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Grade Level Grade 9

Subject Area English

Quarter/ Month First Quarter
Unit Topic: Content What keeps life flowing?
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
Content Standard processing, assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and
formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and
interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Performance Standard Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience
Use the appropriate segmentals (sounds of English) and the suprasegmental or
Prioritized Competencies or Skills/
prosodic features of speech when delivering lines of poetry and prose in a
AMT Learning Goals speech choir, jazz chants and raps.

This unit is about: English literature grew and developed with the varied social,
political, and intellectual movements in England as its background and source of
inspiration. This unit concentrates on the literature of England from its early beginnings
through the Medieval and Renaissance eras and on the Puritan Period.
As students go through the lesson of this unit, they will learn the proper use of punctuation
marks, capitalization, context clues, word derivation, patterns of development and
expressions that will enrich their day to day conversation and written communication. They
will also improve in communication skills by speech exercises which focus on correct
stress, intonation, volume, pitch, and rate that will help develop spoken communication
while the oral reading of poems will help enhance their sense of rhythm.
Consider this question: How does the interconnection of cultural and historical
understanding create a more meaningful understanding of the literary pieces?
Map of Conceptual Change:
The portrayal of believable
characters and situations and
their presentation of artistic
interplay of other story
features and elements lead to
the better understanding of
the text.

Interconnection of cultural
In life, as well as and historical Bravery is a powerful
fiction, conflict and understanding creates a weapon in combating the
more meaningful adversities of life, and
struggle are can be developed in
understanding of the
powerful teachers. adverse situations.
literary pieces.

Values represent
people’s beliefs about
what is important,
good and worthwhile.

Learning Competency FIRM-UP (ACQUISITION)

Identify the Discussion: The Beginning of the Anglo American Literature
distinguishing features of Offline: Printed Module
notable Anglo-American Online: Video Discussion using Power point Presentation to be uploaded in LMS/
lyric poetry, songs, Facebook group.
poems, sermons, and Screenshot of Online Resource:

Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 1

Summarize the contents ONLINE:
of the material viewed. Activity 1: Film Viewing of Beowulf
Instructions: Students will watch the film entitled “Beowulf” for better understanding of
the story.
Screenshot of Online Resource:

OFFLINE: Reading Chunks

Instructions: Students will read the text, “Battle of Beowulf to Grendel” in the printed
Activity 1: Points for Discussion
Instruction: Students will answer the following questions based on what they viewed and
Screenshot of Resources:

Offline: Printed Module
Online: Video Discussion using Power point presentation via Google Meet/ Zoom.
Screenshot of Online Resources:
Explain how the
elements specific to a
genre contribute to the
theme of a particular
literary selection.


Activity 2: Points for Discussion
Instruction: Students will answer the following questions based on what they’ve read.
Screenshot of Resources:


Offline: Printed Module
Online: Video Discussion using Power point presentation via Google Meet/ Zoom.

Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 2

Identify the different Activity 3: JUMBLED WORDS
Parts of Speech. Instructions: Students are task to arrange the letters to come up with a word based on the
definition given.
Screenshot of Resource:

Perform a task by Scaffold for TRANSFER 1

following instructions. MONOLOGUE
Students nowadays have low self-esteem, poor decision making skills and are happy-go-
lucky. You are an advocate of personal development; hence, you will present a monologue
speech answering the question, “Is the principle of “Show, don’t tell” seen in epics like
Beowulf? How well does this principle fit the idea of the present context where our front
liners do everything in their capability to keep us safe from the virus?” You will be scored
according to your enunciation and stage presence.
coordinating Activity 4: FILL IN THE BLANKS
conjunctions and adverb Instructions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate coordinators and conjunctive adverbs.
conjunctive in sentence
Compose forms of Scaffold for TRANSFER 2
literary writing WRITING A PARAGRAPH
Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has been
suspended due to COVID 19 pandemic. This pandemic has paved the way to the what we
so called “New Normal Education” as implementation of Blended Learning (Modular and
Online Learning) as an urgent response to ensure continuity of education. With this, you
are to compose a narrative essay with 1 paragraph consisting 5 to 7 sentences which talks
about you experience in the new normal education. Make sure to use the proper
conjunctions, capitalizations and punctuation marks.
prosodic features of Offline: Printed Module
speech Online: Video Discussion to be posted in LMS/ Facebook Group.
Screenshot of Online Resources:

Make a connection Activity 6: READING TIME

between the present text Instruction: Students will read the story to have a connection between the text and with
and previously read texts the discussion.
Offline: Printed Module
Online: Pdf file will be uploaded in LMS/ Facebook group.
Screenshot of Online Resources


words through word Offline: Printed Module
formation (clipping, Online: Video Discussion using power point presentation via LMS/ Facebook group.
blending, and acronym, Screenshot of Online Resources:
compounding, folk)

Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 3

Identify the different Parts Interactive Quiz 1
of Speech Both offline and Online
Instructions: Identify what part of speech is underlined word in the sentence.
Screenshot of Online Resource:

