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Hydraulic turbines of hydroelectric power plants are designed and manufactured

according to the head and discharge parameters of a specific plant. Each
hydroelectric power plant is different and requires a custom-designed turbine for
better performance. Computational fluid dynamics analyses are very useful
throughout the design process; however, the results depend heavily on the analysis
procedure and expertise of the engineer. Also, the results cannot be evaluated based
on an industrial standard. Experimental testing according to International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards is necessary to ensure performance
and reliability.

Once the design is complete, one alternative is to proceed directly to manufacturing

and to test the actual turbine on-site, after installation, according to the IEC 60041
standard. At this point, if the measured efficiency is lower than expected, the remedy
requires equipment re-design. This option is costly especially for larger turbines (i.e.
>30 MW). Moreover, some measurements and methods may not be possible on-site.

Another option is to validate the design by model tests. According to the IEC
60193:1999,1 experimental tests of hydraulic turbines are performed on small-scale
models that are geometrically, kinematically, and dynamically similar to the actual
turbines. Parameters such as power, flowrate, efficiency, and specific energy
determine the performance of the model. This performance and the cavitation
characteristics reflect that of the actual turbines. The same standard also dictates
that the test facility meets the minimum criteria for Reynolds number, specific energy,
and reference diameter for the turbines to be tested. These are Reynolds number of
4 × 106, specific energy of 100 J·kg−1, and reference diameter of 0.25 m.

It is a fact that model tests increase the upfront cost and lengthen the design period.
The cost increase is approximately 1% for a 300-MW unit and 10% for a 30-MW unit.
However, if these units are to be operated a typical 4000 h annually, and if the model
tests validate the design efficiency within 1%, then the model test investment is
returned approximately in 1 year for a 300-MW turbine and in 10 years for a 30-MW
turbine. Therefore, model tests are economically viable especially for large-scale
hydraulic turbines.

A venture meter is a device that is used for measuring the rate of flow of fluid
through a pipeline. The basic principle on which a venture meter works is that by
reducing the cross - sectional area of the flow passage, a pressure difference is created
between the inlet and throat & the measurement of the pressure difference enables the
determination of the discharge through the pipe. A Venturi meter consists of an inlet
section followed by a convergent cone, a cylindrical throat, and gradually divergent
cone. The inlet section of the venture meter is of the same diameter as that of the pipe,
which is followed by a convergent one. The convergent cone is a short pipe, which
tapers from the original size of the pipe to that of the throat of the venturi meter. The
throat of the venturi meter is a short parallel side tube having its cross – sectional area
smaller than that of the pipe. The divergent cone of the venturi meter is a gradually
diverging pipe with its cross – sectional area increasing from that of the throat to the
original size of the pipe. At the inlet and the throat, of the venture meter, pressure taps
are provided through pressure rings.
An orifice meter is a simple device used for measuring the discharge through
pipes. The basic principle on which an Orifice meter works is that by reducing the cross
– sectional area of the flow passage, a pressure difference between the two sections
before and after Orifice is developed and the measure of the pressure difference
enables the determination of the discharge through the pipe. However, an Orifice meter
is a cheaper arrangement for discharge measurement through pipes and its installation
requires a smaller length as compared with venturi meter. As such where the space is
limited, the Orifice meter may be used for the measurement of discharge through pipes.

- To calibrate a given venture meter and to study the variation of coefficient
of discharge of it with discharge.

(1) Venturi Meter (5) Differential Manometer
(2) Piping System (6) Sump
(3) Supply Pump Set (7) Stop Watch
(4) Measuring Tank
Flow Meters: Consists of venture meter of size 25 mm provided for experiments. The meter has
the adequate cocks also with them
Piping System: Consists of a set of G.I. piping of size 25 mm with sufficient upstream and
downstream lengths provided with separate control valves and mounted on a suitable stand.
Separate upstream and downstream pressure feed pipes are provided for the measurement of
pressure heads with control valves situated on a common Pipe for easy operation.
Supply Pump Set: Is rigidly fixed on sump. The mono block pump with motor, operating on
single phase 220/240 volts 50 Hz AC supply.
Measuring Tank: Measuring tank with gauge glass and scale arrangement for quick and easy
Differential Manometer: Differential manometer with 1 mm scale graduations to measure the
differential head produced by the flow meter.
Sump: Sump to store sufficient water for independent circulation through the unit for
experimentation and arranged within the floor space of the main unit.

