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CD Title & SKU Speaker/Rating Main Idea Supporting Points

CD101-1: “Making  Ditto is a great tool to save time, budget, and

Your First Circle Work, Ditto on the 1st is the duplicate volume
Kristin Dussault
1.0” foundation of your volume  Ditto builds momentum
N  Overviews of top Ditto products & exclusives
CD101-2: “Developing  Ribbon, Nutrilite, Artistry, Ditto, XS, & Christmas
Customers 1.0” Nicole Ryder & Tips for creating customer tips
Panel volume
FAQ’s addressed:
CD102: “FAQ’s” Dave Dussault Prospects: make an  Pyramid, Internet negative, Amway affiliation,
& Todd Ryder informed decision Shipping costs, Tool/URA income
 Kids look forward so don’t use them as an excuse
 Leaders are built daily, not in a day
CD103: “Play Injured”  It’s not about the bells & whistles, it’s about the
Tracey & The price and the prize dream, your passion & laying it on the field daily
Kimberly Eaton correlate perfectly  Delayed gratification is worth it
 A-game vs. B-game, 2% vs. 98%
P N  Finish what you start
 Your dream is a commitment, a sell-out away
CD104-A: “Embrace  When God closes a door, he opens another
Though we cannot choose  Your dream is out there waiting for you, just start
the Code”
what time in history we with baby steps
John & Jennie
live, we must choose how  Small things can either keep you from your
Belle Crowe
we live during our place in dreams or be the catalyst to help you obtain them
time  There are 8 seeds in an apple, but how many
apples in one seed? Be a seed.
 If you know why you’ll figure out how
 Make habits of doing what you don’t want to do
CD104-B: “Embrace
and what you are afraid of
the Code”
John & Jennie Follow principles and the  The secret is work
Belle Crowe code, not a man  Leadership is a responsibility, be humble
 You may have one chance to prove your manhood
 The code is the code is the code
 Never leave a comrade, but some may leave you
 Keller story (wrestling coach & English
teacher/parole office)
CD105: “Emerald Winners succeed by taking  Anyone can be number one in this business
Success Story” because your only opposition is you
Jordan & mentorship over advice
 Doubt your doubts and just go do it
Janelle Keller and pushing themselves  Get off the emotional roller-coaster with a
towards excellence consistent work-ethic
P N  Feel the fear, dig deep and do it anyway and
you’ll be a strong self-image
CD106: “Emerald  Bush story (Real estate investment co. owner)
Success Story”
An impacting business  The internet is just beginning
Bruce & Jamie
founded on freedom,  The impact of this business on family
P N family, hope and reward  Perseverance develops character, which is more
important than financial success
CD107: “Professional  This business is the best because of what it offers
Credibility” This business should be a everyone
Greg Stergar & viable option for any  Unlimited potential is one of the best aspects of
Panel professional looking for more this business
P N time or money  No matter how busy you are, you can build this
business because of time duplication
 The problems facing generations X & Y, mainly
that the system isn’t working
 Young people are torn between what they are
CD108: “Executive
being told to do and what they are sold by media
Diamond Attitude”
 The new kind of freedom is time and wealth
 Referring traffic or owning it creates new freedom
This business provides an  Young people want to participate, not just
opportunity for anyone to observe, so corporations are now using pay-for-
Dean Kosage
enjoy the new kind of performance endorsing-getting paid for creating
freedom & wealth volume & developing leaders
 Connect, empower, pull
P N  Profiling: learn to connect with the different
phases of life by being CORE
 Build a bridge to meet people at their dreams
 You have to have some posture
 Handling common urban myths
 Just because you don’t like the packaging doesn’t
CD109: “Why
mean your answer isn’t in the box
Why this is the best  Whatever income you earn is all there is so
John Sestina
business for every man increase income or reduce expenses
P N  The factors squeezing income circles
 Common business problems
CD110: “Leadership  Leaders have a greater responsibility
Principles” The beatitudes of a servant  Follow principles not a man
Rex Renfrow
leader  Humility, servant hood, stability, and integrity are
at the core of proper leadership
 Severn story (C.P.A.)
 Write down your goals & make them big because
CD111: “Diamond you’ll have them if you do the work
Rally” (Severn)  Make a decision first and then problem solve
An example of what will  You can’t keep the right people out
Dave & Jan
happen to you if you have  Let excited people be radical and make mistakes
the same perseverance  When God closes one door he opens another so
look up when things aren’t going your way
P N  Something good happens every night you STP
 Thoughts  desire  words  action  habits
 character  destiny
CD112: “Double Get free by being a  Invest time to get time
Diamond Attitude”  Prosumerism explained
Brad prosumer and take
 It’s can be the dream or the nightmare
Wolgamott advantage of the e-
P N  You can accomplish anything with the right model
commerce trends at the right time
 Don’t look to anyone – solve your own problems
 Be honest – what other options do you have?
 You need the right vehicle to follow and pattern
We are at the tipping point and duplicate yourself in order to make it today
of the greatest revolution (ex: the two income trap)
CD113A & B: “Triple
Diamond Attitude”
Greg Duncan in the history of business  When you step out expect criticism
and this opportunity allows  Rich people don’t steal pie, they make bakeries
you to take advantage of it  The opposite of success isn’t failure, it’s quit
 Satan gets a lot of credit from lazy Christians
 Great people always focus & are “out of balance”
 Cell phones, computers & the internet has
changed business forever
 Mass marketing has evolved to personal touch
 Edibles vs. ordinary consumables
 Personal websites
 The natural evolution is to affiliate marketing &
N Prosumerism
 The internet is the great equalizer
 Employees vs. entrepreneurs
 Use your success to empower your kids
 Why spend money only on the bad kids?
 Diamonds make a greater impact than a president
 Jobs don’t work
 One of our greatest fears is change
CD114A & B:  You can change if you want to, but you have to
“Founders Triple get honest
Diamond Attitude”  Women want security, to know they’re loved
You can do anything you  How you treat your wife & provide makes her
want in life if you have the  Learn to say “no”
Brad Duncan
right association and the  Success step one is to get honest with yourself
right vehicle  A job’s ceiling strips your dream
 Listen to & compare yourself with the best
 Understand money first so you can get time
 Time will make you happy
 This business provides a way to earn respect
 It all comes down to the dream
CD115: “Kosage Harness the trends and  Kosage story / divorce
Rally”  Distribution and social networking trends up to
overcome your challenges
Dean Koage early 2000’s
to be an impact player on a  Don’t confuse self-perpetuating subscriber bases
N level playing field with a multi-level
 Jobs are a catch-22 because in order to provide
CD116: “Private
for the ones we love, we have to leave them
Franchising in a High- High-tech & high-touch  McDonald’s story
Tech, High-Touch
private franchising will  Franchises allow duplication and provide benefit
Greg Duncan
allow you to live the way for serving and helping other people, but take
you really want to live high investment
P N  Private Franchising allows you to get paid what
you’re worth
 The internet is nearing critical mass
CD117: “Powerwave:
Take advantage of the  The shift to e-commerce will be the greatest
Reaching Critical
Mass” Bill Hawkins greatest economic shift in economic shift in the history of the world
the history of the world  Anyone in position to take advantage will become
P N wealthy
 This private franchising model allows for control
CD118: “Spring
of time and money
Leadership 2007”
You can have an incredible  Get wealthy so you can help others
Greg Duncan
lifestyle if you just focus  Money is like air
 Focus & be different
 What’s your life purpose?
CD119-1: “212  You need constant heat
Todd & Nicole Success requires dedication  Decide not to quit and then to win
Ryder & commitment
N  Get fanatical
CD119-2: “Cowboy  The mission’s not done until it’s done
Greg & Lynn Get back up when you’re
Up”  Die hard, ‘til sundown
Stergar down
N  Play when you’re hurt
 Don’t limit yourself
 You can do anything for 60 seconds
CD119-3: “Dig Deep”
 The work isn’t fun, but winning is
 Private victory precedes public victory
Jordan & Reach down inside yourself  Narrow your focus
Janelle Keller and find the winner  It’s harder to accept defeat when you work hard
N  Grow up, that’s what winners do
 You need it most when you don’t feel like it
 Bring it
 Crowe story (Engineer / E.R. worker)
 Good grades  good school  good job
CD120: “West Coast
Founders Double  The purpose of the system & CORE
Diamonds” The cowards never started,  Goodies  people  cause
 What will give you solace when the tide is out?
John & Jennie the weak died along the
 Examples of people who didn’t give in
Belle Crowe way, only the strong  The round table
survive  We’re in a war looking for warriors
 Character finishes
 Look for fighters
 The secret is to trust in God
 This is a generational business
 Dussault story (teacher & coach/office mgr)
CD121: “Dussault:  3 stages: fighting the system, afraid, fanatical
New Diamonds”  There’s a price to pay so you might as well pay it
as fast as you can
If we can do this, you can  Force change upon yourself and you can become
David & Kristin
do this if you get fanatical whoever you want to become
and sow the seeds  Weak people make excuses for their own short-
P N  Develop a maximum, whatever-it-takes mentality
 Draw the line in the sand
 You don’t have to be the fastest grower, just find
the people who want to grow fast
CD122: “Founders  Life’s lessons from Brady
Diamond Talk” Passionately grow, change,  You never have a “last game” here
Jack & Magee
think and network to make  Don’t wait for permission
N it from point A to point B  Think for a change
 All wealth is built by networks
CD123: “Success  The mentorship approach increases retention
Stories”  30 layers of depth will yield 12-16 layers of
David Dussault system-going core IBOs, 12-15 layers will yield 5-7
Excuse-removing examples
& Panel  30-35 memberships & 40-50 people to events will
always yield silver w/in 90 days, if not already
 Slow-growers are just as exciting as fast-growers
CD124: “Harvest  Don’t be a hater and don’t let your dream be
Time” stolen by the haters
 Shame on us if we don’t take utilize the free
enterprise system our military fights to protect
Utilize the power of your  The law of attraction & the power of your
David & Kristin mind and the law of thoughts & words
Dussault sowing and reaping to help  Your words are like seeds-what will they grow?
you win  Eat, drink and become wealthy
 The Rhodiola 110 blister pack contact
 Dave’s outfit at his first seminar
 Don’t try to be the alpha & omega  let the
association be the magic
 Sowing & reaping works only in this process: seed
time, progression time, harvest time

 The common denominator is the dream

CD125-A: “Face Your  When the dream’s big enough the facts don’t
A lesson in giant killin’: count
Giant,” Disc 1
you were created to  How you view yourself determines your believe,
Gary Newell dominate the giant who which determines much of your outcome in life
stands between you and  Your attitude more than your aptitude will
N determine your altitude in life
your dream
 Guard against good vs. most excellent decisions
 Most people have just one big giant
 The system and your work ethic are the great
CD125-B: “Face Your equalizers
Giant,” Disc 2
A lesson in giant killin’:  A giant lets you know you’re close to your dream
you were created to  If God gave you the appetite there must be a
Gary Newell dominate the giant who meal somewhere
stands between you and  Take baby steps to overcome
N your dream  Your “think” is your “is”
 Double your failure rate to win
 Sow seed with violent faith
 Objection is not rejection so don’t take offense
CD126-A: “Handling Identify the attitude of the  No time is usually a smoke screen so ask, “Aside
Objections” prospect, be prepared to from that, is there any other reason you’re
Dan & Sandy
answer & don’t worry holding back?”
about sponsoring every  Excuses are just a bad habit
person  No time, “not for me,” negative online, negative
people, pyramid, Amway vs. Quixtar, sales, prices
 Choose to upgrade your association, not lose
CD126-B: “Handling  Give direct answers to direct questions
Objections”  Focus & prioritize – consistency wins
Dean Kosage Connect before you pull  3 powers
N  Learn to laugh at yourself, not beat yourself up
 The Puff Daddy Bus
 The truth never changes and it usually hurts
 Avoid distractions-they kill daily habits
 Focus tips for ladies
CD127: “How to Stay
 The system levels the playing field and creates
Focused on Goals”
strong leaders
The dream will motivate  There are no discipline or focus problems, only
Brad & Leslie dream and motivation problems
you to create, apply and
Wolgamott  Passion creates focus
maintain focus  If you go diamond vs. if you don’t
 If it’s not the dream it’s the nightmare
N  Be intentional about doing whatever you need to
do to stay excited and focused
 Your life is planned, you have to play it, you might
as well win it
 Do you want 1,000 people duplicating everything
you do?
 When your belief is high you talk to everyone and
Do the extra little things as
CD128: “100% won’t be bullied
Dave Dussault if 1,000 people were  You either are an endorser or you’re not. How’s
watching to make bank your personal use?
 The best way to support the open is to grow it
 Do you lead from the front in sponsoring and
numbers to phone team?
 Are your education habits duplicatable?
 Do you provide your own hand-outs and samples?
 Those who do the most are the least willing to
give in
 Learn to get passionate about promotion because
people will believe like you believe
 Are you upline & crossline relationships proper?
 Are you setting the example with dress?
CD129: “No Excuses”  Barber story (Xerox sales rep)
 Build this business & get money out of the way so
Scott & Judy Don’t make excuses, just you can focus on the most important things
Barber make things happen  Take advantage of the mentorship so you can
become the best you that you can become
 Life’s little truths
CD130: “Founders Secure, lasting residual  Set the right example, you’ll be duplicated
Diamond Success Dave & Kristin income and volume starts  Everything you need to know about DITTO
Story” Dussault  Endorsers only use what they get paid to use
with making your first
N circle work
CD131-1: “Diamond  Success always comes with a price
Talk” Ron & Robyn Teamwork makes the  The team multiplies your time
Erwin dream work
N  The team multiplies your value to others
CD131-2: “Contacting  Preparation, dress, location, ice-breakers, the
Panel” Glenn Young & The mindset for building transition, answering questions
Panel your list from C-list
CD132-1 “Bounce All winners go through  Stay focused on your dreams during challenges
Back” challenges. Suck it up,  Will you pass or fail life’s tests?
Scott & Judy  How will you bounce? Like a watermelon or like a
bounce back, and move on
N superball?
because that’s what
winners do
CD132-2: “What a Four years will pass in an  Keller retirement story
Difference 4 Years Jordan & instant and your life can  It’s not about the time you put in, it’s about what
Makes” Janelle Keller you put in the time
change dramatically or stay
N the same
CD133: “New Crowe  Fields, Kalnins, Leisters, Jacobs, Crowe, Tierollers,
Centurion Club” Dave Dussault Don’t forget how you Rollins, Ackleys
& Panel started  How they saw it, initial reactions, changes in
money, personal circles, negative people, tips
FAQ’s addressed:
CD134: “FAQs 2.0” This team is here to answer 1. Pyramid/Illegal
Jordan Keller,
2. Shipping costs
Todd Ryder and your questions & help you 3. Too busy/Time
Steve Ridley do your due diligence
P N 4. Quixtar/Amway Global transition
5. Online Negative
CD135-1: “It’s Not  You only need a few “Yes’s” so don’t worry about
Meant to Be Easy”
Todd & Nicole All great accomplishments the “No’s”
Ryder take hard work & time  How you deal with failure separates you
CD135-2: “Are You  It’s about the team first, you second
After Recognition or  Pay the full price
Greg & Lynn You’ll get the recognition
Results?”  You can’t feed your ego & your family at the same
Stergar when you earn the results time
 It’s worth the work to get the results
CD136: “Moving Jack & Magee  Focus on your dream and keep building it no
Forward, Now What? Spencer
Diamond, the beginning
and end matter what
 Life is not a rehearsal, get off the bench
 Build your structure properly so you’ll always
CD137: “Mentorship
qualify for bonuses
Approach & Pulses” Fundamentals win ball
David Dussault  4 standards
games  Voice recorders
 Sold qualified platinum pulses
 Enjoy your journey of self-discovery
 Play injured & play scared
CD138: “Courage”  It wasn’t meant to be easy
 Courage is going on when you no longer have the
It takes courage to make
John & Jennie the small changes needed  This business builds a brotherhood
Belle Crowe to separate yourself from  When you sponsor someone you forfeit your right
the masses & finish strong to whine or quit
 Without fear, there’s no courage.
 Courage’s opposite is conformity
 Keep the price relative
CD139-1: “Ribbon  Ribbon is great for B2B or B2C
Ribbon is an easy, unique
Panel – Developing Janelle Keller &  Ribbon is an easy way to add profit to your
Customers” Panel
and fun way to grow your business in your personal circle
N personal circle
CD139-2: “Making  Ditto phases
Your First Circle Kristin Dussault
Expand your personal use  Explanations of less-known home care products
Work” & Emerald  Promote the mainstream products first, but
Panel to grow your business
N familiarize yourself with everything

 It’s not a product business, it’s a people business

about helping people be the best that they can be
CD140: “Discover
 The rewards are worthy of the work, with the
Who You Are”
intangibles being the most rewarding
 People attack with the negative that bugs them
John & Bobbie What’s holding you back is
 The hardest part is finding out who you are
Sestina what you think of yourself  The business solves a lot more than money issues
 Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by
living in the past or the future. Live every day of
your life by living in the present
 The best way to get love is to give love
 Sometimes you need a little A.D.D. (Another
CD141-1: “The Power
dynamic dude)
of the Mind” Vic & Debbie Action does away with
 When you full believe you become a people
Golat doubt magnet
 Follow your GPS (goal, plan, work on self)
CD141-2: “Have No  A.D.D. – Another dynamic dude
Doubt” Lew & Nancy Take action, follow your  When you truly believe you become a people
Schrumm GPS & be willing to change magnet
 Have a goal, a plan, and work on yourself
 You need to be crystal clear on what you want
 You get what you want with a team
 Trust your upline like the Karate Kid
CD142: “Diamond Matt Success is a way of
 Master promotion by making heroes of the team
Mentality” Grotewold thinking, a thought process  Good communicators & promoters have the
biggest businesses
 Not whatever I can, whatever it takes
 Ditto helps build momentum by allowing you to
build it offensively
 Hard work x Smart work = results
 The books reveal your inconsistencies to you at a
pace you can handle them
 You’re only looking for right people
CD143-1: “Dress &  Men’s & women’s professional dress guidelines
Posture For Success” Kellers & How to look and act  How to talk to a professional
Stergars professionally  Your self-image is as important as your outward
CD143-2: “What  How each quadrant impacts time & how you
Quadrant Are You make money
In?” Jack Spencer Know your audience  People = network = time = money
 Move from the giving end to the receiving end of
a network
 Challenges bring out our best
CD144: “David & the
 You must have a dream
Don’t let anybody steal  Find somebody to stand with you
Doug Wead  Everything worthwhile has a price
your dream
N  There is plenty of room for you and your dream
 Fight fear of people (FOP) and fear of failure (FOF)
 When you succeed you’ll understand your
CD145: “Diamond
 Greater struggle, greater victory
Success Story”
 Disciplines of a diamond woman
The diamond lifestyle will
Matt & Alana  Find happiness on the way to diamond
be there for you if you  There’s freedom in serving others
build a team  Don’t be perfect, be willing
P N  Decisions are tested
 If the dream is big enough the facts don’t count
because they’ll change
CD146: “New  Francis story (Engineer/corporate buyer)
Diamond Success  Attitude & conviction sponsor people
Greg & Jacquie It’s worth focused effort to
Story”  You example is the best teaching for your group
Francis go diamond  Chase the mindset
 The bigger the struggle, the bigger the victory
CD147-1: “Diamond  The land of the free
FED Talk” Jack & Magee  Today’s battlegrounds in America
Freedom vs. slavery
Spencer  4 ways of spending money
 It takes courage to stand
CD147-2: “Business  Computers and networks are not mainstream
Ownership” We do business the like the
Jack Spencer
big mainstream companies

