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The Wilbur Soot ARG

Everything you need to know (that we’ve worked out)

As of October 2020, Wilbur may have started a second ARG. See new docs
here and here (these are unaffiliated with this doc).

Further discussion on this ARG has moved to a new Discord server: ARGTWT

As of October 2021 there is a widely popular theory surrounding the ARG

created by The Game Theorists. However, there is still controversy about the
Dissociative Identity Disorder theory that Matt Patrick uses in his video. See
more here.

Editors and Moderators: FlaredAverage, Bruce C, MythicalSheep, Christian,

Idan, and Inky
With help from: The Wilbur ARG Discord Server, /r/LincolnshirePoacher,
/r/SootHouseClues, Alspal, Azure, JackSucksAtLife, Wilbur and Kai.
Please note: SootHouse is entirely unrelated to this ARG
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2

Intro 3

Part I 3
First Video - I let a random guy edit this video 3
Second Video - I let him edit another video.. this is what he sent back 3
Clues (in logical order) 3
False Leads 7
Synopsis of Part I 7
What else we know: 8

Part II 8
Third Video - The Editor Wilbur Conspiracy 8
Wilbur’s Demands 8
Clues 8
What else we know 9
False Leads 10
Synopsis of Part II 10

Part III 10
Fourth Video - Wilbur Edited this video… 10
Clues 10
Fifth Video - the strangest Wilbur video so far 11
Clues (Continued) 12
Sixth Video - I did *NOT* let Wilbur edit this video... 13
Clues (Continued) 14
What else we know 14

Finale? 15
Seventh Video - The Final Editor Wilbur video 15
Clues 15
Eighth Video? - I let 3 professional Editors edit this video 15

What we need to solve: 16

Theories and Thoughts 19
The Game Theory Video 21

Media 21
Possible Timeline/Order 22
Part I 22
Part II 22
Part III 23
Other 23
Sources (Check these!) 23

Resources 23

Definition of an ARG: An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive networked narrative that uses
the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by
players' ideas or actions. A well-known example of this is Cicada 3301, but ARGs can develop in many
different ways.

We highly suggest taking some time to read this. This document is a summary of the entire Wilbur ARG
and is for those who would like to catch up on what’s happened and will be continuously updated as the
ARG progresses. Once you read this, you will have a good idea of what’s happened, happening or might

Basically, we’ve split this ARG into three parts: Part I is the exposition and inciting incidents, pretty much
just setting the scene. Part II is where Wilbur tries to become Jack's editor. Part III is everything that has
happened after Wilbur became Jack’s editor.

Part I

First Video - I let a random guy edit this video

On December 16, 2018, YouTuber JackSucksAtLife uploaded a video titled I let a random guy edit this
video. In this video, YouTuber Wilbur Soot appears and is applying to Jack via his email for his
non-vacant role of editor. Jack allows Wilbur to go for a trial run of “editor”, by editing a short, controlled
video of Jack on Minecraft. However, his editing is very erratic, out of the ordinary, and cuts away to him,
giving a monologue about how he is “suffering from hypothermia”. He says he is on the run and that
"they will find him soon". He starts to sing a song with his guitar while plugging in a plea for money,
saying to check it out on iTunes and help him out. Soon after he starts the song, someone bangs on the
front of the building and Wilbur curses and sprints out of the building.

Second Video - I let him edit another video.. this is what he sent back
The ARG really started off in the second video which Wilbur Soot edits for Jack. During a point in the
video, he is seen outside, in some park/forest, sitting on top of what looks to be an old beer keg
(reupload here). Another clip shows him running and falling over next to a house.

Clues (in logical order)

1. At the end of Jack’s video, we get a link to a video (transcript) of Wilbur leaving a message for
someone on the phone, expressing a poem called The Raven. This is an old poem by Edgar
Allan Poe, and was what first told us that Wilbur was really into poetry and writing itself. At 3:32,
a fainter voice comes in and the screen distorts slightly. She mentions what is presumed to be a
restaurant called “Pakaburger”. “Pakaburger” is an anagram for “breakup arg”. The Lincolnshire
Poacher tune plays at the end, and the infamous 39715 is read off several times while Wilbur
The video was originally called “clues” but was later renamed to “/r/LincolnshirePoacher” to help
out those new to the ARG.

2. The previous video had a link in its description that leads to another video titled “a gift”
(reupload), but the video was removed 24 hours later. The video was just Wilbur walking past a
rugby club and he’s singing a Christmas Carol. He puts a box in the trees and says “I hope
nobody finds this unless they are meant to.” It was a clear clue that it was meant for us to find.
During a section of which coordinates flashed up on the screen.
a. Member Mr. Jeeves lived near the coordinates and the next day he went to the location
and found a Fidget Spinner with two tissues and a note from Sonichu stating that they
were too slow and that he beat them.
b. Later, Sonichu joined the server and sent the note that he stole.
3. In the subreddit /r/LincolnshirePoacher we got another video of Wilbur, posted by one of his alts.
The video started out with, "Leave a message after the beep noise" hinting at this being him
leaving a message for someone, then Wilbur reads out an entire short story. It is very well written
and is by Edgar Allan Poe. At about 9 minutes in, the sound of the morse code appears. When
reversed and translated to text, the message is in base64 and when deciphered, the message
was a URL to another YouTube video. At the end of the video, there is also some reversed morse
a. The video linked was called “a ramble” and was just Wilbur telling everyone that he was
okay and that Kai needs to be fired. Suddenly Wilbur starts running and there is another
Morse message at the end of the video saying, “DON’T LET KAI FIND OUT”. Earlier in
the video notes are played. If you put these notes into Morse code it comes out as K. This
could be related to Wilbur only typing K** when referring to Kai. If reversed, a robot says,
“I did something embarrassing. I did something embarrassing” Additionally, at 0:30, a date
shows up in the top left corner for a few seconds: 17/10/18. This is the date that Wilbur
tweeted about meeting Kai in Greenwich prior to the ARG.
4. /r/LincolnshirePoacher was originally password protected before the name change of the video.
On Wilbur’s Reddit page (/u/WilburSoot) a morse code block was found that once translated
became a string of binary. Once that was decoded it led to a backward google drive link leading
to an audio file named foundahutinhandcross.wav. It contains a line of audio hidden within it
stating: “The password is Poe” This gave early access to the subreddit before it was public and
linked in the title of the first video.

