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Social Intelligence Insights

Top Spenders on YouTube

Q3 2020

© 2020 NeoReach. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents
1 Research Methodology 03

2 Top Industries on YouTube

04 -06

3 Viral Breakdown

4 Campaign Breakdown
08 - 11

5 Top Spenders on YouTube 12 - 16

6 Top Recognizable Influencers 17

7 Quarter Over Quarter Comparison 18 - 19

8 20 - 28
Tech Industry

9 Gaming Industry 29 - 37

10 Food & Drink Industry 38 - 46

11 Contact NeoReach 47 - 48

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 2

Research Methodology

The data presented in this report was collected from over 20,000,000 YouTube
videos. All of the YouTube influencer data that is contained in this report was
captured by the NeoReach Social Intelligence API. Videos were required to comply
with proper FTC disclosure regulations. Our analysis included sponsored YouTube
videos posted between the months July through September 2020. We further
refined this data to target YouTube videos of influencers located in North America,
solely in the United States and Canada.

Of the selection of YouTube videos which met these criteria, this report showcases
only those brands and companies that activated campaigns with sponsored content
achieving at least 10,000 views. The resulting data set consisted of over 8,800
YouTube videos.

Therefore, the following report does not include all sponsored content on YouTube
during the Q3 period. However, it does include the top spending brands and
industries for influencer marketing on YouTube for Q3 2020.

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 3

Top Industries on YouTube

Tech Gaming Food/Drink Fashion Beauty Health &


Finance Education Entertainment Toys Home Automotive

Hardware/ Sex Fitness Firearms Pets/Animals Travel


1,775 $196M 1.3B

Brands IMV Total Views

Out of the 1,775 brands that used proper FTC disclosure of advertisement, ad or
sponsored videos on YouTube in Q3, the top 19 industries with the highest spend are
analyzed in this report. NeoReach’s analysis for Q3 provides a more granular look at
the data on influencer marketing on YouTube for greater insights into the state of
influencer marketing for brands, marketers, and creators.

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Top 19 Industries Metric Breakdown
Metrics Q3 2020

Total IMV $196,017,009

Total Sponsored Views 1,342,513,208

Total Reach 15,632,116,990

Total Videos 8,893

Total Likes 77,207,164

Total Comments 7,605,859

Total Engagement 15,709,324,154

Avg. IMV $22,042

Avg. Sponsored Views 150,963

Avg. Reach 1,872,110

Avg. Likes 8,682

Avg. Comments 856

Total Brands 1,775

Of the top spending 19 industries in Q3, the combined spend on YouTube sponsored
videos totals more than $196M. That is just under a 9% increase in total spend from
Q2. The top spending industries of 2020 remain – Tech, Gaming, and Food & Drink
– with reach more than doubling since last quarter at a 51% increase.

There was a pool of 8,893 qualifying YouTube videos in this quarter’s data set.
Brands continue to join in on the influencer marketing investment with 236 more
brands participating in Q3 and over 12.5M sponsored views as a result

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Top Industries on YouTube: Closer Look

Looking exclusively at the top 5 industry

spenders, Tech accounts for almost half with
46% of the total IMV. Tech continues to
dominate in views with over 450K views in Q3 –
over twice as many as Gaming, the next highest
industry spender. These top 5 industries spent
more than $148M collectively in YouTube
sponsored videos, which is actually almost $5M
less than their collective spend in Q2.

Views by Industry


© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 6

Viral Breakdown

Honey PGA Tour 2K21

40.4M $3M 17.3M 1.4M 53M $2M 16.9M 550K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes Reach IMV Impressions Likes

Activision Hasbro

53M $1.6M 11.4M 612K 52.3M $1.3M 10M 481K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes Reach IMV Impressions Likes

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 7

Campaign Objectives
Branding Awareness Contest/Giveaway

Download or Install Limited Time Offer

Brand Objectives Q3 2020 % of Total

Branding and Awareness 2,457

4,111 38.82%

Contest/Giveaway 226
106 3.57%

Download or Install 794

552 8.93%

Limited Time Offer 2,963

3,858 46.82%

We broke campaign objectives into four main categories. Most of the YouTube
sponsorships promoted a limited time offer or drove brand awareness at 89.6% with
a fairly even split among the top 5 industries. Looking at the industry breakdown,
Tech leads in 3 of 4 categories and Gaming dominates in driving downloads for Q3.