 Push through the mental barriers

Winners are drawn to  Freedom vs. corporate America
CD148: “The Hum” Joe & Mary
other winners by their  Winners make the mediocre uncomfortable
passion and desire to be  If you want to be the champion you have to beat
N free the champion
 You must be tired of losing & decide to break out
 Keep the price relative
Successful people always
CD149: “Eliminating Greg & Jacquie  Some distractions are unavoidable but back-up
Distractions” Francis
avoid distractions and get plans, houses, kids, negative association/lifestyle,
focused to reach their sports, TV, unsupportive family, vacations, cars,
goals singleness/loneliness, weddings, finances,
relationships, jobs & poor organization are
 Use opportunities for distractions as
opportunities to become an excuse remover
 It’s worth delaying
CD150: “New Hold on to your dream &  Kopecky story (college student/salon owner)
Emeralds” Paul & Morgan  A cause bigger than you helps you impact people
know you’re going to make
N  Success is the sweetest revenge
it and you will.
CD151: “Is Your  Accept change
Dream a Priority?”  Keep the main thing the main thing (prioritize)
Ron & Robyn The dream will drive you to
 Be willing to sacrifice and delay gratification
Erwin prioritize, change, & work
N  Don’t get distracted by the urgent unimportant
CD152: ‘Founders Stay single-minded,  Duncan story
Triple Diamond  Getting out of debt
Brad & Julie prioritize and be willing to
Attitude”  Close and board up your “back door”
Duncan say “no” to live the life of  Build strong upline relationships
N your dreams  It’s all about the dream
CD153: “Do You  Don’t fool yourself and treat it like a hobby-
Know Your Game?” there’s strong income here
Digital recorders are the  Everyone is 2-3 years of hard & smart work away
most vital self-analyzation from freedom
Dave Dussault
tool available to help you  You must know what you sound like so you know
grow.” how people hear you
 Record yourself w/cds, books, meetings, contacts,
calls, etc.
 In a world of give and take, there are not enough
CD154: “An American people willing to give what it takes
Hero”  You forget your problems when you help
Clebe McClary S.U.C.C.E.S.S. someone else
 You are priceless
 Sustain the pace
 It’s ok to give out, but never give up
 With an ice-breaker, you list goes from your
CD155A & B: phone to 6 billion people
“Founders EDC  The real benefit is who you become
Success Story”  The Shaq Bar Incident
You don’t need money to  If you don’t buy from yourself you don’t deserve
Larry & Pam to make a profit
build the business, you
need a dream  People do what you edify
 Edification raises all IBO-ships
N  Learn to decipher between people who love the
business and people who love to build it
 Fear and doubt keep you from your dream
CD156: “Make Your  Why Ditto, why on the 1st
Making your first circle
First Circle Work 2.0” Kristin Dussault  The key products to put on your ditto
N work starts with Ditto  Eat, drink & supplement
CD157: “FED 2007:  Renfrow story
EDC Talk”  Treat people well and give from your heart
Rex Renfrow Choose a life that matters  What it was like when Rex started
N  Build it properly and you can’t fail
 It’s worth it
CD158: “Who Are You Dave & Kristin  Have the conviction of a diamonds, regardless of
Listening To?” Dussault
Move forward with an your pin
unshakable conviction  Don’t let anyone shake your tree
N  Who are you associating with?
 Don’t be influenced by the haters
CD159: “FED ‘How’  Panel: Jim Bowman, Nicole Ryder, Judy Barber,
Customer Panel” Kristin Dussault How to increase your Lorna Bass, Mike Edmonson
& Panel volume with our exclusives  Artistry, Nutrilite, XS, Ribbon, mini expos
 Sample, sample, sample!
 Winters story
 Lead, listen to upline & duplicate, don’t innovate
 Raising kids in the business
CD160: “Double  Overcoming fear
Diamond Attitude”  Happiness comes from productivity
 Don’t confuse the simplicity of building teams of
If we can do it, you can do people with the complexity of getting yourself
Larry & Pam right
it as long as you duplicate  The whole business is between your ears
the pattern of success  Don’t confuse busyness with productivity
 Use your products
N  Snipes’ diamond business size example
 People want to belong to something
 If Richard Branson can fill a plane with a paper
plate, you can fill a coliseum with a QI brochure
 Stay tight and unified
 Eliminate barriers so you can bloom
CD161-1: “Columbus  Do something that’s been done, but better
on Success”  A team helps you do more
Gary & Tammy Never give up on your
 Don’t be limited by the poverty of your dreams
Newell dream  When the dream’s big enough, facts don’t count
N  If leaders lack courage, people lack commitment
 You can’t feed your ego & your family
CD161-2: “Relax &  Don’t wait until you’re in the grave to ring your
Have Fun” Matt & Alana Enjoy your journey and bell for freedom
Grotewold finish it  Value’s determined by manufacturer, not the user
N  You have to be able to laugh at yourself
 Their trips over the past few months
 Your life hangs in the balance when you have
CD162: “What Are
You Made Of”
 You’ll decide to go through the junk for the dream
Joe & Mary  Are you waiting for things to happen or are you
Your dream will drive you
Beth making things happen?
Markiewicz to make things happen  Sometimes you have to say, “I’m tired of losing!”
 Are you passive or proactive?
 The pain of discipline or the pain of regret?
 Standing up for something or standing down?
 Running the race to finish or to win?
CD163: “Business  Etiquette for open meetings, hotels, and tipping
Etiquette is manors: treat
Etiquette” Scott Barber  General etiquette
N people right
 It’s worth committing to
CD164: “The C’s of  You have to know what you want
Leadership”  Set the example in all things
Todd & Nicole Commit to yourself, your  Commit to CORE and to succeed through failure
Ryder upline & your business  Have a clear concept of your goal
 Invest time and money into yourself & others
 Don’t compare
 Have a stubborn consistency
 Have good character
CD165: “Keep it  What Nutrilite supplements the Crowes take
2 oars, 9 steps & 1500
Simple” John Crowe  Build it with faith
N blocks
 Lewis story (Grocery manager/Dental Hygienist)
CD166: “Diamond  Learning to work together
Success Story” Compound interest & the
Dave & Marge  True bankruptcy is when you lose your dream
slight edge are the keys to
Lewis  The dream is the most critical element
success  The diamond lifestyle
 Fighting through setbacks
 Properly building a list w/a new IBO
CD167: “Complete  Texting ideas
the Cycle”  The attitude for phone calls
 Tracks 3 & 4 on disc 1 are no longer relevant
John Crowe & Work through the cycle,  Why you need to get good at showing the plan
Dave Dussault grow yourself & stick it out  The importance of follow up & follow through
 Getting people started right
 As a man thinketh…
 Letting go of old habits
 John’s heart
CD168-1: “Working  Maximize local first
Distance Properly” Todd & Nicole Serve people and develop  Rule #1 of distance: go!
Ryder loyalty  Prior proper planning prevents poor performance
 Big price/investment brings big rewards
CD168-2: “It’s Not  Learn to make decisions for yourself
Your Upline’s Be fiercely loyal, yet  Make your first circle work
Greg Stergar
Business” fiercely independent  Check upline, but think
 Use your upline, don’t abuse them
CD169-1: “Dream,  Let your husband go out, he’s building your future
Struggle, Victory” Kennedy &  You’ll have to change
A work in progress
Joyce Rollins  Having more free time will remove stress
 Have integrity in how you build it
CD169-2: “What This
Let the system teach you  Open yourself to the system
Association Has Done Jordan &  Your membership is like a gym membership
how to think because as a
for Us” Janelle Keller  How to utilize the system
N man thinks, so is he  You are the x-factor
 “Wait until tomorrow” is the only thing that can’t
CD170: “Call Me stop you
Crazy”  The struggles come to know what you have
Gary & Tammy Lessons from the story of
learned out of you
Newell Benaiah, the lion chaser  Struggles increase your ability to impact others
N  Lion chasers: attack (don’t retreat), have an
opportunistic attitude, defy odds, are a little crazy
CD171-1: “Life’s  Choose excellence
Lessons”  Don’t play the blame game
Scott & Judy Take responsibility for your
 Follow the pattern of success
Barber own success  Use your time productively
 No try, only do
CD171-2: “Success  Do what you need to do when you need to do it,
Habits vs. Failure whether you like it or not
Greg & Lynn Repetition of good habits
Habits”  Success habits are an act of will, not emotions
Stergar will bring the results  The law of the lid
 The URA crest
CD172-1: “Success  Personal circle examples
Kennedy Find your dream and go
Stories: W.C. 2008”
Rollins & Panel grow
CD172-2: “Breaking Everyone hits the wall, but  Overcoming common walls: family negative,
Through the Walls” Todd & Nicole finances, negative speech & mindset, quitters, job
winners and champions challenges, etc.
push through it  The rewards are on the other side of the wall
 It’s good to chase people who are where you
CD173: “Who Are You want to be
Comparing Yourself You don’t have to be  Avoid the emotional roller-coaster
To?” perfect, just go find three  Any excuse is good enough for wrong people
Dave & Kristin
people to serve & build  Emerald is just three people at 25%
relationships with to get  Be selfless to be selfish
them to 25%  Serve to impact
 Don’t try to hatch your group or get knowledge
constipation, lead from the front
 Lewis story (grocery manager/dental hygienist)
CD174: “Diamond  You can’t have a victory without struggle
Talk: Michigan  Find your why before it finds you
Winter Conference  Will you be people’s reason or excuse?
2008”  The dream helps you overcome
Dave & Marge You either focus on the
Lewis  The day you focus more on your challenges than
challenges or the goal the dream is the day you risk losing you dream
and quitting
N  Life will hit you whether you’re in this business or
not, but this business can give you hope
 Materialism isn’t bad
CD175-1: “Integrity &  333: The rules of engagement
Service Before Self” Greg & Lynn Embrace the 459333 code  What it means to be a wingman
Stergar & earn your wings  Don’t gossip, judge or use sarcasm
 Stay unified
CD175-2: “Unity &  Unity in a marriage
Loyalty” Todd & Nicole Loyalty x Edification =  Attitude encourages unity
Ryder Unity  Loyalty, unity, and edification fundamentals
 Loyalty naturally produces edification
CD176-1: “Change is Take mentorship from  Are you a poser or a changer?
Necessary” Chad & Corrie people with the right fruit  You have to have passion and some degree of a
Leister competitive spirit
and set a new standard in
your life
CD176-2: “A Thin  You’re either getting better or getting worse
Line”  Do it, even if your spouse won’t
Put yourself in a position to  Eliminate distractions (ex: TV, coaching, etc.)
Jordan &  Burn your bridges so you must swim when you’re
Janelle Keller
succeed so you can connect back’s against the wall
N the thin threads & succeed  Driving depth
 Lead from the front, create a vacuum for your
CD177: “20/20/3  You’re worthy & deserving if you’re willing to do
Leadership Talk” Jack & Magee Take ownership & pride in the work
Spencer your business  Just deal with today, don’t worry about tomorrow
 Play the game, review and learn
 Strive for excellence
CD178: “Founders  Take your eyes off yourself and serve others
Emerald Seminar”  Embrace failure
Todd & Nicole Ownership mentality and
 Be the example (steadfast & consistent-the rock)
Ryder what it takes to be a leader  Be willing to serve & invest in people
N  You have to have a coach to learn from
 The stages of leadership
 9 CORE steps
 How to identify leaders
CD179: “Couples  Panel: Leisters, Lewis’, Erwins, Barbers
Greg Stergar & How to work together as a
Panel”  Getting new customers & creating volume
Panel couple
N  Favorite products
CD180-1: “9 Core  9 core steps explanation
Steps: Success Scott & Judy Follow the formula for
Habits” Barber success
CD180-2: “SL08  Examples of success stories
Success Stories” Tim Field &
A lot can change in 90 days
CD181: “Don’t Fool Success isn’t just money or  Bobbie: why you need this business beyond the
Yourself, You Really John & Bobbie finances
prestige: why you need
Need This Business” Sestina  The current economic climate and what it takes to
P N this business retire
CD182-1: “Show the  Show the plan to get free
Plan” Chad & Corrie Decisions compounded  When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Leister over time produce results
N  Chad’s way vs. CORE
CD182-2: “Are You  How to take advantage of the education
Your upline mentor and
Really Getting Jordan &  Don’t let others influence you negatively
Educated?” Janelle Keller
your membership package  You feed your body 3x/day, how many times do
are your lifeline you feed your mind?
 Politics is simple integrity/values and economics
CD183: “Foundational  Bigger government equals few choices, lower
Principles” standard of living
You must understand the  The U.S. is the richest place on earth
Bob McEwen issues in order to preserve  Freedom vs. slavery
the American ideal  The 4 ways of spending money
 We must trust God and in His standard
 Man’s material welfare
 Capital gains taxes explained
CD184: “Handling  Panel: Ryder, Bush & Stergar
Objections” The attitude and responses  Determine their attitude first, then techniques
Greg Stergar &  Objections covered:
to properly handle
o Emailing information, saturation, sales,
N objections online negative, tool money, the 4
standards, product cost
CD185-1: “What is  Everything you need to know about effective
Your Game Plan?” Todd & Nicole Who’s your coach and game-planning with your upline mentor
Ryder what’s your plan?  Avoiding distractions
 The phases of activity levels
CD185-2: “Developing  When you lead followers you grow one at a time
the Leaders Around When you lead leaders you  5 stages of leadership
Greg Stergar
You” grow exponentially  How to identify and build leaders

CD185-3: “The Glue is  Servant hood and love is the glue and the “joy
Love” Ron & Robyn Money is only a result of juice”
Erwin love in relationships
CD185-4: “SL‘08  Examples of success since Winter Conference
Success Stories” Glenn Young & 2008
You can do what they did

Dave Dussault Why this team and this  Panel: Sestina, Ridley, Keller
CD186: “FAQs 3.0”  FAQs addressed: Pyramid,
& Panel business
Amway/Quixtar/Amway Global, Tool $, shipping,
P N online negative, no time

CD187-1: “No Pain,  Discipline yourself to follow your mentor’s game

No Gain” plan and your results will come eventually
Dave & Marge How badly do you want to
 You either let your circumstances control you or
Lewis change? you control the circumstances
 The cause (how to catch wild pigs)
CD187-2: “There is No  Snippets from the URA leaders
Bruce & Jamie Sow into the team and  This business is like a team sport
‘I’ in Team”
Bush you’ll reap a harvest
 It’s a process – things happen in due season
CD188: “Spring  Sowing & reaping: little decisions, big results
Leadership ‘08”  Choices and the ripple effect
John & Jennie The principles & laws of  You are where you’ve chosen to be
Belle Crowe success  As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he
 Self-image & the T-equation
 Input  process  output
 The power of the spoken word
CD189: “Overcoming  Renfrow Story
Obstacles: The Rex  Sow good seeds
Renfrow Story”  Do more than expected
Treat people well, work
Rex Renfrow  A level playing field
hard, and persist with faith  Do whatever it takes
P N  Persevere through the setbacks
 Relationships & the ability to impact are the best
 Thought  action  habit  character  legacy
CD190: “Habits &  Prioritize and delay
Discipline”  Discipline yourself to create habits so you can
Success in all areas of life is overcome the robotic mechanics
Dave & Kristin
about discipline, which  The robotic mechanics hinder passion, which
creates magic moments comes from instincts
N  Bite-sized pieces lead to consistency
 Magic moments are on the other side of
CD191: “This is a  Online communities
Championship Team” Amway Global & URA: The  Cash back
Chad Leister
best team in America  The big picture explanation of the business and
what it offers business owners and customers
CD192: “Why  Why supplement?
Why you should
Nutrilite?” Scott Barber  Why Nutrilite?
N supplement with Nutrilite  What Nutrilite offers
CD193: “Know What  Sponsor 12-15 to find 3-4 legs to drive depth in
You Want and Go  Pour gas on growth in depth and go Platinum
How to properly and
After It” Jordan Keller  Be honest about what you’ll get out of your 12
profitably go Platinum  Be honest about what you need structurally to get
what you want
CD194-1: “From  Making money and giving it away properly is a
Grand Rapids to Bruce & Jamie Amway is people helping good thing
Global” Bush people  The philanthropy of the DeVos & Van Andel’s
P N  It’s always about people, not buildings
CD194-2: “Do You  You choose you
Gary & Pam Tomorrow’s legends self-
Have a Vision?”  A history lesson of economic up’s & down’s and
Goodin identify today
N how our business is poised for explosive growth
CD194-3: “Don’t Take Scott & Judy  You have to crystallize and visualize your dream
This Mentorship For Barber
Its game time: are you in it before it can happen
Granted” to win it?  Your mentor can help you get a game plan once
you know what you want
 Perfect practice makes perfect
 Proper structure produces predictably profitable
CD195: “True Way to results
Build the Business” Creating a lasting business  A potential legacy
John & Jennie
through depth, proper  Success is revenge
Belle Crowe
relationships and the cause  Depth basics
 Relationships and edification hold it together
 The cause
 Panel: John Crowe III, Jim Bowman, Tania Doe,
CD196-1” “Singles
Norma Dejohnette, Matt Schwartz
Greg Stergar & Building the business as a  Staying organized
Panel single  Working with upline couples
 Ladies sharing the plan with men
 Single’s dating negative non-IBOs
CD196-2: “Success  Going platinum, going emerald and going
Stories/Moving On Dave Dussault Excuse-removing success diamond (mostly professionals)
Panel” & Panel stories
CD197-1:  Talent vs. work ethic & coachability
Jordan & Be a player first, coach
“Player/Coach”  If it’s to be it’s up to me
Janelle Keller second
N  Take mentorship from a qualified coach
CD197-2: “Do the  Get passionate
Math, Are You
Dig your well before you’re  Why the numbers in this business make more
Kennedy &
Studying the sense than the numbers out there
Joyce Rollins thirsty

CD197-3: “Where’s  Finding your heart vs. building it from your head
Todd & Nicole Build it from your heart,
the Heart?”  Love is the music behind the relationships
Ryder not from your head
CD198: “Emerald Humble yourself, follow  Leister story (health teacher/teacher & coach &
Success Story” Chad & Corrie counselor)
the pattern & be willing to
N  The 9 core steps work
CD199-1: “No Man is  What you put into it, you’ll get out
an Island” Lawrence & Together each achieves  Don’t pressure yourself, put it on the system
Sandra Bonelli more  People are more productive when they have fun
 Teamwork makes the dream a reality
CD199-2: “Creating a  Ingredients: conviction, sacrifice & community
People and relationships
Legacy” Marge Lewis  Inspections: influence, inspection, obedience
are the best legacy
CD199-3: “From  Have the heart of an Olympian
Success to  Be someone who doesn’t know how to quit
Significance”  The cause is the lubricant to keep your motor
Greg & Lynn Whatever it takes for the
from burning out
Stergar cause  Simplicity keeps sanity
 Doing your best is success, do whatever it takes to
create significance
CD200: “Emerald  Stergar story (England & Hair Dressing/Corporate)
Success Story” Greg & Lynn  The pain is nothing compared to quitting
Heart comes before height
Stergar  Give unconditionally
 Be a leader
CD201: “Diamond Ron & Robyn  Working with people and building connections
The right success mindset will
Seminar” Erwin
help you finish what you start  Building it in all circumstances
 Myths that keep you from success
 You become like your association
CD202-1: “Success  Excuse removing
Todd Ryder &
Stories – CSC08” Set the example  91-year old new 2500pv mentioned
CD202-2: “Rights vs.  Leaders and winners take responsibility and the
Responsibilities” Dave & Kristin Take control over your rest make excuses
Dussault actions and your attitude  The responsibility of leadership
 Don’t pass the buck to anyone else, you do it!
Character will help you  The simple beach life
CD203: “The Next
 Wish  hope  want  need  have
Tree” John & Jennie push yourself, prove your
 High & low tides
Belle Crowe manhood, and earn your  Movie lessons: Top Gun, Rocky, Gladiator
freedom  The Ranger Creed
CD204-1:  Panel: Corrie Leister, Lynn Stergar, Nicole Ryder,
“Artistry/Glow Marge Lewis & Pick and method and run Heidi Shearer
Marketing Panel” Panel with it  Spa cafés, Glow, working distance, closing sales,
CD204-2: “Mothers  Panel: Nicole Ryder, Jamie Bush, Lynda Young,
Panel” Katie Salvigson, Joyce Rollins
Kristin Dussault Make your unique family
 Be flexible
& Panel situation work
N  Incorporate the kids
 Building it as a mom in any phase
CD205 – Never assigned

