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Chapter 1 Introduction

Q1) Though “Previous Year” as well as “Assessment Year” are financial year yet they
are not same. Discuss. (2009)

Q2) Define “Previous Year” Under what circumstance the income of a previous year is
taxable in the previous year itself? (2012, 2016)
Gagan Kapoor Classes Or
“Income of Previous year is chargeable to tax the immediately following assessment
year. Is there any exception to this rule?” Discuss. (2013, 2016)

Q3) Define “assessee” under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and explain different types of
“assessee” (2014)
“A person may not have assessable income but may still be an assessee? Discuss. (2010)
Who is regarded as an assessee under the Provisions of the income Tax Act? Discuss.

Q4) Explain the concept of ‘income’ under the provisions of income tax act, 1961. (2014)
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Chapter 2 Scope of total Income & Residential Status
Q5) How will you determine the residential status of a Hindu Undivided Family? (2017).
Q6) How will you determine the residential status of a company? Can a company be not
ordinarily resident in India? (2014)
When is a company to be treated as non-resident in India? (2009)
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Chapter 4 Heads of Income and Income under the Head “Salaries”
Q7) Write short notes
a) Tax Treatment or Exemption in respect of encashment of earned leave
b) Tax treatment of sale of movable assets at concessional/nominal price to
employees or his/her member of household. (2010)

c) Tax treatment of educational facility provide by employer to the family
member of employee. (2010)
d) Tax treatment of pension in the hands employees.(2011)
e) Tax treatment in respect of earned leave encashment. (2011)
f) Difference between “Tax treatment of education allowance” and ‘education
facility’ under the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q8) Discuss the liability of perquisite in respect of employee stock option plan. (2011)

Q9) How is the Tax treatment of education allowance different from that of education
facility under the income tax act? (2012)

Q10) Illustration the provision of the Income Tax Law relating to any three of the
following (2015)
a) Exemption in respect of house rent allowance
b) Valuation of free education facility
c) Sale of movable assets at concessional/nominal price
d) Valuation of rent-free furnished house.
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Q11) Illustrate the provision of income tax law relating to any two of the following. (2017)
1. Valuation of rent free unfurnished accommodation provided by employer.
2. Valuation of concession involved in sale of moveable assets at nominal price
to the employee or his member of household.
3. Exemption in respect of encashment of earned leave at the time of retirement
u/s (10AA).
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 5 Income under the Head “Income from House Property”

Q12) As per the verdict delivered by the Supreme Court in the case Shiela Kaushik vs
CIT, the gross annual value of a let out property cannot exceed the standard rent.
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Briefly explain how the judgment delivered in Shiela Kaushik vs. CIT proved to be
landmark judgment in determination of annual value. (2009, 2010)
Significance and relevance of the decision delivered in Shiela Kaushik vs. C.I.T. in
computation of Annual Value. (2010)

Verdict delivered by the Suprem Court in the case of Shiela Kaushish vs.CIT in the
context of computing annual value of the house property. (2011)
Briefly discuss the judgment delivered by Honorable Supreme Court in the case of
CIT vs. Sheila Kaushik (1981) (2014, 2016)
Explain the significance of the judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in
the case of ‘Shilea Kaushish vs.CIT(1981)’ (2016)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q13) Discuss briefly the deduction that are allowed from annual value while computing
Income from house property (2016).
Q14) Discuss briefly the provision relating to determination of income from self-occupied
house property. (2016)

Chapter 6 Income under the Head “Profit and Gain of Business or Profession”
Q15) Expalin the provisions regarding Maintenace of Books of Accounts as per Sec.
Note: Important because government has raised the limit to Rs. 2,50,000 for Individual
and HUF carrying on Business.

