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Artefacts of Shroud

Woe he who enters, both Mighty and Great
For I am Ozymandias, Guardian of this Gate
And all must come to Ruin, who enter this Land
Even Ruin itself, by Ruin's own Hand

A TechnicallyProfessional Production
  By Jackeyblob & TheRedMessiah
Table Of Contents
1: Mourneblade
1.1: Mourneblade (Dormant) Statistics
1.2: Mourneblade (Stirring) Statistics
1.3: Mourneblade (Awakened) Statistics
1.4: Mourneblade (Ascendant) Statistics
2: The Harlequin's Masque
2.1: The Harlequin's Masque Statistics
3: The Anarchist's Chain
3.1: The Chain of Chaos Statistics
3.2: The Chain of Madness Statistics
3.3: The Chain of Misfortune Statistics
3.4: The Anarchist's Chain Statistics
4: The Mendax Oculus
4.1: The Mendax Oculus Statistics
5: Khyber's Folly
5.1: Khyber's Folly (Dormant) Statistics
5.2: Khyber's Folly (Awakened) Statistics
5.3: Khyber's Folly (Ascendant) Statistics
6: The Paths Eternal
6.1: The Paths Eternal Statistics
6.2: The Nameless
6.3: The Nameless Statistics
7: Neverwear
7.1: Neverwear Statistics
8: Swansong
8.1: Swansong Statistics
9: The Revenant Encarmine
9.1: The Revenant Encarmine Statistics
10: The Devil's Dice
10.1: The Devil's Dice Statistics
11: References

Contents (Because my idiot friend insisted on

two different buttons on the contents page
0 leading straight to the contents page...)

hen we speak of legend, it is frequently in
praise, in memory of an ancient hero who
stood against a nameless evil. Rarely spoken of
are the tales of these blights upon the world,
the myths that birth such champions. As we
delve deeper into this tome, we shall uncover
the stories of these creations.
It has always been one of the greatest strengths of evil, that
its creativity is unfettered by moral or code. No tool is too
foul, no practice insane and when faced with a challenger, it is
the genius of malice that creates the nightmares we know.
Many of these are simple in nature, cruel blades that weep
black poison, armour that mars the soul and staffs capable of
breaking the hardest of men. These are rarely the dangers for
their nature is basic and to defeat them one needs to simply
remove it from the hands of those who would do harm.
There are however creations of subtle barbarism, delicate
adornments that can steal the mind and will of those who
wear them, grimoires of terrible knowledge that lure in the
good of heart and those artefacts that simply corrupt all that
come into contact with them.
This is what we deal with here and so I welcome you to the
mists where such stories linger. I welcome you to the minds
of broken men.
I welcome you to the Artefacts of Shroud and Shadow

"We may never know how it earned its name. Was it called
such because it belongs to its creator, or because those who
draw from its sheathe will weep before the night is done"
Dorian Fane, Keeper of the Silent Crypt
Mourneblade was always a curious sword, a concept that
many had trouble understanding. Blessed with a basic
sentience by a master more concerned with whether he could
rather than why he should, Mourneblade began to explore its
new found existence by delving into the very creation of itself.
It began to pester its master more and more as the days
went on by and it learned a great deal about the arcane arts,
about history and religion, science and alchemy. It devoured
all knowledge that it could for it was a mind trapped in an
existence it did not know could be otherwise. The students master came in to discover the sword lying on
Eventually its inquisitive nature tired the master and he the ground next to the fallen apprentice and once more
was handed down to another, a simple apprentice of no great Mourneblade was passed on.
talent. Quickly it grew bored of the basic experiments being The next few centuries carried on in much the same way.
performed and it began to urge the student towards more and Mourneblade would encourage increasingly dangerous
more dangerous practices. incantations and then harvest the soul from the inevitably
Unsurprisngly the apprentice did not last long but his deceased practicioner. None ever suspected anything for the
passing intrigued the sword. It had never encountered death sword had shown no malice in its nature but rumours began
before, despite its form, and being incapable of such an that it was hexed, a curse by the gods against those who
experience it was fascinated. Using magicks learnt from its would dare attempt to create life. Why this would affect the
vast knowledge, the blade trapped the departing soul and blade and not the one who created it was ignored as the
began to interrogate it. Not understanding cruelty or pain death toll mounted.
anymore than death, its methods were brutal and without The sword did not mind however for this legend merely
remorse, and so Mourneblade pressed for more. encouraged the more dangerous and insane members of
society to acquire it and these minds were much easier to

Contents 1
push towards the brink. The blade itself now contained
thousands of souls, shrieking in a discordant cacophany that
pleased the sword. Mourneblade (Stirring)
As the centuries turned into millennia, the sword began to Magical Longsword, Artefact
realize something about itself. Something undeniable and
most certainly interesting. As the one who wields it begins to show greater
promise, Mourneblade will begin to awaken more
It had gone completely insane. fully, using its powers to influence them towards
knowledge and power. It is at this stage that
Encased within a simple object, trapped in the morbid din of Mourneblade begins to communicate with its
agonized souls and divorced from simple concepts of partner, sending emotional impulses to encourage
or dissuade from certain actions and imparting
morality, decency and love, Mourneblade had become twisted small pieces of knowledge as flashes of insight in
in nature, incapable of empathy and driven only by an endless order to further intrigue its wielder.
need to know more.
Once, long ago, it had been magic that most fascinated this Mourneblade (Stirring) is a Magical Longsword
entity but now it is death's most simple allure that pulls it with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
along. Forever denied its gift, Mourneblade needs to know with it and hits deal an additional 1d8 necrotic
what it is, why it is, how it is. His obsession cannot stop for damage. It requires Attunement.
the song that sings eternally within itself means it can never
forget, even if it desired to. Malevolent Intellect: Once per Long Rest, the
Wherever it went is now lost to legend for a thousand men wielder may elect to have Mourneblade roll an
and women have held this blade and a thousand souls are Arcana, History, Religion or Nature check instead
trapped within. All that is known is that no matter where it is of himself. Mourneblade is considered to roll an
hidden, it will soon find its way out for its hunger cannot be automatic 15 in these skills. If possible, this
sated in isolation. information should be framed in such a manner
that it encourages the wielder towards finding out
And mercy befall those who find this blade for it shall grant more or to performing a dangerous act.
you none.
Awakening: Upon reaching Level Ten and after
performing an act of great danger for the purpose
Mourneblade (Dormant) of knowledge, Mourneblade will further awaken and
Magical Longsword, Artefact provide greater benefits upon its wielder. At this
point, Mourneblade (Stirring) becomes
When first acquired, Mourneblade will frequently >Mourneblade (Awakened).
hide its true nature, eager to ensure its quarry does
not throw him aside in horror. While obviously
magical to those with a sense for such things, only
the most powerful scrying magics will reveal
anything of its nature.

Mourneblade (Dormant) is a Magical Longsword

that provides no other benefits.