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 8

Calls to Action
Click Link in Bio Direct Purchase Page

Direct Purchase Page

Click Link in Bio

Tech Gaming Food & Drink Fashion Beauty Tech Gaming Food & Drink Fashion Beauty

Industry Industry

Enter Giveaway Fill out Contact Form

Fill out Contact Form
Enter Giveaway

Tech Gaming Food & Drink Fashion Beauty Tech Gaming Food & Drink Fashion Beauty
Industry Industry

Brandto Action
Calls Q2 2020
Q3 % of Total

Click Link in Bio 2,768

4,052 43.74%

Direct Purchase Page 3,134

4,029 49.52%

Enter Giveaway 82
37 0.92%

Fill out Contact Form 267 0.41%


Almost a 50-50 split for campaigns choosing to use a call to action of Click Link in Bio
or Direct Purchase Page. The data breakdown continues to show favor towards the
ability to track and measure ROI of YouTube influencer marketing spend. Of the 8,170
qualifying videos, 91% opted for a direct link. The distribution within each of the calls
to action among the top industries shows no clear pattern for Q3.

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Content Types
Dedicated Videos Integrated Videos

Dedicated Videos Integrated Videos

Intro Card End Card



Intro Card End Card

Content Type Q3
2020 % of Total

Dedicated 1,163
1,468 18.38%

End Card 279

303 4.41%

Integrated 2,944
4,272 46.52%

Intro Card 1,169

1,007 18.47%

Description Only 542

1,482 8.56%

Following the trends of Q2, Integrated content is again the dominant content type
accounting for 48.04% of videos. Tied in second are Dedicated videos and
Description Only. Gaming overtakes Tech in the top spot for Dedicated videos while
Tech out numbers the other industries in the three remaining content type categories.

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Top Brand Highlights



Mid Tier



Total Category
Influencer Tier # of Brands

Supernova 1 $12M

Macro 30
22 $63M

Mid Tier 31 $22M

Micro 44
66 $16M

Nano 140 $23M

Only one brand ranks within our Supernova spending level categorized at over $10M of sponsored
YouTube videos. NordVPN spent $11.9M in Q3, while Q2’s trio of Supernovas – Honey, Bang Energy,
and Express VPN – all descended to Macro status. The top 6 brands invested over $50M in
sponsored YouTube content alone. Across all tiers, the total brand spend of those investing over
$100K as a brand is $170.6M or 87% of the report’s total IMV.

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Top Spenders on YouTube

NordVPN Honey ExpressVPN Reese’s Bang Energy

Raycon Skillshare Manscaped Keeps Epic Games

Nord VPN 87 7 70,527,753

Honey 63 56 60,308,056

ExpressVPN 343 50 68,649,404

Reese’s 186 4 61,263,185
Bang Energy 195 21 37,133,628
Raycon 136 107 38,623,535
Skillshare 320 219 23,294,011

Manscaped 163 71 23,290,481

Keeps 111 76 22,599,669

Epic Games 73 43 21,020,391


The top 10 brand spending accounts reached nearly 6 billion – a 1.6 fold increase from Q2. This
reach comes from only 654 influencers across 1,677 videos. Furthermore, 7 out of 10 of the top
brands are repeat top spenders from the past quarter.

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Top Spenders on YouTube: Closer Look


From NordVPN to Epic Games, the spend ranges across $8.7M in estimated brand
spend between the #1 and #10 spots. Believe it or not, the top 10 spenders of Q3
amount for only 33% of the total estimated spend. These 10 brands achieve a total
spend of $65M on YouTube sponsored videos.

Each of the highest spending brands of Q3 come from the top 5 industries – Tech,
Gaming, Food & Drink, Fashion, and Beauty. Once again, our data confirms the highest
spending industries on YouTube also have the highest spending individual brands.

Brands cannot deny the strong impact of influencer marketing on YouTube. At a

collective 426.7M views across the top industries, sponsored videos show generous
returns for brands in a variety of industries.

