ESP-dwi Paramita-21

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Nama : Ni kadek dwi paramita

Kelas : XII OTKP

No : 13

1. What is the differences between enplaned passengers

and deplaned passengers?
Answer : Specifically, enplaned passengers is used to
describe the number of passengers that board an aircraft
at an airport and deplaned passengers is used to describe
the number of passengers that deplane an aircraft at an

2. What is the function of aircraft operations?

Answer : Aircraft operations is used as a measure of
activity at all air- ports, but is the primary measure of
activity at general aviation airports. An air- craft operation
is defined as a takeoff or a landing. When an aircraft
makes a landing and then immediately takes off again, it is
known as a “touch and go” and is counted as two

3. What are the categories of airport based on National

Plan of Integrated Airport System (NPIAS)
Answer : National, regional, local, basic and unclassified

4. What are chief accountant duties?

Chief accountant duties is :
- Coordinating, consolidating, and presentation of
financial plans.
- Administering basic accounts such as general accounts,
cost account- ing, and accounts receivable and payable.
- Administering budget; reviewing and analyzing actual
performance at budget review sessions.
- Supervising all receipts and disbursements.
- Administering payroll.
- Conducting periodic internal audit of all airport

5. Mention two types of airport expenses! Explain them!

Answer :
1) Operation and Maintenance (Q&M) consist of those
expenses that occur on a regular basis and are required to
maintain the current operations at the airport. Such
expenses typically include wages and salary of airport
employees, costs of utilities such as power, water, and
telecommunications, and a broad spec- trum of regularly
needed supplies, from individual airfield lights to office
sup- plies.
2) Capital improvement expenses, on the other hand, are
very large, periodic ex penses which contribute to
significant airport infrastructure improvement or
expansion. Capital improvement expenses include the
costs of major construc- tion projects such as airfield and
terminal expansion, the acquisition of major utilities such
as air rescue and fire fighting vehicles, and the purchase
of land for future expansion.

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