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(2) zadanie 3. (4 pkt) _Zapozna| si 2 treteg zadani, Postucha|praapleuna saath warzyanazupotn uk wteksei (23.~2.4) 2godnle 2 nagraniom. 28 kaade poprawne rozwiqzanie olzymas2 1 punk. (2) zadanie 1. (3px) ‘Zapoena si = treelgzadena (1. 1.2.)-Poslueha tekstu na temat pogody w Posce | wybirzwlatciwe Zakonezonia za, zakredae erg A,B lub C. 28 kside poprawne ozwiqzanie otzymas2 1 punk INGREDIENTS: 1.1. “The text is about: +smex) (OF BACON AA the code prof Poland 2 eta +2) GRAMS OF VEGETABLES Citrine south din the nor aa Ce 1.2, Winters in Poland ae oul ole inthe mountains + SOME CHEESE AND ONE (3.4.) o BE father he same inal prt of the country CG avmever mid (CREAMY MAYONNAISE 1.3, The temperature in summer in Poland i + SALT, PEPPER, SUGAR ‘AL higher the south BL always high C. _usualysimilarin all pas of the country (5) zadanie 4. (4 pkt) eee No, I'm sorry I don't. Pea ome natn Tes nto gd Sha open he window? Oteouneyn can [aa [oa [oa [aa] rooee Zadanie 5. (4 pkt) Zapozna} sig: wesc zadania. Dopasu) odpowiedal (AE) do py ( Jedna odpowied? nie [asvje do 2adnego pytania Za kate poprawne rozwiazanle Ozymasz 1 punk. 5.1, How much does it cost? 5.2. Whereis the nearest bus stop? 153, What is your favourite type of film? SSA. Where does your mum work? 1 don’t have one. Inthe bank Really nice but expensive. Round the coener, near the bank Too mech ponee 2: whpowiee [22: Wrowint | 33.wrowiet| 51. | 52.| 53] 54. Zadanie 6. (4 pkt) Zapozne sie resigzadania, Wyberz do sytuac (6.1 ~6.) wasciwe reakce,zakreéialc erg A, Bub (2a kai poprawne roxwigzanie olrzymasz* punk. 6.1. Zapytaj o droge do najbliészego supermarketu. AA. Excuse me. Whereis the nearest supermarket? BB, Excuse me. What time does the supermarket open? C___Excuse me, What supermarker is it? 6.2. Poréwnaj wyglad dwéch koletanek. A. _ Julia and Ania play the piano, B, Julia and Ania are fiends . Julia is tller chan Ania 3. Powiedz, co sudais2 o nowe) sukience twoje) kolezanks A. Kasi, Hove your new skirt. BL Kasia, where did you buy your new dress? CC. Kasia, what a lovely dress I really like it. 6A, Popros kolege, aby zadzwonit do ciebie wieezorem. ‘A. Call mein the evening, pease BI an’tcall you, My phone is broken. ©. Can Tuse your phone? Zadanie 7. (4 pkt) Zavcona| sig rosea radenia.Uzupen e-mail wpiugew uk (71.7.4) brakugce wyrany. Uy] wyrazéw ‘ram w odpowiednie| formic, 28 kadde poprawne rozwiqzanieorzymasz 1 punk. Ca) Bg Te rendal23@gma-com sje nos Prxae cueea Brenda, Ym sory that Laven’ (71.) to you for sucha long ime, but I've been really ‘busy recently Besides, ve had some problems at school. There (7.2.) ‘parents necting at schoo last week and, you know, my mum was really angry when she saw my marks ‘Anyway, lke to know ifyou are stil interested in 7.3.) ‘on a winter camp with ‘ne and my fiends, Ie would be grat if you (7.4.) 0. Ineed to know quite son, [bocause we've got to book the tekets. They willbe cheaper if we do it now. 1'm looking forward to hearing from you Donna i Zadanie 8. (8 pkt) Prayizyi sie fotografi. Odpowieds po angilsku na pyteia (8.1.~ 8.2) Ue odpowieds elnym zdaniam 7 katda poprawna odpowied?otzymasz 2 punky. 8.1, What isthe woman in the picture doing? 8.2. How do you usually spend your summer holidays? Zadanie 9. (1 pkt) Preeczya tke zapozna si ztretlgzadani, Ul zdania (AE) w taki Kolenodcl,sby powstatlogiczny ‘epojny tekst. Wybierz wlasiw odpowied# A, 8 ub C|wpisz jaw eznaczone miojsce (2.1.28 poprawne rozwiazaneotrzymasz 1 punk A BDGEA BODAGER © BDACE oa. Zadanie 10. (5 pkt) Przecyta tekst |dopasu nagldwkl (AF) do odpowiednichfregmentow tekst (10.1 ~ 105). Jeden naght- wok zstal podany dodatkowo | ne pasule do adnego fragment okstu, Za kazde poprawne rozwizano ‘otrymasz 1 punk to. ‘Aleksander Kowalski wasbornon the 13thof May, 1970, inKrakén. Hismother died a his birth and he was brought upy his father and grandmother. It ‘nasa had time for alte boy to, When eva sears oleate school. Unfortunately, Aleksander conde nary rene there Hews oly btaligetshoaboy wa tot fracas Nlodetady, ing ew things reading bat, 103. tinge a secondary schon over ‘acest Alanna opr iltsoh Compettions and wens ner of pres. He was really good at Science and everybody vascatan at he won otal adc, a Phyl or Chania ere, When psd Mena entrance ‘eramination, alls relatives and schoolmates were shocked He did't choose science o medial studies HechooeEnlh erature. Nobody ‘enpectedit. But young Aleksander was proud and relly apy. 0s. ‘tere years, he graduated rm ivr with 2 topclass degree ad decided taj. He ‘started working ina jlo igh colina call ‘town near Krakow and he’s been working there ever since, ambis stdent now andes my favourite teacher. ‘have never hada better English teacherinmy whole We, ‘An English teacher Hard childhood A surprising decision The bes time ever Avery clever pupil ‘Awinning time mrooee Zadanie 11. (6 pkt) Presezya ist do redakctzaznace znaklem X w tabell te 2danie 11.1.