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1. Explain the importance and benefits of using ICT in tourism organizations and customers.

ICT made a lot of industries revolutionized and industrialized. Among the industries occurring,
the Tourism Industry perceives ICT as the most innovative instrument or tool that made their
form of communication better and convenient. Information and Communication and Technology
enhances the ability of tourism organizations to manage their resources, performances, and
develop partnerships with all stakeholders involved. In addition, monitoring the internal
processes among organizations such as policies, vision, and objectives are way easier and
more established than the non-ICT era. On the other hand, ICT also brings a better cycle of
communication between the tourism organizations and customers. The responses of customers
about the tourism products such as their preferences, feedback, and other customers’ personal
insights are analyzed with the help of technology. The target market and niche products are
easily identified.

2. Give examples on the impact of ICT in tourism sectors such as accommodations, food and
beverage services, recreation and entertainment, transportation, and travel services. 10 points

ICT in tourism sectors has been a helpful tool to make their work with different levels of
complication easier. An innovative illustration of this is the creation of CRS which made
bookings among accommodations, food and beverage services, transportation and other travel
related activities (either leisure or business) convenient. Moreover, Hotels, Inn, Resorts and
other accommodation providers use ICT to manage their information involving internal matters
(partnerships with stakeholders) and external matters such as their performances catered to
their customers. Booking involving transportation matters is now possible even without a face-
to-face interaction between the provider and customers. In terms of food and beverage services,
ordering these things can be performed through calls, online platforms, and websites.
Everything that occurs in the present world can mostly be processed through technology.
Information regarding matters such as recreation and entertainment can be searched through
the internet. Reviews and feedback of travel service providers can also be seen by Google-ing.
With ICT, everything is possible on the tip of a customers’ finger.

3. What is the most significant development in ICT during the past decades? Give an example.
5 points

The origin of the ICT started from private purposes to public use. The developments in ICT
became the small steps in attaining the most significant development in ICT. Network era has
revolutionized the world with its industrialized approach to things. The impossible things
perceived during the past century became the reality in the present due to the networks’
capacities. Wireless became the trend of technology, making communication on all people
convenient. Information research in a short period of time and online markets would not be
possible without the help of the Internet. Real-time information are also catered not only for the
benefits of business but also to the present happenings in the world.

4. Explain the concept of value chain analysis using a hotel as an example. 15 points

Value chain analysis is a process where a firm identifies its primary and support activities that
add value to its final product and then analyze these activities to reduce costs or increase
differentiation. In a hotel situation, there are primary and support activities behind its system.
The primary activities are mostly those employees that have responsibilities on the things that
customers interact with physically such as bedrooms, maintenance and such. Whilst, the
support activities are the internal activities in the management of the hotel such as the finance
department, wherein not interacted directly with the customers.

5. What is the difference of tourism services compared to durable goods? Give 2 examples. 10

Tourism services are the services being provided to the tourists during his/her travel. It is related
to the accommodation, transportation, food and beverage services, and travel services of
tourists. For instance, a tourist’s feedback regarding his stay at Shangri La Hotel was
‘extraordinary’ because of its hospitable approach and fast response services. Whilst durable
goods are the products that can be consumed at the same time last for a longer period of time.
It can be a Eiffel Tower souvenir from Paris, France.

6. Can the use of ICT by tourism enterprises cut the transactions of the middle men in the
business transactions with the consumers? Explain your answer. 10 points

I believe that it would not cut the transaction of middle men with the customers since it is
business. Everybody in the business world for them to continue their progress, they need to
conform with the trend, and not give up easily. There are rumors before that these middlemen
in the tourism industry would be removed from the pages since people nowadays are into
technology. However, up to these days, they are still occurring for the reason that they conform.
They enhance their capabilities and look for ways that are suitable for the present trend.

7. Give 2 examples for barriers and catalysts for on-line customers in the tourism industry? 10

Some of the on-line customers in the tourism industry before find it costly, and not interactive.
They think it was difficult to manage since it needed to be familiarized first. Plans were said to
be not definite and there is reluctance on the safety and security of their credit cards.

8. Identify a tourism sector and discuss how it can use ICT to sustain competitive advantage. 10

Despite the emerging trend of technology, some accommodations are not able to
maintain their competitiveness due to the rapid change of technology. In this, resorts
are mostly the unbothered type of accommodation since its main goal is to cater a
temporary shelter in front of a beach. However, tourism services also depend on the
criteria of the customers. Customers nowadays are fascinated into “techy” things. For
the resort to achieve the ideal tourism services that most customers prefer, they should
also apply some technologies despite their geographical location. With ICT, they will be
able to sustain competitive advantage through applying Artificial Intelligence to some of
their furniture. For instance, a curtain associated with AI gadgets for it to move without
manual force but commands from the system. Resorts are also hotels but differ in
location and recreational activities. It should also fit the trend of technology.

9. Explain the tourism distribution channel.

A tourism distribution channel is a system that links travel intermediaries to consumers. Travel
intermediaries such as travel agencies and tour operators facilitate the sale and delivery of
tourism services from the suppliers to consumers. TDC provides refunds and cancellations if an
unexpected scenario occurs. The advantage of this type of change is that producers establish
direct relationships with customers, own their data, and manage experiences. Producers can
involve retailers that will sell it to final clients, or wholesalers that will sell the products to
retailers and be sold to customers. However, among the channel intermediaries, direct
marketing is the one beneficial to both parties (producers and consumers) since it accumulates
data directly for the producers and customization is possible for the consumers.

10. Pick a destination. Describe how ICT can help the destination develop their brand. 20

Siargao has been known as the surf capital of the Philippines (, it
entices tourists that prefer sun, sand, and sea. However, despite the beauty it possesses, its
marketing strategy is weak due to lack of management and governance. Tourist arrivals
whether Local and Foreign tourists are not yet aware about the place. Moreover, ICT can be a
helpful tool in their marketing strategy. The emergence of technology in the world would be a
change to showcase the hidden gem of Siargao. More than the world’s half population are now
exposed to social media. In this, social media platforms are a great way to exhibit and help to
accumulate tourist arrivals.

References: (n.d.). WHY IT’S MORE FUN IN SIARGAO. Retrieved from

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