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1. How will your ideal you be like?

2. What is your biggest dream or goal?

3. What is means to you to achieve your dreams or goals, why are they worth to fighting for?
4. What’s in your way towards your dream?
5. Rank the most important things in your life (Career, Money, Family, Love, Knowledge)?
6. What is the proportion of time dedicated to these items accordingly? (If most of your time is
given to the less important things, you should think about reprioritize your schedule)
7. If you have children, what would you recommend to them to do or not do?
8. What are the 3 words that the best describe yourself?
9. Has your pesonality changed since childhood? If it so, why?
10. Is your personality similiar to that of your parents?
11. What quality do you admire the most about yourself?
12. What is your biggest weakness?
13. What is your biggest Strength?
14. What scares you the most?
15. How do you make a decision? By intuition or logical analysis?
16. Name of the biggest “What if” in your mind?
17. How will an ideal intimate relationship be like to you?
18. Are you satisfied with your current relationship status?
19. If you only have 5 minutes more to live, who will you call and what will you say?
20. Name one person that you love/loved the most?
21. Describe the best moment of all the relationships you’ve been in?
22. Describe the most devastating moment of all the relationships you’ve ever had?
23. Do you treat yourself better than others?
24. If today was you’re last day, how would you like to spend it?
25. Who is the person you’ve most admire?
26. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done?
27. What’s the wackiest thing you’ve ever done?
28. What do you like to do when you’re bored?
29. If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?
30. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
31. What do you think about most ... past, present or future?
32. What is one of your fears?
33. What is one of your dreams?
34. What is your favourite food?
35. Where is you favorite holiday that you’ve been spent it before with someone?
36. What the type of music that you enjoy?
37. How do you describe me to other people?
38. So far how could you describe my personality?
39. When you wake up in the morning. What’s the first thing you think of?
40. What was the first thing that makes you interested about me?

1. Ideal me is a humble and honest man that could be dependent on

2. Visiting all country in the world
3. Life is too short, don’t waste it with doing nothing and stuck in one place
4. I believe responsibility and financial restriction ☹
5. Fam, Love, knowledge, money, carrier
6. Il try to distribute my time equally with family being the priority
7. My hobby so I could spent my time doing what we like
8. Calm, Honest, and handsome B)
9. Nope, I am still the 8 years old me with mature thinking
10. I believe so
11. Consistent about the choice that I have made
12. Overthinking
13. Caring
14. Sewer Rat 😊, and being lonely
15. Logic I believe
16. What if I was never existed
17. Caring, mutual trust and respect
18. Good for now. There’s always room for improvement
19. My loved one, to say I love you and sorry that I must go
20. For now my mom, could it be you?
21. The first time we kissed
22. Goodbye are always devastating
23. No, cause I believe if you want people to be nice to you, you must be nice to them
24. Gather with my loved one to prepare for the worst
25. My dad and Park Shin Hye
26. Call complete stranger mom once
27. Shouting singing dancing in public without care
28. Youtube and games
29. Happiness, health, and a lot of spare time
30. At my peak in life, good fam, financially stable
31. Present
32. Labelled as a failure
33. Visiting Venice
34. Burger
35. With fam Bali, never with SO
36. Lawas genre
37. A cheerful and rowdy girl that insist she is a quite person
38. Full of surprises and passion
39. You <3
40. Your bright attitude.

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