in each hand , as
an action you may strike them against each other, sending out
a flurry of sparks and cinders in a 10 foot cone. Creatures in
the cone must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
Creatures that fail the saving throw are blinded until the start
of their next turn.
Monsoon Bow Quantum Weapon
Weapon (longbow or shortbow), very rare (requires Weapon (any), very rare (requires attunement)
attunement) You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this
You gain a +1 modifier to attack and damage rolls made weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded
with this weapon. In addition, a creature which is not down. The first time you declare you are taking the Attack
resistant or immune to lightning damage is hit by this action in a combat, choose a number of creatures up to your
weapon becomes vulnerable to lightning damage until the Intelligence modifier (a minimum of 1) that up to your
start of your next turn. If the creature is resistant to lightning movement speed away from you. Roll a 'quantum' d20 for
damage, they instead lose their resistance until the start of each creature. The first attack roll you make against any of
your next turn. If the creature is immune to lightning damage, those creatures replaces the d20 roll you would normally
the attack has no additional effects. make with the result of the 'quantum' d20 roll.
The bow has 9 charges, and regains d8+1 charges at the
end of a long rest. While attuned to the bow, the wielder can Repugnent Blade
use to expend the bows charges to cast spells as an action. Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
The bow can be used to cast the following spells without When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this
needing material components, using charisma as the casting weapon, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you must
stat: fog cloud (1 charge), witch bolt (1 charge), wall of water succeed on a DC 14 wisdom save or become frightened of
(3 charges), ice storm (4 charges). you for one minute. A creature who has taken this save is
immune to this effect of the blade for 24 hours, regardless of
Needler whether they succeeded or not.
Weapon (any crossbow), rare In addition, you may count a negative charisma modifier as
This weapon ignores the usual loading property for a positive one for the purposes of skill checks whilst attuned
crossbows. to this weapon.
As an action, you can make a number of attacks with this
weapon equal to your proficiency modifier, however you do Riposting Blade
not add any ability modifiers to the damage rolls for those Weapon (any weapon with the light property), uncommon
attacks. Each attack made using this feature is otherwise When you take the dodge action on you turn, until the start
resolved as normal, consuming ammunition for each attack. of your next turn, when a creature attacks you and misses,
you may make an attack with the Riposting blade as a
Nerve Knife reaction.
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 modifier to attack and damage rolls made Rising Tension
with this dagger. Weapon (Maul), very rare (requires attunement)
While attuned to the Nerve Knife, when you hit a creature You have a -3 modifier to attack and damage rolls made
with the Nerve Knife you may attempt to grapple the creature with this weapon. Each time you miss an attack with this
as a bonus action. If the grapple is successful, the target is weapon, the modifier increases by +1, up to a maximum
paralyzed until the grapple ends. While the grapple is in modifier of +3. When you hit a creature, and the weapon has
effect, you may not attack with the nerve knife, and you must a positive modifier, then you deal additional damage die equal
still wield it. The hand that you use to hold the knife is the to the weapon's modifier. When this happens, at the end of
same hand you use to maintain the grapple. If you must let go your turn the weapon's modifier resets to -3.
of the knife for any reason, the grapple ends. If the Maul has a positive modifier you can suspend the
maul's magic, as a bonus action. Suspending the magic stops
Prismatic Blade the modifier from increasing when an attack made with it
Weapon (shortsword), rare misses, stops the bonus damage on a hit with a positive
You have a +1 modifier to attack and damage rolls made modifier, and stops the modifier resetting when an attack
with this weapon. made with the weapon hits with a positive modifier.
If you are holding a lightsource in your other hand when However, the Maul will resume its regular works with time,
you score a hit against a creature, that creature must make a and the excess pressure will be vented on you. When you
Constitution save with a DC equal to the result of the attack finish a rest and the maul's magic is suspended, you take
roll. If they fail, they are blinded until the end of their next Xd12 force damage, with X being equal to the maul's current
turn. Each individual creature can only be affected by this modifier. After that, the Maul's modifier resets to -3.
feature once per short rest.
Saint Althard's Mace
Quake-Stone Maul Weapon (mace), legendary (requires attunement)
Weapon (maul), rare (requires attumement) This weapon has 4 charges, and it regains d3+1 charges at
You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this dawn each day. You may expend these charges under specific
weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded circumstances to power various effects.
down. As a reaction when you miss an attack using this mace, you
In addition, once per short rest, as an action you make one may expend a charge to cast bless, targetting only yourself.
weapon attack with this maul against each creature with 10 As a reaction when you hit with an attack using this mace,
feet of you, including yourself. you may expend a charge to cast bane, targetting only the
creature you hit.
Scimitar of the Rising Sun Staff of Strong Roots
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement) Staff, rare (requires attunement)
You have a modifier to attack and damage rolls equal to This staff can be used as a quarterstaff. When you hit a
half your proficiency modifier for attacks made with this creature with this weapon, that creature's movement speed is
weapon. reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. This effect
You have advantage on the first attack roll you make with can stack with subsequent hits in the same time.
this weapon after you roll initiative. In addition, if you do not move on your turn, you have
When you make an attack roll with advantage using this advantage on all saving throws and ability checks to avoid
weapon, you may forgo the advantage to send out a burst of being knocked prone, and you cannot be moved by force.
glimmering morning-flame. If you hit with the attack, the fire Finally, as an action you can plant the staff in the ground,
strikes a different creature within 10 feet of your target, which then acts like an activated immovable rod, until you
dealing d6 fire damage. use an action to uproot it.