CD206: “Unleash the  Panel: Greg Stergar, Dave Dussault, Jordan Keller,
Beast: CSC’08 Men’s Bruce Bush, Glenn Young
Leadership”  Provide, protect and romance her (love & respect)
John Crowe &
What it takes to be a man  Our country’s Christian heritage
 False masculinity
 Submission
 The atmosphere
CD207-1: “Passion  Don’t take our freedoms for granted
Wins All the Time”  Have a sense of urgency
Jack & Magee Take control with passion
 Learn to dance in the rain
Spencer and you will not be denied
N  Inch by inch it’s a cinch, yard by yard it’s hard
 Proving it works to negative people
CD207-2: “One  Have a willingness to change
Degree Can Make a Ron & Robyn Your dream is the agent for  Small changes can produce large results
Difference” Erwin change
CD208-1: “We Had  It’s worth it
No Choice” Eddie & Elise Preserve freedom for  Vicinanza story
Vicinanza future generations  Building it with kids
 Camelot/the cause
CD208-2: “Success  Life is tough, tougher when you’re stupid
Doesn’t Come at Frank &  You have to have a dream
Late night secrets for
Bargain Basement Lorraine  5-6 nights/week
Prices” Mikolas success  Don’t make excuses or take them
 Just pay the price and do it
CD209-1: “FED  Excuse removing
Success Stories” Dave Dussault Follow after the right
& Panel examples
CD209-2: “FED Dussaults &  Panel: Spencer, Erwin, Sestina, Vicinanza, Mikolas
Diamond Panel” Panel
What it takes to go
diamond  It’s worth it
 Whatever it takes
CD210: “FED 2008”
 Do more than is required
Rex Renfrow Rex isn’t tired, he’s re-fired  The ability to impact people
 Learn to work well with people
CD211: “Protecting What makes America  The moral absolutes, truth and our founders
Freedom’s Frame for  Consent of the governed
unique and why you should
Future Generations” Rick Green  Truth, consent, creator, pursuit of happiness
be proud to be an  Stand guard at the watchtower of freedom & do
American your part to preserve free enterprise
CD212-1: “2008 FED  Be predictable, be an example not an excuse, take
Jordan & How to be a blessing to
Emerald Talk” responsibility, serve as you were served, grow, be
Janelle Keller your upline
N trustworthy
CD212-2: “2008 FED  Master the basics (9 core steps)
Emerald Talk” Chad & Corrie Would you sponsor  Set the right example
Leister yourself?
 Funny stories that challenged their stability
CD212-3: “Emotional
There is a light at the end  Sacrifice to invest
Dave & Kristin  5 steps to stability: find solutions to win when it
of the tunnel if you stay
looks hopeless, serve with accountability to
steady & stable others, find a trigger, know you’ll win, don’t let
others control you
CD213-1: “2008 FED  We overestimate others & underestimate
Emerald Talk” Greg & Lynn ourselves
Against all odds  URA leaders: against the odds stories
 You make the odds
CD213-2: “2008 FED  Earn your self-respect with personal
Todd & Nicole To be able to look yourself
Emerald Talk” development, work ethic and character
Ryder in the mirror
CD213-3: “2008 FED  Crowe story (shortened version)
Double Diamond Discipline yourself & you  Make the most of what you have (God chooses
John & Jennie
Talk” can be free from your the hot chocolate, we choose the mug in goes in)
Belle Crowe
alarm clock  Man’s Material Welfare equation
 John’s weekly rut
CD214-1: “2008 FED  The impact & philanthropy of the DeVos & Van
Bruce & Jamie Amway Global: a rock-
Emerald Talk” Andel families
Bush solid business
P N  The financial stability of Amway
CD214-2: “2008 FED  Take authority for your life
Scott & Judy Go through the struggles to
Emerald Talk”  Hope  vision  challenge  prize
Barber get the prize
N  The challenges are supposed to be there
CD214-3: “2008 FED  Why people need a home-based business and
Gary & Pam In today’s economy, the
Emerald Talk” why this is the best one
Goodin old system no longer works
CD214-4: “2008 FED  Fight through the “stuff”
Kennedy & All worthwhile dreams have a
Emerald Talk”  There are no half-hearted or faint-hearted
Joyce Rollins price – be willing to pay it
CD215-1: “Growing  Panel: Ryder/Stergar/Leister/Barber/Keller
Robyn Erwin & Be creative in how you
Customers”  Artistry, Ribbon, Christmas shopping, expos,
Panel promote your products sporting events
CD215-2: “Courage:  Explaining Bando
Ghurka Warriors & John & Bobbie It’s better to die than to be  All relationships are built on respect
Bando Marital Arts” Sestina a coward  Respect grows when you witness courage in
CD216: “Founders
The keys to developing  The new IBO growth phases
Todd & Nicole
Emerald Seminar
Ryder  What it means to take ownership]
2008” mental toughness
 Persist & persevere
 The attitude for success
CD217-A: “Bigger the  The responsibility of leadership
Rose, Harder the  You must have a reason why or else you won’t
Thorn” fight back when someone pulls on your rope
 The power of spouses together
The “why” will keep you  Something to do, something to love and
John & Jennie
Belle Crowe
going when it hurts something to hope for: this business can give you
sometimes everything
CD217-B: “Bigger the  People are looking for recognition, a place to
Rose, Harder the belong, security, freedom, money and good
Thorn” working conditions
 Overcome the biggest dream stealer: you
 Be a student
 Loyalty, unity and edification
CD218: “Jet Stream”
 Set the right example
Duplicate the pattern of  Depth basics
John Crowe
success  Prioritizing your time
 Change your self-concept
N  Beware of internal and external negative
 Don’t accept limitation
CD219: “FAQs 4.0” Do your due diligence &  Panel: Bruce Bush, Todd Ryder, Jordan Keller
Dave Dussault  FAQs addressed: Too busy, Amway, shipping
P N & Panel
get your questions cost, customer service, prices, ditto, online
answered negative, education
CD220: “The Light of  People are looking for a cause & a hero
Joe &
a Dream” Who wins if you don’t go  You don’t have to be perfect, just be willing
diamond?  Just find and develop dreamers
 The ability to help & impact people & country
 Consistency determines self-image – you can
CD221: “There is a build your self-image by working depth
The goals, the why, the  Structural security supersedes profitability
 Build 3’s as you go (fast tracks) so you have
John Crowe psychology & the how of emeralds backed by emeralds eventually
building depth  Work around inactive/negative people in depth
 Treat people in depth like personals
 Where to spend your time
CD222-A: “Keep it  Discipline yourself or be disciplined
Alive, Check the  3 levels of maturity: I need help, I can handle it,
Pulse” Study your business and how can I serve you?
John Crowe
work it smart  4 stages of growth: Creative, management,
plateau, decline
 The pulses
 Build a taproot for each leg
CD222-B: “Keep it
Alive, Check the  To keep momentum growing, keep depth going
Pulse” You are responsible for  Depth fundamentals
John & Jennie  Fragile male egos
where you are in life & are
Belle Crowe  Believe in each other and respect each other
capable of changing  Commitment to continuity develops emotional
 Self-Image
CD223-1: “The Rest of  It’s all about the dream
You have to have a dream  Don’t’ give this business your leftovers
the Story” Jack & Magee
and a mentor to make it  You can have anything you want in this business if
happen you’re willing to work for it
 You have to see it in your mind’s eye first
 How they found their legs
CD223-2: “Hold the  Circumstances are the rulers of the weak
Charge to Your Ron & Robyn
Dreams” Erwin
It’s worth the fight

 Regardless of the dream, this business can help

you get it
CD224: “You Are in  It’s worth it
the Right Place” It’s not from the height of  Learn to paint Michelangelo’s with your words
John & Jennie your logic, but from the  The “why’ is more important than the “how”
Belle Crowe depth of your conviction  Picture where you want to be, not where you are
that people get involved  Get around your dream
N  People get in for $1k/month or less  don’t make
it too big
 How they found their legs and the ripple effect
CD225-1: “What Avoid common new IBO  New people: don’t talk to people without
About Bob?” Tim & Lynn counseling, skip meetings, de-edify your upline,
blunders & imitate the promote improperly
N Platinums  Be like the Platinums: look, smile, think,
CD225-2: “50/150 Mentors, set the example and
Success Stories” Dave Dussault
help new people be
& Panel
N profitable
CD226: “Private  9 CORE explanation
Momentum Precedes The 9 CORE steps produce  It’s all about momentum
Personal Momentum” Tim & Lynn private momentum, which  Personal momentum is personally sponsoring
Field will become personal &
N group momentum
 Big income requires big commitment
CD227-1: “Lessons  You don’t have to be the leaders, just do the work
Along the Way” they did and you’ll have what they have
Todd & Nicole
It’s worth doing the work  Leg 1: sometimes “no” means “maybe later”
 Leg 2: the highlights makes success looks easy
N  You need a coach
 Believe in other people
CD227-2: “It’s a  It’s not who you know, it’s who others know
Kennedy & Challenges prepare you for
Process… Don’t Quit!”  All three of their legs for Emerald came from
Joyce Rollins more
N quitters
CD228: “Turning  Give it your top priority
Points With Victories”  You can’t measure “worth it”
Dave & Kristin The turning points that
 Lessons from the movie Cars
Dussault moved Uncle Mo upstairs  Be disciplined and consistent so you can reach
your turning points
CD229-1: “Victories”  Growth is incremental
Greg & Lynn Sink or swim – it’s a  Kids & family in business
Stergar process  Overcoming fear
 URA & Amway have your back
CD229-2: “ 

CD230:  Getting out of life’s pits

“Fundamentals” Strengthen the strong,  Little & big boys want praise
John & Jennie
believe in miracles & fight  Believe in miracles
Belle Crowe
N for freedom  Jobs make no sense  this was our one chance
 The “why” will draw you
CD231: “Triple 3”  3 powers
John Crowe Guidelines to empower
you to build a lasting  3 Nevers
business  3 cardinal rules
 Edification & unity
CD232-1: “The
This is the business that  The housing market, job market, stock market,
Perfect Storm” John & Bobbie healthcare and fear form the “perfect storm”
will carry you through the  Take care of yourself first
P N storm  We give people hope
CD232-2: “Are They  Put everyone on your list
Eddie & Elise Just find the people who
Six Foot Five?”  The only thing that matters is if they are looking
Vicinanza are looking
CD233-1: “The Glue” Why this business makes  The glue is trust and belief
Gary & Pam
N Goodin
the most sense for creating
a financial safety net
CD233-2: “Changing  Use a mental remote control to focus on the right
the Channel From Our Ron & Robyn things
Let the past be the past
Past Mistakes” Erwin  Focus on strengths instead of trying to
N compensate for weakness
CD233-3: “What  Money, excitement, mentality, job, self-image,
Tim & Lynn All growth revolves around
Planet Are You On?” unity, nerves
Field work ethic
CD234: “Professional
Why this business is a  Sestina, Barber, Shearer, Petrillo, Himes, Moore,
Panel S.L. 2009” Greg Stergar & Wilson
viable option for all  Current climate in professional industries
P N professionals  Advice for professionals
CD235: “Know What  Anyone with determination can do it
Know what you’re doing,
You Got” Rex Renfrow  Renfrow story
N love what you’re doing  The ability to impact people, security, income
CD236-1: “Trim  The Nutrilite weight loss program can help people
Program Weight Loss Todd Ryder & Represent your health of any body type, age, or gender reach their
Success Stories” Panel business well weight management goals
CD236-2: “XS Leverage social media and  Social media updates
Update” David  Current economic climate
the recession to grow your
CD237: “Emerald  Field story (teacher/law student)
Success Story: Three  Tim’s “meet the parents” story
Ring Circus” Stay focused through the  The grass isn’t greener on any other team
Tim & Lynn
strange circumstances and  Choleric/phlegmatic difference & learning to work
thin threads together
 How their 3 legs came together – stick around to
see the harvest
 Your mind is like a computer  program it well
CD238: “Diamond
 Successful people change the way they think &
State of Mind”
the way they use time
Doug & Amie
Train your mind for success  Figure out what you really want
 The past doesn’t equal the future
 Increasing confidence/the power of spoken world
 Real leaders are big on the inside
CD239: “The Dream  Flying to events and the dream lifestyle
Motivates Us”  Make good decisions daily to live the dream life
Doug & Amie Don’t let your emotions
 Be fiscally responsible, invest in your business,
Weir determine your actions
N delay gratification
 Do the “not fun” things to get to do the fun things
CD240: “What Do the Doug & Amie  Daily decisions determine destiny
Diamonds Have in Weir
Setting the example comes
Common?” down to good decision-  Focus and delay gratification
making & work ethic  You’ll have to change
N  Lead from the front
 Know your limitations & eliminate distractions
CD241: Get off the new IBO roller-  Overcome inertia and doubt
“Entrepreneurship” Doug & Amie  The qualities of an entrepreneur
coaster & learn to think
N like an entrepreneur
CD242: “Good Things  Go where the growth is and build relationships
Come From Depth”  Depth isn’t convenient, but it gets results
Doug & Amie All good, lasting rewards
 Avoid short-term thinking & begin w/end in mind
Weir come through depth  Depth increases influence
 Don’t do anything without checking upline first
CD243-1: “Leading The heart is wicked, so  The success & leadership “have” & “have nots”
With Your Heart vs. Todd & Nicole  Why some people become leaders and others
Following It” Ryder
discipline yourself to
become a leader
CD243-2: “Pushing Beat the battleground for  You can set a new trend in a short amount of time
Through the Plateau” Greg & Lynn  Work through the plateau, don’t manage it
your character with
 The examples of the Crowes and Renfrows
passion & persistence
CD244-1: “No Pain,  Discomfort is necessary for growth
No Gain” Jordan & Focus on others, feel the  The struggle creates your impact
Janelle Keller pain & do it anyway  The struggle makes you better
 It’s worth it
CD244-2: “Can You  A coach will help you do more
Get Excited About the Chad & Corrie Think outside your  Don’t be hung by the tongue
Future” Leister generational box
CD245: “Renfrow S.C. Other businesses come and  You have to have a burning desire
2009” Rex Renfrow go, but nothing else can give  Renfrow story
N you what this business can  Back up, give up or stand up
CD246: “Renfrow S.C.  A family business of hope
2009” John & Bobbie  It’s all about relationships
Be an ambassador of hope
Sestina  Hope through ownership
 The optimist always wins
CD247: “Your  Keller/Crowe III/Leister/Ryder
Attitude When Greg Stergar &  Posture, planning, ownership, brining out dreams,
Showing the Plan” Panel
It’s worth showing the plan
handling no’s
CD248: “Networking How to effectively utilize  Turnipseed/Kalnins/Wilson/Field
A, B, C Lists” Todd Ryder &  When, where, business cards, importance of fast
the raw materials for your
N sponsoring, identifying leaders
CD249: “Things We An ordinary couple in an  Weir story (engineers)
Learned on the Way  If you want something bad enough, change
Doug & Amie extraordinary business can
to EDC”  Daffodil principle
Weir do incredible things if they  The Diamond lifestyle
P N are willing to change  Do things on purpose with confidence
CD250: “Renfrow S.C.  Explanations for new IBOs and veterans
2009”  The system builds you  you’ll never do anything
Eddie & Elise The 9 steps: what it really
you don’t believe
Vicinanza takes to build the business
N  Treat it like an owner
 Have a real business, not a fantasy business
CD251: “Keep Your
Don’t let the  Get to the yes or no ASAP so you don’t get stuck
Mind Focused on Dave Dussault in between over-analyzing
Winning” unaccountability of others
be your downfall  How to handle unaccountable people
CD252: “Things We  Dussaults’ perspective near the end of chemo
Dave & Kristin Lessons from the first 10
Have Learned”
Dussault years
 Live out integrity and you’ll be blessed
CD253: “A Journey of  Control your influences
Good Company” Develop your character,
Matt & Alana  You influence and attract people like you, so grow
connect & empower to
Grotewold  The accelerator to change is action
increase your influence  Leaders are responsible for the atmosphere of
their team, not their individual growth
CD254-1: “Separate  Handling finances, your results, be self-motivated,
Yourself From the Tim & Lynn Do what others are recovery time from challenges
Masses” Field unwilling to do  Persist to find the right people
CD254-2: “Quotable
Tim & Lynn Explaining common URA
Field sayings
Follow the G.P.S. to stay on 
CD255-1: “Renfrow The cause (the work) & effect (the results)
Joe & Ellen
S.C. 2009”  Control your income to control yourself
Petrillo track
CD255-2: “Renfrow  Lessons from a half-marathon
S.C. 2009” Lew & Nancy  Stay on the success track & don’t listen to the
Run the race and finish it nay-sayers
 Don’t let the goofy bus catch up to you
 Panel: Kellers/Ryders/Leisters/Stergars
CD256: “Interviews: 
st st
1 impressions, their follow-up, 1 batch of
Uncut I” sponsoring, war stories, triggers, greatest
Dave Dussault
& Panel
Outside the car struggle/victory/dreams
 Learn to lead
 Don’t worry about perfection – it’s often gray

CD257: “Why Amway

Why this business is the  The income cycle
Global”  The current business/financial climate
John Sestina best business to achieve  Own a real business that goes on without you
P N financial independence  Why this meets people’s needs today
Building a lasting, stable  Spencers/Lewis/Erwin
“Relationships in Kristin Dussault  Relating to all people & treating them well
Depth” & Panel
business by building strong  Be calculating and intentional
relationships in depth  Serve in depth
CD259: “Interviews:  Barber/Lewis/Rollins/Barber/Goodin
Greg Stergar & Our commitment to your
Uncut II”  What drew them in, what keeps them in, traveling
Panel success
N distance, staying humble, overcoming challenges
CD260: “Cotton  Ownership leads to mental toughness
Candy & Knock-Out  Stay focused ahead, but love everyone
Roses” Dave Dussault Pruning leads to greatness  The signs of people who prune themselves & the
proper response to them
 Cater to the strong and lead by example
Alan &  Responses to common objections
CD261: “No Buts…” Don’t be a part of the “but
N Leininger family”
CD262: “Heart vs.  There’s a place for all  don’t control people
Joe & Mary
Potential” Utilize your potential with  We all have potential inside of us, but people with
passion & heart heart will succeed
N Markiewicz
 Expect things to happen
 Expect criticism
CD263-A/B: “Right
The secret is to work the 9  Be willing to change
Eddie & Elise  Create an atmosphere where people can grow
core steps & find the right
Vicinanza  You can’t take credit for others success or failure:
N people only for doing the work to find them
 Finding their six legs
CD264: “Basic  All about basic nutrition and supplementation
Nutrition, Managing
An overview of our health  All about weight management and the Trim Body
Dr. Chet
Your Weight, & System
Zelasko business
Optimal Aging”  Supplementation and skin care for optimal aging
CD265: “Diamonds  Have the warrior spirit
Get Green-Gooped Jack & Magee  Learn to build steel bridges to relate
Learn to dance in the rain
Too” Spencer  Catch the vision

CD266: “The  Stay focused on your dream

Entertainment  Choose to respond to challenges with clarity,
Center” Dave Dussault Keep your vision clear focus & vision
 Take it in individual pieces
 Focus on what you can control
CD267: “Building  You have to understand how to get results before
Teams, Building Build depth by building you can begin to really build depth
Depth, Building Dave Dussault teams around the right  The #1 pulse for depth: how many people in your
Leaders” people group can get the same results as you
 It’s fun when you work with the right people
 Duncan story (Restaurant mgmnt/construction)
CD268: “Founders
 The importance of upline relationships
Triple Diamond Rally”
Brad & Julie Do whatever it takes so  Choose association carefully
Duncan you can be free  Learn to make it work for you
N  Be single-minded
 Goose story
CD269: “Faith in the  Leininger story (IBM engineer/med student)
Future Gives You Alan &  Learn from people with the fruit
Power in the Present” Michelle It’s all part of your story  Learn to communicate (“supreme cheese” story)
Leininger  The cause & the Battle of the Bulge
 The dream helps you forget the birthing pains
CD270-1: “What I’ve  Grab a hold of your dreams
Tim & Lynn It all comes down to the 9
Field core steps
CD270-2: “What I’ve  Understand what you want
Jordan &
Janelle Keller
You’re your guarantee
CD270-3: “What I’ve  Be passionate
Chad & Corrie
The joys of freedom
CD270-4: “What I’ve  This business gives security, healthy association,
Bruce & Jamie
The right thing to do and you can help people