Transcript of “foundahutinhandcross.wav” || Credits to @_MythicalSheep_ and @Fleury 🌼

(The original forward audio contained Lincolnshire Poacher sung by The Spinners. Upon
reversing the audio this is also heard)
Wilbur: (sigh) It'd be really helpful if you found that box. I tried my best to,
um, stop anyone else from finding it, but that box has some very important
information in it. Stuff I can't just tell you straight up. (sigh) Thinking about
it... In that box, I drew a lovely picture of the O2 arena. (laughs) Someone's got
a lovely lil’ drawing on their hands. Ayy! (laughs) It’s really cold. (constant
footsteps) The password to the subreddit I thought you guys would guess it. To be
honest, I don’t know why I need to tell you. The password’s Poe. I mean, it makes
sense, doesn’t it? Of all the people in the world to figure this out, I would’ve
thought you guys! (laughing) You guys! Of all people! Would be the first ones to
figure this out. I’ll tell you then. No one got it, (quiet knocks) so I guess I’ll
tell you it now (more knocking) so you can bloody wander in and just see all-
(slower knocking) Hello? (several more knocks) [End of Audio.]

5. We also found a video with him singing a song called “Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy” as a link
under one of Jack’s videos. Some of the lyrics were cut out or altered, such as the lyrics "And the
brain I used to cultivate reveals my lovers were a lie" being cut to remove “reveals my lovers

were a lie” and the lyrics "Normalities effect traject agony of rationality, which thankfully
penetrates with no avail to my unreality" being almost totally cut to only say "no avail to my
See this document for different versions of Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy and their differences.

Lyric Transcript: (credits to @TLL_Zed(Matty))

Thought cycle gusty a mind filled with hot air
Must I care for nothing more than myself?
Do I dare admit the fraught thoughts cavorting, resorting indirected mourning, part
of me that was selfless but left without a warning
Well that’s what I said, but maybe it’s the fact that I detest, this obsession with
myself that leaves a mess inside my head
Oh shit, I’m doing it again, repelling any potential friend, revealing my innate
ability to never fully comprehend, anything bigger than myself, but in the end, I
still pretend
Condescending anyone polite enough to choose to misspend their time watching me as
I achieve, my secret social mission;
To drain people with my boring stories and opinions
To see the bigger picture; takes intelligence and wisdom
But I won’t see anything with just myself in my vision

I go outside, the blitz of faces unwilling to confess to any empathy, endlessly,

incessantly declining any pleasantries
Heavily breathing, socially teething, I’m open like a vivisection
Intense tendency to dwell, seething over missed connections. Infected by my
perceptions that I’m a non-entity
Project my insecurity until the intensity is weaponry
Grieving a heavenly fiction I agreed I was dreaming. Awake!
Freezing, wheezing, fundamentally I’m still believing that
This is an elegy for concepts I conceived in deep sleep
And I helplessly watch them fade as I awake--I try and keep them alive
Incomparable with life but eventually they die
And the brain I used to vate

***His weird music plays at this part in the video***

When inside my mind I find a way to replicate reality

Through lucid dreaming, I decimate the limitations of actuality. Capacity
practically eternal, mortality external
No God, but I investigate the blasphemous worship of the nocturnal
Internally existing without morality creates profanities without the tragedy, and
compared to the apathy of realness, I reveal my own insanity
The majesty of fantasy propels me from tragedy
vail to my unreality
An elaborately designed, privately owned spiral galaxy
Financially I’m failing, naturally decaying
Soon I’ll have no safe space to sleep these bills still need paying
Open up our minds to something mind-expanding
when I drift away I see the totality of understanding

***Stands up and stares into the distance behind him - Video ends***

6. Another alias for Wilbur on Reddit was discovered under the user name /u/LP39715. This
account posted a string of binary which when translated and flipped led to a section of an
7. Along with this the account also uploaded a discolored, low-quality version of the O2 arena with
hidden text in it stating “you have all of the clues now btw” along with the title “grapeshot yang”
which is an anagram for steganography. When this is put into a decoder another part of the
image the string “Oh! It’s gonna be a cold Christmas” appears along with a base64 string that
turns into a google drive link(Untitled.wav) for a new audio file when flipped which has another
image[2] in the metadata.
8. Along with this a comment by /u/WilburSoot on Reddit contained “(3 jokers 4 frogs, Opened
house 2. June pressed grapes)” which led to yet another section of the image[3].
9. /u/LPatO2 was discovered to be another one of Wilbur’s accounts with one comment having
“rniQLBd.jpg /r/ sha 1 ed 2345” The first part leads to another section of the image[4] and the
second is a key for use with it. When the key is used with the contents of the new image
/r/sharedfelt is discovered.
10. The subreddit gives a google drive link(Untitled2.wav) to an audio file containing a robot reading
off a string of letters. Which, after Mr. Jeeves and Alspal made a bot to try different phonic
combinations, produced a Pastebin link. The Pastebin leads to another video (reupload) titled
They’re Getting Closer. In the middle of this video is some audio that when put through a
spectrogram shows text:
Hello? Can you hear me? I'm trying my best to reach you but it's getting harder and
harder because they're getting closer. I can run and run but they’re always right
behind me. You're trying your best and I appreciate that but sooner or later I'll
have to come clean and end this thing once and for all. That man, Jack Massey
SucksAtLife, he's so kind to me and tries his best to tell me I need to know that
I'll replace Kai or I'll have to tell the world what I did. It’s just a matter of

11. User pixel combined 4 sections of the image into one.

False Leads
As a general rule for this ARG, the only trustworthy sources of information are Wilbur,
Jack, Kai, and any directly associated people or posts (ie. retweets, replies, etc.) All others
can be assumed fake, and a false lead.
● A comment that was found, stating that Lincolnshire Poacher was code for “be sure to drink your
Ovaltine”, a joke to a scene from the A Christmas Story. However, upon googling it a site was
found which was password protected. By looking at the JavaScript for the page the code was
cracked, and some images were found, of an ultrasound. This is now all believed to be unrelated
to this ARG due to how it was found and the fact that it was registered back in 2015
● In this new video by Wilbur, he reads a poem by Edgar Allan Poe, whilst cutting in and out of
clips from Lincolnshire Poacher 1_06; a former number station. Upon looking at the revision
history for the Lincolnshire Poacher Wikipedia page, an edit by a ‘Wilber Soot’ containing what
was believed to be a code was discovered. However, Wilbur later stated that this was not him in
a tweet. Along with this, users tried to put the numbers from Lincolnshire Poacher into a website.
However, this resulted in a rick-roll, likely from an outside source (potentially a Clue Saboteur).

