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Solver – Report Templates

This document introduces the key features of the Report Templates application and related
reports. For Ad Hoc Reporting, see the document of the same name.
Users can have stand-alone access to the Report Template functionality, however, to create
new or modify existing report templates, you must also have the Report Designer license.

1: Licensing example

2: Sample Report Templates, list view

Here you can create report templates—if your license assignments include Report Designer
permission—run reports and share reports with your colleagues. On the Report Templates
page, you see templates created by you or shared templates created by your colleagues.

All content © Solver, Inc. Revised 10/20/2021

Solver – Report Templates Overview

3: Reporting recent templates, card (tile) view

TIP: Click the navigation button at the upper left to

collapse/expand the left menu pane as shown above. Click the view
option at the upper right to select from List or Card.

4: View options

Template filters can be based on:

• Recent – the most recent items that have been opened.
• Categories – use categories to organize your templates and packages, making them easy
to locate and identify. Categories are organized in folders and can be shared.

• Type – two types are available:

o Report – individual report templates (blue cards)
o Package – groups of report templates that display in a workbook presentation
(burgundy cards)
• Parameter – options are based on the template designs and their parameters.

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

Select a report template or package to activate the toolbar. Click the ellipsis for additional
commands, also referred to as actions.

5: Report template selected toolbar actions

If multiple items are selected, the toolbar updates to the available commands/actions.

TIP: Hover over a card (tile)

to display the checkmark, then
click to select. Click again to clear.
6: List view, 2 selections

7: Card view, 2 selections

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Solver – Report Templates Overview


8: Toolbar with 1 published (non-draft) template selected

The following commands are available for Reporting users. Some commands, as noted below,
require the user to also have the Report Designer license.

• New (requires the Report Designer license)

o Create New Template (Report)
o Upload Template – import existing Report Designer
.xlsx templates. Version 4 templates are updated to
v5 when opened, and cannot be reverted to v4.
9: New dropdown
• Edit in Report Designer (Report Designers only) –
Opens the selected template in Excel if the Report Designer
add-in is installed. If the add-in is not yet installed, you are prompted to download. The
add-in can also be downloaded as a separate action (see below).
• Edit – (only displays when a report package is selected) modify the reports that are
included in the package.
• Publish Draft – (Report Designers only and only displays when a draft template is
selected) commits the latest changes to the template. See Discard Draft below.

10: List view draft template

11: Card view draft template

• Add to Category– add (or remove) selected template(s) to previously defined

categories. Select a category to filter the view to included items. Templates can be in
multiple categories. See Categories, later in this document, for more information.

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

• Add to Package – click to create a new package or add report templates to an existing
package. Packages are groups of report templates that display as individual worksheets
(tabs) in a single workbook-style presentation.
• Duplicate (Report Designers only) – creates a copy of the
selected report template.
• Rename – template owners can enter a new name for the
selected template.
• Remove – template owners can send the selected
template(s) to the Recycle bin (more below).

IMPORTANT: If you have never published the draft,

this action will clear all design elements, returning to a
12: Additional commands
blank template.

NOTE: All templates can be moved to a new owner in Settings > Administration >
• Download (Report Designers only) – copies the Report Designer .xlsx template from the
cloud to your local machine.
• Download Report Designer – download the latest version of the Solver Report Designer
Excel add-in.

Recycle bin –
templates that have been
removed are sent to the
Recycle bin. They can be
restored or permanently
deleted. Accessed from
the bottom of the Search
& Filter pane.

13: Recycle bin example

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

Open a Template
To open a template, click its name. Notice the name is underlined during this action.

14: List view open (and run) template 15: Card view open (and run) template


The following actions are available for open reports, after running the template. Limited actions
are available when a draft template is opened.

16: Open and run report toolbar actions

• Edit in Report Designer (Report Designers only) – opens the template in the Excel add-in.
• Publish Draft – (Report Designers only) commits the latest changes to the template.
Only visible when a draft template is open.
• Export – for published templates, select from Export to Excel or Export to PDF.
• Comment – in published templates, the comment pane opens to the right and a new
sheet is added to the report. Additional actions are available in the Comment pane.
• Share – for published templates, select
from user roles (groups) or individual
users, sending (or removing) the current
edition of the report to the user’s
Report Archive. Previously shared
information also displays. 17: Share dialog box
• Add to Archive – add the current edition
of the published report to your Report Archive.

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

NOTE: If you rerun a previously shared or archived report you are not automatically
overwriting the shared report. If desired, you must share or archive the current version.

18: Save previously shared report message

• Run in Report Designer – opens the template in the Excel add-in. Users only have access
to run the report. To make edits, use the related action above.
Additional options display on the right margin of open reports:
• Company drop-down (Data Warehouse for training) – if
multiple connections are available, click the drop-down
to select.

19: Additional actions

History pane – options display based on the template’s design and the
previously selected parameters.
• Delete history item – clears the selected options and report
from display.
• View full history – select to view all previous run history.
Individual history items can be deleted in this view.

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

Categories are an optional method for grouping and filtering your templates. With one or more
templates selected, click Add to Category and the desired category to organize your templates.
Multiple categories are supported.

Categories support a single level of parent/child nesting. Report templates can be added to
either parent or child categories. If your user permissions allow, click New Category to add
additional categories. Drag-and-drop category names to reorganize the display.
Hover over a category to activate its toolbar if you have Can manage categories permission.
Options include:

o Share – select from user roles (groups)

or individual users with whom the templates
will be shared.
o Edit – modify the category name and/or
description. If applicable, edit the parent 20: Categories toolbar

TIP: Drag-and-drop to
21: Category filter example
reorganize categories.

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Solver – Report Templates Overview

In addition to the toolbars related to Report Templates, additional actions are available in the
top, upper-right toolbar:

• User drop-down – displays the active user and tenant with access to:
o User Settings – access to upload a profile picture, change password, and set
o About – version information related to your tenant.
o Sign out – click to close your current session.

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