CD270-5: “What I’ve You make money on the 1 day  stay to collect
Greg & Lynn Mentorship will change your
Learned”  The past doesn’t equal the future
Stergar life more than anything else
N  The harder you work, the luckier you get
CD271: “100%  Loyalty & submission, proper structure, gets
Edifyible” Leadership is earned, never results, “the rock” emotionally, comes early &
Dave Dussault given. Dave’s top 10 stays late, makes proper decisions, spoken word,
qualities of a leader. team building, in counsel, organized, has long-
term thinking.
CD272: “Professional Greg Stergar & Why professionals should  Anzalone/Coley/Petrillo
Couples Panel” Panel build this business  What they saw, why approach professions, the
P N problems & solutions, under/over 30 advice
CD273: “The Future is  Have an adventurous attitude (Rich & Jay)
Strong” Free enterprise is alive and  10 pillars of economic wisdom
Doug DeVos
well  Set serious targets, be a servant, pursue
excellence, make it personal, change
CD274: “Crowe FED  Causes bring you through the rough times
2009”  Prayer removed from school
John & Jennie 3 phases: goodies, people,
 Do it for moments – what’s your dream worth?
Belle Crowe cause
N  Man’s material welfare equation
 Keep the price relative (the price of freedom)
CD275: “Renfrow FED  Renfrow story (GS-14 w/federal government)
2009”  Work hard and learn to work with people
Rex Renfrow Stand up for your dream  Balancing life
 Quotes of FED
CD276-1:  Young wealthy and free
Paul & Morgan One step at a time to
Kopecky become invictus
CD276-2: “Changes”  The difference between leaders & everyone else
Brad & Jodi is the changes they’ve made
N Berendes
Choose to change  Building it with kids
 Personal use
CD277: “Mind Your Put your back against the  Doug DeVos’ example
Own Business” Dave & Kristin  Don’t become “over-businessed”
wall & don’t worry about
 Don’t judge others
what others think
CD278-1: “Free The freedom to be in  The taxes associated with traditional business
Enterprise is…” Eddie & Elise (Amway/URA vs. traditional businesses)
business unencumbered by
 Answer the call & prove this is worth fighting for
CD278-2: “Diamond  Story of Bobbie’s dad
Talk – FED 2009” John & Bobbie Fight to preserve free  Compassionate capitalism
Sestina enterprise  Free enterprise vs. socialism
 The basics of free enterprise
CD279-1: “What’s  Persist with faith
Ron & Robyn The process & price of
Your Dream Worth?”  Big dreams create big conflict and require
Erwin success persistence
CD279-2: “Free  Don’t let anyone steal your dream (Oh, no you
Jack & Magee Free to enterprise,
Enterprise Matters” don’t!)
Spencer enterprise to be free
N  Visit with yourself
CD280: “Oh, Russell” Let negative people motivate  Victim vs. overcomer
Brett Deimler you to find the diamond  Sacrifice vs. investment
N inside you  You need a “Russell”
CD281: “Risk Takers”  Get in the habit of doing what you’re afraid of
Greg & Jacquie Are you a risk-taker or a
 Failure beats “what if’s”
N Francis comfort seeker?  Live offensively, not defensively
CD282: “Being  Self-discipline produces self-respect
Personal freedom begins and
Accountable” Pam Winters  Daily discipline determines growth
ends with accountability
 Be a consistent blessing to your upline
CD283-A/B:  Separate the simplicity of this business with the
“Supreme Cheese” complexity of getting yourself right
You have a better business,
Larry & Pam  Just find the people who say “you bet” (just six)
so get unified and find the  The power of unity
N right people  Understand what you’re getting with a job
 Get your width now
CD284: “Ditto & Dave & Kristin  Duplication is the most important part
Duplicate” Dussault
Ditto is the key to on-
going, duplicated volume  100pv is easy
 Examples of products new IBOs might not use
CD285-1: “Tortoise Handling the high & Low  When low: control what you can control, don’t
and the Hare” Tim & Lynn make decisions in the low time, have enough legs
tides is all about staying
Field  When high: utilize excitement, keep doing what
steady has been working, pour gas on fire
CD285-2: “Like a  Smile, be encouraging, warmth, passion,
Jordan & Developing a magnetic
Moth to the Flame” consistency, boldness & vision, remember names,
Janelle Keller personality
N handshakes, others first, structure
CD286: “A Business  Flexible, no limits, recognition, keeps you young,
8 reasons why this is the
for Women” Ellen Petrillo security, tax breaks, relationships
P N best business for women
CD287: “Dreams Give
Compete with yourself one  Just because you don’t like the packaging doesn’t
Hope” John & Bobbie mean your dream isn’t inside
day at a time & never  The rewards: intangible & tangible
settle  Bill Gates’ 11 life rules
CD288: “The Power of  The death of common sense
Where else do you find
Dreams with Passion” Rex Renfrow  The ability to help people
Real happiness is in serving 
CD289: “Happiness Get your dream burned into your mind (visualize)
Brad & Kim
for a Lifetime”  Look for the right people
DeHaven others
N  We sell lifestyle of your design
CD290: “Kickball or Own your business & take  Building it with kids & baby sitters
Jordan &
Have it All” mentorship from people with  Avoid financial and time distractions
Janelle Keller
N fruit on the tree  Make different decisions than most people
CD291: “This is a URA & Amway: The best  The big picture explanation of the business and
Championship Team what it offers business owners and customers
Chad Leister knock-out combination in
P N America
CD292-1: “Renfrow Turn your dreams into a  Who are you hanging around and how are they
W.C. 2010” Lew & Nancy affecting you?
goal & get your priorities
N straight
CD292-2: “Renfrow  Think, believe, dream, dare
Vic & Debbie
W.C. 2010” Dream, struggle, victory  Stay tied in all the time
N  Focus on your goals & don’t get distracted
CD293-1: “Renfrow  Dreams  passion  belief  results
Joe & Ellen Turn your dreams into a
W.C. 2010”  No matter how successful, people are always
Petrillo reality better off with this business
CD293-2: “Renfrow  Big dreaming vs. settling for what you have
Sal & Judy Be passionate about your
W.C. 2010”
Anzalone goals
CD294-1: “Renfrow  Pursue your dream regardless of what’s
Jeff & Denise Dream the limit & do it
W.C. 2010” happening around you
Russo anyway
N  Don’t let your dream die
CD294-2: “Renfrow  Get a dream – you can’t chase what you can’t see
Activity precedes
W.C. 2010” Adam Marks  Will it work for you? You’re the “it”
N productivity  Take ownership of your dream
CD294-3: “Renfrow  Be thankful for the team
I’m glad I didn’t listen to
W.C. 2010” Joe Locascio
that guy
CD294-4: “Renfrow Anthony &  Building it with kids
W.C. 2010” Juliana Don’t accept mediocrity
N Donnarumma
CD295-1: “Bless the
Problems, pressure &  Be the rock and build solid, self-sufficient IBOs
Chad & Corrie
Broken Road”
Leister  Challenges rub off the rough edges
N people build character
Men’s & women’s views on 
CD295-2: Men want respect, women want love
Todd & Nicole
“R.E.S.P.E.C.T.”  Walking out respect for your spouse upline,
Ryder respect downline and crossline
CD296-1: “Your  Make the 9 activities a habit to get your dream
Dream – See It Bruce & Jamie Who would you most like
Through” Bush to be?
CD296-2: “If You  You’ve already beaten the odds
Want to Win, Pick Greg & Lynn
Me” Stergar
You pick you
CD297: “Keeping it  Take a daily dose of reality
Dave & Kristin
Real” Be honest with yourself  Communicate
N  Fight for little daily wins
CD298: “Zip-A-Dee-  The traditional “comfort zone” is really the
Do-Dah” Move from the complacent complacent zone
zone to the real comfort  People with the experience are always more
N zone encouraging than those without it
 Never quit
CD299: “Consistent  Using your Amway Global retail site
Jordan & Customer volume
Customer Volume”  Building and maintaining relationships
Janelle Keller fundamentals
 Edification is the difference maker that multiplies
CD300: “The
your efforts
Edification Multiplier” People believe in people
 Edify with words and actions
Eddie Vicinanza who believe in other  You upline is as effective as your edification
people  Who’s serving who?
 Would it be different if Dave Dussault were here?
CD301: “Volume…
“Master DITTO  Paint pictures with your words
and the Bubble” Dussaults &  Use personal testimonials
fundamentals to create on-
Panel  Leaders’ favorite products
N going income”  Sample products to create volume
CD302: “Developing  Friendships vs. relationships
Relationships in depth are
Relationships in Greg Stergar &  Why, who and how of depth relationships
Depth” Panel
the key to long term  Serving cultivates relationships
growth and stability  Handling gossip and negative in depth
CD303: “The  Grotewold story (construction)
Seeds sown with the right
Grotewold Story” Matt & Alana  Build trust by serving
heart and emotions yield a  Observe the masses and do the opposite
N harvest  Success validates you, failure validates nay-sayers
 Kummer Story (Sales mgr/hospitality director)
 Get people in an environment where they can
CD304A & B: “Spring
motivate themselves
Leadership 2010”
 The timing of your growth will be perfect if you
Bob & Shelly The greater the struggle, stay steady
Kummer the greater the victory  The greater the struggle, the greater the victory
 When you make a decision & commit to it, the
N skies will part for you
 Submission brings growth
 The Montana ranch dream
CD305: “Basics of  2 oars  keep it simple
Building Depth & Keep it simple and focus on  Depth basics
Structure” John Crowe the game plan in order to  Sowing and reaping
live an incomparable life  Pulses
 Keep the price relative
CD306: “In Position  All of profitability comes down to structure
to Win: 7 Legs Structure makes all the  Panel of Platinums-going-Emerald who had 7 or
Recognition” difference more legs at Spring Leadership 2010
Keller & Panel
 Sliders isolate themselves
CD307: “Sliders”  Time diminishes passion diminishes discipline
Stay plugged in &
Dave Dussault  Have an emotional trigger
passionate to avoid sliding  Serve to get out of a funk (Dave’s chemo)
 Get your mind right & make it life or death
 Danzik story (Life Insurance/Physical Therapy)
CD308: “Executive You’re one or two  It’s a numbers game
Diamond Attitude”
Howie & powerful relationships  Learn to focus
Theresa Danzik away from the life of your  You need a contrarian business & thought process
P N design to live a contrarian life
 Most IBO’s biggest hindrance is job mentality
CD309-1: “Do You  How are you spending your time?
Know the Rules of Dave & Marge Build it now or live a life of  Are you wasting your time because of fear?
Engagement?” Lewis regrets  It’s not what happens, but you handle it
 Do enough work to get over the hump
CD309-2: “Stay in the  Be long-term focused
Game to Claim Your Ron & Robyn  Determination towards a clear goal
Create a habit of finishing
Dreams” Erwin  Avoid distractions
CD310-1:  It’s worth it
Eddie & Elise Let the nightmare help you
“Overcoming Fear”
Vicinanza  Act in spite of fears
N overcoming your fears
CD310-2: “Back to
John & Bobbie It’s not a product business,  Relationship fundamentals
Basics… Again”
Sestina it’s a relationships business
CD311: “Emerald  Carroll story (Navy SEAL)
Mike & Robin There ain’t no quit, just
Rally”  You’ll have to change in order to succeed
Carroll keep moving forward
N  SEAL Team & ringing the bell
 Severn story (C.P.A.)
 Write down your goals & make them big because
CD312: “Diamond you’ll have them if you do the work
Rally”  Successful people make a decision then problem
An example of what will  You can’t keep the right people out
Dave & Jan
happen to you if you have  Let excited people be a little radical and make
the same perseverance mistakes
 When God closes one door he opens another so
P N look up when things aren’t going your way
 Something good happens every night you STP
 Thoughts  desire  words  action  habits
 character  destiny
 Danzik story (Life Insurance/Physical Therapist)
CD313-A/B: “EDC’s
 Theresa (Disc 1)  desire to change, be
CSC 2010”
Howie & The light/dream at the end accountable, enjoy the journey, dreams & the
Theresa Danzik of the tunnel/work subconscious
N  Howie  Serendipities, the dream lifestyle,
spoken word
CD314: “No Guts” Don’t get the stomach  Keep your posture
Coleman &
disease: get an attitude and  Your attitude when showing the plan
Charlotte Orr
CD315: “Orr Rally” Coleman & Anyone with a dream and a  Orr story
Charlotte Orr work ethic can succeed in  Life is about learning and doing for others
this business  Attitude
 This business vs. jobs
CD316: “Getting Properly start each new  Volume creation, proper environment, effective
Started Tips” Jeff & Denise verbiage, list building, home meetings, building
IBO to create explosive belief, promoting your upline
growth  Whether you make it or don’t, it’s all your fault
 You can’t control others’ responses – don’t worry
CD317: “Asleep at the about it  keep offering
Jordan & Build it with the end in  You chicken list is who you should talk to
Janelle Keller mind  Get a game plan & stick to it consistently
N  Clear the distractions and focus
 Building it tired
CD318: “Hit By the  You can go stupid at any level
Tim & Lynn Avoid common pitfalls to
Stupid Stick”  Don’t stop learning, delaying, pointing people
Field encourage continual growth
towards answers, and setting the example
CD319-1: “Living Free  Greg’s story
Greg & Lynn You can be free through
vs. Living in Bondage”  Explanation of bondage vs. freedom today
Stergar this business
CD319-2: “Navy SEAL  Take it day by day and don’t give in mentally
Todd & Nicole God, Country, Family,
Mental Toughness”  You’ll achieve your number one goal/priority
Ryder Team  Win 1/3; lose 1/3 – what about the other 1/3?
CD320-A: “CSC 2010  The 2010-2011 Artistry programs
Women’s Breakout” Utilize Artistry to grow  Retailing Artistry
Theresa Danzik
your business  Customer contacting
 Relatability is the key to a big business
CD320-B: “CSC 2010  Proper dress, attitude, working with men, volume
How I went Diamond as a
Women’s Breakout” Theresa Danzik creation, sponsoring, spousal relationships, being
N single woman a parent, and building it with kids
CD321-A/B: “CSC
Your lifestyle and the  The time is now
2010 Men’s Breakout” John Crowe &  Provide and protect
respect you crave are out
Howie Danzik  Sow time, money and a servant lifestyle
there – go earn it  Tips for success as a man
CD322: “Friendships,  Learn to love building relationships/friendships
Hold your business together
Relationships: The  Don’t get too serious  relax & have fun
Rex Renfrow long-term with friendships &
Glue”  There’s no better way to make an impact
relationships through-out
 Speak & act from the heart
CD323: “It’s Not  The endless summer dream
About Money, It’s John & Jennie Sowing, reaping &  Telling American financial stats
About Moments” Belle Crowe monumental moments  It’s about moments & peace of mind
CD324: “Speaking  Grow a little at a time
Success Into the Get on board with your  Life goes fast and keeps coming, get on it
Jack & Magee
Team” Spencer
upline’s vision & step on  Time is money and the only way to get more time
the gas is through other people

CD325: “Emerald There is no comparison if  Radford story (Navy SEAL)

