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World Wide Dreambuilders Covenant

Believing that my life and business should be based and built upon a foundation of integrity, character, and standards
of excellence, I commit myself to the following:

1. To maintain the highest degree of character and integrity in my private, personal, and public life; striving to
live above reproach and attempting to avoid even the appearance of any wrong doing in word, deed, or

2. To consistently pursue a lifestyle of excellence affecting my whole-being spiritually, physically, materially,

and relationally; setting an exceptional example to those who look to me as someone worth following; and
by attempting to be a stepping stone and not a stumbling block.

3. To steward the life afforded me by God’s goodness:

In being the spiritual leader of my home by example and by providing my loved ones
with a strong traditional value system as their life’s foundation.
In being accountable with my material resources by being honest, resourceful and responsible.
To live my life in such a way as not to bring reproach upon my God, my family, my World Wide
Dreambuilders family, and myself, by striving to be pure from all forms of immorality.
To honor all men by vocalizing no corrupt communication, but only that which is good to the
use of edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers.

To dare to dream big and then be disciplined in my life to accomplish those dreams no matter
how difficult the undertaking; sending a clear message to all who follow, that without
dreaming and then doing, we have no future.

4. To honor those who have been placed in my life as business associates with loyalty and accountability, plus
a willingness to submit to those in a position of authority in my life.

5. To endeavor consistently not to violate any World Wide Dreambuilders forum by using it as a platform for
my own personal agendas; whether they are political, social, or religious; to uphold a trustworthy
environment, so that every IBO is respected, honored and assisted in building their Amway Global Business.

6. To allow God to govern all my affairs:

Living out what I teach to be my passion,
Kindness to rule my relationships,
Honesty to form my words,
Faith to guide my steps,
Love to be my theme,
“No regrets” to be the testimony I leave behind.

7. Should my lifestyle be in flagrant violation or contradiction of this covenant, I agree to seek immediate help
and counsel for the purpose of restoration; to submit to counseling within the World Wide Dreambuilders
organization until credibility is restored.

For detailed information, please log into your For IBO use only website with your training login, or Updated 02.11.10
contact your upline. Page 1 of 1

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