Synopsis of Part I
After taking all of the clues from this point on, we have figured out that Wilbur is running from someone,
and that there is something that he needs to hide from the public. Wilbur says that the only way for the
public not to know is to find out before Kai does, and the only way for him not to find out is for him to get
fired. Wilbur at this point seems very dead set on his one goal of taking over Kai's job as Jack’s main
editor solely for the reason that he doesn't want the public to know what he has done

Another thing to note is that we know that Wilbur is "moving up North" as he has stated multiple times.
He mentions that it is getting colder and that he's also leeching off of other peoples’ wifi. This suggests
that he doesn't have a solid place to live or stay. He may be constantly moving and trying to find sources
of heat as the Winter moves on. All of the hints that he gives us have to be in the form of a code so that
Kai can't easily find them out before we can in order to save the information from getting out.

Christian’s theory:
After we obtained one audio clip, it had audio at the end talking about Wilbur coming down to see his
"mom(?)" for Christmas. He mentioned that at the time, he was just hanging out with some friends and
he had hoped to see her soon. This could also somehow relate to the previous phone calls and could be
a hint to who he was talking to before. In another audio clip, we got the translation "Yeah… (a Cough)
Please, I didn’t want him to know. Yeah, we haven’t gone on a date since, like, forever, so I just wanted
to know if you would like to go to (Packerburger? Pack - A - Burger?) um tonight (Laugh) Hope you
come! Oh, I hope you um...". This also brings up another suspect for who the person could be. he
suggests that it’s a girl wanting to go on a date (yet we still don’t know for sure if this was just fill in
information or if it actually mattered).

What else we know:
1. Throughout many of his clues/edits for Jack, the English folk tune Lincolnshire Poacher is played.
(The specific version is a very low-resolution MIDI, used as a tone to signify the Shortwave
channels ID. A female voice reciting the intel in encrypted numbers followed after.) The numbers
read out likely have no bearing on the ARG. This is archival audio of the Lincolnshire Poacher
numbers station, suspected to have been used to send messages to spies in the cold war.
2. Wilbur had nowhere to live, so he is constantly moving up North while making phone calls to
someone (we don’t know exactly who) as well as leeching off of others’ internet and searching for
heat as the Winter rages on.
3. He likes to create music to express his feelings as well as the fact that he has a love for English
4. He must have friends in contacts reach as he mentioned it in a phone call to his supposed mom
in one of the audio files (more info above). Most of his phone calls don't seem to be answered yet
they go to voicemail where he will leave a poem as the ending message.

Part II
In this part, Wilbur makes clear that this is an ARG, and, appealing to Jack, he tries to become the new
editor. Throughout his videos, he makes it clear that he dislikes Kai (or K** as he calls him), and tries to
prove that he can do a better job. In one case, he even makes one of his own Reddit videos hidden
inside one of Jack’s videos to prove this point.

Third Video - The Editor Wilbur Conspiracy

In this video, Jack talks about what’s happened in the ARG so far, (everything above) and Wilbur edits
the video again. The entire video remained uninterrupted but there’s a clip at the very end of the video
where Wilbur appears, in a house in front of The Great Wave off Kanagawa talking about his demands.

Wilbur’s Demands
Wilbur is currently trying to get Kai fired from his job as Jack’s editor and let himself replace
Jack’s editor. We believe it is in order to prevent embarrassing information about him getting out to the
public. He has created a lot of messages in code in order for Kai to have a hard time figuring them out
so that we can find it first and prevent him from getting "exposed".

1. At around the 9:30 mark of the video, there is a part which sounds weird. When you put it in a
spectrum analyzer, it shows text. It says, “behind me. You're trying your best and I appreciate
that, but sooner or ||| SucksAtLife. He's so kind to me and ...?” This seems to be incomplete and
spilt up, and does not lead us anywhere. It turns out that this was from the “they are getting
closer” video and not the latest video. See Part I clues
2. At around the 0:54 mark, there is Morse which when translated is along the lines of “No new
clues JackSucksAtLife”. This again does not lead us anywhere
3. At the end of the video, there was also a very subtle Morse which translated to “NO NEW CLUES

4. During his final monologue, Wilbur keeps on mentioning that “it is nice when everything ends with
a bow on top.” repeatedly which could be a clue to something else or a False Lead. (12:20) (“A
bow on top” means to put the finishing touch on something”).
5. Wilbur posted an image onto the JackSucksAtLife subreddit
○ The subject of this image is a closed lock. Could it be that the case is closed locked for
the time being?. - Tejas
○ The lock in the subject is apparently an ongoing trend in Jack’s subreddit - Bruce
6. A video link was found at 1:21 and 12:25 in Jack’s video titled “THIS VIDEO HAS NO
CONTENT”. This leads to a video which Wilbur uploaded to his channel of him going over Jacks
subreddit! In it, Wilbur seems to go through Jack’s Reddit video and comments on the posts. He
is especially concerned about jpeg compression. This seems to indicate that Wilbur has
replaced Kai as an editor and replaced him as taking part in Jack’s videos. This video is believed
to be where Wilbur got the picture for his previous Reddit post on Jack’s subreddit. (See the
above clue).
7. Wilbur has posted on his Reddit, saying: “Just A little bit raCist oKay but I'm fine with it. You guys
can laugh at whateveR you want to be honEst no gonna judge ya ;) ;) Italians aRe some of the
nicest people I've met and they're restaUrants are always very Nice and cleaN. I have No Gripes
inside and OUTside OF the esTablIshMEnt. Please lICK me lOl. NicE One chieF ;) US” - This
reveals the phrase: “JACK YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME PICK ONE OF US” - This shows
us again that Wilbur wants Kai’s job. But, why?
8. Using one of his alt, Wilbur posted on the subreddit “LincolnshirePoacher” a new post named “R.
Fakier” this photo seems to be taken from the video “understanding your new position as king”.
Note: “R Fakier” was in the picture collage clue
9. Jack and Wilbur have been on the server for the past two days sending some messages which
indicates that a new video will be coming out soon

What else we know

1. In the 3rd video, Wilbur was in a much better condition and was in a house, nicely dressed and
seemed to have everything sorted out. He no longer seems to be struggling for food/shelter as in
previous videos/clues.
2. Wilbur keeps on insisting that we focus on the story, not any new clues, as we have found most,
if not all of them.
3. Kai’s twitter
a. According to their twitter thread, ARG Kai is meeting Wilbur 10 pm Local Time in
Greenwich, January 12, 2019.
b. Wilbur and Kai met, and Kai’s Twitter profile has seemingly been taken over by Wilbur.
c. Kai posted on his Twitter about a show on ITV at 9 pm GMT on 13/1/19. It's called “Ibiza
Weekender”, but we do not yet know how relevant it is, if at all.
d. Kai’s twitter has changed back to Kai. [14/1/19 or 1/14/19] Kai posted about swimming in
a river and saying that it’s still Saturday.
4. Kai’s twitter bio was changed to “Inventor of the E&A Guitar Strings | Inspired by Kai Ross-Best |”. Wilbur has also previously said in earlier emails, “So can I, it’s easy.
There are only like 6 strings and I invented 2 of them”. After rethinking his emphasis on the E&A
strings, we realized that the song “Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy” is mainly on the strings E&A.
We’re not sure what this means yet, however. See Part I clues for a full transcript. Click here for a
comparison between Wilbur’s lyrics and the original.
a. Genesis- Is it possible that E&A is an acronym unrelated to guitar strings?
5. We found out that this is not the end of the ARG as Wilbur 'still has more to say'.
6. Wilbur uses a very clever communication method for clues trough spectrograms and morse code
sadly we can’t find the clue that uses these methods of communication these methods are
expected to be used in more of Wilbur’s other ARG-Related videos.