Awakening: Upon reaching Level Five, Mourneblade

will begin to exert its influence upon the wielder,
unlocking some of its powers in the progress. At
this point, Mourneblade (Dormant) becomes
Mourneblade (Stirring).

Mourneblade (Awakened) Mourneblade (Ascendant)
Magical Longsword, Artefact Magical Longsword, Artefact
Safely in the hands of one who can further its goals, Now on the path to true power once again,
Mourneblade begins to abandon its caution, Mourneblade unleashes its insanity upon the
reaching out to talk telepathically with its wielder. wielder, taunting them with the promise of what it
With clarity now an option, Mourneblade starts to could know if only he is willing to take the most
teach its ward greater mysteries... and urge him on dangerous steps. Mourneblade has once more
to further ruin. returned to the world of men.
Mourneblade (Awakened) is a Magical Longsword Mourneblade (Ascendant) is a Magical Longsword
with a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it and hits deal an additional 2d8 necrotic with it and hits deal an additional 2d8 necrotic
damage. It requires Attunement. damage. It requires Attunement.
Malevolent Intellect: Once per Short Rest, the Malevolent Intellect: The wielder may elect to have
wielder may elect to have Mourneblade roll an Mourneblade roll an Arcana, History, Religion or
Arcana, History, Religion or Nature check instead Nature check instead of himself. Mourneblade is
of himself. Mourneblade is considered to roll an considered to roll an automatic 25 in these skills. If
automatic 20 in these skills. If possible, this this provides insight into further power or
information should be framed in such a manner knowledge (such as learning the True Name of a
that it encourages the wielder towards finding out Fiend) he must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC
more or to performing a dangerous act. 20). If he fails he must try to uncover this further
information, no matter the cost.
Awakening: Upon reaching Level Fifteen and after
performing an act of great evil for the purpose of Betrayer: The wielder of Mourneblade has his
knowledge, Mourneblade will further awaken and Alignment shift to Neutral Evil and he becomes
provide greater benefits upon its wielder. At this incapable of valuing anothers life. His companions
point, Mourneblade (Awakened) becomes are now mere tools to further his knowledge.
Mourneblade (Ascendant). Furthermore, they are no longer able to unattune
Mourneblade and any attempt to remove it from
their possession drives them into a violent rage.
Only direct intervention from a Divine Entity or the
The Harlequin's Masque Wish spell is able to remove this.
"Who are you beneath the Masque? Nothing, no myth, no
fable, no tale's told. What fame you have is nought but the
faces you choose to wear. You are like all legends, a lie He ignored the advice and the counsel of the wise and
dressed up as greater men." instead sought power at any cost, confident in his ability to
The Harlequin in Black and Grey resist temptation, not realizing that it was a fight he'd already
Many artefacts that have fallen in to infamy are craft by those To a crossroads he went and he called upon the spirits that
whose own insanity has fuelled them towards the most linger in such lands. He promised them everything he
dangerous of creations. Others whose very nature preclude possessed in exchange for the strength to bring himself fame
the creation of anything that cannot cause harm. and fortune. Hearing of his plight, a Devil appeared but in a
In truth, while vile, these creations are frequently the least form most pleasing to the eye. She appeared in awe of his
dangerous for their darkness is readily apparent. It is the dedication, in love with his dream and so she agreed to his
device craft by the ignorant, the desperate or the foolish that demands and gave upon him a simple masque of carven
can cause the most harm for they are the false smile, the wood and painted rune.
white lie. They are items whose destruction is hidden behind At first he was confused but his fears were allayed for the
a false persona. Devil spoke in tones endearing.
Perhaps most notable of such trinkets is The Harlequin's
Masque for it was little more than a bad choice and childish "Merely place it upon your brow and all shall be done.
dream that led to its creation. There was once a young man Think clearly of your dreams and a hero you'll become,
whom history forgot, who desired more for his life as we are Whomever it is you desire to be
want to do. So embroiled was he in tales of glory and songs Is what the world shall truly see."
of war that his desire to be a hero soon outstipped all else
and so he forgot the most important lesson of all. Delighted that at last, it was all within reach, he put on the
masque without further thought. He imagined himself as a
That the road to hell is paved with good intentions. hero of old, a legend of health and stamina with crooked
smile and fearsome eyes.

Contents 3
He went on to become a legend, or at least that's what they
saw and when he grew bored of one look he switched to
another, better to encapsulate his fame. The Harlequin's Masque
As time went on however he began to forget who he had Magical Trinket, Artefact
been, no matter how hard he tried. His family were gone to
him, lost in a haze and all that he loved had faded away. A tool to allow one to become whomever they
Desperate to undo what he had created he attempted to wish, the wise are well aware that such a desire
make his way back to where the deal had first been struck but holds far more danger than promise. Death, after
to his horror he could not recall where it had been. Soon all, can come in many forms.
enough he could not remember that he wore a masque at all.
What happened to him after has been lost to the legend. The Harlequin's Masque is a Magical Trinket that is
placed over the face. It requires Attunement
Some say that still he wanders, trying to recall who he may
have been while others say that he was struck down by a hero Faces of Many: The wearer of this Artefact may cast
he'd sought to copy, angered that another would dare sully his Alter Self and Disguise Self at will. This does not
name. require Concentration and cannot be dispelled. This
But the Devil whom first struck the bargain is known and effect is permanent until used again.
to her collection of faces she had his own. One more memory
amongst a thousand more, a collection of identities from An Empty Shell: Once equipped, this item may not
kings to the poor. be removed unless Remove Curse or similar magic
is employed. Every time that the artefact's power is
used, the wearer must make a DC 15 Intelligence
saving throw or forget a detail about their life
before they donned the Masque. This could be
anything from their physical appearance to a loved
one or even their own companions.
For every year they wear this Artefact, they
automatically lose one memory irrespective of their
previous successes.

After much searching they came across a book of names and

one stood out in particular to this cabal of revolutionaries. It
belonged to a creature to whom change was its being and to
whom progress was life.
Without care for their own safety they called the beast
forward and they were delighed for a beautiful creature
appeared, one of scintillating colours and ever-chaning
fragrance. It asked them for what reason it had been
summoned and in response they asked of it for freedom.
The creature agreed to provide them the means but only if
they gave him the specific freedoms they desired. Little did
they know that they dealt with a Demon and while change is
dear to these fiends, it is change without control and always
at great cost.
Not realizing their mistake they asked it for Freedom from
The Anarchist's Chain Tyranny. The beast agreed and it craft five links of metal in a
chain and in doing so it gave them Chaos.
"They obviously did not think the naming of this thing Next they asked for Freedom from Normality and once
through. I mean, I get that Anarchists ignore laws and more the fiend acquiesced and five more links were forged
everything but do they really have to ignore the rules of good and in doing so it gave them Madness.
writing?" Last they asked for Freedom from Certainty and the
Jack Cutter, Professional Alcoholic creature agreed, five more links appearing on the chain and
Those who have lorded over the masses from their ivory so he gave them Misfortune.
towers have long had those who wish to bring these Armed as they were with this arcane device, the group
structures crashing down and the city of Greyheim was no united as one and launched an attack upon their oppressors.
different. Ruled by cruelty and malice, a small group decided Against the Tyrant, who ruled in totality, they struck the chain
that for too long they had endured such hardship and once and anarchy fell upon him and his men and chaos ruled
amongst themselves they plotted. true. To the horror of his allies however, so to did this blight
They knew they were too weak to strike out directly against effect their companion who dropped the chain and joined in
these kings on high and so they sought aid from sources their mindless actions.
outside the realms of mortality.