Rally”  Go after your dreams with a bulldog attitude
Frank & Lynn you put yourself in the
 Seek mentorship from the right people
Radford right environment and get
N  Would you want your kids in this profession and
to work association?
 The team will help you weather the storms and
achieve more
CD326-A: “Run Your  The team will hold you accountable beyond flying
Race” solo
 Set the pace for your group, not vice-versa
 When you cater to the weak you’ll always have a
Draw strength from the weak team
Jordan &
team so you can lead from  Be consistently fanatical and others will start to
Janelle Keller
the front run too
 There will always be more who watch than run
N  When you drive depth the right ones will emerge
 You’re upline is your biggest cheerleader so stop
feeling guilty!
 Your mind will either be your greatest asset or
CD326-B: “Family  Infant, teen-ager phases & the different types of
Values” Tim & Lynn Stay true to your family business relationships
Field and its values  Sacrifice, flexibility, trustworthiness, listening, and
CD327-A: “How Big  The need & potential are huge
Do You See It?”  We’re positioned to explode like Wal-Mart did
Bruce & Jamie Right industry, right model,  The world’s biggest mall on the internet
Bush right people superhighway
N  Keep the dream in front of you to help you when
you’re out of your comfort zone
CD327-B: “It’s My  What kind of MD are you going to in order to
Ear, Not My Rear” Chad & Corrie
Don’t just survive, thrive become debt-free?
N  Grow yourself in mind, body, soul & spirit
 Keys for an optimistic life, which promotes
CD328: “Leadership longevity & success
 Women in leadership should be serene, tranquil,
John & Bobbie Fundamentals of a
peaceful & compassionate
Sestina successful leader  Leaders lead from the front, help their followers
reach their potential, serve, & remove obstacles
 Top 31 leadership qualities
 Most business require a large capital investment,
here you bring your social network to the table
CD329: “Contacting,
Inviting, STP & Follow-  Most businesses fail because they are under-
Up” Mast the basics of list- capitalized. Your capital into this business is your
list. Don’t be under-capitalized!
Eddie & Elise building and invite and the
 Your list should be as big as your goals
Vicinanza rest of the business is  2 lists for a couple doubles the success rate
down hill  Don’t prejudge – with extreme exceptions only
N  Develop an invite consciousness & become a
professional – be normal!
 Make sure you know how to answer “what is it?”
 Give the dream and then show the dream
CD330: “Respect is  We are built to go where we look so look up & to
the Motivation” the future
Possessions will never  Dreams are inspiration, goals are perspiration
Danny & motivate as much as  Vision gives you purpose and helps you get past
Renate Snipes respect pain in the present
 Be passionate about your dreams
 Passionate people won’t quit
 All the work is in your head
 Become a people person and an encourager so
you can be an impact player
CD331: “The Greatest All I wanted was clean  This business can provide the time and money to
Career in the World” Gary Newell underwear & socks, but all allow all your dreams to come true
P N my dreams came true too
 The light/dream at the end of the tunnel is an
incomparable lifestyle of time and money
CD332: “Hearts,
Habits determine outcome  The butterfly effect: little changes in input can
Habits, Perseverance”
have a dramatic effect on output
John & Jennie more than talent so don’t
 The Abe Lincoln story
Belle Crowe ever develop the habit of  Truth’s about America’s history
quitting  Just bat .300 – can you handle failure & SNIOPS?
 Beware of the habit of quitting – character
 Do whatever it takes
CD333: “Gather the Learn life lessons from all
Fruit, Burn the Tree,  Learn to thrive on negative motivation
your experiences—good,  Qualify interest, but never judge people
and Move On”
Rex Renfrow bad, and tragic—then leave  You can make money in many ways, but you
the baggage and move can’t beat the intangibles in this business
N  Pay the price, do what others won’t & always go
 A wife’s words can wreck her husband or make
CD334: “Emerald
him superman  make him superman
Success Story” If we can do it, you can do  Who you are on the outside is your personality,
Jeff & Denise
it too if you never quit and who you are on the inside is your character.
keep showing the plan When they match up it’s integrity
 This business is all heart
 No matter what’s going on, never stop STP
CD335: “Black Hawk  Connect + right person = fun & easy
Down” Follow the manual, but  You don’t have to like it to do whatever it takes
Mike & Amy
build it with heart and  Give your heart away even when you get hurt
N have fun  Having fun spurs more growth than nine
nights/week intensity
CD336: “Go Ye Alan & Get your priorities in order  You don’t have to be motivated or have
Therefore” Michelle to eliminate distractions & everything perfect to grow, just do it
N Leininger  You need short term & long term goals
 Plug in, dive into the work & be consistent
 Get started, don’t quit, get wide, stay steady
CD337: “No Fear”
There’s no winning &  All make money, but some quit before it comes
Greg & Jacquie  The work gets easier once you decide not to quit
losing, only winning &
Francis  Don’t let political correctness make you afraid of
quitting what people think
 Kids today need examples of winners
 Examples of people who quit the business
 Nathan story (Actor)
CD338: “Play the  Immerse yourself in the thought process
Right Game” Mark & 
Everyone has opinions, A thoroughbred on a carousel still goes round and
Merideth round
Nathan who has results?
 Don’t let others’ ambition level affect your’s
 How does your story end?
 Don’t set a time limit
CD339: “Be the One” You’re not going to find the  Seed time, progression time, harvest time
 Keep the plan simple
Chad Leister one until you become the  The CDs provide mentorship
one  If you want to win hang out with winners
 It’s easier to do something with a wing man
 Keep the picture in focus: be the one & find six
 Courage, determination, and faith
 Act, counsel, think, invest, own it, never quit
CD340: “Press On” Take A.C.T.I.O.N. and build  Put yourself constantly in the path of new people
Todd & Nicole
your business on the 3  Invest the same effort in your business that you
pillars of a successful IBO would in other hobbies or professions
 Stay in the game so you’re ready when you meet
the right people
CD341: “The Chinese  This business v. normalcy: blessings vs. nightmare
Bamboo Tree”  The root system grows first so it can stabilize &
sustain the tree when it grows, not if
Ed & Elise Enjoy the journey knowing
 The unseen growth comes first, then the seen
Vicinanza that it will grow in time
N  If you plant it, it will grow
 You will need deep roots to handle all the people
God will bring your way
 Women want to be equal partners
CD342: “What He  Regardless of roles, they are in the fight and want
Should Know” to be in the huddle too
 Be encouraging
What women IBOs want
Lynn Field  She wants to have your back & understand
male IBOs to know  Get on the same page
 Actions speak louder than words  fulfill
promises to earn respect
 Take the lead, get organized, cast the vision
CD343A & B: “Have  The more excited the prospect the more
You Mastered Your important the take-away
Conversations? Master your two primary  Only be afraid of being afraid
David Dussault conversations: the contact  Don’t over-analyze
and the initial phone call  Get your routine down
 Put the numbers in your favor (15-20/wk)
 Master ice-breaker support
 You frame up your world with your words – watch
CD344: “The what you say
Movement”  It’s ok to be motivated by anger
The movement begins with  The harder you work for something, the more
Matt & Alana individuals but is driven by valuable it becomes
Grotewold T.E.A.M.s who bring a  Success is an attitude
message of hope  An excuse is the death gargle of a loser –
N justifications hide compromise
 The pull can make it harder not to build than to
CD345: “Take No Be proud: this business is the  Amway, Jay Van Andel and the US Chamber of
Prisoners” Steve Ridley lasting answer to people’s Commerce
N economic problems  Don’t let anyone steal your posture
CD346: “Amway vs.  The main benefits of this business are intangible
John & Bobbie You can be free, don’t blow
Other Businesses”  The basic tenants of free enterprise
Sestina it
P N  Amway vs. traditional franchises
CD347: “Sometimes The system will give you  You may have to fight negative talk, inside voices
you have to fight” Jordan & & insecurities, comfort zones, your attitude, and
Janelle Keller
the courage to change and
minimum/employee mentality
CD348: “Seize the  Grow and change a little every day
Tracey & Crystallize your dream &
Kimberly Eaton  Boundaries and a growth plan lead to freedom
change to seize the day
CD349: “EDC Glen & Joya  Baker story (Engineers)
Lifestyle” Baker
Clear out the insanity and
focus! This business is the  Keep the wolves away from your door
answer to your financial  Run from the negative
 The time and money from this business will
eliminate most of your problems
CD350: “Oh, Harry!” Let negative people drive  We are blessed to be born into a free country
Jim & Bev
you to take advantage of  East Berlin vs. West
Mainor  Your sacrifices are really investments
our free enterprise system
Winners know they don’t  You put your heart into what you value
CD351: “Value & Joe &  Attitude is 98%, technique is 20%
Heart” belong with average so
Marybeth  You get a dream by hanging around dreamers
Markiewicz they are drawn to the hum  Get out of your comfort zone
N of a team of winners  Do you know what you’re really capable of?
CD352: “Eye of the  Head story (musician)
Storm” Jim & Judy This business can give you  Perfectionists can learn to prioritize
Head a new life  Be careful not to distract visionaries from looking
forward with unimportant, but urgent things
 Give people room to grow
CD353: “Faith, Belief  You can talk yourself into a positive or negative
& Attitude” The size of your success is mindset
Vic & Debbie
determined by the size of  The hardest kind of belief is in self
your belief  Real faith isn’t altered by circumstances
N  Build faith, belief and a positive attitude with
books, cds, and association
CD354: Dreams &
There is no power in life  A dream without a vehicle leads to frustration.
Goals” Lew & Nancy This is the best vehicle for a dreamer.
like the power of a “got to  Dreams with a plan become a goal
N have” dream  Have a “pay now, buy later” mentality
 You’ll be motivated by the dream or by a bigger
CD355: “Bring It” fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
With laser beam focus you  Most arguments in home are from lack of or
Jeff & Denise
can be free without money improper use of money
issues  If you make it or fail it’s all your fault
N  When someone steals your dream they never
replace it with anything valuable
CD356: “Don’t Freak  Discipline yourself daily
Out”  Stay relatable—avoid overly excited & overly
Dave & Kristin Becoming the best team in
intense freak-outs. Be like a duck – emotions are
Dussault America
N ok inside, but be the rock outside
 Edify and communicate to become the best team
CD357: “Wild  America’s very wind carries freedom & we share
it globally
Journey” Jack & Magee Free Enterprise, hard work
 This business provides income, retirement,
Spencer and personal responsibility inheritance and tax advantages at the same time
 Start each month with a clean slate
CD358: “Building  Friendship vs. mentorship
Mentoring Greg & Lynn Break the bondage cycle
Relationships” Stergar with mentorship

 Quarterback your team

CD359: “Becoming a  Have faith, take responsibility, don’t worry
Mature Leader”  Don’t judge or expect perfection
Observations of a what a
Doug Weir  There’s a time to pay a price & it’s worth it
mature leader looks like  Fill your life with significant things
 Be stable with a definiteness of purpose
 Value all people
 Be balanced

 Don’t count the no’s when results aren’t there

 You can only control your actions & attitude – it’s
CD360: “Navigating
easier to maintain a good attitude than rebuild it
the Wasteland”
Overcoming fears, common  Keep personally sponsoring
Tim & Lynn  Finish the race no matter what
pitfalls and difficult
Field  Remember that your personal growth business is
seasons different than your driving traffic business
 Fears immobilize so overcome with action
 Fear initiates a fight or flight response so need to
crystallize what will make you stay to fight
 Kristin’s sanguine journey to accountability
CD361: “Say & You
Action with passion,  With accountable people or those who are willing
Dave & Kristin to rise to that level of expectation
accountability and  Say what you mean and mean what you say
teachability produce fruit  Men, lead your family and follow through
 Be fanatical in all areas of life, not lukewarm
 The story of the Jamestown colony (socialism vs.
CD362: “The Spirit of Entrepreneurs seek private ownership)
adventure, freedom, failing 
the Entrepreneur” Entrepreneurs and employees are both training –
Gary Newell this business provides an entrepreneurship
forward, and long-term training program
N thinking  Losers quit when they fail, winners fail until they
 No one goes platinum by luck
CD363: “Have a Plan  The principles of time compounding
to Follow”  Get help in your areas of weakness (examples)
Discipline yourself to  Similarities & differences between this business
Joe & Ellen
follow a good plan & you’ll and other traditional businesses
live a life of your design  Just because everyone follows “Plan A” doesn’t
N mean that you don’t need a “Plan B”
 Starting slow is better than doing nothing
 Don’t let circumstances don’t change you plans
CD364: “FAQs” Clear, transparent answers  Too busy (It takes time, but isn’t time intensive)
Dave Dussault  Education, credibility, pyramid, shipping costs,
P N & Panel
to the most common
product pricing
questions and concerns
CD365: “Customer or  Examples of Dave’s thoughts when he saw it
Move forward one way or
Business Owner” Dave Dussault  Why it’s a good plan to move forward as a
P N the other customer r business owner
CD366: “Amway at 50 Amway is a solid, credible  Examples of Amway’s credibility and what makes
Plus” Bruce Bush business opportunity for it a great business opportunity for any person
P N willing to work
CD367: “What
Why this business is a  Sestina, Barber, Shearer, Petrillo, Himes, Moore,
Professionals Think” Greg Stergar & Wilson
viable option for all  Current climate in professional industries
P N professionals  Advice for professionals
CD368: “Six Stories to  It’s worth it
Eddie & Elise You just need six good
Diamond”  Stories of how they found some of their legs
Vicinanza nights
CD369: “What a  You can’t always tell what leaders look like
Let it rip and find the right
Leader Looks Like” Todd Ryder  How to hit CORE hard consistently
N people  What’s so urgent that you can’t go diamond?
CD370: “My Son is Chad & Corrie There are always eyes  The business is pretty easy, it’s life that’s hard
Watching Me” Leister watching so be a good  Either stay in your bad situation or change
example  Associate well: spend time with good people with
great habits vs. of good people with bad habits
CD371: “Our Start in
Take a serious look at a  Bender story (soccer player)
Business”  Common objections
Regan Bender world class business and a  The team factor
P N world class team  It’s like a gym membership
CD372-A/B: “The  Mindset of networking/work ethic going platinum
Good, the Bad, and  Your list is your belief level
the Ugly” Dave Dussault Get 9 growing legs and stay  Find out what triggers you
& Panel in the game to grow big  Leaders give up the right to lose excitement
 Build teams around leaders
 The system will take care of your people
 Yuen story (sales/office manager)
CD373-A/B: “Cash is  Never try to convince anyone to do this
King” Write down your goals and  Work like an Olympian, but know that your
Dan & Sandy reward will be a lifetime, not just one day
focus and live a life of
Yuen  Write down your goals – if you aim for nothing
delayed gratification you will get nothing
 Relationships can be a distraction
 Negative opinions vs. your dreams: who wins?
CD374: “What it  How to be a wingman to your spouse
Takes to be a Todd & Nicole  Loyalty at heart
Wingman” Ryder
W.I.N.G.M.A.N.  Wingmen choose themselves
CD375: “Ace of  Field story (teacher/law student)
Diamonds”  Don’t shortcut the shortcut
Tim & Lynn
It’s all about perspective  Don’t sit on your list, use it (it’s a numbers game)
N  Only worry about what people will think if you
don’t talk to them
 Snipes story (car sales)
CD376-A/B: “You’re  God blesses unity
Closer Than You When you get on the same
page and focus your efforts  Levels of belief: Corporation, Team, Upline, Self
Danny &  Don’t let life’s fog blur your vision
with a unified team, your
Renate Snipes  It’s up to you: no one knows what’s inside you
dreams can be right around  How they found their legs
N the corner  The power of a supportive wife
 The power of the slight edge
CD377: “The Power of  The slight edge will give you tremendous choices
Jake & Jackie Great daily decisions lead
Choice”  The rewards
Baker to choices
CD378: “Six  Maximize mentorship (always check upline first)
Guidelines for  Be responsible in relationships (Don’t pass
Continual Growth” Mark & negative)
The 3 Nevers & the 3
Meredith  Build the Team (Don’t embarrass)
Nathan Cardinal Rules  Be first class (Don’t mess with people’s money)
N  Build People (Don’t mess with egos)
 Keep Relationships Pure (Don’t mess w/spouses)
 Delayed gratification
CD379: “Priorities” It’s worth it to prioritize  The greater the struggle, the greater the victory
Greg & Jacquie
this business and work  What if you don’t do it?
through the process  You have to live it, do whatever it takes to win it
 It’s a faith business, not a detail business
 Don’t analyze too much until platinum (not
CD380: “Platinum
Create successful habits enough information until then), just do it
Toby & Mia  Build a habit of winning
like delayed gratification to  Delaying means your goals are more important
N reach tremendous rewards than the immediate
 Delayed ends up more fun in the end
CD381: “Diamond  Dussault story (teacher & coach/office manager)
Story: From Opposite Dave & Kristin Create a legacy by working  Be honest with your situation
Ends” Dussault properly with passion  Overcoming cancer
N  It’s how you say it with passion & attitude
CD382: “Have You  Do CORE as best you can, but never leave out STP
Defined Your Why” Bruce & Jamie Go after what you want & or beat yourself up
Bush create a legacy of freedom  Each individual and their goals are unique like a
snowflake  create an avalanche
CD383: “Transform  Transforming your life starts with you
John & Bobbie Don’t let your income level
Your Dream”  Income determines dreams & choices
Sestina shrink your dreams
N  Dream like a child
CD384: “Ping Pong” The dream will drive you to  Have a bulldog mentality
Jeff & Denise consistency and protect  Go dream-building
N Russo  Change your thoughts, change your life
your mind from mental
 Use the system to help you become consistent
ping pong
CD385: “Customer  Turning no’s into customers
Volume 101” Jordan Keller &  Bundle drops
Find a need then fill it
Panel  Customer Dittos
 Customer referrals
CD386: “Dreams  Three aspects: 2 constants (Amway/system), 1
Come True” Larry & Pam Your dreams will come true variable: you
Winters if you work for them  Learn from people with the fruit
 You can have anything you dream in this business
CD387: “History & Amway is the truest form  Amway’s start and history
Vision” Ron Puryear of free enterprise and gets  It always gets better if you do the best with what
N you have
better each year
CD388: “Just Do the  Kizirian story (real estate/business owners)
Right Thing”  Figure out what you want then what you’ll have
Norm & Pam Sacrifice & overcome fear
to give up to get them
Kizirian to live the life of freedom
N  Don’t try to be anyone else, be the best you
 The life of freedom vs. life of bondage
CD389: “Do It Guard your vision and don’t  Use your non-productive time to get your dream
Eddie & Elise
Anyway” let fears or distractions keep  Every STP betters America
N you from your dream  Courage rises on the level of your cause
CD390: “Mental  Dig deep, overcome fear, sink or swim
Toughness” Greg & Lynn  Ignore the experts
Fight for your dream
Stergar  All the rewards are included
 Get stronger with doing
 Ayers story (corporate America/fashion designer)
CD391-A/B: “Puzzle  Your greatest struggle will be the greatest victory
Box Mentality”  Get value from everything
Toby & Mia Success is a thought  Know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish
Ayers process  Delay the good to get the great
 Succeeding together builds the best relationships
 You’re closer than you think
 Take more personal responsibility
CD392: “Here Are the  Redfield story (Wall Street banker)
There is no viable alternative
Facts” Lance Redfield  Answers to commonly asked questions/objections
to this business
P N  Why this is the best business
CD393: “Don’t Lose Daily discipline,  Relax, it’s all part of your story
Focus” Dave & Kristin accountability and steadiness  Don’t let distractions blur your focus
Dussault produce on-going dreams  Simplify the process for new people
come true
CD394: “The 5-L Test” Do you really like working  Like, love your life, listen, lead
Chad Leister
with people?
CD395: “A Chance to  Grosball story (MD)
Win” Overcome your challenges  Overcoming fear of speaking
Ed & Karen
to go from success to  Overcoming having no time/busyness with sowing
N significance and reaping
 Keep yourself in a position to win during struggles
CD396: “Fred & Edna” Relatability: Develop the  Never forget how you got started
Tim & Lynn
people skills to increase your  The top people skills to help you relate
N Field
CD397: “Leadership is  Like having kids, there are basic responsibilities
a Responsibility” Todd & Nicole for you to lead your team
Don’t ring the bell, lead
Ryder  The leadership examples of the emeralds &
Create options by going  Control the mood in your life
CD398: “The  The impact on families in and out of this business
Diamond Lifestyle” through the process of
Dave & Kristin  Commit and give it a chance, it’s worth it
learning from your
Dussault  Fred’s example: take ownership, don’t beg
mistakes and fixing them people, and allow people to make mistakes
with passion & conviction  The proper attitude
CD399: “9 Simple  9 CORE explanation
Follow the blueprint, own
Core Steps” Jeff Russo  Stay steady
your business & stay steady
CD400: “EDC Story”  Hawkins story (legal secretary/teacher)
Bill & Sandy This ain’t your daddy’s  Talk to everyone – you can’t say the wrong thing
P N Hawkins Oldsmobile to the right person
 When your mouth is open, your business is open
CD401: “How it All  Make sure you’re productive every day
Focus on your goals &  Don’t watch life, live it
Came Together” Dan & Sandy
don’t let anything distract  Yuen story (cell phone sales, corporate)
you  Write down your goals & review them daily
 The key is to show the plan
CD402-A/B: “Gut  Eaton story (teacher & waitress/NFL player &
Check” stock broker)
Tracey & Fight to win your badge of
 Social networking & gaming vs. winning in real life
Kimberly Eaton honor
P N  Finishing fixes almost everything
 The attitude & determination it takes to win
CD403: “Every Seed  How to actively learn at events
Chad & Corrie Sow good seeds into
Matters”  When you sow good seeds into people, good
Leister people
N things happen and you can impact people
CD404: “Leadership You have to know your  The rewards are worthy of the work
of Your Money” John & Bobbie income and true expenses in  The true measure of success
Sestina order to manage to be
 Never fear the fight or failure
CD405: “The Fighting  The battle is in the mind
Spirit” Lessons from the unknown
 Look like a fool  fool  successful entrepreneur
Gary Newell story of an American hero,  genius
Peter Francisco  Attitude is the most important ingredient
 The cause
CD406: “Life is Not Eddie & Elise It’s worth going through  Dreams come true if you stick it out
Fair… Deal With It!” Vicinanza the struggles  How Eddie’s son dealt with adversity in baseball
 Growing and falling back
CD407: “FED 2010” Frank &
This business is the best  Focus on learning and applying
Lorraine  Frank’s story
N thing going
CD408: “Dream Life” Are you willing to do what it  Run behind your upline
Jack & Magee
takes for the diamond  It’s ok to dream
N Spencer
CD409” Upgrade Your
Filter your decisions through  If nothing changes, then nothing changes
Thinking” Mark &  Make a conscious decision not to default to your
the diamond mindset to
Merideth old self
create new thought patterns,
N Nathan  Be willing to do the work without knowing the
new results & a new life specific results – they will come
CD410: “Breaking  What to do coming out of each big event
Diamonds”  Creating the multiplication factor
Dave Dussault What it takes to break the
 The burn to go diamond
& Panel next batch of diamonds  It’s all about passion
 Do the work & rally around your upline
CD411: “Back to the  Successful people don’t fear failure
Future”  You can’t win if you aren’t in the game
 People remember most how you made them feel
There is no tomorrow, so  Everyone once in a while you have to take your
Jack & Magee
get busy doing what the brains out and dance on them (be willing to
diamonds did to succeed change it up, do the right stuff intentionally)
 No try, only do
 Your dream, self-talk, study, think, cheer your
upline: what the diamonds did
CD412: “Stress Free”  Duncan story (architectural engineer/traditional
This business can give you a
business owner – commercial construction)
David Duncan stress free lifestyle of time
N  The difference between his traditional business
and money and his Amway business
 Gilmour story (real estate/secretary)
CD413: “Diamond  This business can change your life for generations
Rally’ You don’t go diamond by  Never be afraid to call someone
Greg & Kathy finding 6 legs, you find 6  Your job is to show the plan, not sponsor people.
Gilmour legs because you’re going Let people sponsor themselves
diamond  What makes you think you’re so special that you
can’t go diamond?
 Where legs came from
CD414: “Maximize Choose to invest in your  Learn to adapt to your new environment
Your Profit” Doug & Amie education so you can learn  The system creates simplicity & productivity
Weir  Build it from function to function
N from successful people and
 How to take advantage of the education
duplicate what they did
 Sometimes focus, sometimes spray (counsel)
CD415: “Game Plan
Control what goes in your  Get value from everything
For Success”
John & Jennie  Structural/game plan fundamentals
senses and follow the right
Belle Crowe  You program your own mind
plan to succeed  You’re snared by the words of your mouth (power
of the spoken word)
 Sympathy vs. empathy (being a good coach)
CD416: “Find a Way Be all in, get debt-free and  Be patient to sponsor and teach
to Win”  Fight for freedom, make it everything and show
Brad Duncan be willing to change to go the plan no matter what is going on in your life
diamond  Don’t ever speak doubt (power of spoken word)
 You’re a product of environment (association)
 Treat people well all the time
 Make it your goal to win over each new person
 Being debt free will give you peace of mind & joy
CD417: “On the  Sears story
Varsity Team” Succeed by being willing to  Always dress for success because you can’t get a
Randy & Sandy first impression back
fail forward and do what
Sears  Most people won’t do the opposite of what their
N others won’t friends do, so they’ll never get the opposite of
what their friends get
CD418: “Emerald  Wagner story (basketball players/manager)
Michael & Persist and add value to
Freedom”  The power shift at work before you get free
Brandi Wagner others to be free
N  Engage in the battle
CD419: “Why Why switch from your  Panel: Lynn Field, Jordan Keller, Lynn Stergar,
Switch?” Kristin Dussault Heidi Shearer
& Panel
current products to our
P N  Legacy of Clean, Ribbon, Artistry, Nutrilite & Ditto
CD420: “With Me –  The security & peace of mind in this business vs.
Without Me” This business can give you traditional businesses
Bruce & Jamie
your real “why” & security,  People should get in on logic, but they don’t
N without it… who knows  You have to boil it down to the real reason why
 What life can be like with or without this business
CD421: “Why We’re  Passion begins when it goes from your head to
Passionate About This your heart
Business” Identify your passion and  Take your eyes off your passion & it gets harder
Todd & Nicole
be man enough to do the  Money, a dream, a team, a cause, a country, &
opposite of the masses Camelot
 Examples of passion-sucking self-talk
 Observe the masses & do the opposite