1. First open the inlet gate valve of the apparatus. Adjust the control valve kept at the exit
end of the apparatus to a desired flow rate and maintain the flow steadily.
2. Check whether all the joints are leak proof and water tight. Fill the manometer to about
half the height with mercury.
3. While taking readings, close all the cocks in the pressure feed pipes except the two
(Downstream and upstream) cocks which directly connect the manometer to the
required flow meter, for which the differential head is to be measured. (Make sure while
taking reading that the manometer is properly primed. Priming is the operation of filling
the manometer upper part and the connecting pipes with water and venting the air
from the pipes).

Close all the cocks, pressure feed pipes and manometer to prevent damage and over
loading of the manometer.
4. Check the gauge glass and meter scale assembly of the measuring tank and see that it is
fixed water tight and vertically.
5. Check proper electrical connections to the switch, which is internally connected to the
6. Start the motor keeping the delivery valve close. The water is allowed to flow through
the selected pipe by selecting the appropriate ball valve.
7. By regulating the valve control the flow rate and select the corresponding pressure
tapings (i.e. of orifice meter).
8. Make sure while taking readings, that the manometer is properly primed. Priming is the
operation of filling the manometer s upper part and the connecting pipes with water by
venting the air from the pipes. Note down the difference of head “h” from the
manometer scale.
9. Note down the time required for the rise of 10cm (i.e. 0.01m) water in the collecting
tank by using stop watch.


Q act = A X R / t

A = Area of the collecting tank m^2.
R = Rise of water level taken in meters.
T = Time taken for rise of water level to rise “R” cm in t seconds

a1∗a2 √2 gh
Q th = 2
√a 1 −a22


a 1 = Area of venture at inlet

a 2 = Area of venture at throat

h = difference of head in meters

g =Acceleration due to gravity.
d1 =Inlet diameter in meters.
d2 =Throat diameter in meters.
S Time for (10 Actual Differential head in mm of Theoretical Cd =
No. cm) raise of discharge=Qact mercury discharge=Qth Qact/Qthe
1 water level in h1 h2 H e


S Time for (10 Actual Differential head in mm of Theoretical Cd =

No. cm) raise of discharge=Qact mercury discharge=Qth Qact/Qthe
water level in h1 h2 H e
1 10 7.5 12 10 25.2 119.329 0.06285
2 11 6.81 13 11 25.2 119.329 0.057
3 12 6.25 14 11 37.8 146.15 0.042764
4 13 5.77 15 12 37.8 146.15 0.039479
5 14 5.36 16 12 50.4 168.76 0.03176
6 15 5 12 9 37.8 146.15 0.034211
7 16 4.69 13 11 25.2 119.329 0.0393


In the flow rate as the area of collecting tank and the rise of water level increase it also
increase but when the time taken for the rise of water level to rise increases the flow rate will
decreases. It is because the flow rate is directly proportional to the area and the rise of water
level taken and inversely proportional to time. The theoretical flow rate increase when the area
of the inlet and the area of the throat increases and also it increases when the difference of
head in meters increases.

After this experiment we learned that every single turbine is custom-designed specifically
to meet the requirements of a hydroelectric power plant. Performance of a designed turbine is
validated, to some extent, by computational fluid dynamics simulations; however, experimental
testing according to International Electrotechnical Commission standards is necessary to ensure
performance and reliability. Model tests are performed on similar, small-scale models at test
facilities that are specifically designed for this purpose. This article features one such facility,
which is capable of testing the performance and cavitation of Francis-type turbines. Test
procedures, measured parameters, measuring instruments, and calibration techniques are
explained in detail. Also, the flow rate is the flow of the volume of the fluid over time and using
the venturi meters a device in which pressure energy is converted into kinetic energy and it is
used for measuring the rate flow of liquid through pipes.

The coefficient of velocity is the proportion of real speed of the stream at vena-contract
to the hypothetical speed. Reynolds number and the NPSE need to be determined to ensure
similarity between the actual turbine and the model turbine. Their calculation requires physical
properties of water, such as density, kinematic viscosity, and vapor pressure. Therefore,
ambient temperature, water temperature, and also the air content of water is measured. The
accuracy of the temperature sensors is 0.3°C. Air content is measured at the reservoir using a
dissolved oxygen probe utilizing optical luminescence measuring method with ±0.2 ppm


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