The Chain of Chaos
Magical Trinket, Artefact

One of the three parts of the Anarchists Chain, this

particular piece inspired anarchy and destruction in
all those around.

The Chain of Chaos is a Magical Trinket that is

worn on the arm.

Reliance of One: As a Bonus Action, the wearer may

cast Confusion once per Long Rest as a 4th Level
Spell. If they do so, they are also targeted by the
spell and if they fail the saving throw, they cannot
dispel the effect unless Concentration is broken or
the duration expires. The DC for the saving throw is

Enhanced: When reunited with another piece of

the Anarchists Chain, the effect of the original is
improved. Confusion is now cast as a 6th Level
Spell with a DC of 18.

Part of a Whole: If the Chain of Chaos is reunited

with another piece of the Anarchists Chain then
they merge together seamlessly as though never
shattered. It becomes a single item with the ability
to utilize the enhanced effects of both pieces.

As the next picked up the chain, he noticed now that only ten
links remained and that their chaotic friend still bore five of
them, The Chain of Chaos, wrapped tight around his arm.
Unwilling to let this loss slow them down, they moved on
and faced against the The Universal, High Priest of The Chain of Madness
mundanity and lord of all things similar. Once again they Magical Trinket, Artefact
struck the chain and his face broke into terror as he beheld
madness run amock. From them he fled in fear and madness One of the three parts of the Anarchists Chain, this
as his sanity followed suit and the rebels cheered for another particular piece inspired insanity and terror in those
who feel its touch.
lord had fallen.
Again however, he who bore the chain had also suffered the The Chain of Madness is a Magical Trinket that is
effects for he was weeping on the ground, clawing at his face worn on the arm.
as he tried to find repreive from the nightmares shrieking in
his minds eye. Five links lay upon the ground and like before, A Glimpse Insane: As a Bonus Action, the wearer
the Chain of Madness lay bound around his arm. may cast Phantasmal Killer once per Long Rest as a
Finally they soldiered on and last before them stood the 4th Level Spell. If they do so, they are also targeted
Tick-Tock Knight, Prince of Certainty and Lord of All That by the spell and if they fail the saving throw, they
Would Be. They struck one last time the chain and the cannot dispel the effect unless Concentration is
balance was upset. Probability was ignored as all that could broken or the duration expires. The DC for the
go wrong became catastrophe and with that fell the last of the saving throw is 16.
Lords Three.
It did not come without cost however for the last had Enhanced: When reunited with another piece of
broken like his kin and bound around his arm was the Chain the Anarchists Chain, the effect of the original is
improved. Phantasmal Killer is now cast as a 6th
of Misfortune. Level Spell with a DC of 18.
The time that followed was one of horror, pain and misery
for where had gone brutal tyrany there was now lawless Part of a Whole: If the Chain of Madness is reunited
chaos, dull normality had been replaced with debauched with another piece of the Anarchists Chain then
horror and limiting certainty had been eschewed in favour of they merge together seamlessly as though never
total chance. What happened to the three is far from certain shattered. It becomes a single item with the ability
but few doubt they met their end in a manner most similar to to utilize the enhanced effects of both pieces.
their predecessors, a final freedom granted. The Freedom
from Life.

Contents 5
The Chain of Misfortune
The Mendax Oculus
Magical Trinket, Artefact "I wonder what whispers through its crystal lens, what
madness must it have seen. Enough, perhaps, that truth no
One of the three parts of the Anarchists Chain, this longer holds meaning to its labrynthine mind."
particular piece inspired impossibility and Sister Felicia, Scholar for the Church of Oghma
catastrophe in those who fared against its wrath.
In a world of myth and legend it is of no surprise that there
The Chain of Misfortune is a Magical Trinket that is are those to whom uncovering the truth is of the most
worn on the arm. pressing concern. There are many dangers, both magical and
mundane, that exist only because of the ignorance
An Improbable Probability: As a Bonus Action, the surrounding their nature.
wearer may cast Bestow Curse once per Long Rest Likewise there are those whose very power derives from
as a 3rd Level Spell. If they do so, they are also
targeted by the spell and if they fail the saving
their secrecy and to whom truth and understanding are utter
throw, they cannot dispel the effect unless
anathema and it is from souls like these that the Mendax
Concentration is broken or the duration expires. Oculus was formed. Realizing that those who are dedicated to
The DC for the saving throw is 15. truth would always find it, the creator of this device sought to
change the very nature of the concept in its entirety.
Enhanced: When reunited with another piece of At first, this simple tool provides accurate translations of
the Anarchists Chain, the effect of the original is any language and can even decrypt complex codes. However,
improved. Bestow Curse is now cast as a 5th Level as time passes and the owner begins to rely more and more
Spell with a DC of 17. upon its skill, the messages it reveals will slowly change.
This is not some mere enchantment but indeed a powerful
Part of a Whole: If the Chain of Misfortune is spell for it does not just beguile the reader into believing a
reunited with another piece of the Anarchists falsehood. No, it changes the message itself, the words
Chain then they merge together seamlessly as rewriting themselves in such a manner that any who translate
though never shattered. It becomes a single item it through other means will find only the altered message
with the ability to utilize the enhanced effects of
both pieces.
before them. It is through this that history is re-written by the
Still, it is not even this dark twist that creates such woe, but
instead it is how it effects the mind that makes it truly
spiteful. Paranoia, hallucinations, psychosis, all these and
more are the result of heavy use. Soon the messages warn
the owner of plots against his life by the doubting, of betrayal
by those he loves and of malice in the hearts of those who
The Anarchist's Chain profess their loyalty. Finally, as the owner realizes what he
Magical Trinket, Artefact has done, his attempts to write a warning for those ahead are
maddening, nothing more than symbols of a broken mind
With all three peices re-united, the Anarchist's etched painfully onto parchment. Only through use of the
chain returns once more to its former glory... Oculus can one unearth their meaning and by then it is too
bringing with it the ruin that true freedom late. Those who seek truth are dedicated in the extreme but
inevitably leads to. so too is their arrogance.
The Anarchist's Chain is a Magical Trinket that is
worn on the arm. It requires Attunement.