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Ad Lengths for Top 5 Spenders
Ad Length
Total Ad Length (in seconds)

Average Ad Length
Average Ad Length (in seconds)

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 14

Brand Showcase
Call to Action

Integrated Videos

Call to Action

Campaign Type Content Type

Download or Install Limited Time Offer

Campaign Type

Best Performing Integrated Sponsored Video: NordVPN Q2 2020 Q3 2020

Views 1,163 18.38%


Comments 279 4.41%


Likes 2,944 46.52%


Reach 1,169 18.47%


Total IMV 542 8.56%


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Weekly Top Spenders
Amount Spent (Dollars)

Q3 Week

A new addition to this quarter’s report, NeoReach has included a weekly breakdown of
the highest spenders on YouTube. The quarter’s brand showcase – NordVPN – is the
top spender 5 out of 14 weeks. In total, the weekly top spenders invested $37.7M in
sponsored videos.

Bang Energy spent the most in the first week of July at $5.8M, then NordVPN came in
second with $5.7M later in the month. 79% of the weekly top spenders spent over $1M,
with 43% over $2M and 36% spending more than $4M.

542 8.56%

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Top Recognizable Influencers

MrBeast6000 Dude Perfect PewDiePie OneMeeelionDollars

MichaelReeves TheAceFamily ZHComicArt UnboxTherapy

MatthewPatrick13 Veritasium

Highlighting 10 of the most recognizable channels from sponsored videos on YouTube

this quarter, brands have opted to activate some of the platform’s best talent. Each
influencer is depicted with their most notable brand partnership as well.

Only one of the top 10 brand spenders made the list – Honey – but, the brand is
featured in 3/10 most notable influencer partnerships. The biggest name creators are
able to guarantee brands a huge return on investment for their influencer marketing

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Quarter Over Quarter Comparison
The side by side comparison of Q1, Q2, and Q3 shows the steady growth in IMV
throughout 2020. Although not nearly the 2x growth from Q1 to Q2, IMV grew by
$15M this quarter.

In a less obvious depiction, the increase in IMV of millions of dollars did not create
substantial growth in views when considering all industries together. Q3 experienced
a 12.7M increase in sponsored views, a less than 1% increase. However, we cannot
apply this aggregate lack of growth to the industry or brand level as you will see later
in the report.



Total Sponsored Views



© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 18

Quarter Over Quarter Comparison
Q3 saw a substantial growth in reach of 5.3B more than Q2, and 9.3B more than Q1.
Sponsoring 2,564 more YouTube videos than the previous quarter, a 4x jump from
the Q1-Q2 period, the $15M increase in IMV made a wider impact.

Reach and sponsored videos continue to display the growing success of influencer
marketing as a channel that drives high returns no matter the industry.

Total Reach


Total Videos


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Tech Industry

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Tech Industry Overview
Tech is the reigning champ in top industry spenders. With a reach over 6B on
YouTube, video sponsorships on the platform have continuously shown high returns
as a marketing channel. Leading brands in the Tech industry spent more than $68M
on influencer marketing in Q3. That makes up 35% of the total top industries’ spend.

The Tech industry sponsored 65% more videos in Q3 with an almost doubled IMV
than Gaming. With these superior stats above, Tech brands saw more than 2x the
views and engagement.

Metrics Q3 2020

Total Videos 2,366

Total IMV $68,617,127.54

Total Reach 6,036,957,790

Total Views 458,462,663

Total Likes 27,789,031

Total Comments 2,767,389

Like to Dislike Ratio 55.21

Avg. IMV $29,002.32

Avg. Reach 2551546

Avg. Views 193771

Avg. Comments 1170

Avg. Likes 11745

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Tech Campaign Breakdown
Taking a closer look at the campaign details of the Tech industry, sponsored
YouTube videos posted during Q3 were analyzed by campaign type, call to action,
and content type. With a clear winner in campaign type and content type, Branding
and Awareness and Integrated videos were most common across the Tech industry.
The main calls to action involve direct sales initiatives, favoring a link in bio or direct
purchase page to capitalize on the influencer content.

