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1) What is computer maintenance? Explain preventive maintenance in brief *

2) List out Connectors and ports available on Motherboard *
3) Explain IEEE 1394 Fire Wire in brief
4) Differentiate PC, PC-XT and PC-AT
5) Give Full Form of (i) DIMM (ii) RIMM (iii) EDO (iv) TFT
6) Explain function of CMOS battery
7) Explain terms (i) Cylinder (ii) Cluster in brief
8) Differentiate Floppy Diskette and Hard Disk Drive in brief
9) Differentiate Cold Boot and Warm Boot *
10) Define (i) Seek Time (ii) Latency* *
11) Explain in brief AGP *
12) Classify different types of printers.
13) What is Keyboard debouncing?
14) Explain Interlaced scan and Progressive scan in Monitor.
15) Write down the advantages of Graphic Card.
16) List out various slots and ports on the motherboard
17) Write full form of. I) CMOS II) SCSI III) SLDRAM IV) SATA
18) Differentiate Computer Maintenance and Computer Troubleshooting
19) Describe serial port and parallel port *
20) What is an interface in computer? *
21) What are the factors affecting speed of microprocessor?
22) List out difference between multiprocessing and multiprogramming.
23) Give the full form of CISC and RISC * DIFFERENT *
24) Why CPU fan should be placed in the computer system?
25) No display on monitor. What are the probable problem?
26) What is main memory in computer system?
27) List out different types of RAM.
28) Define hardware with suitable example. *
29) Define firmware.
30) Give full form of : POST, SCSI, SATA, IDE
31) Explain primary memory.
32) Explain various types of memory.
33) List various secondary storage devices and explain any one
34) Explain : Port, Jumper
35) What is bus system ? List type of buses.
36) Define following terms. a. Software b. Hardware c. Firmware d. Bootstrap Loader
37) Define Fragmentation and Defragmentation.
38) Define following terms. a. Frame rate b. Aspect ratio c. Color depth
39) Give the difference between Impact and Non-impact Printer.
40) List out Preventive Maintenance tools
41) Compare Blu-ray and DVD disc
42) List out various generations of Computer.
43) Define (1) Video (2) Aspect Ratio
44) List out components available in Laptop.
45) Explain the importance of SMPS in computer
46) Give Full Form of (i) VLSI (ii) BIOS (iii) SCSI (iv) CMOS
47) Define (1) Track (2) Sector
48) List out various types of ROM Memory.

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