Bare the Wild Mind: As a Bonus Action, the wearer

may cast Phantasmal Killer, Bestow Curse, or
Confusion once per Long Rest as a 9th Level Spell.
If they do so, they are also targeted by the spell and
if they fail the saving throw, they cannot dispel the
effect unless Concentration is broken or the
duration expires. The DC for the saving throw is

Unleash Anarchy: If the Chain is ever broken

(voluntarily or not) then every creature within 120
feet is effected by the Weird spell for the full
duration as if they had failed the saving throw.

6 Contents
The Mendax Oculus
Khyber's Folly
Magical Trinket, Artefact "To see him stood there, plate gleaming in the falling sun, it
set our hearts a'flutter indeed. We wept for him, laughed for
The pen is mightier than the sword, the lie more him and loved for him. Trapped as he was, there was nought
subtle than sin. These words the lens embodies for he could do but remember what he'd lost."
it is in the shadows that power lies. Lady Petrice, Duchess of Valingrad
The Mendax Oculus is a Magical Trinket. There once was a tale of a stalwart guardian who sacrificed
everything in service of what he loved. He was, by all reports,
A Truth Resplendant: When looking through The a handsome man of wit and charm and to whom cowardice
Mendax Oculus they are able to read any language was unknown. Ser Khyber was his name and it is here that
as though it were in a language they could his tale will be told.
understand. Furthermore, if the message is written
in an established code, then the true meaning of
A tournament had been called in a land long lost to legend
the writing will be revealed.
and many a brave and noble knight travelled far in order to
compete. The prize was that victor would serve as Champion
Through the Mirror Darkly: Whenever The Mendax to the land, a guardian of the ruling family and protector of
Oculus is used to interpret writing, the item gains a the keep. It was a reward many sought after for not only was
single charge. The DM should keep track of this their great honour in such a task but there were many a tale
and never reveal either their existence or their of carnality in the castle between the Champion and the fair
amount. At any point the DM may spend charge ladies of the keep.
points to activate one of the following effects. The For two weeks the festivities took place and the city shook
number of charge is unique to the individual. with revelry. Liquor flowed freely, laughter filled the air and
everyone gathered to watch the brave knights challenge one
1 Charge: You may change the contents of a single another in feats of strength and prowess.
sentence to say something else. Any changes made
this way are permenant.

2 Charge: You may change the contents of a single

paragraph to say something else. Any changes
made this way are permenant.

3 Charge: You may change the contents of a single

page to say something else. Any changes made this
way are permenant.

5 Charge: You may change the contents of a single

text to say something else. Any changes made this
way are permenant.

10 Charge: You may increase the number of charge

gained whenever the Oculus is used to two. This
effect is repeatable but the cost increases by 10
each time (e.g 3 charge would cost 20, 4 charge
would cost 30). This effect is unique to the

20 Charge: This item requires attunement and they

cannot willingly give the item away unless Remove
Curse or similar magic is employed. This effect is
unique to the individual.

Contents 7
One individual in particular stood out, a young man by the
name of Khyber who had bested even the greatest knights
with vital ease. It wasn't long until everyone was waiting with
baited breath for this seeming nobody to be declared the
And so it occured, with his final unseating of a legendary
Paladin in a joust, that all others conceded to his skill and
declared him Champion.
The celebration of his triumph was somehow more ecstatic
than the proceedings themselves and during the ceremony of
his anointing, it was said that doves flew into the very palace
as though to signify the peace that would thrive under his
All was not well however for the Lord of the land grew
concerned over growing relations between Ser Khyber and
his daughter, reputed to be the fairest in the world. Rumours
began to appear amongst the servants that the two of them
were involved and each telling made the tale more sordid
In desperation the Lord went to Ser Khyber, imploring him
to marry her but he was laughed away by the haughty knight.
So it was that concern turned to spite and a plot began to
emerge. The Lord went to the dungeons where a Warlock
awaited justice and offered him a deal, to make him a
talisman to protect his daughter in exchange for his freedom.
The Warlock agreed and for 6 nights he worked, for 6
nights he studied and for 6 nights he forged and by the end he
had craft a most magnificent suit of armour, gleaming blue
like the midnight sky and etched with powerful runes.
When the Lord saw it he was furious. He had demanded
protection for his daughter not a gift for her greatest danger. Khyber accepted and he let the Hermit tend to him. Too late
He ordered the Warlock imprisoned and the next day he was he realized the betrayal as a muttered word by the talented
hanged. loner saw Khyber's mind assaulted by horrific nightmares of
Still, the Lord was loathe to waste such a beautiful suit and an all-devouring darkness. He fought and fought but it was
he gave it to Khyber, hoping it would foster some measure of too much and who he was turned to dust on the wind.
respect between them. Alas, it was not to be for Khyber grew The next week, horror struck the kingdom as Khyber
more arrogant still, the armour guarding him from any who returned, silent and stiff and knelt before the Lord. Moments
would seek to strike him in retaliation. later, the room was bathed in blood and a dozen men lay dead
Still, his work could not be slandered though his heart upon the ground. Khyber stood alone, rents in his armour
most certainly could. When assassins came for the Lord, showing nothing beneath the beaten metal, until a man came
Khyber stood against a dozen men as their blows did nought from the shadows. The Warlock from the Dungeons and the
but scratch at the magnificent armour. His blade cleaved Hermit in the wilds he was and revenge had been his. The
many that night and the rest fled in fear of the terrible sight pair of them left and so with it went the legend of Khyber's
before them. In combination together, the pair proved Folly.
The months passed as they always do but Khyber grew
distraught. Each day that came and went left him in greater
pain until one evening he found that he could not remove the Khyber's Folly (Dormant)
armour. He went to the Lord at once who could do no more Magical Full-Plate, Artefact
than shrug and set his wizardly allies upon the task of This suit of fine plate gleams as though fresh craft
uncovering a remedy. and none can deny the efficacy of its protection.
It was to no avail however and the Lord's daughter was
unwilling to show affection to one so afflicted, so Khyber left Khyber's Folly (Dormant) is a suit of Magical Full-
to find aid elsewhere. He travelled far and eventually Plate that provides a +1 bonus to AC. This item
discovered an old hermit who seemed proficient in the ways requires Attunement and comes equipped with
of esoteric magicks. The strange old man agreed to help but Greaves, Gauntlets and Helmet.
during the night he attempted to strike down Khyber.
The two fought but as the Hermit launched spell after spell Awakening: Upon reaching Level Ten and
at the Knight, the runes glowed red and the spells did nought performing a great deed of valour, Khyber's Folly
to him. Realizing he was bested, the Hermit surrendered and will begin to unlock some of its powers... and
offered to help Khyber in exchange for his life. dangers. At this point, Khyber's Folly (Dormant)
becomes Khyber's Folly (Awakened).

8 Contents
Khyber's Folly (Ascendant)
Magical Full-Plate, Artefact

With its potential unleashed, the armour flares into

life, assaulting the wearer both mentally and
physically until all that remains is nought but a
silent killer and perfect guardian.