Goal: 200pv grand opening, 300pv in 1 month
Take responsibility to  Common dropped balls (PPPPPP)
CD422: “Successful
Grand Openings”
master the Grand Opening  Coaching people through the process
Jordan &
process and get  The numbers to expect
Janelle Keller
consistently good results  The pre-game huddle
N for your new IBOs  Setting people at ease
 Discussing the products
 Renfrow story
CD423: “2011 URA  Do more than is expected
Spring Leadership” Who’s the “Who” and  Set the example for your people
what’s the “What” that can  Build strong relationships in depth
Rex Renfrow
take this great business  Work with the people who want it now and
from you? befriend the rest (but don’t wait for them)
N  A chance to impact people globally
 Work through the setbacks
CD424: “Do You  Follow the recommended pattern
Know What You Stand Chad & Corrie Make a stand and follow  The character of the URA board
For? Leister the recommended pattern  Dating/”getting to know” tips
 Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything
CD425: “How You Think for yourself, be your  You need a personal reason to do it
Jack & Magee
Doing?” own person and magnify your  Self talk helps you become better
strengths  Rally behind your leaders
CD426: “The Next  Your dream will push you through the challenges
Generation of You have to come with a  Don’t let your fears or procrastination slow you
Diamonds” Bert & Jackie dream, a willingness to  Set an example for a-list to pull them through the
Gulick learn & change, and a list incubation period (negative motivation)
N 
of names How their 6 leg came together
 Break through the mental barrier
 Get people around the association because you
never know what will motivate them
 Failures and disappointments can be a
preparation phase for later success (instill a “no
CD427: “Beaches and
quit attitude”
the Bell”
 Finding the Young Guns leg
Your life is a tapestry:
 Sow with faith, not fear
John Crowe understand the phases of  Never arrive and never stop doing the basics
life and never quit  The great mystery is that you never know who
will do it
 What’s your standard: mediocrity or excellence?
 Make sure there is no quit in you
CD428: “Milestones Crystallize your dream, be  Dussault story & milestones
of Your Business”  Appreciating the troops
Dave & Kristin true to you and you’ll
 Bring the message of freedom
Dussault reach your milestones on
N  Go diamond in any circumstance
the way to diamond  The Crowe legacy
CD429: “Take Your When you’re willing to  Alcott story
Eyes Off Yourself” sacrifice and place your focus  Opinions are usually free from people unqualified
Rod & Penny to give them
on someone else, others will
Alcott 
N jump on board and you’ll Don’t kid yourself, you’ll have to sacrifice to
succeed together succeed in any arena
 Russo story
 What lazy people call fanatical, successful people
CD430: “From Bronx call discipline
to Blessing” You can overcome  Don’t equate price with value
Jeff & Denise anything if you want it bad  Overcoming the fear of speaking & bad marriage
Russo enough and keep showing  Don’t confuse the simplicity of building this
the plan business with the complexity of fixing yourself
P N  Build people into leaders and they will build the
 Finding the three legs to go Emerald
CD431: “Miss  Confidence comes from letting go of the fear of
America Addresses failure
URA” The Amway & Miss  Maturity is measured by an acceptance of
Theresa America partnership and
 Humility is remembering where you came from
Scanlan how we positively impact and thinking of yourself less, others more
our communities & country  How will you spend your “dash?”
 The 4 points of Miss America: scholarship,
success, style, service
CD432: “Don’t Be Left  What else do you need to see before you believe?
Why we committed and  Own your business: be productive every day
Joe &
(don’t try to cut corners with your business)
Marybeth why you should join the  This is something worth fighting for
N Markiewicz movement  The U.S. Constitution and this business
 America needs a movement of entrepreneurship
 93% of communication is non-verbal – don’t leave
what’s important to texting
CD433: “Complexity  Vague goals create complexity  when goals are
and Chaos” Simplicity and productivity
clear and you’re progressing, there are no
Matt are rooted in a positive
emergencies because you understand it will pass
Grotewold mental attitude and clearly  Profitability sponsors as well as credibility
defined goals  Repeat customers vs. loyal customers
 People don’t buy the products, they buy results
 The Goal: 10 loyal customers
 Take baby steps & stretch your comfort zone daily
 Why CDs and books are valuable
CD434: “First Round  Commitment + dedication over the passing of
Draft Pick” time won’t do it, be effective & productive
Mark &  Leadership is spelled e.x.a.m.p.l.e.
All it takes is everything
Merideth  If there was a draft, you’d be drafted based on
N Nathan you’ve got this week your stats (how you do the 9 core steps)
 Don’t worry about large periods of time, just be
your best each week
 Victor story
CD435-A/B: “What a  If comes down to communication & relationships
Business You Have” With the right attitude you  Focus on your strengths, it’s ok to ask for help
 The Crown lifestyle
Jody & Kathy can take charge of your life
 Decide to be happy and successful
Victor and be the best you that  Prioritize: do only what increases your success
you can be  Lead your group in vision and in attitude
 Struggles make you better
 What makes Amway unique
CD436: “Dance Till It See your future bigger than  DeHaven story
Rains” your past, don’t be limited  Be accountable and own it
Brad & Kim  Believe in everyone but don’t count on anyone
by your own expectations,
DeHaven  People believe more in the team than in an
N and find a cause bigger individual
than yourself  Keep working it until the results come
 The Crowe family story / John Crowe III story
 Conquering fears
 Your growth is determined by belief, so be
intentional about consistently growing your belief
CD437: “Me vs. Me”  Action  belief  action  belief  action, etc.
 This business is an adventure & proving ground
 Greater the struggle, greater the victory. Greater
the miracle, greater the warfare
Anybody can do this, so  Linear income in self-limiting
 Don’t go through the motions without emotions
John Crowe III learn to conquer your fears  It takes a warrior spirit, expect a victory
with belief & action  Your success will create a ripple effect of belief
 Leaders lead by example
 Never let attacks of fear get in your heart
N  No stagnation, either getting better or worse
 God doesn’t always call the equipped, but He
always equips the called
 Focus on what you’re going to, not through
 Go out with an expectation, but know that the
results will come in due season (sowing/reaping)
CD438: “Habits for  A habit is a repeated course of action
Develop the proper action  You may have to increase your intensity & focus
Matt  Push through the burn for a second wind
& thought habits to
Grotewold  Hard work x smart work = results
N succeed  Create habits of reading, listening consistently
 Become a good listener
 Get to the point where there is no retreat
 Focus on serving others, your problems will fade
CD439: “The Power of Jack & Rita Be willing to pay the price  Self correction is the only true correction
a Trained Mind” Daughery for success  Have a willingness to change, learn and grow
 It’s a marathon, not a sprint
 Define your roles and work your part
 Make your decision to do it and stick with it
 Men/women’s needs (having a great marriage)
 Spend your time in the right places & don’t waste
time with unproductive people whom you love
 It takes a trained mind to operate in the
dichotomy of leadership intuitively
 Life responds to deserve, not need
 Upgrade yourself to upgrade your group
 The only true motivation is self-motivation
 Common examples of ‘stuck’ people
 It all comes down to how you think (thoughts 
CD440: “Unlock Your
performance  results)
How to get ‘unstuck’ and  You can alter brain chemistry, improve results
 Tips: protein for your brain, avoid chronic stress,
Ron Ball create positive change in teach yourself & try new things, exercise
your behavior & results  Get off the negative tracks (negative, brain lock,
incompletion) & get on the positive tracks (mind
filter, talking/listening, mindfulness, association)
 Find the thought problem, declare war on it
CD441: “Diamond
You can be a world-  Gonser story (teacher/interior
Rally” Tom & Val design/pharmaceutical sales)
changer – do whatever it  She built it alone for a while
N takes & don’t procrastinate  Do whatever it takes to be free
We are a family, so help  Help your people overcome the adversities &
CD442: “Everyone is focus on the positive
Glad You Came” each other change,
Eddie & Elise  You may have to change to succeed
overcome obstacles, &  Give it 2-5 years of total commitment
grow into a new standard  See the invisible to accomplish the impossible
of excellence  Set a new standard of excellence
 To make free enterprise work have an attitude of
CD443: “Passion gratefully owing others & don’t expect anything
Persuades” from anyone
Howie & How to make free  Failure’s path is full of people who feel “owed”
Theresa Danzik enterprise work for you  Despite crazy trends, this business always grows
 The ground is always fertile for those who STP
 What we do: add value to others and help people
live better lives
CD444: “Family  This business allows families to impact each other
Greg & Lynn When we serve each
Legacy” and create legacies
Stergar other0020we get free  What will you do if you’re the only one left?
 Felber story
CD445: “Double Have a fighting spirit and  Had 12 different businesses
Diamond Rally” do what you have to do  Built it all on C-list
 You find peace on the journey
Terry & Linda because this business
 Cashflow quadrant explanation
Felber allows you to make a  Don’t mix the problem-solving phase with the
difference & have dreams decision-making phase
come true  Have the fighting spirit to do whatever it takes
 The greatest handicap is the way we think
CD446: “Working, Personal responsibility & a  A thoroughbred on a carousel still goes in circles
Speaking, Giving”  Don’t try to break platinums if you aren’t one
solution-minded attitude
Greg Francis  You may have to spray sometimes, no only focus,
helped our team go from to go platinum
frustrated to growing  Set reasonable goals
CD447: “Fireside Jeff & Denise  15-20 STP’s/month is way different than 10-12
Chat” Russo
The work ethic, edification,
submission & humility  It’s about relating to the most kinds of people
needed to really move on  Act your way into feeling good
 Figure out what you need to do to push yourself
 If you need their pv you can’t help them properly
 Don’t let anyone steal your dream
CD448: “2011  Everything I needed to know I learned in the
Renfrow Summer Amway business
John & Bobbie Have a passion & just do
Conference”  With a healthy passion the vehicle doesn’t matter
Sestina something  Build sincere friendships
 Finding their first legs
 Golden story
 Dig depth to lock people in
CD449: “Getting a  Don’t wait for the right timing & circumstances,
Mission” make them
Success occurs in spite of
 Think only positive because it’s all you can control
Hal & Ann obstacles, not in absence
(increase your reading)
Golden of them so do what it  Excellent results require excellent character
takes, no compromise  Learn to control your thoughts, actions, & speech
N  Keep growing yourself, your epiphanies will come
 Free enterprise: to whom much is given, much is
CD450: “Freedom’s  Carroll story
Mike & Robin You’ll have to be brave to
Warrior”  We are the remnant making a difference in
Carroll be free
N America
 Andrews story
 The God who made the tailwind also made the
headwind. Learn to love the wind.
CD451: “You Can Be a
 Be clear & strong on your values & priorities
 You’re only a short burst of consistent activity
If you have a dream and away from the MO to go Diamond
Bob & Terry are willing to work for it  Your reputation is a most valuable asset
Andrews through all of life’s phases,  Have a huge baby sitter list
you can be a diamond  You can do it so do it
 Involve your kids in the goal-setting process
N  You give a gift every time you share this business
 What it means and how it feels to be a diamond
 Being a diamond is about being a catalyst for
others to believe also
CD452: “I Chose the Take advantage of free  How free enterprise affects your daily decisions
Red Pill” Jordan &  Don’t let anyone push you around
Janelle Keller
enterprise & take control
N of your financial future
CD453: “Lead by Resistance & obstacles are  Everything in this business is dream driven
Example” Jim & Marchia a gift and catalyst for  Don’t let your past determine your future
McAnarney  You’ll have to be in the hunt if you want people to
N growth which allow for
follow you
tremendous experiences
 Know how the money is made
CD454: “How to
 It’s a universal business w/unlimited potential,
Share the You’re the messenger for nobody can dictate what you make. You tell you.
your business. How to  Show it to the right type of people
Steve Woods
make the message work  Be transparent, tell it like it is
for you.  Listen intentionally
 Men want more money, women want more
people of mind & security
CD455: “Dreams +  Money provides options
Passion x Activity =
Bob Payne Prioritize your time for
Growth” your dream and create  An opportunity for freedom
freedom through  When you plug in, success rubs off on you
 True success doesn’t come overnight, so do a
N duplication
little every day and the do the important things
before the urgent
 Strengthen a marriage  a home  a community
CD456-1: “Keeping  a city  a state  a country
Free Enterprise Alive” Change & become who you  URA Provides an atmosphere where you can
were meant to be and create who you were meant to be
John Crowe III
you’ll help the flame of  You can’t grow inside of your comfort zone
N freedom burn brighter  Change is inevitable, growth is optional
 You’ll win when it moves from your head to your
heart. Fear blocks the path, action cures fear
 Remember how new people think
CD456-2: “Think Like  People buy into you first
a New Person” How to connect & grow in  A person’s hierarchy of needs influences their
Tim Field your ability to sponsor behavior and decision-making.
people  Most people are only looking for a few hundred $
 Connect with people and help them see how your
suggestions will benefit them
 People don’t get involved for the nuts and bolts,
CD457: “There’s a but for what it can do for them
Platinum on Your List”
Be confident about sharing  Don’t pre-judge people
Brian & Caryn  It’s easier to stay in the mode than start/stop
your business/products &
McGrath  Program your mind to be good at sales/customers
find right people  Get out of your comfort zone and take advantage
of your whole list & sphere of influence
 Developing a customer & networking mentalities
CD458: “Fear is Your Fear can be an asset when  You have to overcome your fears to be fearless
Friend” Dave & Kristin  Most fears are actually harmless
you focus on what happens
N  Change your definition of fear
if you don’t overcome it
CD459: “The Cavalry” Find the right people who  Work hard, play hard
Jeff Russo  Stand up for what you believe in, find right people
will join the cavalry
CD460: “Have a  Work smart, be organized, be intentional with
Strategic Goal” your priorities
Be intentional & organized
Dan Stevens  Your calendar is your compass
N with your goals & calendar  Have strategic volume goals w/specific intent
 Motivation gets you going, habits keep you going
 When you step out you’ll attract nay-sayers, hang
CD461: “Get Up & in there & believe
Finish”  Success is not found in your comfort zone
Todd & Nicole You can’t steal second with  How to know you’re in a rut & your comfort zone
Ryder your foot on first  Listen to the right “noise”
 Push through fear with action
 Beware of going through the motions without
passion or belief
 Crowe story up to July 1980
CD462: “Goodies,  People are wondering 2 things: is it worth it &
People, & the Cause” can I do it
A people committed to
John & Jennie  Take criticism from ave. people as a compliment
Belle Crowe
each other & a cause can  Don’t try to be like average people
change the world  Who will you children’s heros be?
 Preserving the freedom to fail
 Freedom is an absence, not a presence
CD463: “Quitting & Fred Davis Listen to the winners on  A person with tenacity & a bulldog attitude can’t
Winning” the inside rail, not the be stopped
quitters & excuse makers  Get started, don’t quit, don’t quit getting started
 Make corrections, not excuses
on the outside rail
 Just look for people who are looking
CD464: “Action Consistent action & a  Baker story
Changes Everything” Jake & Jackie changed belief system will  Focus on your growth vs. trying to fix your spouse
Baker  Don’t eat your seed
N make your life better than
 Be willing to serve people
you can imagine
 Many of the details have little or nothing to do
with impacting and helping people
CD465: “Living the  The only things that matter when people see the
Dream” plan are:
o Do they feel better about themselves?
Pedro & Patsy Your dream can help you o Do they believe they can do it?
Lizardi overcome any excuse o Do they want to do it with you?
 Even with a small start you can have a huge global
P N  You must be ready for what you want to happen
 Continually notch it up a bit and by the end of the
year the multiplication factor will surprise you
CD466: “Should I Tell Give up the good & make  Leister story
the Story… From Zero Chad & Corrie  Build yourself, build your business
good daily decisions to get
to Six Figures” Leister  Delayed gratification
N the great
CD467: “Unleash the  The slight edge is always working for you or
Beast” against you: everything you say, do, think or say
Apply the slight edge to
Jordan Keller either moves you towards Diamond or away
N your business  Areas to improve: ownership mentality,
managing your calendar, spoken word, structure
 Your mind is a garden where thought flowers
CD468: “Grow You & grow. Your thoughts and words are the seeds
Your mind will be your that you sow. Could you live off the crop?
Grow Your Group”
greatest asset or liability,  The self-image T-equation (replay victories, not
John Crowe III you determine which by defeats)
choosing what enters your  The mirror technique
sense gates  Affirmations and confessions
 Fear is selfish
 Find a way to win
CD469: “Don’t Sign  Business vs. productivity
Up For That Class” Chad & Corrie Be productive & keep  Sowing & reaping: don’t spend energy trying to
Leister sowing understand why some seeds don’t grow
 Are you a spectator or a player?
CD470: “The Ben &  Building it as a single woman & single guy
Cindy Hill Story”  Master basics & you won’t have to revisit them
Ben & Cindy You can’t argue with the
 You move towards what you focus on
Hill power of a changed life
N  In the process of building your business you’ll find
 You have to believe, then you’ll see it. Not the
CD471: “Success other way around
Relies On Your Failure Building your self-image by  You’ll never know what you can do until you
Quotient” believe and try with a burning determination
Curtis treating people well & avoid
 A positive attitude will keep you moving toward
Ledbetter building walls between you your dream, a negative attitude will put you in
& your dreams reverse
 Procrastination is financial & business suicide
 Prioritize: don’t major in the minors
 You can’t achieve a level beyond your self-esteem
 People gravitate to knowledgeable people
CD472: “Looking for  Keep your eyes on your dream regardless of the
Lookers” Stay focused on your circumstances or obstacles
Leif & Bonnie
dream & you can have an  Johnson story (eye doctor)
incomparable life  Get the business inside of you so your passion
comes out naturally
CD473: “Do You  You have to own your dream
Know It” Brian Sabo Apply the laws of success  Overview of Napoleon Hill’s laws of success

