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“Life Was Better When Technology

Was Simpler”

Group Member:
1. Muhammad Zeeshan Wasi (SP19-BSCS-0122)
2. Waleed (SP19-BSCS-0)

FACULTY: MA’M Qudsiya Bano
DATE: 01-Jan-2022
We are all living in the 21st century. It is an era of science and technology. Modern
technology has its effect on every field of life. With the help of technology the things
that seemed impossible in the past are now easily done.
Now days we cannot imagine life without technology thus, we can that it makes life
more convenient and simper than past. Information technology brings revolution in
our daily life. It increases our standard of living. It has great effect on business,
science, education, medical sector, transportation and so on.

However may be there are some aspects of technology that have negative on our
lives, but they are very minor against the benefits of technology. To prove the
importance of technology we can say that we cannot live with it but we cannot live
without it. I think that everybody is experienced in using technology. 

The most important and positive affect of technology on our lives which shows that
our life is better than past, is a medical field. The development of any country is
measured from the health of its citizens. The invention of x-rays, CT-scans, MRI-
scans, and ECG etc. are great achievement of scientist. These inventions are helpful
to cure many diseases like diabetes, asthma, HIV, and cancer etc. With the help of
technology medical sciences very progressive and there are so many medicines
which save many innocents lives. It also improved the health of many people and
increases the average life of human beings. In addition with the more and new
inventions, it is easily available from poor to rich nations. Advancement in
information technology is another example which totally changed our life. Computer
is a great invention of a man. It is capable to handle precisely and lot of information
at much a speed than unaided human. As we know that every organization has
computerized its tasks, it reduced the use of papers for official work. In earlier days
all records are kept in the form of files, which required a lot of paper whereas now
we can protect a great amount of data in a small hard-disk. The less use of paper also
helps to keep the environment clean.    

We see that through on line facilities we can easily do our work just by small-clicking.
On-line-banking and on-line-shopping saves our time as well as money. For instance,
in the past we manually went for the shopping and official works, which required lot
of money and time for travelling. But now days by using on-line-banking we can
easily check our details and accounts by sitting our homes. We can do shopping on-
line whenever we are travelling or even when bathing. It is also helps protect our
details and privacy.

Another most effective and great impact of technology is on our communication. The
IT sector has completely changed the outlook of human communication with e-mails,
video-conferencing and instant messaging. The wide range of increasing chat-rooms,
discussion-rooms, on-line data base and web pages are proving modern technology.

Mobile phone is the most effective part of this technology. Modern mobiles are
equipped with lot of facilities. In other words it is a mini computer. These are not
used just for talking to each other, infect we used mobile phone for sending text,
listening music, make videos, capture images, to do calculations and so on. The latest
research in mobile phones is i-phones which extend the charm of phones more.

Moreover internet also helps to keep friends and families closer. The use of internet
is rising rapidly. The world-wide-web connects over 100 million people around the
world. The use of internet has also improved our means of communication. We can
talk by face to our friends and relatives anytime anywhere in the world by using the
web cameras. It helps to keep touch us with each other either we are too far away.
We can send picture, text and important information through e-mail service.

The modern technology also helps to spread the culture of one country around the
world, which makes it a global village. We can see lot of films and dramas of every
culture and country on internet. With the help of satellite different TV channels can
be seen in every nook and corner of the world. We can get the latest news about the
world quickly as well as the live coverage of main happenings. Apart from this TV is
also helpful to increase our knowledge in different fields. We can watch the different
channels according to our interest for instance channels of entertainment, science,
business, sports and cooking etc.

The other great impact of technology is on transportation system, which makes our
life too easier. Since people has invented automobile and improved it, we can easily
reach on the other places of earth quickly through air craft. Modern transportation
such as highly speed and air conditioning cars, fast trains and airplanes makes our
journey smooth and fast. That is why people can go anywhere they want to go.
Modern vehicle of transportation are equipped with lot of facilities such as air-
conditioning, music, video system, high power staring and less consumption of oil
etc., which makes our journey more comfortable and luxurious.

As compared to the past, journey of few kilo meters takes too long time. But with the
help of technology now we can travel thousands of kilometers in one day with
airplane and high speed trains. Every day we see new cars and other vehicle comes
in the market with new facilities.

How can we forget the role of internet in education system? It is a source of

knowledge and entertainment. The new researches in IT sector provide us many
facilities. Students can search every type of knowledge from internet related to their
subjects like history, maths, science, engineering and so on. They can use internet for
preparing their projects and assignments.

All in all every coin has two side’s one positive and one negative. So same in with
technology if we have lots of its benefits there are also some negative effects. But we
should be optimistic about it and enjoying the benefits of technology has brought in
our life. So we can say that modern technology makes our life more convenient,
increase our standard of living and makes life less-stressful than past. I hold the
opinion that it will make our life more convenient and easier in future. 

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