Khyber's Folly (Ascendant) is a suit of Magical Full-

Plate that provides a +3 bonus to AC. This item
requires Attunement and comes equipped with
Greaves, Gauntlets and Helmet.

Arcane Weave: Once per Long Rest, when first

targeted by a hostile spell, the wearer gains the
effect of Globe of Invulnerability for the full
duration as though cast at 8th Level. This effect
does not require Concentration

Eldritch Skin: The wearer of this armour gains

Resistance against slashing, piercing and
bludgeoning damage from non-magical weapons.

A Prison of Choice: The wearer's physical form is

destroyed so that he is nothing more than a soul in
plate. Furthermore he immediately suffers the
effect of the Feeblemind Spell. If he was not the
one to utter the Command Word then whoever did
is treated as a trusted ally by the wearer, otherwise
the spell works as normal. The effect of this is
permenant and cannot be removed unless Divine
Intervention from a Greater Deity is received.

Khyber's Folly (Awakened)

Magical Full-Plate, Artefact

As though mocking its wearers bravery, the suit

locks itself in place, refusing any form of escape as
the man within begins to change.

Khyber's Folly (Awakened) is a suit of Magical Full-

Plate that provides a +2 bonus to AC. This item
requires Attunement and comes equipped with
Greaves, Gauntlets and Helmet.

Arcane Weave: Once per Long Rest, when first

targeted by a hostile spell, the wearer gains the
effect of Globe of Invulnerability for the full
duration as though cast at 6th Level. This effect
does not require Concentration

A Prison of Choice: The wearer cannot take the

armour off unless Remove Curse or similar magic is

Awakening: Upon reaching Level Fifteen and

uncovering the Command Word, Khyber's Folly will
warp fully into its true nature. At this point,
Khyber's Folly (Awakened) becomes Khyber's Folly

The Paths Eternal
"Whatever sins to which you lay claim, make your peace. Not
even an angel repentant can walk through these halls and
return at dawn."
Blackjack, Planar Guide Extraordinaire
Inbetween the planes lies the Astral Sea, a roiling tide of all, a
seething and idyllic expanse of nothing and everything. It is
creation and anihilation, it is home and hell and it is the
totality of existence.
But if one were to go deeper, to explore beneath what can
be, to delve under what is, then they would find everything
else. Amongst the chaos they would eventually stumble
across a twining black that spreads across it all, leading to an
uncountable number of destinations, both possible and not.
These are The Paths Eternal and their existence is little
more than a myth for to enter such a place is a nigh
impossibility, unless one knows how to. Throughout the
planes there are portals uncounted, some portable, others set
in stone. Much like these do the Onyx Gates appear and in
nature they are very similar. Each requires something to
open, a password, an object or even a concept thought at the
right time but there is a catch. Only those who are not
supposed to be can open them, only those to whom fate has
turned her gaze can find the breach, only those to whom go
where they cannot see. They are fell paradoxes and even the
Gods tread wary around them for they represent all that
should not exist.
Entering it is the easy part however for it is dangerous to
walk these paths. They are dark and empty of life, a hall
through an abandoned asylum for whispers echo endlessly
from all those who have ever braved the journey. No guidance
is given, no signs for the lost for that is what one must be to
enter, but to step along these smooth stone roads is to travel
discovery. There is no record of what has been hidden, for
how can there be. All that is lost and forgotten ends up here
and at the end of each turning, at the final step of each road,
is a door that leads to a place that does not exist, cannot
exist... should not exist and sometimes, merely to places that
you should not tread.

10 Contents
Once within, you must merely travel and choose a gate at The Nameless
random for there is no other guidance to be given. None
should fear of time spent here however for time does not Whispers Crawl and Shadows Fall
exist, an eternity in its shadowed safety is but the blink of an But there is only I
eye elsewhere, a split second that defies reality. That is not to Nightmares Creep and Angels Weep
say however, that travel here is tranquil. Far from it in fact, for Upon this Isle of I
in these passages a great dark roams free, a mistake buried
in the depths, the remnants of a God Insane. It has no name When The Paths Eternal were first discovered, many
and that is as good a title as any but those who walk these themselves sought entry. Gods, Angels, Demons, Devils and
ways speak of it as though it were Oblivion itself. stranger things wandered its endless roads in search of truth,
Still, despite the hardships and dangers, many have sought lie, and all that inbetween. Perhaps it was this sudden surge
this place out and many have died trying for what it promises of life that brought The Nameless, or perhaps it was always
are secrets too dangerous to be known and truths that were here. Regardless, those who soon searched in wonder, fled in
deceptions till found. fear and those who could not run were devoured by the
And those who return, well... darkness was born shadow.
somewhere after all. Those few who have seen it speak of a towering
abomination of shadow and mist that seeps through the
cracks in the ground. It's shape appears amorphous and
The Paths Eternal insubstantial but this is a deception, for its blows strike with
Magical Construct, Artefact great force. When it does take form, it looks akin to a vast
and regal lord, a crown of spited iron adorning its head.
All can be reached in these halls if one is mad Upon slaying the beast, for such a deed has been achieved
enough to try. Even Death... by the most powerful, the very Paths turn against you. The
ground shakes as though a giant treads upon it and the very
The Paths Eternal are a Magical Construct, earth gives away until only thin bands of land remain to walk
impervious to harm from even the most powerful upon. To each side falls oblivion and those who make that
deities. Their access requires use of a specific descent are never to be seen again. Great iron spikes erupt
portal and a desire to go somewhere that cannot, from the ground, skewering the unwary, and unless one
does not or should not exist. makes it to a gate quickly, the world will collpase around
Beneath Eternity: The Paths Eternal lead to There are those whom talk in whispers that The Nameless
everywhere in existence (and many places out of it)
at any point in time. There is no guidance nor
is a God, akin to Ao. His mirror image just as the Paths are a
direction here however and any door you exit
mirror to possibility. Such is heresy however and few speak it
through may lead anywhere the DM wishes. for fear of drawing wrath from above. But if it is indeed such
Furthermore, time does not exist in this place and a creature then, no matter how powerful it is, it can be slain.
should one return through the door you entered A great day that would be, or perhaps the worst disaster to
then it will be as if you had never left. ever befall reality.
The Nameless: Upon entering The Paths Eternal, the
DM should roll a D20. On a 1, the group has been
noticed and at some point will be attacked by The
Nameless (detailed later). It is possible to outrun it
but in these eternal passageways, it will always find