Campaign Type Calls to Action


Campaign Type Calls To Action

Content Type

Content Type

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 22

Top 5 Tech Spenders on YouTube

NordVPN Honey ExpressVPN Raycon SkillShare

Brand IMV Views

NordVPN $11,967,733.74 70,314,086

Honey $9,830,037.98 60,308,056

Amazon $9,456,993.32 68,649,404

Raycon $5,666,296.80 38,623,535

Skillshare $3,867,587.38 23,294,011


Spending over $40.8M, the Tech industry’s top 5 brand spenders continue to reinforce that sponsored
YouTube videos are an effective marketing channel. Their IMV makes up about 60% of the total
industry spend. With 261M views collectively, these top spending brands also account for 57% of the
total Tech industry views.

This grouping of brands – NordVPN, Honey, ExpressVPN, Raycon, and SkillShare – hold the majority
share of the technology industry’s investment in YouTube influencer marketing.

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Tech: Compare Q1, Q2 & Q3
Looking at the quarterly review of the entire 2020 year to date, the Tech industry
was able to increase both reach and sponsored videos than Q2 with less spend.
After a slow start in Q1 compared to the quarters to follow, Tech upped its
investment in a lucrative marketing channel.

Total IMV Views Total Sponsored Views


Quarter Quarter

Total Reach Total Videos


Quarter Quarter

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 24

Top Tech Spender Spotlight

NordVPN was the highest Tech spender as well

as the highest spender on YouTube in all of Q3.
NordVPN sponsored 87 videos and was able to
accumulate 5.7M likes, reach 2.2B, and 70M
views. All that with nearly $12M spent on
influencer marketing – 17% of the industry total.

87 2.2B 5.7M
Videos Reach Likes

Metrics Q3 2020
Total Videos 87
Total IMV $11,967,733.74
Total Reach 2,194,318,000
Total Views 70,527,753
Total Likes 5,680,424
Avg. IMV $137,560.16
Avg. Views 810,664


© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 25

Highest Grossing Tech Video

105M $3.7M
$1M 27M
5M 1.4M
Reach IMV Impressions Likes

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Top Influencers: Tech Industry

MrBeast6000 Dude Perfect

40.4M Subscribers 53M Subscribers

The Tech industry activated 952

unique influencers for its YouTube
campaigns in Q3. MrBeast6000,
Dude Perfect, and PewDiePie are the
top channels on this roster. With a
combined reach of 198.4M, it’s
amazing that these mega influencers
are only 3.3% of the Tech industry’s
reach for the quarter.
105M Subscribers

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 27

Other Standout Tech Campaigns

Honey Raycon

4.8M $835K 3.4M 524K 14.2M $789K 4.7M 321K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes Reach IMV Impressions Likes


17M $735K 6.9M 157K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 28

Gaming Industry

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Gaming Industry Overview
Gaming falls into Q3’s second highest industry spender spot. Achieving a reach of
2.8B, Gaming makes up 18% of the total Q3 reach. This industry invested $32.7M
during Q3, 30% more than the number three spot of Food & Drink. At this level of
investment, Gaming received 13.9M engagements.

Consistently ranking among the top 3 industry spenders, Gaming is maintaining a

strong foothold in influencer marketing through sponsored YouTube videos. A three
for three streak in 2020 paints a favorable picture for Gaming brands looking for
effective marketing channels.

Metrics Q3 2020

Total Videos 1,431

Total IMV $32,709,032.08

Total Reach 2,824,876,830

Total Views 228,222,901

Total Likes 12,697,831

Total Comments 1,168,914

Like to Dislike Ratio 54.27

Avg. IMV $22,857.47

Avg. Reach 1,974,058

Avg. Views 159485

Avg. Comments 817

Avg. Likes 8873

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 30

Gaming Campaign Breakdown

Mimicking the campaign type favorites of Q2, Gaming utilized mainly Branding and
Awareness and Download or Install as campaign goals. The industry’s calls to action
also primarily fell into the two categories driving direct sales.

Of the 1,431 sponsored videos, Gaming incorporated a variety of content types, using
some of each kind from Dedicated to End Card.