Self-Guiding Sling Staff of the Eidolon
Weapon (sling), rare Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
When you make an attack roll against a creature and miss, This staff can also be used as a quarterstaff. This staff has
you may instead hit the creature, but the creature will have 6 chares and regains 1d4 + 1 charges every midnight. When
resistance to the damage of that attack. you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On the roll of a 1, the
You can also attack creatures using this sling that you staff becomes ghostly and insubstantial and then completely
cannot see or that are behind cover, in which case you may disappears.
attack them if you are aware that they exist and are in range, While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend
but the attack will always be resolved as if you had missed, some of its charges to cast one of the following spells, using
and then chosen to hit using the Sling's above feature. your spell save DC: silent image (1 charge), disguise self (1
charge), or phantasmal force (2 charges).
Sibilant Sword Incorporeal creatures, such as ghosts, spectors, and
Weapon (longsword), rare banshees cannot resist damage from melee attacks made
Once per short rest, when you hit a creature with an attack with this staff.
made with this sword, you may cast dissonant whispers on
the target, with a spell save DC of 8 + yoour proficiency Sunlight Spear
modifier + your charisma modifier. Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)
Furthermore, whilst you wield this sword, your proficiency You have a +1 modifier to attack and damage rolls made
modifier is doubled for any Charisma (intimidation) checks with this weapon.
you make. You may also use this spear as a spell-casting focus for
While you wield this sword, Yuan-ti and other snake like spells with a range of touch, increasing the spell's range to 10
creatures cannot benefit from magic resistance against your feet.
spells. Additionally, once per long rest, when you throw this spear
you may change the spear's damage to 2d10 fire damage and
Soul-Snagger Dagger 2d10 radiant damage for that attack.
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Once per long rest, when you damage a creature with this The Sustainer
weapon, you may attempt to snag its soul. The creature must Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
make a Constitution check, which has a DC of 8 + your While attuned to this sword, you only need to eat and drink
proficiency modifier + the result of the dagger's damage die. half as much as you usually require.
If the creature fails, you catch its soul, and it is stunned for a Additionally, when you hit a creature that can reduce a
number of rounds equal to the result of the dagger's damage creature's maximum hit points, that creature must make a
die, after which the soul slips off of the dagger. As a bonus DC 14 constitution save, or be stunned until the end of its
action on your turn, you may force a creature who's soul you next turn.
have snagged to perform one of its actions that isn't
multiattack, and that doesn't use a spell slot. You may not use
this feature against undead or constructs.
Spear of the Kraken
Weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)
As an action, you may sweep the tip of the spear around
your feet, causing a wave to rise up out of the ground in a 15
foot cone originating from you. All creatures in the cone must
succeed on a DC14 Strength save or be pushed back 10 feet
away from you. Creatures that have susceptibility to water
that fail the saving throw count as having been submerged in
5 gallons of water.
Sword of the War-Maker War Pick of the Vengeful Queen
Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement) Weapon (war pick), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this While attuned to this weapon, you may not be resistant or
weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded immune to poison damage, or the poisoned condition.
down. If you are poisoned at the start of your turn, you suffer d4
When you score a critical hit, all friendly creatures within poison damage.
20 feet of you may use their reaction to make one weapon However, you never have disadvantage on attack rolls
attack, or cast a spell that usually requires a bonus action to because you are poisoned.
cast. When you see a creature deal poison damage to you or
Additionally, the sword has three charges. When you score another creature you have can see, you have advantage on all
a critical hit with this weapon, or when you finish a long rest, attack rolls against that creature for one minute.
the sword regains a charge. As an action, you can end the poisoned condition on a
You may use your reaction to expend a charge to give a creature that you can touch. You may use this feature three
friendly creature advantage on their next attack roll on their times, regaining spent uses on a short rest.
next turn.
You may also expend a charge as a reaction being hit by an Weapon of Giving and Taking
attack to give yourself resistance to the damage of that attack. Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)
You have a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this
Sword of the Wind weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded
Weapon (longsword), uncommon down.
While you are wielding this sword, as an action you may When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you cast
move yourself and up to 2 other creatures you can see up to false life targetting yourself at 1st level.
10 feet. If you try to move a creature that is unwilling, it may When you roll a 1 on an attack roll with this weapon, you
attempt a DC 14 Strength saving throw. It is not moved if it cast false life targetting the creature you attacked.
Whisper Knife
Talon-Crowned Club Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Weapon (club or greatclub), rare (requires attunement) For attacks made with this weapon, a creature's armour
You have a +1 modifier to hit and damage rolls made with class is equal to 10 + the creature's dexterity modifier,
this weapon. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you regardless of any armour they are wearing. Modifiers from
can cause the talons to dig into the target, automatically features such as Parry do apply, as do modifiers from magic
grappling the target as a bonus action. items.
A creature grappled by the Talon Crowned Club takes 1d4
piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. The creature
can attempt to break the grapple as an action, which requires
a successful DC 14 athletics check. A failure to break the
grapple inflicts 1d4 piercing damage on the creature.
You cannot make attacks with the Talon Crowned Club
whilst it grapples a creature, and if you let go of the Talon
Crowned Club for any reason, a grapple it is making is
Warhammer of Argus the Mad
*Weapon (warhammer), rare (unique, requires attunement)
You gain a modifier to attack and damage rolls with this
weapon equal to the number of hands you are wielding it in.
When you hit a creature that is resistant to bludgeoning
damage, you gain 2d4 temporary hit points.
When you hit a creature immune to bludgeoning damage,
that creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.
When you hit a creature that is vulnerable to bludgeoning
damage, all creatures other than you that are within 10 feet
of your target are moved 5 feet closer to the target.
If you score a critical hit with this weapon, or if you roll the
maximum on a damage die for the first time in a combat, you
must also roll on the Wild Magic Surge table.

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