False Leads
As a general rule for this ARG, the only trustworthy sources of information are Wilbur,
Jack, Kai, and any directly associated people or posts (ie. retweets, replies, etc.) All others
can be assumed fake, and a false lead.
1. Via Wilbur, we learned that the belief of some of the members of the Discord that the repetition of
the phrase "a bow on top" in Jack's new video was meaning to go to a nearby archery range
2. The radio station called Lincolnshire Poacher with numbers is probably not a clue due to the fact
that Wilbur couldn’t have manipulated it.
3. Wilbur allegedly emailed WillzTheKing and asked if he could edit a video for him. Nothing came
out from the email he provided. (If you look at the email address you can see that there is an an
S not a Z. This may be a fake WillzTheKing.)

Synopsis of Part II
In this part, Wilbur makes clear that this is an ARG, and, appealing to Jack, he tries to become the new
editor. Throughout his videos, he makes it clear that he dislikes Kai (or K** as he calls him), and tries to
prove that he can do a better job. In one case, he even makes one of his own Reddit videos hidden
inside one of Jack’s videos to prove this point.

Part III

Fourth Video - Wilbur Edited this video…

In this video, Jack looks over what happened to the last video that Wilbur edited for him. This includes
the 3rd video, “THE EDITOR WILBUR CONSPIRACY’ and the link in the contentless reddit video “THIS
VIDEO HAS NO CONTENT” which leads to Wilbur’s edit of Jack’s video. (See Clues for more detail).
Jack also shows this Google doc in his video.

In this video, Jack looks over some of the newer stuff we have all found.

It’s unreal, I love the community behind this - Jack Massey Welsh

1. Wilbur’s Reddit account posted this and this comment which says, when decoded,
LETTERS” respectively.
2. At the time 5:46 and 6:27 of Jack’s “Wilbur Edited this video” video, a link flashes on the screen
which leads to another Wilbur video. At the very end of Jack’s video, there is a clip in which Kai
and Wilbur meet.

3. In Wilbur’s video, “understanding your new position as king” he cheerfully announces that he’s
finally the editor. Near the end the text “I WON” flashes, and there is morse code which translates
a. The text “it all still happened” flashed for a frame in the video at 0:34.
4. Wilbur posted the comment “i. fakier would love this” on Reddit. “i fakier” is an anagram of “fire
5. Wilbur posted another uppercase code, which translates to
6. The picture that needs brute forcing hinted by Clues 1 & 5 has been found (64 combinations).
By taking the pattern of the 10 letters found in Clue 3, replacing the Jack with a J (as mentioned
above) and then randomly capitalizing letters, we eventually find an Imgur link. It reveals a
picture with Morse code at the bottom, saying when reversed:
7. The image also contains some part of a poem in the top right, and this references Kai multiple
times. The text says:
“Hark, see the revenant? He returns. My ticking petard constructed by I and from
which I shall be hoist.
I am comfortable, for I can lose myself in my work. I can paint with film and cut
without scissors and, not be hassled by the looming fate of Kai.
Ah, fake ears hear only that I am permanent. I am aware, nay, resigned to the fact
that I am on but a timer. I fear myself as the loss of my position may drop me.
Drop me in the wasteful void. It shall bite me like the cold
and I'm so cold”
8. When flipped, the text in number 6 gives:
This code is proven to be a link to a Google Drive, but it has still not been solved. See this doc
for more information.
9. Nonetheless, when the above text is googled, leads to this video, which has in its description:
When this is converted from base64, it gives a flipped URL, which, when flipped back to a normal
URL, leads to this video.
10. The video contains many frames with text in, saying: “it’s not forever is it?”, “what will i do?” and
“I’m so cold” - each decreasing in size from the previous one.
11. Wilbur posted again on his Reddit page, with a message that, when the lowercase letters are
removed, reveals the word “MISERABLE”.
12. Wilbur posted again on his Reddit page, with a message that, when the numbers are converted
to letters, says: “I'm so cold” 7 times.

Fifth Video - the strangest Wilbur video so far

In this video, Wilbur edits another of Jack's videos. There are fewer clues in this one, but causes a
series of events, as seen below.

Clues (Continued)

13. Wilbur posted yet again on Reddit. The first message, when the lowercase letters are removed,
14. The next message posted was “IFakier39715Poe”, the meaning of which becomes clear later.
15. He then posted “IT’S SO SIMPLE” in a message with the lowercase letters removed yet again.
16. At 6:40 in the video, a message flashed up on the screen saying: “You guys are missing a big
17. Out of frustration, he finally posted simply “i give up”. It turned out that Wilbur intended for us
to solve this clue and find the IFakier39715Poe twitter account well before the 5th video was
uploaded. (This is probably what Wilbur was referring to in Clue 16)
18. The IFakier39715Poe twitter account (@fakier39715poe), which was created on Jan. 31,
contains binary in the description. It translates to a Pastebin link with the text, “yes. it's
Wilbur. this isn't fake.”
19. The IFakier39715Poe twitter account tweeted several things. The first thing tweeted was simply
the message “it's happening soon”. The next tweet contains the final piece to the puzzle image.
It’s believed to say “kier son of i fakier”, and makes up the last part of the collage; the entire
collage when compiled results in this. Both tweets were posted well before the 5th video.
20. The next three tweets were tweeted at the time the 5th video uploaded. The three are videos and
images showing the detailed location of something Wilbur hid, with the text “prime meridian boat
place”. The third tweet is Wilbur pleading, “please find this” three times. After confirming with
Wilbur that he indeed wanted us to go (broken link), plans were set to retrieve the hidden item in
the morning.
21. Someone went to Greenwich, but, sadly we have been sabotaged. Wilbur's package has been
taken, and replaced with a dud. - This is known to be false, as the box was not sabotaged.
22. We finally realized that “Elle’s Lovely Three” is probably referring the three clues: I FAKIER,
39715 and Poe, which when combined was supposed to lead us to the IFakier39715poe twitter
account (or possibly another clue?). The story, supposedly written by R Fakier, may closely
mirror what happens in the ARG.
23. We have found the box - shown in the stream here (broken, reupload?). It’s a fisher box, with
more info to be given soon. The words “Dove Men Care” are written at the top.
24. Click here for images of the box and its contents. Credits: @Art_and_anarchy#6738
Transcript of the front message

m twnf guvf phnew wpeebc bhw xi efuxx lyvxw.