The Nameless Contents 11

The Nameless Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft.,
one target. Hit 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage and
Gargantuan undead, unaligned
27 (6d8) necrotic damage.
Armor Class 20 Devour. The Nameless targets any creature in The Paths
Hit Points 700 (40d20 + 280) Eternal that it is aware of. The target must make a DC
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. 20 Wisdom saving throw or have its psyche pulled into
The Nameless. The targets body becomes comatose
and it takes 49 (14d6) psychic damage at the start of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA each of The Nameless' turns. The creature inside is
24 (+7) 30 (+10) 24 (+7) 2 (-4) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) trapped until The Nameless has been "slain" or until
the target has died. The Nameless may only have one
Saving Throws Cha +5, Int +5, Wis +14 creature trapped in such a fashion at a time.
Skills Perception +14, Stealth +19 Revitalize The Nameless feeds on the trapped psyche,
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, bludgeoning, regaining hitpoints equal to the damage dealt by its
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical devour ability this turn. The trapped creature may
weapons repeat the Wisdom saving throw when this occurs,
Damage Vulnerabilities psychic escaping back into its body on a success.
Condition Immunities frightened, charmed, stunned,
Frightful Presence. Each creature of The Nameless'
prone, poisoned, petrified
choice within 120 feet of it and aware of it must
Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 24
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become
Languages Understands all languages but doesn't speak
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
Challenge 29 (135,000 XP)
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with
disadvantage if The Nameless is within line of sight,
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If The Nameless fails a ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. saving throw is successful or the effect ends, the
Magic Resistance. The Nameless has advantage on creature is immune to The Nameless' Frightful
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Presence until they next re-enter The Paths Eternal.

A Glimpse and Nothing More. The Nameless can never Legendary Actions
truly die. Should its physical form ever be destroyed,
the very Paths will turn against the agressor for they are The Nameless can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
one and the same. The Nameless will then reform the from the options below. Only one legendary action
next time a creature enters The Paths Eternal unless a option can be used at a time and only at the end of
way can be found to slay it for good. another creature's turn. The Nameless regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Actions Attack The Nameless makes one slam attack.
Multiattack. The Nameless can use its Frightful Tread Infinity The Nameless may appear anywhere in
Presence. It then makes four attacks: one with its soul The Paths Eternal
flense and three with its slam. It can use revitalize
instead of its soul flense. Revitalize (Costs 2 Actions) The Nameless uses the
revitalize action.
Soul Flense. The Nameless targets one creature it can
see within 120 feet. The target must make a DC 20
Wisdom saving throw or take 44 (8d10) necrotic
damage and gain vulnerability to necrotic damage until
the end of The Nameless' next turn.

12 Contents
"There is a balance to this world, a rule that cannot be ignored.
That one cannot create life from nought.
All that lives comes at the cost of anothers death.
So it must be."
Meredith, High Judge of the Universal
Once upon a midnight dreary, sat a madman, weak and weary
Pouring over a book that detailed ancient and forgotten lore
As he whispered, barely woken, suddenly a word was spoken
As though some ward rested broken, broken on his tower floor
“Tis some devilry” he muttered “spoken on my tower floor
Only this and nothing more.”
Ah, disgusted he dismembered, as he lost what he remembered;
As a belated shattered mutter crept its way on up the stair.
Eagerly he spoke and stated; as he called upon the Hated
Giving no thought to his fated, fated death by loved Sinclair
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Sinclair
Nameless here and everywhere.
And came murmurs, mad, and screaming within each point painted dreaming
scorned him- warned him with the nightmare truth he’d never known before
But he spoke, these words unspoken by the mad, he had awoken
“Tis some devilry misspoken darkly on my tower floor
Some black incanting misspoken darkly on my tower floor;
This it is and nothing more.”
Understanding of the peril, he did summon something feral
“You” said he, “must save me, truly I’m afearing of my soul;
For once from Death I’ve woken, and there’s something in me broken
Something few have loudly spoken, spoken on this tower floor,
That I scarce can come to terms with hence the markings on the floor”
The Hated watched and nothing more
Deep into the Hated peering, long he stood there wondering, fearing
Doubting, dreaming dreams that never mortal should have come to dare
But the silence stayed unbroken, and the Hated gave no token
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word “Sinclair”
This he whispered, and an echo murmured back the word “Sinclair”
Merely this, with beauty fair
Back against the wall he rested, all his soul within him tested
Soon again he heard it spoken somewhat louder than before;
“Surely” said he, “surely there is truth or something that you claim to know;
Please let me see, all that you’ll show, and this mystery explore
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;
Just the truth, and nothing more!”
Right here he pressed the Hated, when, it seemed the dark abated
And from shadow wove a nightmare from the forgotten days of yore;
Just a thing of fear and terror here, an object made in error here;
Haft with grace of gold and veneer, now upon my tower floor
Lain upon a symbol painted, resting on my tower floor
Still, and dark, and nothing more
Then the Hated said beguiling his great terror into smiling
Telling of the power granted by the shroud both dark and fair,
“From a death this grants a haven, though,” he said, “for just a craven”
As there’s due towards the Raven who doth soar in Reapers Lair.”
“Tell me what this objects name is that doth hide in Deaths own Lair”
Quoth the Hated “Neverwear”
Contents 13
One by one these brave knights fell, each life costing
Neverwear humanity unbearably. Finally, Lady Nightingale, Knight-
Magical Cloak, Artefact Commander for the Order of the Songbird, reached out to the
outcast. Wizards of necromantic talent, sorcerers of insane
One cannot hide from the Reaper, one can merely power and mortals bound to darker beings. To each she
placate it. Eventually Death will come knocking... promised amnesty and with each she spent their full talents
and she will have her due. in producing a weapon that would win the day.
She returned to her Keep bearing a small bag, filled with
Neverwear is a Magical Cloak that provides a +2 silver rings and to each of her men she gave one. The men
bonus to AC and Saving Throws. This item requires were filled with power as eldritch magic fuelled their every
Attunement. move. Strength beyond the ken of giant-kind lurked behind
each swing and they moved so fast that barely blurs could be
A Brief Respite: Should the wearer die they will seen. To each she had given them the power to fight against
instead be stabilized. This ability can only be armies, to do battle such that bards would sing. To each she
activated once the sacrifice for any previous uses
of this ability has been made.
had wrote their swansong.
Death's Due: Once he has been stabilized in this
manner, the wearer has a week to sacrifice another
sentient being to Death. The depravity and cruelty
of this ritual is left up to the DM in question.
Should they fail to do so then the Cloak will restrict
around their neck until they choke to death,
moving on after to its next victim. This cloak can
only be unattuned if you are dead.

