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01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 1


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01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 13
1. What are you going to do after finishing
secondary school?
2. Would you like to study abroad or in
3. Do you know what the oldest and most
famous university in the world is?

01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 14

Physics Chemistry

Biology main subjects at school English

History Geography
01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 16
1. MSc is the abbreviation of “……”
A. Minister of science
B. Military science
C. Master of science
2. AERD is the abbreviation of “……”
A. the department of Agricultural Extension of
Rural Development.
B. the department of Agriculture Extension of
Rural Development.
C. the department of Agricultural Extension of
Rurality Development.
Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 17
1. David has just finished his Master of Science T
2. He studied with many international students T
3. He thought the students from the other countries
got along on the course pretty well. T
4. Some of the overseas students were ready to F
take questions or problems to tutors.
5. He gave some advice to international students. T

01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 18

•proportion (n): [prə'pɔ:∫n] : tỷ lệ, sự cân đối
•majority (n) [mə'dʒɔriti] : đa số
•tutorial (adj) [tju:'tɔ:riəl] : (thuộc) gia sư
•International (adj): [,intə'næ∫ənl] : quốc tế
•available (adj) [ə'veiləbl] : sẵn sàng, rỗi (người)
•appointment (n) [ə'pɔintmənt] : cuộc hẹn
•agricultural (adj) : [,ægri'kʌlt∫ərəl] : (thuộc) nông nghiệp
•rural (adj) ['ruərəl] : (thuộc) nông thôn
•thoroughly (adv) ['θʌrəli] : hoàn toàn
01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh
= completely 19
proportion (n) Tỷ lệ, sự cân đối
majority (n) Đa số
tutorial (adj) (thuộc) gia sư
International (adj) Quốc tế
available (adj) Sẵn sàng, rỗi (người)
appointment (n) Cuộc hẹn
agricultural (adj) (thuộc) nông nghiệp
rural (adj) (thuộc) nông thôn
thoroughly (adv) Hoàn toàn
01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 20
Listen to the conversation between John and David
and circle the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete
the following sentences:
1. David used to be ……………..
A. an international student.
B. a tutor at the university.
C. a student at the university.
D. a lecturer at the university.
2. In his department, ……………..
A. many students came from other countries.
B. some students come from other countries..
C. the international students did not like the course.
D. the international students did not study well.
3. David thinks the most important thing for the international
students is ……………..
A. not to be shy to talk to other students.
B. to make an appointment with local students.
C. to make full use of the tutors and lecturers.
D. not to tell anyone their problems.

4. David advises international students to …… at the beginning of

the course.
A. find out when the tutor is available for tutorial appointments.
B. make full use of their friends.
C. share studying experiences with local students.
D. know as much as they can about the university.
5. In order to deal with the long reading lists David
advises the international students to ………..
A. read all the items on the reading list.
B. read the most important items on the reading list.
C. find out the most important reading list.
D. ask local students for the most important reading

01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 23

“Do you want to have an undergraduate course
abroad or in your country?”

Explain your choice.

01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 24

S1: Would you like to have an undergraduate
course in Vietnam or abroad?
S2: I’d like to have an undergraduate course
in Vietnam.
S1: Why so?
S2: Because my English isn’t good enough
and I can’t afford tuition fees and
accommodation for studying overseas.

01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 25

• Prepare writing lesson
01/07/22 Teacher: Pham Quoc Khanh 27

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