rc'b abg tee pqdji ylhzv.
ndjg omet gsa qjb ergverq. mtdx bt urxqg qprz mzp tyk vn bhg hy bn plvhub

The main message in the front is decoded to: (The numbers are for the cipher)
17 13 7
How could you?
23 11 14
How could you?
22 17 13 7 11 23 11 14 22
I knew this would happen yet it still hurts.
17 13 7 11 23

It's not all about views.
11 14 22 17 13 7 11 23 11 14 22 17 13 7 11 23
Your cash cow has retired. Take me around back and put me out of my misery.
17 13 7 11 23 11 14 22
Interestingly, the pattern above is relevant. The pattern “17 13 7 11 23 11 14 22” is how many
letter rotations forward in the alphabet to perform on each word (i.e. QXF rotated forward 17
times gives HOW, PBHYQ rotated 13 times gives COULD). Alternatively, we can rotate the
letters in each word backward and get a new pattern: “9 13 19 15 3 15 12 4”. These specific
numbers are notable because they translate to “imsocold”, a recurring theme in the ARG.
25. There is only one message under the account u/imsocold39715 so far: “I have been
26. The small message at the back corner which says:
When put through coded programs to test capitalization and possible combinations of I’s, 1’s,
l’s, and !’s, and to test which combinations worked, we found the video MOV-39715, which
looks like Wilbur meeting Kai.
27. Early Tuesday morning (GMT), Wilbur posted this link in the Discord, before quickly deleting it. It
is a pastebin link that leads to the word “miserable.”.
28. Wilbur posted a new comment on Reddit which, when the lowercase letters are removed, says “I
29. Wilbur posted two new comments on Reddit, saying “IM BREAKING UP WITH HIM” and “ONE
MORE GEOCACHE” when the capitals are isolated. (A geocache is an item, typically a container
holding a number of other items, that has been hidden at a location whose coordinates have
been posted on the Internet)

Sixth Video - I did *NOT* let Wilbur edit this video...

In this video, Jack reviews what has happened since the fifth video and shows an email from Wilbur. The
email again mentions “a bow on top”, which has still not been decoded. Wilbur seems to get mad at Jack
in an email as he kept on letting Kai edit his videos. It is supposedly edited by Kai, so “there should
not be any more clues in this video.” However, it seems to be inconsistent with Kai’s usual editing style
and has a different outro.

The new email from Wilbur Soot:

15 February 04:29 English time.

Hey, Jack
Just wondering how you’re feeling.
Having a nice time with your current editor K**?
I’ve started being able to say his name without vomiting.
Is he better than me? Huh?
I hope you’re happy together this Valentines’ day. I’m just sat, alone, thinking of what
we used to be.

Jack, I think I need to see other editors. It’s not you, it’s me. Look, it’s not working
I’m gonna make sure this all ends with a bow on top.
You’ll be receiving a video from me in a few days.


Clues (Continued)
1. In the email you see ‘NO MORE GEOCACHING’ but a reddit post (Clue 29 Above) he said “ONE
MORE GEOCACHING” And the reddit post (4:44 am) has been later sent than the email (4:29
am) so we believe maybe we need find one more geocache but there are no clues for one yet.
2. Wilbur posted again to his Reddit, saying “ITS OVER”. He then corrected this, saying “*almost
over”. There was also another post on r/LincolnshirePoacher, saying “It's over”, with a picture of
an airplane window.

What else we know

1. The clip at the end of the 5th video where Wilbur meets Kai and the video MOV-39715 were
filmed in North Greenwich Station near the O2.
2. Playing quite clearly in the background of MOV-39715 is a segment of Work It Out by Tiggs da
Author which says, “I’m wrong. Can’t stop now, it’s already begun” (likely the one at 0:38 in the
music video). However, there is no music in the video where Wilbur meets Kai. The last time the
segment of the song was sung is 40-50 seconds before the end, and it is very unlikely that Wilbur
hid or waited for forty more seconds to approach Kai. After discussion, many of us believe the
audio may be edited in with reverb and could be a clue. However, these things are not confirmed
and are thus still theories.
3. In the description of the A0C6 video, there are three lines of code accompanied by the phrase
"IM SO COLD". The third line was already decoded into base64 and reversed. The first two are
different variations of the A0C6 string. They appear very similar except the first is capital and
contains "IN" in the middle, whereas the other is lowercase and contains a "b" in its place. The
'b' variation was found capitalized in the morse code of the Jack imgur photo and used in a
google search to find the video. The purpose of the "IN" variation is still unknown.
4. In the sixth video, at about 7:50 someone sped up the audio and purposely glitched it out when
Jack was saying “stay safe bud”. We’re unsure if this means something or is just Kai having fun.
Nothing was shown in the spectrogram.

Seventh Video - The Final Editor Wilbur video
It starts off with a montage of the important things that have happened in the ARG, like the live stream of
the boxes at the coordinates and some of his videos. Then, begins Wilbur’s monologue. Wilbur says that
the Wilbur that makes clues and doesn’t know how to handle emotions is dead. When Wilbur was just
about to explain the story, Kai cuts in and gives him the warning to back away from his job.
A full transcript of the video can be found here

You’re not a Minecraft YouTuber anymore, Jack. You’re a YouTuber – Wilbur Soot

1. Within the last few seconds, “-5000 50 -500” flashes on the screen. That was coordinates for the
Skycade Minecraft Factions Server. Wilbur left signs there. Or you can look at this video.
(1) Hopefully, none of this get destroyed but I felt like this was
(2) my last attempt at talking to you before I change back into myself
(3) Thank you. Thank you for all you did
(4) For the communities and the debates
(5) The ARG is pretty simple if you look into it. Basically at the
(6) (This sign never existed)
(7) I hope that clears things up, Adios amigos.

Eighth Video? - I let 3 professional Editors edit this video

In this video, Jack gets three of his former and current editors (Wilbur, Jack and Larry) to edit sections of
his video. For us, the most important section is that which Wilbur edited.

1. This frame was found at 9:05, and this at 4:54. When decoded from base 64, this becomes a
pastebin link made on May 18th (18/05), which leads to:

How do you let this slide, Kai?