Q16) What are the provision for estimating the profit and gain of an assessee engaged in
retail business under Sec. 44AD (2013).
Note: Very Important for both practical as well as theory since Govt has added 6% rate
for banking Rceipts and 8% on Cash Receipts
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Q17) Expenditure on scientific research (Sec.35) (2016)
Note : Important as Govenrment has reduced the % of deduction. Video updated

Q18) When are the payment made to certain specified person not deductible under Section
40A (2)? (2009)

Q19) (a) Discuss briefly the special provisions relating to computation of profit and gain
on estimated basis in case of taxpayers engaged in the business of plying hiring or
leasing good carriages. (Sec.44AE) (2017)
(b) Discuss briefly the provision of sec.43B regarding certain expenditure allowed on
actual payment basis. (2017)
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Q20) Write short notes
a) Deduction based on actual payment under section 43B. (2009)
Certain Deductions to be allowed only on actual payment (sec. 43B) (2010)
Discuss the provision of section 43B regarding certain expenditure allowed on actual
payment basis only? (2013)

b) Write a short note on Carry forward and set off of unabsorbed depreciation. (2009,
Write a short note on carry forward and set off of unabsorbed depreciation. (2012)

c) Computation of income on estimated basis in case of tax payer engaged in the

business of playing, leasing or hiring trucks (sec.44AE) (2010)
d) Deemed profit chargeable to tax under the head ‘Profit and Gain of business or
profession’ (Sec. 44 AD and ADA) (Very Important) (2010)
e) Amortisation of Preliminary expenses under Sec. 35D. (2010)

Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 7 Income under the Head “Capital Gain”
Q21) What is Capital Assets under Income Tax Act. (2012, 2015)
Q22) Distinguish between “Short Term Capital Gain” and “Long Term Capital Gain”?
What is the signification of this classification under the Income Tax Act? (2014)
Note: Important as some items are changed from 36 months to 24 months

Q23) Write short notes

a) Cost of acquisition of bonus share in the context of capital gains. (2009)
b) How would you compute capital gain on depreciation assets u/s 50. (2012)
Gagan Kapoor Classes Exemptions
Q24) Exemption of long term Capital gain under section 54. (2012, 2016)

Q25) Discuss the provisions of Sec. 10(37) regarding exemption of capital on compulsory
acquisition of urban agriculture land. (2013, 2014)
Q26) Explain the provisions of Sec. 54F with regard to capital gain on sale of Asset.
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Chapter 8 Income under the Head “Income from other Sources”
Q27) Enumerate five incomes which are chargeable to tax under the head “Income from
other sources.” (2017)
Q28) When money received without consideration is to be treated as income under the
income tax act, 1961? Also state case in which such provisions are not applicable. (2009)
When is receipt of money without consideration to be treated as an Income under the
head Income from other sources (u/s 56(2))? (2015)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q29) Discuss the following with suitable examples. (2013)

I. Grossing up of lottery income; and
II. Grossing up of interest on securities.
(c) Under what circumstance are gift of money received by a person include in his income?
(2013, 2015)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 9 Income of Other Persons Included in Assessee’s Total Income (Clubbing

of Income)
Q30) (a) when is an individual assessable in respect of remuneration of spouse U/s 64(1)
(ii)? (2009, 2010,)
Provision related to clubbing of income of spouse under section 64(1)(ii) and
64(1)(iv). (2011)
When an individual is assessable in respect of remuneration derived by his/her
spouse? (2016)
Explain the provision of the Income Tax Act, 1961, with regard to clubbing of
income of spouse under Sec. 64. (2016)

Q31) What are the provision of inclusion of income of a minor child of an assessee in his
total income? Explain in brief? (2013)

Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q32) Write short notes
Clubbing of income of minor child in the hands of parents. (2009)
Provision relating to clubbing of income of a minor child under section 64(1A).
(2010, 2011)
Provision related to clubbing of income of Minor child under section 64(1A). (2011)
When is an individual assessable in respect of Income of her/his minor child {Sec.64
(1)} (2017)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 10 Set off Carry forward and Set off of Loss

Q33) Briefly illustrate Provision relating to set off and carry forward of losses under the
head “Capital Gain” (2009)
Provisions relating to set off and carry forward and set off of capital losses. (2010)
Discuss briefly the provisions regulating set off and carry forward of capital losses.
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q34) Provision relating to set off and carry forward and of Non-speculative losses. (2010)
Provision related to set off and carry forward of business losses. (2011)
Illustration the provision related to set off and carry forward of non-speculative business
Q35) (a) Briefly Explain the provision relating to set off and carry forward of losses from
speculative business. (2014)

