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LEOGO, Rica Pauline B.

Math 2
2020-20785 4/21/2021



1. Suppose that the ratio of women to men in a line for vaccination is 12:13. If there are 300
persons in line, how many more men are there than women?

12:13 = 300

Women: ¹²⁄₂₅ (300) = 144

Men: ¹³⁄₂₅ (300) = 156

There are 12 more men than women.

2. If the price of pork liempo is ₱450 per kilo after a 15% price increase, what was its original

(1.15) (x) = 450

1.15x/1.15x = 450 / 1.15

x = 391.30
3. Suppose the ₱78 price of a bottle of ethyl alcohol did not change but the volume per bottle
decreased by 10% from 500 to 450 ml. Is the percent increase in price of the alcohol bottle also
10%? Justify your answer.

Old: ⁷⁸⁄₅₀₀ = .156

New: ⁷⁸⁄₄₅₀ = .173

%= x 100

% = 11.11% is the percent increase in

price of the alcohol bottle

4. Milk tea cups come in small, medium, and large sizes. The price and volume per size are given
below. On the basis of oz per peso, identify which of the sizes is the best buy.
Small: 𝑃70
= 0.17
Medium: 𝑃90
= 0.18
Large: 𝑃100 = 0.22

The large size is the best buy.

LEOGO, Rica Pauline B. Math 2
2020-20785 4/21/2021

5. If the price of a 12-pc pack of ube cheese pandesal increased from ₱225 last year to ₱250 this
year, calculate the percent decrease in the purchasing power of peso with respect to a pack of
300 300
New Price: = 1.2 Old Price: = 1.3333
250 225

1.2 − 1.33
× 100 = −9.99 𝑜𝑟 9.99% OR 10% decrease

II. Identify if the tables below represent a linear or an exponential function. Find the corresponding
equations in standard form.

1. y = 6 × 5x

x 0 1 2 3 4
f (x) 6 30 150 750 3750
2. y = 4x + 3

x 1 2 3 4
f (x) 7 11 15 19

III. Suppose that a restaurant food bill is ₱ 700. A 12% E-VAT is applied on the food bill and 20%

SCD is applied on the intermediate balance.

1. How much will the final bill be if 3 out of 4 customers are senior citizens?

FB = fb + EVAT – SCD (fb + EVAT)

= 700 + (. 12)(700) − .20 { [700 + .12(700)]}
= 700 + 84 – 117.6

FB = ₱666.4

2. How much goes to the national government and to the restaurant owner?
₱84 goes to the National Government
(.12)(700) = 84

LEOGO, Rica Pauline B. Math 2
2020-20785 4/21/2021

The restaurant owner gets ₱582.40

700 – 117.6

= 582.40

IV. Suppose the rate for big users of electricity is fixed at ₱8.75 per KWH, instead of the original flat rate
of ₱8.302. Use the table given below to answer items 1 and 2.

Customer Consumption Amount Due (Single Amount Due (Dual

KWH Flat Rate) Pricing System)
Small Users
A 50 415.09 360.89
B 70 581.13 505.24
C 90 747.17 649.60
D 100 830.19 721.77
Big Users
E 150 1245.28 1312.50
F 250 2075.47 2187.50
G 350 2905.66 3062.50
Total 8800.00 8800.00

1. What rate should be charged to the small users if the total amount due is ₱8,800?

= 7.21
2. Fill out the missing entries in the table with values rounded off to the nearest centavo.

V. Suppose 3 vaccine brands A, B, and C are ranked by employees as follows:

No. of employees Ranking of vaccines

21 ACB
16 CBA
13 BAC
50 Total
1. Fill out the table below and identify which vaccine brand is most preferred using the Borda
Candidate 1st Place Borda 2nd Place 3rd Place Borda 4th Place Borda
Place Borda Place Place Place
A 63 26 16 105
B 39 32 21 92
C 48 42 13 103

LEOGO, Rica Pauline B. Math 2
2020-20785 4/21/2021

1st Place Votes 2nd Place Votes 3rd Place Votes

A 21 x 3 13 x 2 16 x 1
B 13 x 3 16 x 2 21 x 1
C 16 x 3 21 x 2 13 x 1

Candidate A is the most preferred using Borda Method

2. Will you get the same most preferred brand using the Condorcet Method? Justify your answer.
No, the results turned out equal votes.

21 21 21
16 16 16
13 13 13
29 34 37

Condorcet Tally Votes:

A: 1

B: 1 No winner

C: 1

VI. Suppose that 15,000 relief packs are to be allocated to residents in a small town, which is divided
into 4 barangays, with the data given below. Suppose it was decided that population is twice as
important as land area. Complete the table below.

Brgy. % Share of % Share of Weighted Pro-Rata Share Rounded

Population Land Area Average Share
A 19.7% 25.3% 21.57% 3235.000001 3235
B 32.9% 42.1% 35.97% 5395.000001 5395
C 9.5% 16.9% 11.96% 1795.000001 1795
D 37.9% 15.7% 30.5% 4575 4575
Total 100% 100% 100% 15,000 15,000

Weighted Average Solutions Pro-Rata Share Solutions

(2 × .197)+(.253) A= (. 2156666667)(15000) = 3235.000001
A: × 100 = 21.57%

(2 × .329)+(.421) B= (. 3596666667)(15000) = 5395.000001

B: 3
× 100 = 35.97%
C= (. 1196666667)(15000) = 1795.000001
(2 × .095)+(.169)
C: × 100 = 11.96%
3 D= (. 305)(15000) = 4575
(2 × .379)+(.157)
D: 3
× 100 = 30.5%

LEOGO, Rica Pauline B. Math 2
2020-20785 4/21/2021

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