This "Larry" guy coming in and usurping your job.
He even tried to do a lame "I'm on the run! Help me!" bit on Jack's last Larry video.
He's a poser. He evokes lame memes and pop culture references in order to get laughs.
It's so anti-anglocentric.
Then has the audacity to copy my shtick?
For shame.

I haven't left my house in several weeks now thinking about this.

Who does he think he is?

I bet in his section of the video he'll include some LE EBIC RANDOM MEMES! and stuff.
I bet he'll have the dude from Parks and Recreations throwing his monitor in the
trash like from that one gif.
Bet he'll include some Fortnite memes. Maybe a few "my name jeff"s thrown in for good

Who does he think he is?

Rise up, Kai.

I may be gone. I may be a shell of what I was but you're stronger than this.
You're better than this.
I should know
I should know.

What we need to solve:

1. The missing parts of the email chain between Wilbur and Jack (What is in the Christmas day
message?) Note: things in square brackets “[]” are guesses by the community to what it is

On Tues, Jan 1, 2019, at 19:26, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

I hated the new video. More evidence to K**'s sacking I presume?
I can make up for his errors. Drop me a tinkle.
I have an idea
Glowing Regards
Wilbur Soot

On Tue, 25 Dec 2018 at 00:18, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

Merry Christmas, Jack
I don't know if you'll get this message. I'm inundated with snow.
Look. I've been very calm and collected about this whole thing but, I and Kai just
can't get along. Therefore I need you to [fire] him. Me and [Kai] met on [REDACTED]
at [REDACTED]. I [hope of] which wouldn't be a problem if Kai was fired
[immediately/code] so [fire him], please I beg of you.
Hopefully this message finds you happy and comfortable with the family.
I've made a brazier from an old bin can
Glowing Regards
Wilbur Soot

On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 at 11:43, Jack Massey Welsh <> wrote:

Dearest Wilbur,
Wonderful to hear from you as always. Delighted that's you're keen to get started on
your next project. The Christmas period is a busy time for us all, so I may not be
able to send anything your way for a few days.
Make sure to wrap up warm, I will be in touch
Warm glows,

On Sat, 22 Dec 2018 at 23:18, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

I'm ready to edit your next Minecraft bonanza, Jack.
Although be aware, Christmas looks like a grandmother with a sewing fetish so I
would like to have the 24-hour timer disregarded. I've got to stare at happy
families through their windows for those days.

I hope you're well and enjoying the videos I've produced thus far.
Speak to you soon
Merry Christmas
Fire Kai
Glowing Regards
Wilbur Soot

On Thu, Dec 20, 2018, at 00:02, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

I have to move now, the old people with the unsecured router have turned it off now
they've gone to sleep (who does that??) anyway, here's your edit.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018, at XX:XX, Jack Massey Welsh <> wrote:
Dearest Wilbur,
So great to hear from you again. I am excited to continue our new venture together,
I sense great things to come in our future.
As always, you will not be paid for your hard work.
Here is some more quality content for you to get your hands dirty with.
Once again, You have 24 hours. Do not disappoint me. If the video is not to my
liking, your pay will be cut (which means you will owe me money)
Glowing Regards,
Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife

On Thu, Dec 17, 2018, at 00:02, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

Jack, Hi. I'm back. I found an unsecured Wi-Fi router and I'm ready to edit your
next video.
However, I'm starting worry I'm getting behind on my quota.
I understand you may want to edit some videos yourself but it's already been a week.
The comments on your last video were wholeheartedly kind towards me and all of them
said how much they wanted me to remain as the only editor and remove K** from his
I'm no good at social interaction since I was kicked out of the Morecambe
Birdwatching Association. My point is, the fewer editors we have on board, the
Hopefully, this can be arranged ASAP. I wouldn't want K** to feel he has to contest
our love. It's a losing battle after all.
I'll try and set up a camp near this router but I'm unsure how long it'll stay, it's
awfully windy tonight.
Glowing Regards,

On Wed, Dec 14, 2018, at XX:XX, Jack Massey Welsh <> wrote:
Glorious. Your video will be released on the 16th of December. Jack

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018, at XX:XX, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

[video file]

On Wed, Dec 12, 2018, at XX:XX, Jack Massey Welsh <> wrote:
Hello Wilbur.
Please see attached a video for you to edit: [video link here]

One file is facecam, the other is game footage.
I expect very high-quality content.
You will not be paid.
You may not ask any follow-up questions.
You have 24 hours.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Glowing Regards.

On Thu, Dec 06, 2018 at 20:12, Wilbur Soot <> wrote:

Hello Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife
My name is Wilbur Soot, I edit the 870k subs channel SootHouse.
In your last video, you stated that you required a new editor and that there would
be an application in the description of your video (despite Kai trying to sabotage
this with his text on screen saying you were only joking WHAT A SILLY GOOSE!)
Anyway, I could not find your application so I assume this was a test to see who was
worthy enough to pursue your application process without an officially recognized
Now, I know what your thinking, Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife, Kai has some
properties that are irreplaceable right? You’re wrong, you idiot. I have all of them
and better:
1. The ability to keyframe
I can do this and I can do it better, I invented keyframing
2. Swirly face
SWIRLY FACE? Easy money. I can do you one more and give you a VORTEX FACE.
3. He can play the guitar
So can I, it’s easy. There are only like 6 strings and I invented 2 of them
4. He’s got the looks
See attached image
The only thing Kai has up on me is that he plays Minecraft. I haven’t touched that
shit since 2012 but hey-ho it’s all content at the end of the day.
Hope to hear from you soon
Glowing regards:
Mr. Soot

2. The significance of the O2 arena, or Oxygen (In the box)

○ - I'm wondering if we're going to find a clue to a song made by someone who performed
here. This is because there are multiple musical clues already, whether or not you count
the Wuthering Heights song. Another thing I've found is that there are more than one 02
arenas. (
3. What’s behind the collage photo we found (now complete)?
○ Who I. Fakier - The parent of R. Fakier - is, is as yet unknown.
4. Why does Wilbur seem to want Kai fired?
5. Lincolnshire Poacher - The song has been used through many of Wilbur’s clues and videos. The
subreddit in which he posted many clues is also called this.
○ The version of the song often used by Wilbur is this version here by The Spinners
○ Possibly related to “Lincolnshire Poacher (numbers station)”. It was a numbers station
from the 1970s to 2008 and was believed to be operated by the British Secret Intelligence
Service. It used the part of the song Lincolnshire Poacher as an interval signal. The
numbers are sent in groups of five. 39715-the number used in the Twitter and Reddit
accounts, as well as the MOV, video-was a common code for them to use.