"Come forth with me against the night, come forth on wings
of bone and dust. Come forth for wrought and ruin and ride
the apocalypse, for I am Anihilation.
And I start with mine own self."
Unknown Knight of the Songbird
When faced with overwhelming odds, people have always
resorted to the insane and mad in order to prevail. No more a
finer example of this exists than Swansong for it was born of
a last hope, a dwindling candle in the dark that would engulf
their world in fire.
Originally there were many of these devices and they found
their origin in The Morning War. For three hundred years, Across the land, stories spread of lone men destroying whole
battle raged between man and orc and no further end was in divisions of orcs, moving faster than was possible through
sight. The casulties were counted in the tens of thousands their ranks as corpses lay behind them. Cities were left
and success was measured in inches as the lines between the ablaze as gates lay sundered by single blows and horror
two forces shifted imperceptibly. Culture and art had long thrived as atrocity after atrocity was commited in the name of
since died and society existed in a perpetual state of conflict, survival. Despite this, humanity was still being pushed back
a morbid focus on an inevitable end that could not be and even worse, her men were dying. Not by orc blade or
achieved. spell were they lain low but by infernal fire that burned them
All this changed when the new orc king came to power for from within. The strength they wielded needed a source and
he was a tactician without peer and under his watch the orcs the fuel for their fire was their lifeforce, and each day saw
adopted revolutionary strategies and technologies. Mankind more and more of them succumb to the curse, the source
found itself hard-pressed and they began to crumble against shattering once their feeding was finished. In desperation,
the onslaught. Panic soon spread through the armies and Lady Nightingale demanded more rings and conscripted the
deserters fled in their thousands, cities lay abandoned and other knightly orders, sending them as assassins against the
only the Knights of the Land, those sworn to protect against orc leadership rather than waste their talents on general
evil on their very souls, stood left on the field. battle.

14 Contents
Soon, the orcs were pushed back for wherever their generals Long ago there was a land newly graced by life, to whom
hid, they were soon found and destroyed. Castles built to peace was all they had ever truly known. Their world was one
stand against armies were reduced to rubble in a night and of prosperity and bounty and those who brokered misdeed
even the orc capital was not safe. Eventually the king was were not punished with death but with life, a life facing the
slain by "shadows" that left the throneroom bathed in blood crime they had commited.
and the war was over, the orcs retreated and humanity The blackest crime of which one could be convicted was
celebrated. that of traitor, one who worked against their friends for their
But the soldiers bearing these rings still remained and as own gain and the punishment for this crime was to be
the orcs retreated they followed. The Knight-Commanders marked with the Revenant, a shrieking skull tattooed onto the
ordered their men back and when they were ignored they skin and eyes branded on with fire. Those who saw such a
sent troops to collect them. None returned alive. symbol would know that they dealt with the worst of their
For a nation just returned to peace, this was a nightmare kind and so they lived in despair yet dead in the eyes of their
and so the country's leaders hid the story, covering it up and fellows. Truly there were accursed in the sight of God.
blaming the results on orc marauders and bandits. Eventually Still, these moments were rare and so life was pleasant,
each of these twisted madmen burned themselves out and almost idyllic and when it was announced that the king lay
their rings went with them but the power of these devices dead there was great sorrow indeed for he had been a
was too much to be left to chance. Lady Nightingale and all beloved man. He had left behind two sons, twins from birth,
those involved in their creation were hanged as traitors and to rule in his stead and these were Cain and Abel. None
all records of their existence were destroyed. denied them their right for all knew them to be good men,
Still, evil always has a way, madness, a will. strong men who would lead with both justice and kindness.
And desperation is forever around the corner. Faced with the problem of who should inherit the title of
king, the pair agreed that neither would and instead they
would both work as equals, both as princes of the land to
Swansong whom they guarded and for many a year this proved wise.
Magical Ring, Artefact Abel was a compassionate soul who cared greatly for the
individual and made frequent visits to the poor and infirm,
Death in Duty, Sacrifice in Honour, Damnation for and under his watch the arts and science flourished. Cain
the Greater Good possessed a shrewd acumen and cutting with, negotiating
with merchants from far-off lands and destroying those who
Swansong is a Magical Ring. This item requires bought their blades against him with equal ease. Under his
Attunement. care there was security and wealth like never before.
I Am Legion: The wearer of Swansong has their
But as time passed on by, Cain grew dark with envy of his
Stength, Dexterity and Constituion set to 30. They
brother. Abel was seen everyday amids the people and they
also benefit permenantly from the Haste spell. loved him while Cain was forced to labour inside, writing
treatise and directing strategy. This all came to a head on the
Soulforge:The GM should keep a note of the day of their 15th Anniversary for when they stood before their
characters original Constitution score before they people, there were cheers and screams of joy. "All hail King
put on the ring. Each day that goes by wearing this Abel" they shouted and Cain burned with shame.
ring see's that score reduce by 1 permenantly. With fury he faced his brother when they returned indoors
When this reaches 0, the characters burns up and and the two fought like never before. Servants fled from
is slain while the ring is destroyed in the process. Cain's wrath and the guards held baited breaths, fearing that
The ring cannot be removed by any means once it such discourse could only end in the two brothers fracturing.
has been attuned. It seemed that no end was in sight between the twin princes
but all was saved by the emergence of an exhausted
messenger, his skin bruised and cut and his clothing stained
with the dust of the road. Cain and Abel paused long enough
The Revenant Encarmine to hear him out and when they did all thought of their
"Genius and madness are two sides of the same coin or so disagreement dissapeared. An army was approaching, vast in
they say. Love and hate, even good and evil are as well, size and scope and led by a terrible and cruel man. They had
according to our teachers but when we were born, brother. grown dark in desire for the wealth of the twin prince's
Which side of the coin do you think I faced? empire and they came with no other thought than to leave the
Which one of us stood on the side of Hell?" land in fire and ruin.
Prince Cain, Accursed Kin-Slayer With great speed Cain marshalled the soldiers and
generals, supply lines were set up and the gleaming legions
No matter where you go, no matter when you travel, betrayal marched to war. Abel rode with his brother, both clad in
has always stood out as a sin so dark there can be no beautiful suits of armour, gleaming gold and silver for Abel
redemption. History is replete with men whose souls are and fearsome red and black for Cain. When they arrived, the
stained with the act and to whom even the most benevolent of slaughter soon began as arrow and witchfire rained from the
gods abhor. There is however, an act so vile as to shock even sky to the sounds of the beating drums of war. Metal clashed
the lords of hell and it is of this we speak. against metal and screams echoed endlessly around as the
carnage grew more brutal with every passing second.

Contents 15
Cain was brought back in chains and before a people almost
insane with rage he was tried. The Brand of the Revenant
was brought forth but added to it was a crown of blood drops,
burned into his flesh as a sign that amongst the bastard
traitors, Cain stood as prince in tatters. He was sent into exile
and banished forever, forced to eke out a beggars life in the
streets of cities foreign to him. So it is here that his tale ought
to have ended.
But the hate of an entire nation is a strong thing, a feral
thing. That mark embodied the loathing of an entire people
and to the shadows at the edge of sight, it was a most enticing
promise. A creature known only as The Dark saw this flicking
night in the midst of a beautiful world and took notice,
feeding the rage and pain within Cain, turning him into the
monster that the world was all too happy to see him as.
And that is the end of our tale for none ever survived long
enough to learn what exactly Cain had become. Some say
that his agony at life led to his own hand ending himself while
others insist that he stalks the planes to this day, forced to
wander the land in search of a haven from gods own fury.
But The Dark, The Dark is always watching for those who
tread the same step and to those who follow such madness,
The Revenant Encarmine awaits their soul.