Q36) Explain the provision relating to set off and carry forward of loss under the head
‘Income from House Property.’(2017)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 11 Deduction to be made in Computing Total Income

Q37) Write short notes
c) Provisions relating to the deduction in respect of repayment of loan for higher
Studies. (2009)
d) Deduction in respect of medical insurance premium under section 80D. (2010)
e) Deduction in respect of rent paid permissible under sec.80GG. (2010)

Q38) (a) Explain in detail provision of sec. 80GG regarding deductions in respect of rent
paid. (2012)
1. Deduction in respect of Royalty carry Income of Authors under section 80QQB.
2. What are the provisions relating to deduction from gross total income in respect of
medical insurance premium under section 80D of the Act?
(b) State the provisions for deduction in respect of payment of interest on loan taken for
higher education under section 80E. (2014)
(c) Discuss the provision relating to deduction in respect of saving and investment
under Sec.80C (2014)
(d) Explain briefly the provision relating to deductions available to the persons with
disability (Sec.80U) (2015)
(e) Deduction under Section 80DD of income tax act, 1961, in respect of medical
treatment of disabled depended.
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 12 Agricultural Income & Its Tax Treatment

Q39) When an Income from farm building is to be treated as an agriculture Income?
Q40) What is agriculture income and explain how it is treated for income tax purpose?
Chapter 14 : Assessment of Firms
Q41) How would you compute book profit while calculating the business income of a
partnership firm (Sec. 40(b)?
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Chapter 15 Return of Income

Q42) What are the various forms which have been prescribed for filling income tax by an
individual? (2009)
Q43) Enlist the deductor for whom the E-filing the statement of TDS is mandatory. (2013)

Q44) What are the consequence if return of loss is not filed by the due date of filing of
return? (2015)
Q45) For whom E-Filling of income tax return is mandatory. (2014)
Or Gagan Kapoor Classes
When is e-filing of income tax return compulsory? (2017)

Chapter 17 : Leading Supreme Court Cases

Q46) As per the verdict delivered by the Supreme Court in the case Shiela Kaushik vs
CIT, the gross annual value of a let out property cannot exceed the standard rent.
Briefly explain how the judgment delivered in Shiela Kaushik vs. CIT proved to be
landmark judgment in determination of annual value. (2009, 2010)
Significance and relevance of the decision delivered in Shiela Kaushik vs. C.I.T. in
computation of Annual Value. (2010)
Verdict delivered by the Suprem Court in the case of Shiela Kaushish vs.CIT in the
context of computing annual value of the house property. (2011)

Briefly discuss the judgment delivered by Honorable Supreme Court in the case of
CIT vs. Sheila Kaushik (1981) (2014, 2016)
Explain the significance of the judgment delivered by the Supreme Court of India in
the case of ‘Shilea Kaushish vs.CIT(1981)’ (2016)
Gagan Kapoor Classes

Q47) Briefly explain how judgment delivered by Supreme Court in CIT vs. Raja Benoy
Kumar Sahas Roy’s Case is a landmark judgment in the realm of agriculture income.
Gagan Kapoor Classes
Significance and relevance of the decision delivered by Hon. Supreme Court in the
case of CIT vs Raja Benoy Kumar Sahas Roy in the context of agriculture income.
Verdict delivered by the Supreme Court in the case of CIT vs. Raja Benoy Kumar
Sahas Roy in the context of Agriculture Income. (2011)
Discuss, in brief, the decision taken by the Supreme Court in the case of CIT vs Raja
Benoy Kumar Sahas Roy (1957)
Explain the significance of the judgment delivered by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the
case of CIT vs Raja Benoy Kumar Sahas Roy (1957). (2015)
Discuss the significance of judgment delivered Honourable Supreme Court in the case
of “CIT vs. Raja Benoy Kumar Sahas Roy (1957)” in the context of agriculture income.
Gagan Kapoor Classes

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