6. How does Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy fit in with the rest of the story and why does it exist.
○ In Wilbur's cut, certain lines were changed.
■ "And the brain I used to cultivate reveals my lovers were a lie" This line was cut to
be just "And the brain I used to vate--"
■ "The majesty of fantasy propels me from tragedy" protects was changed to
■ "Normalities effect traject agony of rationality, which thankfully penetrates with no
avail to my unreality" was almost totally cut, and was just changed to "avail to my
7. Where do Pacaburger Date Girl, Message For Mom, Bathroom Scene and H.264 Final fit within
the story?
8. Why did Wilbur make the weird video of him reviewing Jack’s subreddit (filled with “Only people
who are not JackSucksAtLife can see this meme”)? What does it mean? How did he get access
to edit the video in the first place?
9. At 0:34 of the video in which Wilbur becomes Jack's official editor, text flashes up on screen,
saying: “It all still happened”. We don’t yet know what this is.
10. What does the MOV-39175 video mean
11. What does “JackSucksAtBeingAFriend” mean to us (If it has any deeper meanings)
12. What does “I Have Been Devastated” mean
13. What does “miserable” refer to
14. Are Kai and Wilbur together behind the ARG?
15. What are I. Fakier and his son R. Fakier
16. The a0c mystery (likely the most important unsolved clue in the ARG): guide to pain and misery

Theories and Thoughts

Note: The main place you should be posting theories is /r/SootHouseClues
You can also check for Flared's summary theory here.
1. Angel - What if we're not trying to figure out the story of the ARG, but rather figure out which
story Wilbur wants us to figure out. Wilbur has an attraction to Poe, and he's only quoting Poe
poems and prose to us. When Wilbur said "Figure out the story" and stuff, it's possible that a
certain Poe story is a clue he wants us to find.
2. ZeFluffyNupkin - What if Wilbur isn't going after Kai and instead he's protecting him. Wilbur saw
something he shouldn't have (a plot on Kai maybe?) and started running from "them". I think they
paid Wilbur off so he wouldn't talk about what he heard, that's why he looked like he had cleaned
himself up a bit in one of the most recent videos. He was paid to say "there were no more clues"
but then he went on about "bows" for a bit so I think he was trying to leave clues secretly without
alerting the peeps that were paying him. Wilbur said jack "helped" him, possibly meaning getting
the word out with his popularity.
3. Feyre - He never said most of the clues, just most of what we need. There's a lot of theories
about what firing means. It could mean something completely unrelated to the job. For example,
it could mean keeping kai out of the public eye but still be the editor. Without understanding why
Wilbur wants Kai fired we can't say whether firing him is good or bad. As far as the video goes, it
proves what I said. He never mentioned clues once. he just said, "gathered most of what we
need, the last step is to figure out the story". We think we have guessed that "most" refers to not
having the story there are clues missing. However, considering there is a whole section of the
ARG unreleased so far, they might not come into play yet. The "I'm not done yet" references that
end of January isn't the end of the ARG as confirmed by the staff of this server contacting Wilbur
on Snapchat. He's even made it clear in other ways a good theory is that that conspiracy video is
the final video of the ARG, given that he has his house and a suit and everything. and its
structure is that videos coming within the next few weeks technically come before it.
4. Flared - Sonichu is likely Wilbur. This is due to that fact that if no one happened to be near the
box then that all would have been for nothing as no one would be able to solve it. Along with this
the fact that only took the note and left everything else in the box in the exact same way and the
box in the same spot with the spinner inside of it. Then with Sonichu joining and giving us the
note. This allowed Wilbur to control that everyone had it and that someone didn't just walk off
with the note and prevent everyone from having it. Also, the note left in the box references
SootDan and Jeeves. Sonichu wasn't in the server yet so he couldn't have known they were the
ones going but Wilbur was. Along with that shoothouse discord staff, people nearest to him said it
was likely him and something he would do.
5. Sahynz - has a theory that could be true. He thinks he knows how the ARG will end.
Speculation is this is a marketing scheme to help boost jacks and channel. Story-wise he thinks it
will end in death. Maybe this is a story about a man with schizophrenia who hears voices he feels
like it’s winding up to something really shocking. A lot of Wilbur's videos for the arg have textbook
schizophrenia. It’s almost like he’s acting to appear that way for the arg making him think that’s
why it will end either Wilbur dead story wise or in a mental hospital maybe even in jail for killing
kai if they go that far.
6. Gnorshik - got kicked out of birdwatching association in Lancashire due to poor people skills.
wilbur saying sorry to kai late 2018 on twitter for bumping into him at ___awkwardly asking out a
girl, the poem being read in the linked video at the end of jack's second video is called "Lenore"
which is about/means the death of a beautiful young woman, running away from someone, kai
knows something about the situation, wilbur doesn't want kai to find out something he doesn't
want it to get out because it's embarrassing (or something more sinister than embarrassing)
NOTES ABOUT WILBUR('s character) poor people skills shown by: - email about getting kicked
out of lancashire bird watching association, strange mannerisms in segments in Jack's videos
including heavy breathing, awkwardness seems to be a theme, the entirety of the song "privately
owned spiral galaxy" seems to be about this side of him, lack physical awareness; always in his
mind, - did something embarrassing [a word possibly used due to its lighter meaning than
"regret" to cover up something more sinister, possibly involving the death of a girl and I think that
the main theme that a lot of people aren't linking is the matter of the girl, who she is, and her.
7. MagicaSayaka - Wilbur has a (Sort of) DID. I've noticed he has a different demeanor whenever
he has the glasses on. I don't think he has a DID, rather, the glasses tell us when and what
emotions he's feeling. For example, I don't remember him wearing his glasses in Part I. That's
because he was running from someone, he was in constant fear.
8. Genisis - (Talking about the clue “MISERABLE”) I thought that this might be in reference to a
song, considering how much music is involved in this already, and what I found is a song with
lyrics that could relate to the story. For example, "Making my head spin/Used up all of my
friends/Who needs them when you mean everything/I love the things that we should fear." Here's
a link to the music video: (
9. Genisis - I was browsing through and realized that the second "clues" video was Wilbur reading
the Poe story, "The Cask of Amontillado." This struck me as interesting because the story is
about a man who tricks his worst enemy into thinking he's his friend as part of a sinister revenge
plot. And, looking back, Wilbur was oddly nice toward Kai at the end of the fourth video
considering what he's been saying to Jack about him until that point. (UPDATE: Speaking of
betrayal, it seemed like that was what Wilbur was feeling when Jack brought Kai back on. The
breaking-up clue, along with “I think I'm done,” is making me think he's not going to edit another
Jack video, at least not for a while.) With the release of the sixth video, and the e-mail in it, this is
likely now irrelevant.)