Campaign Type Calls to Action


Campaign Type Calls To Action

Content Type

Content Type

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 31

Top 5 Gaming Spenders on YouTube

Epic Games Arkade Ubisoft Activision Raid Shadow


Brand IMV Total Views

Epic Games $8,379,776.32

$3,224,025.78 76,400,204

Raid Shadow Legends $2,745,799.68
$3,072,295.84 7,546,283

Monster Legends $3,569,234.52
$2,411,722.98 24,438,644

Just Die Already $1,601,063.48
$1,625,451.42 6,183,827
Raid Shadow Legends
Com2us $1,090,686.04
$1,198,265.14 3,315,840


Battling Twitch, Facebook Gaming, and other rising streaming platforms created to target gamers,
YouTube retains its crown as the most effective channel for influencer marketing sponsored content in
the Gaming industry.

The top 5 Gaming brand spenders on YouTube made a collective investment of $12.7M. That accounts
for 39% of the total industry spend with 30% coming from the top three spenders – Epic Games,
Arkade, Ubisoft.

With the NeoReach Social Intelligence API, Gaming brands can dominate the industry by determining
where their best investment is for influencer marketing to get the highest reward.

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Gaming: Compare Q1, Q2 & Q3
In Q3, Gaming nearly matched its industry investment in sponsored YouTube videos
in Q2. With an almost identical influencer marketing spend, Gaming was able to
reach 664M more with an additional 388 videos.

Total sponsored views, however, decreased by 5.7% this quarter. Despite the lower
view count, the 478 influencers activated by Gaming in Q3 amassed 1.4M more
engagements than Q2.

Total IMV Views Total Sponsored Views


Quarter Quarter

Total Reach Total Videos


Quarter Quarter

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 33

Top Gaming Spender Spotlight

Epic Games continues to be the highest

Gaming spender of 2020. Q3 the brand took a
smaller share of the total industry spend with a
$3.2M spend, down from $8.4M in Q2. The
brand composes 9.9% of the industry spend,
which is less than half the industry share Epic
Games held last quarter at 26%. 73 sponsored
videos makes up only 62% of the number of
videos as last quarter.

73 19M 1.3M
Videos Reach Likes

Metrics Q3 2020
Total Videos 73
Total Reach 19,298,880
Total Views 21,020,391
Total Likes 1,323,492
IMV $3,224,025.78
Avg. IMV $44,164.74
Avg. Views 287,951


© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 34

Highest Grossing Gaming Video

53M $1.2M
$1.9M 9.8M
16.9M 323K
Reach IMV Impressions Likes

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Top Influencers: Gaming Industry

PewDiePie Dude Perfect

105M Subscribers 953M Subscribers

Appearing on the top influencer

list for both Gaming and Tech,
PewDiePie and Dude Perfect are
cross-functional, high performing
channels. Together with
WebzWithAz, these three
influencers have a combined
reach of 161M. With a mega
reach like this, the top Gaming
WebzWithAz influencers only make up 5.7% of
the total industry reach.
3.7M Subscribers

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 36

Other Standout Gaming Campaigns

Activision Arkade

53M $1.6M 11.4M 612K 105M $1.1M 6.4M

702K 555K
Reach IMV Impressions Likes Reach IMV Impressions Likes

Lilith Games

3.7M $509K 3.9M 178K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes

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Food & Drink Industry

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 38

Food & Drink Industry Overview
From energy drinks to candy to home cooking, Food & Drink brands spent a total of
$25M on YouTube sponsored videos. The industry racked up 10.4M engagements
during Q3 from less than 1,000 videos with 177M views. The Food & Drink industry’s
sponsorships were able to achieve a reach of 2.3B.

Metrics Q3 2020

Total Videos 968

Total IMV $25,067,397.98

Total Reach 2,260,333,200

Total Views 1177909881

Total Likes 9468118

Total Comments 910993

Like to Dislike Ratio 46.80

Avg. IMV $25,896.07

Avg. Reach 2335055

Avg. Views 183791

Avg. Comments 941

Avg. Likes 9781

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Food & Drink Campaign Breakdown
Following the trend of the previous quarter, Food & Drink almost exclusively ran
YouTube influencer campaigns with the goals of spreading brand awareness and
promoting a special offer. Calls to action followed a similar pattern with all of hte
videos falling into direct purchase channels.