Note types of context clue DISCUSSION ON CONTEXT CLUES

(restatement, definition, Offline: Printed Module
synonyms, antonyms) used Online: Video Discussion using power point presentation via LMS/ Facebook group.
for a given word or
Use context clues to BOTH INLINE AND OFFLINE
determine the meaning of Activity: HUNTING WORD MEANING
words. Instruction: Read the following sentences. Identify the meaning of the words in bold by
using context clues. Write the context that gives you the clue.
Learning Competency DEEPEN (MAKE MEANING)
capitalization to convey Instructions: The following sentences provides with no capital letters and punctuation
meaning. marks at all. Identify which letters should be capitalized, put appropriate punctuation and
rewrite the sentences correctly.
elements specific to a Essential Question The Legend of
Beowulf Invictus
genre contribute to the King Arthur
theme of a particular Claim: Claim: Claim:
literary selection. How does the
What is the theme? What is the theme? What is the theme?
interconnection of
Evidence: Evidence: Evidence:
cultural and
Why do you say Why do you say Why do you say
so? so? so?
Reason: Reason: Reason:
create a more
How did you How did you How did you
connect and connect and connect and
understanding of
understand the understand the understand the
the literary pieces?
story? story? story?
Common Ideas in Reasons:
 In life, as well as fiction, conflict and struggle are powerful teachers.
 Bravery is a powerful weapon in combating the adversities of life, and can be
developed in adverse situations.
 Values represent people’s beliefs about what is important, good and worthwhile.
Enduring Understanding/Generalization: The portrayal of believable characters
and situations and their presentation of artistic interplay of other story features and
elements lead to the better understanding of the text.
C-E-R Questions:
Claim: What is the theme?
Evidence: Why do you say so?
Reason: How did you connect and understand the story?


Text 1: Beowulf
Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 4
Text 2: The Legend of King Arthur and the Knights Around the Table
Link: King Arthur Wins the Sword and Slays the Giant.pdf

Text 3: Invictus
Link: Invictus by William Ernest Henley | Poetry Foundation

Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization:

Scoring Guide
4 – In addition to level 3 responses, students answer shows in – depth inference that go
beyond class discussion of the Enduring Understanding (EU) and other compelling
evidences related to the text.
3- Explanation shows no major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring Understanding
(EU). Justification shows logical reasoning with appropriate text citation.
2 – Explanation contains major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring Understanding
(EU). Justification shows logical reasoning with appropriate text citation.
1 – Explanation has no major errors or omissions regarding the Enduring Understanding
(EU). Justification is either incomplete, missing or lacks support of evidence.
0 – No explanation or justification was found in the answer.

Scaffold for Transfer 3:

Instructions: The modern world is getting chaotic. It needs constant reminder that loyalty
must always be manifested in order to live a peaceful and harmonious life. In this light, you
are to deliver a 1 minute speech to showcase young people the importance of loyalty. In
this presentation, you must reflect on the values learned from the Legend of King Arthur
and must also employ proper prosodic features of speech.
Offline Output: Submission of output will be sent via Bluetooth or Shareit.
Online Output: Submission of output will be uploaded in LMS/ Facebook group.
Clickable Links:
Screenshot of Online Resource:
Learning Competency TRANSFER
PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal:
STANDARD: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to perform a literary piece through
Use the correct pitch, declamation to help improve diction and stage presentation skills.
juncture, stress, and
intonation, rate of speech, Performance Task : One Product
volume and projection GRASPS FORM
when delivering lines of GOAL: The learners will build their self-esteem and take risks in life to remind people to
poetry and prose in be a life-fighter.
dramatic and ROLE: The learners are to assume the role of being an advocate of bravery and heroism.
conventional speech AUDIENCE: The World Bravery Day is to be attended by the Armed Forces of the
choirs. Philippines.
SITUATION: The class is invited by the Armed Forces of the Philippines to give an
intermission number in celebration of the World Bravery Day.
PRODUCT: The learners perform a literary piece through declamation.
STANDARD: The learners will be assessed based on the following rubrics or criteria.

According to recent statistics, almost 20% of Filipinos have low self-esteem and are afraid
to take on risks in life. In this light, your class is invited by the Armed Forces of the
Philippines to give an intermission number in the celebration of the World Bravery Day, to
remind the Filipino people to be a life-fighter. In this number, you are asked to perform a
literary piece through declamation with proper dramatic conventions and prosodic features
which depicts the importance of bravery and lifelong lessons we may get from being our
own heroes. You will become an advocate of bravery and heroism.

Use of Web 2.0 App for Output

Instruction: Use Inshot in editing your video.

Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 5

Analytic Rubric
Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
Category Remarks Score
5 4 3 2
The students The students The students The students
use the often use the try to use the deliver the
prosodic prosodic prosodic speech choir
features of features of features of but without
speech speech in speech in voice
properly, delivering the delivering the dynamics.
delivers the speech choir. speech choir.
piece clearly
and loudly.
The students The students The students The students
employ often employ try to employ deliver the
consistent facial facial speech choir
facial expressions expressions but without
expressions and dramatic and dramatic facial
and dramatic conventions conventions expressions
conventions in the speech in the speech and dramatic
to make the choir. choir. conventions.
The students The students The students The content of
present a clear present a clear present the the speech
and message to speech choir choir has no
comprehensiv the audience. with an relevance to
Content e message to unclear the theme of
the audience, message. the lesson.
reflecting the
theme of the
Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely pretty somewhat not seem at all
prepared and prepared but prepared, but prepared to
has obviously might have it is clear that present. Not
rehearsed. needed a rehearsal was memorized,
Completely couple more lacking. line prompts
memorized & rehearsals. Struggled to were a
accurate. Few errors in remember distraction,
memorization. lines. Multiple needed to rely
Needed 1-2 line prompts on script
line prompts. throughout. (50%
Students use Students use Students use The students
several props, 1-2 props and 1-2 props and use no props
including good costume or the props
costume that costumes to during the chosen detract
Costume and show make the presentation, the
Props considerable presentation which are presentation.
work/creativit better. somewhat or The props and
y and enhance not too much costumes are
the effective. not effective.
Total Points

Self-Assessment: 3-2-1 chart

Instruction: Find out how you have understood the lesson. Fill out the 3-2-1 chart below.
3 Things you found
2 Interesting things
you discovered
1 question you will
still want to ask

Value Integration:
Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The
self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.

Eng9 / Quarter 1 - Page 6

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