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Search for a hotel that conveys the measures that have been taken by management to adapt to
the "new normal"

With the uncertainties brought in by the pandemic, the travel and tourism sector has felt
the devastating decline in the industry. All systems have been restructured coping with the new
measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Among the sectors that have been affected badly besides
the aviation sector, hotel and accommodation also faced difficulties with these times. Government
released safety measures to limit the spread of the virus which further affected the policy
mechanism of hoteliers. Guest interaction is adduced as the most common concern travelers
have as safety and security in hotels has become extremely important, given the havoc that the
pandemic has played.In cooperation with the rules released, hotels are now practicing safety
protocols to maintain the cleanliness and spread of the virus. Manila Hotel, being one of the
luxurious hotels in Metro Manila, are now practicing science-based measures in compliance with
Department of Health standards to promote safety, comfort, and the well-being of their guests
and their employees.

The transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus happens primarily via respiratory droplets,
through person-to-person contact and the best prescribed prevention methods include
maintaining thorough hand hygiene, physical/social distance and wearing a mask whenever one
is stepping out of the house. Therefore, sufficient ventilation in buildings/indoor settings can also
help in curbing the risk of infection. Manila Hotel has always had Fresh Air Dampers (FAD)
installed in a fresh air ventilation duct connected to an air intake hood and duct fan to bring in
fresh air into the common areas like Café Ilang Ilang. As further studies surface about how the
virus could possibly be transmitted in air-conditioned indoor settings, ventilation – fresh air coming
into the building from outside – is playing a more crucial role in the mitigation of transmission.
They have also added more air filters to fight against the virus spread and ensure that the air
coming in is clean and fresh. The UV-C Radiation is adapted in the hotel to disinfect things that
are interacted with by customers. It is said to be effective in purifying air, disinfecting water, and
inactivating microbes (USFDA, 2021).

On the other hand, the management of Manila Hotel also guaranteed that they not only prioritize
their customers but also their employees. The hotel has implemented vaccination rules and
encourages every existing employee to get vaccinated. "It is only by ensuring the good health

and safety of our workers through their inoculation can we be assured that they will be ready to
serve when the industry returns to relative normality" stated by the Manila Hotel Management
through their website. Social distancing, health and safety measures such as foot traffic to limit
physical contact are also being implemented in the hotel. Tables with acrylic dividers and chairs
have been rearranged with a 1 to 1.5m distance between each dining party. Rooms are being
disinfected and reduced touchpoints like newspapers and fruit bowls (upon request). Visible
verification of sanitized items (e.g., glassware, remote control), reduction of in-room
furnishings/high-touch items, new laundry protocols. Aggressive sanitation and cleaning steps
system-wide are implemented where rooms are now sanitized much more thoroughly, using EPA-
listed disinfectants and UV lights to deep-clean rooms, regular cleaning of aircon filters and
systems, and high-temperature linen laundering to ensure greater safety. On-property signage
and decals reiterating social distancing guidelines, personal sanitation guidelines and the
importance of surface cleaning are also visible in corners of areas. Personal protective equipment
for hotel staff, including masks, face shields and gloves, to safeguard guests and employees.
Daily health screening, including temperature checks for staff, as well as frequent sanitization of
all common areas, thorough re-training on proper hygiene, and best practices including Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE). Henceforth, Health and wellness centers like swimming pools,
saunas, and spas are still closed, as direct-touch treatment is prohibited by safety guidelines.

Overall, the initiative taken by the hotel has met the Philippine Government safety
standards in contending the unseen enemy of the society. They were able to cope promptly with
the limitation of the virus spread whilst at the same time operating yet not in full business capacity.
The management of the Manila Hotel created and implemented a plan to prevent transmissions,
in consultation with the local government and health authorities. Employees have an easy
accessibility to facilities and reserves of cleaning and disinfecting materials. Clear guidelines
addressing the safety measures for limiting the virus spread are also disseminated clearly to
everybody. However, I have noticed that they were not able to mention the contact tracing and
detailed record of actions taken with regards to the customers’ arrival and departure. It is indeed
impossible for them to not trace their guests for the reason that it is one of the rules released by
the government. Hence, the Manila Hotel should also state in their website the customer tracing
measures to reassure the guests and build confidence in their audience’s minds that they practice
and follow safety protocols.

Food and Drug Administration. (2021 Feb 01). UV Lights and Lamps: Ultraviolet-C Radiation,
Disinfection, and Coronavirus. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Website.

The Manila Hotel. (2020 Sep 19). Manila Hotel: You Are Safe Here [YouTube video]. YouTube.

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