CD474: “The Art of  You own a business: responsibility, no excuses,

Prospecting” Have a business ownership constant learning, buying & selling, conviction,
mentality & utilize your sense of urgency
Jim Mercon
greatest asset, your unique  Contact with the objective to show the plan
personality  You have to be an initiator
 There are no magic words, use your own
CD475: “Business  Ditto is the foundation of volume
Fundamentals” Volume produced by Ditto  Be an example of excellence in volume
Dave & Kristin  Your personal volume shows your belief
& personal use is the
Dussault  Use your own products!
N foundation of this business  Ditto allows you to build it offensively, how it was
meant to be built
CD476-A/B: “A Stay focused & you’ll find  Weir story (engineers)
Lifestyle of Choices”  In low tides remember that the business is your
Doug & Amie the right people to help
Weir you go Diamond & create
N  How they found all 7 legs
choices in your life  Put yourself in a position to fail, but don’t fail
CD477: “Bulldog & Bring a willingness to  Some of us have rough edges to our personality
the Lab” that need to be polished off
Tim & Lynn change & you can
 Some people are lazy and unorganized
Field overcome your personal
N  Overcoming the TV addiction
challenges  Developing the killer instinct
CD479: “Power vs.
Relational power &  Focus on what you want, not what you have
Force”  Quality conversations & sincerity create powerful
David Benzel magnetism comes from relationships
caring about others  Manage your thoughts to change your behavior
CD479: “Power vs.
Relational power &  Focus on what you want, not what you have
Force”  Quality conversations & sincerity create powerful
David Benzel magnetism comes from relationships
caring about others  Manage your thoughts to change your behavior
 Future-based events cause changes that are
CD480: “Why is My revealed in your future even if you continue to do
Life Not Changing?” Properly manage the nothing but them while present-based events
keep you stuck in your present circumstances
events in your life to bring
Terry Gogna  There is always only 1 future-based event
about positive change for  Always do first that which controls your future
your future  Procrastination is a monster that creates failure
 How logical & emotional people overcome
chronic procrastination
CD481: “Be a 20%er” Step out, be bold, make  Live every day with your best
Jack & Magee  Our founders were bold men in ruffled shirts
each day count & be part
 Make a commitment & back it up to join the 20%
of the movement
You have to be all in  Beware of people who say they won’t quit
Eddie & Elise because they are always thinking about quitting
CD482: “All In” because your behavior and
Vicinanza  Dream big & don’t ever entertain quitting
appearance reflects your
belief  Successful people are usually the ones who
become successful in this business (look for
people who are already “all in” in something else)
 Growth is always outside of your comfort zone
CD483: “We Rolled  Kerr story
Up Our Sleeves” Be coachable & utilize the  Do the work, get the structure, be coachable
Bill & Janice
pillars of belief to build the  The people who work it consistently grow
right structure because in the end it’s a numbers game
 The pillars of belief (sponsoring, profit, etc.)
CD484: “Win the  How will you answer the Goliaths in your life?
Greg & Lynn What the world says vs.
Game of Life”  When we follow the principles taught in URA, we
Stergar what we teach win every time
CD485: “Who’s Idea
We didn’t know what we  Crowe story
Was This?” John & Jennie  The challenges they faced getting started
wanted, but we knew what
Belle Crowe  You can’t show the wrong plan to the right person
P N we didn’t want  The beauty & longevity of this business
 Identify the excuses/stories you tell yourself
 All it takes is a decision. The question is, “What
will motivate you to make that decision?”
CD486: “It’s Now
What You Say, It’s  People choose you because of your passion
What They Hear” Understand what people  What people are looking for today
Steve &  What people want and expect from you
want & will hear, erase
Annette Woods  People generally don’t care about free enterprise,
excuses & get on the field they care about personal economic freedom
 It’s not easy, but it’s doable
 Don’t stay in the stands or on the bench, get on
the field
 Under-promise & over-deliver
CD487: “My
How this business can  Why a secondary income is smart
Hypothetical Couple”  Why a home-based business is the best way to
Larry Thornhill create a 2nd income which create a secondary income
P N creates options & freedom  Home-based income compared with job income
CD488: “What’s Your Your definition of freedom  The garage door story
Definition of Dave & Kristin will evolve over time as the  The next batch of leaders make us all better and
Freedom?” Dussault will become our kids’ heros
team grows you & makes
you better
CD489: “No Excuses,  Sow seeds into people & help them with the right
Just Do It” heart and it’ll work every time
Whether you think you can
Rex Renfrow  Change is inevitable, but treating people right
or can’t, you’re right never changes
 Quotes from presidents
 Livings are made from 8-5, lifestyles from 5-12
CD490: “Be in  The bad economy brings people clarity, but
Control” Two years of steady doesn’t change losers into winners
Greg & Laurie dedication & obsession will  This business allows for a no-regrets life &
unparalleled ability to help people
Duncan produce tremendous  Steadiness is more important than any other
N income & security quality in this business
 Dedication, passion & obsession
 2 years of steady dedication can change the world
CD491: “The Two  Make the open meeting a priority
Most Important Tips for new IBOs and their  New People: listen to CDs, do your homework,
Hours” Jordan & coaches about how to use your products, get function tickets, pay
Janelle Keller effectively start & coach attention to your mentor, keep growing your lists
N new people  Coaches: get good at establishing trust, help new
people climb the ladder of belief
 People get in on hope, if they stay in eventually
develop faith, and grow into belief
CD492-1: “The Dream
Find your dream, develop  Hang around dreamers to find your dream
is the Spark”
 The system develops winners into leaders
into a leader & overcome
John Crowe III  Get stronger through the struggles
obstacles with a positive  The dream drives you, but the team draws you
attitude  Your attitude determines if obstacles are positive
or negative
 Action gets you into passion, not the other way
CD492-2: “The  Sooner or later everyone pays the price
Struggle is Within Jack & Magee Grow yourself to become a  Reading, dream-building & self-talk help you learn
You” Spencer champion to think and grows you
N  The real struggle is inward, not outside you
 Ryder’s early struggles: debt, slow growth, low
CD493: “Tombstone” self-image, not liking people, negative family
Stand up for what you  Dream, struggle, victory
Todd & Nicole
believe in and joint the  At some point this will get in your heart, you’ll
posse realize it’s the best thing going, and you’ll decide
to stand up for what you believe. If someone
gives you an ounce, give them a pound back.
 Carillo story (air traffic controller, union, indicted
CD494: “And the on a misdemeanor)
Secret Service Started
How you respond when  People engage when the timing is right
Moving In”
you fall on your face  Action passes you from the theoretical knowledge
Louie & Cathy to the practical knowledge
determines if you’re a  Make a big list of your dreams
winner or a loser. Be a  Be a finisher, not a starter
N winner and a finisher.  In everything you do be a leader & go for it
 Don’t quite – do the work now & live the rest of
your life a champion
 The legacy power of the vehicle
 SW, SW, SW & the Butterfly Effect: don’t let
CD495: “Let’s Get other people affect your impact
Real”  Although business ownership is a key to success, a
Some will, some won’t, so
John & Jennie business degree isn’t the answer
Belle Crowe
what? The dream lives  This business compared to America’s top careers
anyways  Handling objections
P N  The heart that doesn’t show up in “research”
 This business creates a new aristocracy based on
individual effort & vision
CD496: “I Remember Stay focused on your  Russo stories of struggles
the Days” Jeff & Denise  When negative things happen, it’s guy check time
dream – it will get you
N  Pay the price, it’s worth it
through the struggles
 Hold closed-door sessions sacred – don’t be quick
to share all you learned. Create the pull.
CD497: “Be Your  Timing is everything
Best”  The best thing you can do for people is move on
Success principles are without them. The worst thing you can do is wait
 Teach people how and why they do things so they
universal and will help you
Byron James can better create duplication
become successful in all  Young people are independence-minded, not
areas of life wealth minded
 The power of the slight edge in turning conscious
efforts into subconscious efforts
 Be a current-credibility leader, not a past-
credibility leader
CD498: “Take It to  Are you a pioneer, settler or museum keeper?
the Next Level” This business is something  Just keep plowing forward in all seasons
 If you stay in the game and don’t get distracted,
Howie & you can consistently win
your life & business can be radically different
Theresa Danzik at. Find radical faith  The power of the spoken word
friends to help you win  Ladies support your husbands
 Don’t leave out the baby-boomers
CD499: “The The “light bulb” almost  CORE includes functions, which is all about belief
Importance of
always goes off at major  Rallys are like another form of seminars because
Functions” Terry & Linda the best way to learn is from others’ experience
functions, but you never
Felber  Don’t mix the problem-solving phase with the
know which one. So decision-making phase
attend them all!  The biggest price to pay is not to pay the price
CD500: “Success  Examples of successful professionals in URA,
Dave Dussault,
Stories: Professionals This business is the answer many of them Gen-Y
John Crowe &
& Gen Y” to your financial future  You control of your finances in this business
P N  School loans, debt, education, working together
CD501: “Live in Don’t dwell in the struggle;  Change your words, get & stay in the action mode
Victory” Chad & Corrie  Leister struggles on the way to 7500pv
delay gratification &
N  Delayed gratification
choose to live in the victory
CD502: “Long-Term  Our physical body, mind & emotions are fickle
Personal Fulfillment & Your success will be more and are just a tool
Purpose” highly determined by how  Success is most likely to occur when we operate
consistently you stay in the in our true nature, not according to fickle tools
Larry DiAngi
positive faith place on the  You have to decide that quitting is never an
bad days than our option, or else your charisma will be weak & will
consistency on the bad days keep people out
 Submit to a mentor to get to the next level
CD503: “A Dream
Stop allowing excuses to  Keep your eye on your dream
Bigger Than David & April  Protect your mind with CDs, books & events
hold you back. Instead, do
Ourselves” Humphrey  This is an opportunity to make your own economy
the work & see the results  Develop a burning desire
 Understand the phases of business:
volume/qualifying, stabilizing, solidifying
CD504: “Mindset” If you want to have a  Work to control the growth of your business, but
strong & stable business, don’t try to control the people in your business
Larry Winters
you will have to develop a  Your business is only stabilized with leaders, who
business owner mentality usually show themselves quickly
 Books & audios help you develop the right
mindset and learn to control your mind
CD505: “Dream The best use of your life is  Don’t make excuses
Night”  To fix your marriage, change yourself
Dave & Jan to live your life so that the
 Time goes by fast so work daily for your dreams
Severn use of your life outlives  How to make the most of every day, week,
your life month, and year in this business
CD506: “Prioritize Apply the ‘slight edge’ to  You can live life in reverse through this business
Your Time” Jeff & Denise  What’s it worth to you?
your priorities with a
N  Prioritize your time with what’s really important
“never quit’ attitude
CD507: “Volume  Your “kids” in this business are watching you so
Set the right example with set the right example
Starts With You”
 Your personal volume is totally in your control
Tim & Lynn Ditto on the 1st and your
 Samples allow people to test drive this business &
Field personal use so it can be its products
N duplicated  The power of Ditto
 Excuse-removing examples
CD508: “Turn Up the
Set the right example &  Tips for growing your customer volume & getting
Volume” Jordan & new IBO’s started right with customers
Janelle Keller
duplicate a 6-9% personal  Grand Opening, Tanita, Glow & Bundle Drop tips
N circle with customers  Success stories
CD509: “Duplicating
Tips for growing your  Community events
Artistry & Glow Kristin Dussault  Streamlining & fostering duplication of Glows
business with Artistry &
Success” & Panel  Getting organized for Glows
Glow  Tips for closing sales
CD510: “Wise Sage”  The value of our American freedom
Larry & Patti The mindset of a free  The only rarity is doing what needs to be done
McCracken people & a free nation when it needs to be done whether you want to or
CD511: “A Warrior’s  All we do is the slight edge
Heart”  This business is a gift, so share it
Reagan & Belief isn’t enough, it takes
 Allow your mentor to be the loudest voice in your
Carrie Bender faith, which includes work life so they can help you stay focused
 Fight with purpose
CD512-A: “Don’t
Catch a new vision, fill your  This business can give you a new perspective
Compromise” Al & Kathy  Hang around winners & warriors to get a picture
calendar, and join in the of what one looks like
fight  Do you have a full calendar or a fool’s calendar?
CD512-B: “Don’t  “Whatever it takes” always includes CORE
Compromise  Core is a set of daily habits that produce monthly
Use the power of the results
Randy & Sandy
spoken word & your dream  Never get away from the Diamond rally stories
to overcome fatigue  Would you rather be tired for a season or the rest
of your life?
 Have a “now or never” mentality
 Janz story
CD513: “Possibility  Never leave the scene of goal-setting without
Thinkers” acting (right now!)
Jim & Sharon The power of possibility  If you want something you’ll have to work for it
Janz thinking & faith  When you really lean into a goal with a
willingness to sacrifice & commit, things will
N happen for you
 Stand up for free enterprise
CD514: “The Why” John & Jennie 
Belle Crowe
CD515: “Kitchen 
Eddie & Elise
CD516: “Learn to 
Greg & Lynn
Love the Wind”
CD517: “The Choice” 
Adam Marks
CD518: “Plan Your 
Route” Steve Woods

CD519: “Big 
Matt & Alanna
CD520: “Believe 
Doug & Amie
Deeply, Act Boldly”
CD521: “Pursue Your Joe & Norma 
Dreams” Foglio

CD522: “ 

John Maxwell Leadership CDs

MAX001: “Growing  Growth matures and changes people, while goals are only
Yourself, Growing Be growth conscious, not motivational
Others, Growing goal conscious  Grow in your strong areas, not weak areas
 Vision determines the direction of the team (how to
effectively communicate vision)
 Values determine the foundation of the team
 Work ethic determines the preparation of the team
MAX002: “The Eight How a team multiplies

 Personnel determines the potential of the team

Keys to Team Success” value  Structure determines the size of the team
 Relationships determine the morale of the team
 Training determines the excellence of the team
 Leadership determines the success of the team
 The law of the edge: all things being equal, the team with the
best leadership always wins
MAX003: “Why the Best
What separates good  The best leaders: give their best to their people, keep

Leaders are the Best growing and changing and helping others do the same, are
Leaders” leaders from great leaders serving others, get their best from their people, empower &
motivate others, are good listeners, observers, relaters,
connectors and teachers.
 Why leading & communicate is important
Effective leaders must be  Trust is the foundation of credibility  how to develop it as a
MAX004: “Becoming a communicator/leader
able to communicate
Leader-Communicator”  Restoring credibility
effectively  4 types of leader/communicators: expert, visionary, coach,
 Look for: constructive discontent, someone who offers
What a leader looks like: practical solutions vs. complains, is respected, is listened to,
MAX005: “Picking someone who catches & creates vision, takes responsibility,

Potential Leaders”
find potential leaders to finishes jobs, are emotionally stable, are good with people,
develop good leaders understand people, serve people, can make things happen
 How to think great thoughts
MAX006: “If Business is  Both see the big picture and lead teams
9 laws of war that apply to  Objective, offensive, focus, mass, unity, security, surprise,
Like War, Learn to Think
Like a General” business simplicity, economy of force, maneuver
 The best books intersect with your place in life’s journey
 John’s book journey
MAX007: “Let’s Talk How to get the most out of
 Read in your areas of strength
About Books” books  Have a system to get the most out of books
 Summaries of John’s top 10 books he’s written
 Make your future bigger than your past
 Make your contribution bigger than your reward
 Make your performance greater than your applause
MAX008: “Laws for How to keep growing &  Make your gratitude greater than your success
Lifetime Growth” succeeding  Make your Cooperation greater than your status
 Make your purpose greater than your money
 Just take care of today
 Don’t be a slave to the past, make it your teacher
 It is about priority management, not time management
Observations of people
MAX009: “Using Time or  Thoughts on time
Abusing Time”
who use time and people  Key points about both types of people
who abuse time
 Understand timing, perspective and people
 Examples of velvet-covered brick leaders: Martin Luther King,
Rudy Giuliani, and Ronald Reagan
MAX010: “The Velvet- Hard & soft, strong & weak  Tough & tender, “do it right” vs. “say it right,” respected &

approachable, confronts problems & considers perspectives,
Covered Brick” – the leadership dichotomy strength/courage & sensitivity/care, results & relationships,
professional & personal
 How to put people at ease
 Value others to gain respect
 We see us by our intention and others by their actions
We see things as we are,
 A leader’s biggest blind spot is a singular perspective
MAX011: “The Blind not as they are. Most

 Other common blind spots: insecurity, devaluing people, ego,

Spot” people have blind spots, lack of character, lack of intuitively in areas of weakness
few can see them  Covering your blind spots
 Personal
o A proverb a day builds wisdom
o A turtle on a fencepost didn’t get there by himself
Observations on wisdom o Progressing from working alone to teamwork
MAX012: “The Little Red

for personal and  Professional

Book of Wisdom”
professional success o Work less, think more
o Buy more stamps (write letters & notes)
o People are our best assets
o You attract who you are, not what you want
 The Law of Solid Ground
 Trust is the one quality that must be earned, not acquired
MAX013: ‘Trust is the Trust is an attitude that
 Emotionally healthy people are more trusting & more

Foundation of allows people to rely, feel trustworthy

Leadership” confident and feel sure  Trust busters & trust builders
 Rebuilding trust
 Make people feel like a million bucks
 5 levels of relationships and the principles that go with them
All of your successes and  Create memories & revisit them, let people know you need
MAX014: “Eight Ways to them, give people a good reputation to live up to, share a
Win With People”
failures can be linked to secret with them, do for them what they can’t do for
relationships themselves, find keys to their hearts, establish common
ground, encourage within the first 30 seconds, write notes of
 Clearly communicate expectations, unity, teaching, the
Leadership and coaching
MAX015: “Coaching for responsibility of a leader, communication, improvement,
tips from Dick Vermeil’s relationships
coaching book
 Disown your own helplessness (don’t play the victim, no
excuses, take full responsibility, be self-reliant, prefer giving
over receiving)
 Take the bull by the horns
 Enter the no whining zone
MAX016: “Whatever it The keys to unlocking a  Empathize (put on a new pair of shoes – someone else’s)

Takes” can-do attitude  Walk the extra/second mile again
 Nurture your passion
 Set your own bar of expectations high
 Quit stewing, start doing (take action)
 Go with the flow and be flexible
 Expect a return on your commitment
 Pictures of character, personal growth, self-image,
MAX017: “Leadership People think in pictures, so commitment, legacy, focus, catalyst, priorities, simplicity,
Pictures” communicate visually personal knowledge/experience, setting the example, know
the cost, connection
 Am I investing in myself?
 Am I a life-long learner? (goal oriented vs. growth oriented)
 Am I genuinely interested in others?
Learn to ask yourself the  Am I doing what I love and loving what I do?
 Am I investing my time with the right people?
MAX018: “Questions I right questions: quality
 Am I staying in my strength zone?
Ask Myself As a Leader” questions lead to quality  Am I putting others first?
answers  Am I taking care of today?
 Am I taking time to think?
 Am I investing in others and developing leaders?
 Am I pleasing God?
 Serve in the small to be strategic in the big
 See the future
The best leaders S.E.R.V.E.  Engage with & develop people
MAX019: “The Secret”
their followers  Reinvent continuously
 Value results & relationships
 Embody the virtues
 First know the legacy you want to leave
Choose to expend  Then live the legacy you want to leave
MAX020: “Achieving the
intentional effort towards  Be creative about how to pass it on
Legacy You Want to
your legacy of possessions,  Choose who to pass your legacy on to
people or principles  Teach them your legacy and then teach them to teach others
 Believe in those you lead
 Learn to lead from the middle, someday you’ll be at the top
Leadership is influence, not  The middle-of-the-pack leadership myths
 Learn your role, be comfortable with it, don’t judge mentors
MAX021: “The 360- position. Lead from where
 Your attitude is your greatest asset or greatest hindrance
Degree Leader, pt 1” you are, even if it’s the  Leadership is more disposition than position
middle of the pack  There is no such thing as too many leaders so keep the
leadership pipeline pumping
 Learn to lighten your leader’s load
Lead from where you are:
MAX022: “The 360-  Are the team and leader better because of you?

