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A Joint Venture Agreement is a contract between two businesses or individuals who agree to

work together to achieve a certain goal. A completed Joint Venture template should include
details such as venture members, member responsibilities, venture goals, as well as the start and
end date.

Unlike a partnership agreement, a joint venture only lasts until the end date outlined in the Joint
Venture Agreement.


A joint venture agreement is a contract between two or more parties who want to do business
together for a period of time. Instead of creating a formal partnership or new legal entity, a
contractual joint venture (“JV”) allows the parties to continue filing their tax returns separately
yet still reap the financial advantages of a partnership such as sharing resources and risks.

A joint venture agreement will identify the following fundamental elements:

Parties or Co-Venturers: the two entities that have agreed to work together.

Contributions: how much money, property, or time each of the co-venturers will invest.

Management: the person responsible for the day-to-day operations of the venture.

Purpose: scope of JV activities and reason to join resources and collaborate.

Profits: how profits will be distributed, either based on contributions or another formula.

Term: whether the venture is for a limited time or indefinite period.



Assignment: neither party may assign the venture

Confidentiality: both parties agree to keep all proprietary information confidential
Exclusivity: neither party is required to do business only with the other co-venturer
Termination: the venture will end when a goal is accomplished or by a certain time

As a reference, people often refer to this document by other names:

Consortium Agreement, Cooperative Agreement, Co-Venture Agreement, Joint Undertaking

JV Agreement, Strategic Alliance.

Joint ventures have a limited life and purpose, requiring less commitment than a more permanent
type of partnership that imposes more responsibilities and obligations on each partner.


This joint venture agreement is entered into as of the 19 day of January, 2021
(the "Effective Date') by and between ANNETTE J LUNA
located at 3960 Kelly Street, Charlotte,NC 28211and NICHOLAS 0
ENTREK Nlocated at 4985 Nicholas
Street, Chester,KS 68327.

1. Formation.The parties have indicated an interest in forming and

establishing a joint venture for the exclusive purpose of developing and
running a chain of ice cream stores (the "Joint Venture•).The Joint
Venture shall do business under the name ABC V ENTURE,and shall have
its principal office and place of business at 3327 Reeves Street,
Brillion,W1 54110or such other place(s) as shall be designated from time
to time.

2. Contribut ons. For the purpose of the Joint Venture,the parties shall
make capital contributions,in cash or property,I nthe following amounts
or values:

Annette J Luna:cashin the amount of

S10,000.DO USO Nicholas D
Entrekin:cash in the amount of
$20,000.00 USO

if the Joint Venture requires additional funds,the parties shall make

additional contributions as mutually agreed upon by the parties.

3.Ownership.The parties shall own interest inthe Joint Venture in the following percentages:

Annette J
Nicholas D

4.Distribution of Profits.Net profits and net losses accruing to the Joint

Venture shall be distributed to the parties in accordance with each party's
respective ownership interests.

5.Management. The manager, Atfredo EMayberry, will be responsible for

the following duties and obligations of the Joint Venture:
(a) managing day to day business affairs;
(b) monitoring, controlling and directing the financial , business and
operational affairs;
(c) properly m a i n t a i n i n g account books and financial records
according to standard accounting practices;
(d) using express or implied authority granted by this Agreement to
handling allother issues; and
(e) hiring production and administration staff and third-party contractors as
needed, including any required labor negotiations.

6.Duties of Parties. The parties will be responsible for the following

duties under the Joint Venture:

Annette J Luna: provide financing and investment for the venture

Nicholas D Entrekin: provide financing and investment for the venture

7. No Partnership. The Joint Venture shall not be construed to create a

partnership or any other fiduciary obligations between the parties.

The sample joint venture agreement below details an agreement between two vested parties.
They agree to establish a joint venture for the purpose of developing and running a chain of

Joint venture agreement sample

2. Reasons to Form a Joint Venture

If your business could benefit from sharing resources with another company, a joint venture for a
limited period of time and limited purpose may increase your chances of succeeding. Companies
often enter into JV Agreements in the following circumstances:

Create strategic alliances to gain access to wider markets

Develop new technologies, products, or services
Expand business development through new networks
Leverage one company’s brand and reputation to increase sales
Lower research and development costs through collaboration
Share expertise or relationships to penetrate new markets
Because most co-ventures in the United States are formed as LLCs, it’s likely you’ll need to
understand how to form an LLC.

Unlike a formally organized partnership, co-ventures are not permanent and are often dissolved
in these kinds of situations:

One company buys the other business

Market conditions change
New goals developed
Purpose has been fulfilled or not
Shared goals no longer apply
Time period for the business relationship has lapsed
The US Small Business Administration provides more information on co-venture agreements.

3. The Risks and Advantages of Forming a Joint Venture

Here are just a few of the benefits that can be leveraged when a co-venture is used:

Larger companies can access new research materials from smaller companies
Smaller companies can benefit from a larger company’s market presence
Domestic companies can learn about the social reality of a local area from a foreign company
Foreign companies can be exposed to new relationships and expertise from a domestic company
Businesses can experiment outside of their core business to develop new product or service
Companies can merge their wealth of expertise in a specific business area
Unfortunately, there are several risks involved in forming a JV:

Unclear business objectives

Miscommunication or misunderstandings due to differences in management styles or culture
Asymmetric business relationship in which one side brings a disproportionate amount value than
the other
Delayed return or loss of investments

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