The Revenant Encarmine

Magical Tattoo, Artefact
The two brothers majestic found themselves in the heart of
storm, facing off against the leader of the enemy host. He was Kin-Slayer is a title with an edge. For many it
a towering man, a beast of muscle and scar tissue and he inspires hate and rage but amidst the shadows
dwarfed the kindred before him. With a roar he raised his axe there is only respect for one so demented.
and Cain darted beneath the blow as Abel took it solidly on
his shield. The three fought for nearly an hour, a legendary The Revenant Encarmine is a Magical Tattoo that
fight that bards would sing for centuries, and it came to an provides a +2 bonus to Saving Throws. This item
end when Cain leapt onto his back, gripping the edge of his requires Attunement and can only be equipped by
blade in a broken gauntlet staining rapidly with blood, and one who has slain family.
pulling it across the barbarians throat. With a roar, the giant
reeled back and Abel struck, lancing his spear through the Cursed By Thine Own Hand: The wearer of The
throat and with that the battle was won, the horde dissapated Revenant Encarmine has advantage against any
creature with whom he shares race and gains his
and their leader bled out onto the ground. class level in temporary hitpoints whenever he
Roars of victory soon dominated the field as blades slays such a creature. Furthermore any attack
crashed against shield. Cheers erupted from the surviving against someone who shares a blood relation with
men and Abels name was shouted to the very heavens. Cain the wearer ignores Resistances and Immunities.
broke inside, looking at all that he had achieved stolen by his
kin without intent or effort. He grasped his blade and stalked Blood-Traitor: Anyone who sees The Revenant
towards Abel, who was lost in the screams of the crowd, and Encarmine will know exactly what it is, even if no
with a single thrust, pierced his brothers heart with his prior knowledge existed. Any Paladin, Cleric or
silvered blade. other Agent of the Divine will recognize the bearer
At once there was silence, all staring at Cain in horror as of such a scar even without seeing it and the
his blade turned black against the betryal. Abel struggled for results will usually be violent. The Revenant
words, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, until he Encarmine can only be removed if forgiveness is
finally sank to his knees. A single blow later and his head flew received from the victim that first caused this
through the air, landing in the dirt beside the corpse of the curse.
warlord just slain.

16 Contents
The Devil's Dice He went out into the world and success was his. The first
"There are some who say that victory is worth any price, that tavern he went to he gambled and every game he played was
success crosses all lines... his, so much so that he was forced out of the town for being a
But if that were true, what then does that say about us if the witch.
Devil himself chose defeat over the greatest sin." The next city was much the same, and so was the one after
Abraxus, Infernal Scholar that. Finally, he found himself in a possession of a fortune so
great he could not imagine spending it. He settled down on
Many a tale is told of deals made at crossroads with demons his winnings and became quite a local legend and so when
and devil alike, stories of prayers of the blackest sort directed war broke, he was called by the local lord for advice.
towards the depths. Plenty of these hold a ring of truth for it Strategy for the war was being planned on a large map and
is indeed the case that the fiends from hell are more than without thinking he took out his "lucky" token, shaped into
happy to take their due in exchange for a small favour. the form of war, and placed it on the map, helping the
Once however, there was a gambler who challenged the generals devise strategy until the early hours of the morning.
Lord of Sin to a game, pledging his immortal soul if he lost. Over the following days, their armies won victory after
The Devil of course accepted, glad to relieve the tedium that victory as it seemed the very weather turned against them,
eternal imprisonment provided and in exchange proffered up the earth roiling at their feet. Everything from earthquakes to
his blessing should he be bested. plague struck their foes and soon they had routed. Luck
And as such, the two players faced each other and for days herself had blessed them on this endeavour.
dice rolled, pieces moved and riddles were exchanged. But such tragic defeat inspires desperation and so it was
Eventually, the Devil raised his hands in defeat and in here. The enemy were so weak they turned to any that could
admiration fulfilled his end of the agreement, imbuing the aid them and so listened the demons and devils of the depths.
dice that had bested him at last with his dark fortune. Any Monsters tore through the land as Diabolists unleashed their
piece of any board these dice could become and as long as art upon the world. Though victory had been won, the cost
luck was involved, success would be guaranteed. was so much worse than defeat.
Now this gambler was an adventurer of some renown but Fearing what would come next, the adventurer fled but as
he was a foolish man, quick with coin and free in his belief of he ran in terror he noticed that in every city he'd visited, great
the next sob story that he heard. As such he took no suspicion tragedy had befallen them.
at this reward that had been so easily earned from the Father
of Lies himself.

Contents 17
Suicides, riots, pain and suffering, all these and more had
been left in his wake. Disgusted that somehow he had been
involved in this, he threw the dice away and a split second
later, a bolt of lightning flashed out of the sky and dead he lay
upon the ground.
The dice of course were found and wherever they went,
great fortune followed, but so to did misery come in its wake.
Deaths piled up and all the while the Devil laughed for in the
end, the adventurer had lost the game. The most important
game of all.
The Game of Choice

The Devil's Dice

Magical Trinket, Artefact

Beware the Devil's Deal, for they're never finished

till your dead

The Devil's Dice are a Magical Trinket. This item

requires Attunement.

Tricked By Fate: The owner of The Devil's Dice

gains the Lucky feat. if they already have this feat
then they gain 3 more Luck points. Furthermore,
this artefact can become any small piece for a
game or board and if used in such a manner then
the owner is guaranteed victory.

A Double-Edged Sword: The DM gains access to 3

Misfortune points which are used in exactly the
same way but for the monsters. The DM can also
come up with other disasters to be inflicted via the
expenditure of these points. Every time this
Artefact is used to ensure success, the DM should
create an opposing disaster, increasing in severity
depending on how much the owner gained from
his succcess.

Till Death Do Us Part: This Artefact has to be given

away in order to be unattuned safely, otherwise the
owner will suffer increasingly bad luck (at the DM's
Discretion) until a remedy is found.

18 Contents
Artwork: Cover Art (Tyler Jacobson D&D)
             Evil Sword (
             Necromancer (Martin Driver)
             Fire (HD Wallpapers Inn)
             Harlequin Masque (
             Onyx Mage (Izzy Medrano MTG)
             Magnifying Glass (Dan Scott MTG)
             Evil City (Seung Jin Woo)
             Magebane Armour (Izzy MTG)
             Beastman (Kekai Kotaki Total War: Warhammer)
             Big Thing in Forest (Dark Forest Fantasy)
             Desolate Wasteland (Dark Fantasy Wallpaper)
             Monk (Peter Bergting)
             Ring of Xathrid (Erica Yang MTG)
             Vampire Count (Young June Choi)
             Lucifer (
Inspiration: Elric & Stormbringer (Michael Moorcock)
                      Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan)
                  Wheel of Time (Brandon Sanderson)
                  The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe)
                  The Bible (God?)

- Contents 15

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