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‘SHIPPER’ DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS ‘Shipser HELICONIA SENEGAL Ae WaybalNe, 235-171 2446 MILITARY AIRPORT LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR DAKAR Pago 1 ot 1 Pages SENEGAL ‘Shipper’ Relerence Number pena) EX21-HOS-0732 ry ‘SURVITEC GROUP. ‘SURVITEG SERVICES UK. FINDIN SHORE, AB12 3RL ABERDEEN UNITED KINGDOM “Two conelated and eignd copies ol his Docaraton must, ‘WARNING Ce Fallure to comply In all respects with the applicable “TRANSPORT DETAILS Dangerous Goods Regulations may be In breach of Saal ere OT jeable law, subject tol ies. a 5 amy | te elicab ect to egal penal DSS (AIBD) ‘epor of Desiaton "Sn pe sno aT (otonal Let (BEATEN) [Roxraponcrve PeonOCOOGO ‘NATURE AND QUANTITY OF DANGEROUS GOODS xasss\ ee Sams AppUnNGES |e |”; RBAEBGARDHOX KieK | 68 | eR prot | icra andi invrmation 24 HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER + 221 77 609 28 09 T rerby dedare thatthe conens of is consignmant are fuly and accurately | Name a Signatory lSocotoed above by the prope shipsng nama, and are casted, packaged. | Fiacre YEMADJERO / Stores Supervisor mares wt inbeledpacarded, and ar inal Yespocts in proper condo for {Taropot s2atding lo. applcabia Ilematonal and. Nalonal Governmental | Date FRegustons, I dedae that al of the appleable a anspor requremens | 12-Aug-2021 Ivo Boon met. Slorance {ecenering above)

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