Content type, on the other hand, saw a clear leader with integrated videos, but other
content types also had some representation in Q3.

Campaign Type Calls to Action

Food & Drink

Food & Drink

Campaign Type Calls To Action

Content Type
Food & Drink

Content Type

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 40

Top 5 Food & Drink Spenders on

Reese’s Bang Energy Hello Fresh G Fuel Bright Cellars

Brand IMV Total Views

Bang Energy $14,343,462.38
$7,793,487 98,594,911

Bang Energy
Reese’s $3,793,453.10
$5,603,215 34,197,039

G FuelFresh
Hello $1,603,000
$2,243,860.40 10,282,558
G Fuel Market
Thrive $749,548
$765,935.54 5,742,863
Bright Cellars
Postmates $597.668.86
$588,137 4,050,893


The top 5 brand spenders in the Food & Drink industry cover a range of products. Their accumulated
YouTube sponsored video spend was $16.3M, 65.2% of the total industry spend. Q3 saw three repeat
high spenders – Bang Energy, Reese’s, and G Fuel – and a couple of new top brands. These top
brands amassed 115M views from 554 videos, which is 65% of the industry’s total views.

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 41

Food & Drink: Compare Q1, Q2 & Q3
Sponsoring 410 more videos in Q3 than the previous quarter, Food & Drink was able
to spread $561K lower investment across more videos. The industry also saw a 12%
increase in reach. Total sponsored views grew by nearly 2M for Q3.

Other than the number of sponsored videos, Food & Drink did not experience the
same growth in Q3 as the industry had from Q1 to Q2.

Total IMV Views Total Sponsored Views


Quarter Quarter

Total Reach Total Videos


Quarter Quarter

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 42

Top Food & Drink Spender Spotlight

Reese’s overtakes two-time champ Bang

Energy as the highest spender in Food & Drink
for Q3. The brand spent $7.8M on YouTube
sponsored videos, $2.2M or 40% more than
Bang Energy. Although, Reese’s doesn’t hold
the majority share with only 30% of the total
industry spend as Bang Energy has in the past.

186 304B 2.5M

Videos Reach Likes

Metrics Q3 2020
Total Videos 186
Total IMV $7,793,487
Total Reach 304,063,000
Total Views 61,263,185
Likes 2,549,714
Avg. IMV $41,900
Avg. Views 329,372


© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 43

Highest Grossing Food & Drink Video

3.9M 468K
$1.8M 6.3M
2.9M 840K
Reach IMV Impressions Likes

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 44

Top Influencers: Food & Drink Industry

ActualDannyGonzalez CorrirdorDigital
3.9M Subscribers 8.1M Subscribers

Taking the top 3 Food & Drink

influencers from Q3 sponsored
YouTube videos, the industry’s best
creators total more than 24.5M
subscribers between them. 134
brands in Food & Drink activated
316 unique influencers, an
increase in brands and influencers
who participated in Q3
ColeLabrant1 sponsorships.

12.5M Subscribers

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 45

Other Standout Food & Drink Campaigns

Hello Fresh Black Rifle’s

3.9M $468K 2.9M 190K 8.1M $356K 2M 185K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes Reach IMV Impressions Likes


12.5M $351K 3.1M 101K

Reach IMV Impressions Likes

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 46

Get in Touch!

Ready to launch your most lucrative marketing campaign ever? Are you prepared to
go viral with your biggest powerhouse influencers on YouTube. NeoReach has the
software and data capabilities for your brand to tap into the most strategic influencer
initiatives. Discover how the NeoReach Social Intelligence tool can help your brand
reap the benefits of influencer marketing.

To learn more, email us at to schedule time with our influencer

specialists for out-of-the-box influencer campaigns, custom reports, and more!

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 47

Our Influencer Specialists
Meet the people behind the scenes

Steph Payas Gabrielle Sinacola

VP of Operations Head of Content & Social

Thank You!

© 2020 NEOREACH 2020 Q3 Consumer Spending on YouTube | 48

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