Degree Leader, pt 2”
Leading up, leading across  Complete the leadership loop crossline
& leading down  Leaders need to be what they want to see
You have to have more  All have potential but few cultivate it
MAX023: “Why People
reasons for reaching your  Take the sandbags off your potential

Don’t Reach Their  Common sandbags: choices, initiative, time/process, pay the
Potential” potential than reasons not
price, problems
to reach your potential
 We are intuitive in the area of our giftedness
 To determine timing examine: the needs around you, the
MAX024: “The Test of How to test timing when
opportunities before you, the mentors beside you, the
Timing” your intuition is lacking victories beneath you, the courage inside you
 Evaluated experience is the best teacher
 A poor self-image sabotages relationships
MAX025: “Questions to  You can’t manage time - how to prioritize time
You can’t fix your team
Ask the Person in the  Guidelines for giving & receiving feedback
Mirror” until you fix yourself  Leading under pressure
 No one would succeed if circumstances were the key factor
 Attitude is completely in your control & has limitless
Attitude isn’t the main
MAX026: “Attitude, the improvement potential, unlike talent
Difference Maker, pt. 1”
thing, but it can make a  What attitude can & can’t substitute for
difference in your life  Maintenance is easier than rebuilding
Your attitude will help you  We see things not as they are, but as we are
MAX027: “Attitude, the  Overcoming discouragement, problems, change, fear and
Difference Maker, pt. 2”
overcoming the big 5
failure with your attitude
 Victory over self, asset, blessing, weight, discipline,
MAX028: “A Leader’s hindrances, opportunity, loss, liability, motivation, moment,
Greatest Things”
A leader’s greatest things
joy, mistake, prayer, return, recognition

 Pride undermines all areas of business growth & relationships

MAX029: “Pride: A Identifying pride’s
 How to solve the problem
Leader’s Greatest symptoms and the  The pride problems of individuals and successful organizations
Problem” solutions
 All about vision casting and fulfilling it
 You’re only as good as your team
 Maximizing values
MAX030: “The Seven Leaders are demanded to  Providing challenging experiences

Demands of Leadership” make things happen  Mentoring

 Building a constituency/team
 Make sense of your experiences
 Knowing self
Don’t over-philosophize,  Some favor less encouragement, but 19 of the 25 “Ways to
MAX031: Win With People” are encouragement
just care for and encourage
“Encouragement Changes  Encouragement keeps us going, makes people better, gives
Everything” people – you never know hope, and turns people around
how big your impact can be  Everyone needs encouragement
One of us is not as smart as  Trust is the foundation of leadership
 A leader must be secure to be willing to ask for advice
MAX032: “Reach Out & all of us: how to effectively

 The quality of the questions determines the answer quality

Ask Someone” engage others and gain  Be sure to ask the right people
insight  Have a process & system to follow to take advantage of it
 Learn to ask “one-word” answers to determine a person’s
MAX033: “Words to Live You can learn a lot about a values

By” person by their words  Examples of questions to ask yourself and others

 Many can see what is there, but few can see what’s not
Lessons from the free  Those who speak knowingly & confidently often get the
responsibility to get the job done
book, “Swanson’s

MAX034: “Rules”  A person who is nice to you, but rude to others is not nice
Unwritten Rules of  If we aren’t being criticized it’s because we aren’t doing much
Management”  Put yourself in your bosses shoes
 Have fun at what you do, only grumps like other grumps
 Once a decision is made, stop worrying & start working
Proper decision managing  How to prioritize decisions
MAX035: “Making Good

makes a good decision a  The traps that cause leaders to make faulty decisions
Decisions Better”
great decision  The DNA of good decision making
 Decision making styles
 Testing times come to every emerging leader
 Respect is earned on difficult ground
Defining moments that  Sometimes they are voluntary, sometimes not., but they
every leader faces & how always bring stress. First crucible almost always involuntary
MAX036: “The Crucible”  leaders can use them as a  They reveal a person’s inner character
catalyst for growth  They purify motives & shape ambitions
 How to thrive during crucibles: maintain youthfulness,
perspective, hope, faith & a positive attitude
 “Ragged Dick” by Horatio Alger: Luck seems to find those who
work hard, become a reader, give children hope, anyone can
succeed if they won’t be a victim
 “How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling” by
Frank Bettger: Enthusiasm is the foundation of good sales,
most people feel their way into acting but you should act your
way into feeling, sales & people skill tips, take the mysticism
out of selling, enthusiasm for life & others sets you apart
 “The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard: clarity of goals
saves energy that could be directed elsewhere, people are
motivated by immediate feedback, simplicity & consistency
 “The Magic of Believing” by Claude Bristow: belief has power,
anything can be yours and you can be anything, have an
assumed confidence, a person’s believe will change and shape
their world
MAX037: “Success An overview of the top 50

 “The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie:” Be voracious in

Classics, pt. 1” success classics, pt. 1 your learning, make sure that others benefit from your wealth
 “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George Clason: Save & pay
yourself first, choose wisdom over gold, money made without
the right mindset will be lost
 “Acres of Diamonds” by Russell Conwell: There is no need to
look beyond yourself and your current situations to find your
fortunes, success is within you and around you, success is in
 “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey: “The
first step on the road to success is good character, have
openness to new perspectives, prioritize your daily actions,
sow & reap, what will people say about you when you die?
 “The Way to Wealth” by Benjamin Franklin: Diligence, hard
work, independence & frugality build character as they build
 “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz: Your success
is largely dependent on what you believe you deserve & the
size of your thinking, belief is the thermostat that regulates
success, never depend on luck.
 “Made in America” by Sam Walton: Be the best at what you
do and the world will beat a path to your door, copy people
who are already doing something well, always treat
employees and customers well, continue to get better, always
look for ways to save money
 “Lincoln on Leadership” by Donald T. Philliips: Leaders must
be active and seek results, friendship allows for the greatest
MAX038: “Success An overview of the top 50 degree of influence, good leaders are always honest,

Classics, pt. 2” success classics, pt. 2 compassionate, and unshakeable

 “The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas J. Stanley: People aren’t
born with a millionaire mind, it’s a set of attitudes and
knowledge that anyone can adopt & acquire, do work that
you love to do, choose careers with no ceiling, work hard, but
don’t worry about being a stop student, marriage is a
significant factor in success
 “Take Time for Your Life” by Cheryl Richardson: Prioritize and
live a balanced life, identify and eliminate energy drains
 “See You At the Top” by Zig Ziglar: You can have anything in
life that you want if you help enough other people get what
they want
 People at the end of their life wished they reflected more,
MAX039: “People Will risked more, did more things that would live on
Summarize Your Life in  Everyone knows they are going to die, but no one believes it.

One Sentence – Pick it

Live life like you’re dying Otherwise we’d all live differently
Now”  Life is brief, difficult, lived daily, & compounds for good or bad
 Start living today, be grateful, do the right thing
 The more reasons you have to achieve your dream, the higher
the odds that it will come true
 John’s dream journey
 The Groundbreaker encourages you to start
MAX040: Breakthroughs that will  The Icebreaker gets you moving

“Breakthroughs that bring your dream to a new  The Windbreaker encourages you to stand
Build Your Dream” level  The Cloudbreaker clears your vision
 The Tiebreaker encourages you to serve
 The Chartbreaker is when you and your dream start to soar
 The Heartbreaker causes you to reevaluate your dream
 The Recordbreaker is when you become better through it all
 Legos teach connection
MAX041: “Toy Box 3 leadership lessons from  Playdough teaches mentorship

Leadership” toys  Rocking horses teach activity vs. accomplishment

 When working with people focus on behavior, not the results
 Leaders care about people, but don’t compromise values
 Leaders understand the value & importance of good people
 The #1 challenge of every organization is finding & keeping
good people
 Why we sometimes work with the wrong people
 We can make people better than they are, but we can’t
change who they are  “I can make you more than you are,
MAX042: “Truths About Finding & developing good

but I can’t make you something you’re not”
Leadership” people  Managers try to lead everyone the same, leaders adjust
 People can change greatly in matters of choice, but change is
incremental in matters of skill or natural ability
 What to build on: temperament, strength zone, track record,
passion, attitude/perspective
 Give people opportunity, support, goals, feedback and credit
 Secure leaders serve others, set clear & realistic expectations

MAX043: “What Makes a


 The Jennie Belle warmth is not status, shyness,

Create a warm and overbearing, overly sensitive, emotional, overly
LL001: “Jennie Belle welcoming environment vulnerable or indecisive
Lynn Field
Warmth” for people to grow and  It is gentle, warm, inviting, others-focused, dream
you’ll grow a large team building, calm, poised, transparent, comforting
and emotionally stable/happy
 Artistry & Crème Luxury overviews
LL002: “Crème Lisa Schmidt & Crème Luxury is a world-  Cost comparison vs. other lines and procedures
Luxury Basics” Dianne Haigh class product with  Who to market Crème Luxury to
 Numbers, ideas and success examples
LL003-1: “Building Maintain your health to help  Accept the body God gave you
Robyn Erwin
Self-Esteem” your self-image
 Upline, downline, crossline & marriage
relationships tips
Treat people well and build  Spend your time with the right people, not
LL003-2: “Building
Magee Spencer proper relationships in this necessarily the most comfortable peoples
people business  Don’t get distracted by crossline relationships
 Give distance people extra attention
 Keep the humor in your marriage
LL004-1: “The IBO  Do your best and take it day by day
Corrie Leister Organize & Prioritize  Do it out of love

Raise your belief so you  High belief changes your priorities and makes
LL004-2: “Delayed delaying easier
Kristin Dussault can delay the good to get  Common areas for ladies to delay in
the great  Build in rewards so there’s a light at the end
 Set a good example to prospects during meetings
LL005-1: “Same Support your husband and  Set a good example to your team by building
Janelle Keller
Team” build him up relationships in depth
 Don’t compare
LL005-2: “Make  You can always do more than you think
Control your time by prioritizing:
Your Business a Nicole Ryder  Business image for ladies: dress & attitude
God, Country, Family, Business
Priority”  Taking care of your customers
LL006: “What it’s Take a leap of faith and  Sandee Tsuruda story
Sandee Tsuruda  The dream is real
Like to Be Free” change to live a free life
 The key to keeping a good attitude is the
LL007: “Attitude of A great lifestyle begins willingness to change
Pam Winters
Gratitude” with a great attitude  You are capable of more than you think
 Do what you must to keep your mind refreshed
 Strive to complete, not compete
LL008: “Using Love Jennie Belle A united couple can
 Honor one another with your words
in Relationships” Crowe accomplish anything  Love is…
Heart-felt edification and  Promoters paint pictures with their words
LL009: “Edification  How to edify your spouse, upline, crossline, and
& Promotion”
Kristin Dussault promotion are the keys to downline
a big, lasting business  Key promotion tips for the URA leaders
 You have to be you
 Forget disappointments and draw from past
LL010-1: “Control You can control your mind successes to help shape your future
Magee Spencer
Over Our Attitudes” and attitude  Set the tone in your home
 Don’t worry after dark
 Take time for/with yourself
 Don’t be afraid to change
LL010-2: “Others Succeeding in a people
Robyn Erwin  Appeal to their heart with kindness and
First” business unconditional love to engage and connect
 Jordan & Janelle’s challenges that forced them to
LL011: “A Strong You’re stronger than you stay strong
Woman vs. a Janelle Keller think so take control of  Be emotionally stable and level-headed
Woman of Strength” your life and your attitude  Challenges bring strength and create an impact
 Stay focused regardless of your circumstances
 Panel: Lynn Field, Corrie Leister, Janelle Keller,
Lynn Stergar, Jamie Bush, Nicole Ryder
 Goal setting, focus & discipline (the slight edge)
 Couples roles & communication
LL012: “Hot Topics: What it takes for a woman
Kristin Dussault  Time management (building it with a career)
Emerald Ladies
& Panel
to be successful in this  Building the business with children
Panel” business  Personal growth & self-image
 Dress & professionalism
 Mentoring singles
 Health
 Self-image determines the risks you’re willing to
Repair and grow your self- take & your feelings
LL013: “Feeling  Incorrect input & labels produce poor self-image
image because you act out
Worthy of the Diane Haigh  Separate your self-image from your mistakes
Crown” the role of who you think  Defining healthy & unhealthy comparison
you are.  Align yourself with how you envision yourself &
have a positive association to grow self-image
 Shyness is actually selfishness
 Read and learn for you to grow
What forms your self-  You become whatever you think you are
“Understanding Pam Winters
image & how to improve it  Don’t compare yourself to others, celebrate you!
Your Self-Image”
 You can be happy at any stage/level
 Focus only on what you can change
Learn to manage your  Your finances now are an indicator of where you
LL015: “The 13 are going
Sue Lynn Setzer money so you can manage  Tips for getting out of debt
your future finances  Stay focused
LL016: “Follow the  Make your ‘whys’ work together
Magee Spencer If you know ‘why’ you can
Bell”  You need a sense of urgency
figure out the rest  There are enough challenges, don’t invent more
 If God had a refrigerator, you’d be on it
 You must be both a follower & a leader
 Team mates must be accountable
 People only remember how you made them feel,
so have an unconditionally good attitude
Have fun as you create  Eat & drink your way to 100pv
LL017: “Volume  Volume starts with personal use
Increases Belief”
Laura Taylor volume with personal use
 Develop a few good, loyal customers
& loyal customers
 It’s not up to you to police anyone else
LL018: “Success  The best accountability partner is yourself
Kristin Dussault 9 Core for ladies
Habits for Women”  Have a hunger to learn
 Know your group
 Getting through the early struggles on the way to
Set the goal, get started & platinum
LL019: “The Peter Jennie Belle
Island Run” Crowe
commit to not quitting and  The “Platinum Hill” is the hardest
your dreams will come true  Be willing to run in the rain and the cold
 It’s worth it
Tips to avoid relational  The phases of marriage
LL020:  Love & respect: how to honor your husband
Liz McEwen erosion & maintain marital
 How to handle healthy conflict
What the work entails will  You forget the hardships once the rewards come
LL021: “Nobody  How the old business was different from the new
Magee Spencer change, but the rewards
Died Being Tired”  Keep it simple, don’t complicate it, one day at a
are always worth it time
LL022: “The Power Observation, the natural  Observe people you want to duplicate
Kristin Dussault  Who, what, why, where to observe
of Observation” way to learn
 Be intentional – things do “just happen,” but they
usually aren’t the things you want to happen
LL023: “Busy Get your life in order & be
 Time savers are built into this business
People: How They Amie Weir organized so you can make  Plan ahead so you can be prepared & efficient
Do It All” the most of every day  Be productive with your time
 It’s ok to ask for help
Keep your eyes open for the  Pay attention in all seasons to the wind in your
LL024: “The Winds life  you never know when it’ll change
Lisa Sabo signs of opportunity & when
of Change”
the wind shifts, ride it  Look for the positive in everything
LL025: “Plan, 
Prepare, Pray, Corrie Leister

 Supplements are meant to compliment a healthy diet, not cure disease

 If medication is necessary and/or improves your life/daily function, it can be a blessing
H001: “Everything You Need to Know  When to take different supplements
About Taking Supplements”  Potential complications
Dr. Chet Zelasko  B6 decreases chances of colorectal cancer
 Your muscle is the most important muscle to train
 Keep track of what you eat to lose weight
 Beta Carotene & Smoking
H002: “Everything You Need to Know
 Review of “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplemements
About B12”
 Weight tip: The secrets of success
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Choosing exercise equipment
 Plants, phytonutrients, and Nutrilite
H003: “Phytonutrients & Basic  Common circulating health emails
Supplementation”  Supplementation w/Daily, Packets, Perfect Pack
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Weight tip: starvation mode
 Exercise: interval training
 Everything you need to know about Vitamin D
H004: “It’s All About Health  Is organic better?
Information”  Gout
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Fitness Tip: Assessing Your Fitness Level
 Weight-Loss tip: special occasions
H005: “Weight Management”  Weight management & genetic testing
Dr. Chet Zelasko  The dirty dozen of weight loss myths
 Calcium (Calcium & Iron/Calcium & kidney stones)
H006: “Daily Value, Calcium & Weight
 Unintended weight loss consequences
 Spot reduction weight loss
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 More small meals for weight loss
 The digestive process
H007: “Water & Food Additives”  The most common food additives people ask about (taurine, silica/silicon dioxide,
Dr. Chet Zelasko dextrose, maltodextrine, MSG, carnauba wax)
 Portion control & walking and weight loss
H008: “Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs:  Overview of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and special supplements
The Differences  Weight loss tip: metabolism basics
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Fitness update: breast cancer and exercise
 All about high-fructose corn syrup & 2 alternatives: stevia & agave nectar
 Inulen fiber
H009: “High-Fructose Corn Syrup &
 Sodium benzoate
 The placebo effect
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Cleansing
 Exercises to do while sitting down
 Assessing fitness & the importance of a stress test
 The Nitric Oxide System
H010: “All About Fitness”  Starting a jogging program & running your first 5k
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Caffeine in heat & cold
 Resistance & reps
 When to take protein
 Identifying whole grains
 Deep vein thrombosis
H011: “What You Didn’t Know About
 Cold-water fish & immunity
Vitamin A & the Paleolithic Diet, pt. 1”
 Can you be fit in 6 minutes (intervals only)?
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Can you be fat and fit?
 Posture
 Vitamin A: all about the studies, the allowance and toxicity
 Healthy kids and diet & exercise
H012: “What You Didn’t Know About
 Is chocolate a health food?
Vitamin A & the Paleolithic Diet, pt. 2”
 The Paleolithic/caveman diet
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Weight loss tip: Dipping salad dressings
 Fitness tip: muscle soreness
 The plan
 How to choose your calorie plan
H013: “URA New Way, New You”
 Why the Carb Reducer Plan is a good place to start
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 The breakdown of the 3 calorie plans
 The secret to weight-loss
 All about potassium
 Research update: As much as we know about Fibromyalgia
 Liquid supplements vs. tablets
H014: “Potassium, Fibromyalgia &
 Using meal replacement bars & shakes and their benefits
Liquid Vitamins”
 Stop and think to avoid unintentional injuries
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 The raw milk fad
 Weight-loss tip: reducing fat intake
 Fitness tip: protect your eyes
 The connection between calcium and iron absorption
H015: “Calcium & Iron Connection and
 The benefits and draw-backs of juicing
All About Juicing”
 A great body takes time (more than 10 minutes)
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Fitness tip: How many sets?
 All about Magnesium Sterate (in supplements) and the science behind it
H016: “Magnesium Sterate, Age-Related  Consistency: the difference-maker in fitness & your health
Fitness, and Consistency”  Reducing fat, pt. 2: Omega-6 fatty acids, Fast Food
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Weight Tip: Use a smaller plate
 Fitness tip: Youth strength training
 Explanation of Omega 3’s, 6’s & 9’s
 Food allergies vs. intolerances
H017: “Omegas, Food Allergies & Travel  Travel tales
Tales”  The proper way to do it naturally
Dr. Chet Zelasko  All about periformus pain
 Weight loss tip: waist size
 Fitness tip: fat-burning exercise
 Are people more sick today than they were in the past?
 The improvement in medical care helps people live longer
H018: “Sickness, Diabetes & Weight

The top 3 21 century health issues: diet, exercise, weight
 Waste size & diabetes, the correlation & solution (weight management genetic test)
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Weight tip: green tea
 Fitness tip: winter sidewalks & roads
 All about copper
 Chia seeds
 Recent research on soy
H019: “Copper, Chia Seeds, Soy,
 Women & heart disease
Women’s Heart & Stroke”
 Restless leg syndrome
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Identifying stroke victims
 Weight tip: Which is best, fresh, frozen or canned produce?
 Fitness tip: TV watching
 Dr. Chet’s bio & credentials
 How much sleep do you need?
H020: “Sleep, Lipids, HDL & Sugar”
 All about serum lipids and cholesterol
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Do carbonated beverages weaken bones?
 Sugar stats and pre-diabetes
 The history of artificial sweeteners
 A closer look at aspartame, sucralose & ace-k potassium
H021: “Artificial Sweeteners, Nitric
 The nitric oxide system
Oxide & Krill Oil”
 Everything you need to know about krill oil
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Weight tip: eat more vegetables
 Fitness tip: walk while watching TV
 Everything you need to know about magnesium (about, intake, deficiencies, etc.)
 When should you have a mammogram?
H022: “Magnesium, Mammograms &
 Why science by headline is dangerous
 Nutritional research
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Everything you need to know about sugar alcohols
 Work out while you work
 “Hello, this is your heart talking”
 Everything you need to know about iron, deficiencies and who’s at risk
H023: “Heart, UTI & Healthy Bones”  Urinary Tract Infections
Dr. Chet Zelasko  Is it reasonable or questionable? How to look it up yourself
 Young girls, exercise & healthy bones
 Weight-loss tips: fads explained
 Everything you need to know about vitamin C
 “This is your core talking”
H024: “Vitamin C, Sunscreen, Sugar &
 Everything you need to know about sunscreens and how to protect your skin
 Type-3 errors & the EPIC study
Dr. Chet Zelasko
 Road tips for talking, jogging, and biking
 Sugar & salt
 Why it’s important to eat berries
 Understanding your T-score & how it relates to bone health
H025: “Eat Your Berries, Coconut Oil, &  Coconut oil
Strength Training”  Strength training for women & kids
 How to be more active during your day
 Switch to a smaller plate to help control portion sizes

H026: “CoQ10, Phytonutrients, & Bone


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