10. Mythical Sheep - I have a theory for Ellen’s Lovely Three. Pretty much, I found something out
that may link to it. Tell me if you think this might be a possibility: Edgar Allan Poe's wife was
Virginia Eliza Clemm. After she died, he was affected greatly and wrote three poems on dying
women, "Annabel Lee," "The Raven," and "Ligeia." We know Wilbur has already read "The
Raven" for the ARG, and Annabel Lee has "Elle" in it. It was also mentioned to me after stating
the above that Poe also speaks in “Annabel Lee”of wind “chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.”
This may also have to do with the recurring “I’m so cold.” Maybe "Ligeia" is an anagram or
another clue and these are Elle's Lovely Three
11. Mike Chamberlain - The Edgar Allan Poe poem was recited by an English teacher in the film
‘Premature’, which is of a teenage boy in a repeating day, a bit like groundhog day. Maybe this is
to do with him saying that it is cold and every day is the same, with his recurring words, “I’m so
cold”. Also, Edgar Allan Poe has a quote, “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible
sanity.”, which maybe wilbur is trying to use to say that he is going insane.
12. Kacey - I think the privately owned spiral galaxy isn't related to the story tbh, as it's filmed in the
place where he had no song for Jack. So presumably he sang that, was ashamed of it maybe
and said in the video that he had no song for jack and the reason it's only accessible through the
arg stuff is because a) the cover is kinda linked in that it was done because of the arg and b) if
he's ashamed he'd wanna hide it. He did say before that he doesn't like that recording of him
playing it all that much so. I don't think it's a clue, just his favourite song.

The Game Theory Video

Game Theory: I Solved The Wilbur Soot ARG... And It Only Took 3 Years!

Wilbur’s response to the video:

As much as I don't want to, I need to talk about it. It's a good video – it's really good. I really really like
a lot of the ideas put forward. There's a lot of new ideas in there; there's some ideas that I've
disproved and there's also a lot of ideas that I haven't said anything on that other people have
already talked about, but MattPat provides some really new ones. I really like it. I'm never gonna say
whether he's right or wrong — I'm sorry, but I'll say it's good. I will say one thing he got very very right
— people have spoken about it before but I like the way he put it — when he was talking about R
Fakier and I Fakier, and that part about you know he disappears once Wilbur's forgiven himself for
he's done wrong. You might even say that it's pretty damn correct.

Overall, MattPat’s video definitely sheds new light into the ARG, but even though it makes sense, it's still
just a theory that isn't explicitly backed up by the clues in the ARG nor confirmed by Wilbur himself. Note
that the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) theory employed by MattPat has been widely disputed as
many argue that Wilbur has disproved this theory in the past (evidence TBC).

All images and videos are in order of occurrence above.
The following are listed in the order they were found. For the story, order see here
A playlist with all of Jack’s video about Wilbur can be found here
A video with all video and audio files spliced together can be found here. The
timestamps can be found in the video description.
Possible Timeline/Order
Arrows (->) represent the belief that those clips take place directly after one another without any time
skips involved. Clips edited in this order can be found here (UPDATED 12-2-19)
1. Answering Machine From Clues 1 -> Pacaburger Date Girl 0:00
2. Answering Machine From Clues 2 -> Message For Mom 0:30
3. Christmas Day Email 1:12
4. Can you Hear Me Audio 2:00
5. Gift (first half) 2:45
6. Foundahutinhandcross.wav 4:00
7. Wilbur Joins the Chat 5:51
8. Please await my message clip 6:35
9. A Ramble 7:10
10. Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy & Gift (Second half) 8:58
11. I let a random guy edit this video 12:45
12. I let him edit another video here is what he sent back 14:13
13. Bathroom scene 14:44
14. The Editor Wilbur Conspiracy 15:15
15. MOV-39715 -> The Strangest Wilbur Video So Far 17:47
16. JackSucksAtLifeReddit H.264 - 17/01/19 - FINAL.mp4 18:00
17. Understanding your position as King 32:30
18. I'm Cold 34:30

Part I
1. I let a random guy edit this video
2. I let him edit another video.. this is what he sent back
3. /r/LincolnshirePoacher (Formerly named “clues”)
4. clues
5. a ramble
6. Mr. Jeeves searching for “a gift”
7. The note from Sonichu
8. The actual note Wilbur placed
9. foundinahutinhandcross.wav
10. Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy
11. The first part of the college
12. Untitled.wav
13. The second part of the collage
14. The third part of the college
15. The fourth part of the college
16. Untitled2.wav
17. Spectrogram
18. The collage combined

Part II
1. The Editor Wilbur Conspiracy
2. Wilbur’s post of Jack’s empty room
3. JackSucksAtLifeReddit H.264 - 17/01/19 - FINAL.mp4
4. R.Fakier on Reddit

5. Messages from Jack and Wilbur (not conversing)

Part III
1. Wilbur Edited this video
2. understanding your new position as king
3. The weird picture of Jack
4. A0c6y9rcml25nb29nbu29t2pbv8xa90rprhplnx201ndhamvdmlldz91c39c2hhcmluw
5. I'm cold
6. The completed collage
7. The strangest Wilbur video so far
8. Wilbur Box
9. MOV-39715
I did *NOT* let Wilbur edit this video...

1. Lincolnshire Poacher by The Spinners
2. The Lincolnshire Poacher interval code
3. Wilbur joining the Discord voice chat

Sources (Check these!)

1. Wilbur's Reddit Page
2. The Lincolnshire Poacher Subreddit
3. Wilbur's Twitter
4. Jack's Twitter
5. Wilbur's YouTube Page
6. Jack's YouTube Page
7. IFakier39715Poe’s Twitter
8. Imsocold's Reddit Page
9. LP39715’s Reddit Page
10. LPatO2's Reddit Page

● Wilbur ARG Map - A map that shows the locations we think which is relevant to the ARG.
However, most locations will not have physical clues, for example, the O2 Arena.
● TheRedditSummary - Has everything you need to know about Part I
Story based clips so far v4.0 - All story based video and audio clips but in what we believe to be
the right order
● /r/SootHouseClues - Subreddit for any clues or theories you may have
● ARG Discord Bot - Can encode/decode binary, morse, base64, anagrams and a bunch of other
● Spell Backwards - Backwards text decoder
● Base 64 Decode - Base64 Decoder
● Cryptii - Binary Decoder
● CyberChef - Good multipurpose decoder
● Text Tools - Morse Decoder

● Peter-Eigenschink - Steganography Decode
● Spectrogram - Spectrogram maker
● Video downloader - Download YT video
● Letter Number Chipper - Letter to number converter and encoder
● Anagram-solver - Decode anagram for non-arg based words
● Morse Code Audio - Decode Morse code audio automatic to morse code/words (Can be used
only when there’s next to no background noise)


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