~ 11.6) jestzgodnez ego trescig (TRUE), akore ni (FALSE). Za kat poprawne rozwiqzaieotrymasz 1 punk ‘whe do they think tan do tha? Aer resting my fends tam so ted 1 oly 1 have go 3 many problems a ome that teat cope with them by sysell pay computer games or watch TV, Or Tam bay ding the hosework becuse “And my st problem i Mie think anymore, Lape you rather eles il beable wo beip me “The ft and the gest problem ie nym she nee tse do he sings he doesnt oveme anymore He's the best hat twa to do, fam not allowed 0 sent nthe as and he eer hase to mect ein the afertoons. He goes 0 Engst ses, he plays baseball inthe ol clu, or vse is pandmaer to 0 10 alight pares and 1 mast be Ine whenever gout HF § mines lag, my mam sys that Ihave eo do all the hwework or my brother and ser, ap er. He as 0 me for me, Should ape ap wh in ‘Sly ep, plea, and ell me what snot ie at mee my ends a he evenings he Lean stan “Aner ing thet ny teachers ont | det do my homework Beas ont ave times they ae abayeamey with se. An ont std or te tests, he, {shold do aoe hi eile suaon katy TRUE FALSE [ a1. | Kathy's mother is very strict. 11.2, | Only Kathy does the housework at home. | 11.3 | Kathy doesnt get good mark a school 11.4, | Kathy is tired aftr paying computer games. | 11.5. | Kathy meets Mike in the afternoons. | 11.6. | Mike isa very hardworking and busy student | Zadanie 12. (4 pit) sony toe Przeceyia|ponownie ist do reac 2 zadania 1. | odpowiedz po polsku na pytania (12.1. 1 = pytah. Napaz w tym punkce: brak odpowiedz. Za kadda poprowna ro zewiera dpowodsi na ‘odpowied®otrzymasz1 punk. 12.1, Czego mama ne pozwalarobié Kathy? 12.2, Dlaczego Kathy nie odrabia pracy domowe)? 12.3 Jaka jst wlubiona gra komputerowa Kathy? 12.4, Co zazwyeza)robi Mike po poludniu? Zadanie 13. (4pkt) Preyry| si lostracion | prascaya teksty w aymkach, 2 nastgpnie dopasu) oopowedz! (AF) do stuach (31-134), Dwie odpowleds rostly podane dodathowo | nie pasula do 2adne| suse. Za kazde po prawn rozwiqzaneotrymasz 1 punk Yes, please 1B. We lost the smateh 5-0. Sony, Ive no idea, 133. Fave a good weekend Many happy returns. Same 10 You Congratulations! (Ob, hard luck? ‘May I take yous coat? Excuse me, do you know what time itis? mmpORe ARKUSZ II Zadanie 1. (3 pki) epoena si treéca zadania.Posucha| ech wypowledl | 2sznacz 2naklem Xw tbl do ioe] wypo- weds odnosza ig zdania (11.~ 1:3) Za ka2de popranme rozwiazane orzymasz 1 punk, wypowiedé 1 1.3. | She’s clever and beavtifel | | A B Sas | wypowied 2 | wypowieds 3 1.1. | she'sa very busy person 12, | He's selfish. G\ zadanie 2. (2 pk’) Zapoznoj sig escig zadania Postuchs zech wypowed\ | Gopasu] do nich wlasciwefotogralesposréd tmottwose! (A). Jedna fotografia nie pasue do adhe} wypowieda. Za kad poprawne rozwiqzanie ‘reymae2 1 punt 2.2. Wypowiedé 2 | 2.3, Wypowied? 3 } 2.1. Wypowied# 1 l Zadanie 3. (4 pkt) _Zapoena ae vedcqzadana, Pouch wypowiede! ézlewezyny, re) dzadek dorasal po wojnleuzupel- rit! w zdaiach (2.1.~3.4) zgodnie x nagraniom. 28 katde popraune rorwiqzanio trzymasz 1 punk. 23.1, The speaker talks about hee 's childhood 3.2. Her grandfather had brothers 33. Lite was very and sad then, 14. Acthat time children dide' goto They went 10 work instead Zadanie 4. (4 pk!) apoznal sip troseia zadania, Postuca|cterech krtich wypowieda (4.1.~ 44) | wpisz do tabel Kore ‘edpowiedsi (AE) do neh pac. Jedna odpowied nie pasue do 2adno] wypowiedl. Za kaze poprawne rezwiazaniecrzymasz 1 punk 1m sorry. Iwas very tired when Iwas doing ic I promise, i won’. No, not yet Have fun! Pone> 4a. | 42. 43. Zadanie 5. (4 pkt) Zapoznal si = trescig eadania, par odpowieds (A -) do pyteh (6.1.~ 5.4). Jada ocpowiod? nie pasuje do adnego pytana. Za kate poprawne razwiqzane otrzymasz 1 punk 5.1, Have you been there? 5.2. Whois your bestfriend? 5.3. How long have you boen here? 54. When did the film star? For 15 minutes, Kasia Tomaszewsta. No, havent. Sometimes Ihave 15 minutes ago. PooSe 31. [52.[ 53. [5a apcena 2 reelgzadona, bier do sytuael(6.1.~6.4) wade reakcje,zakre (2a kaide poprawne ronwiqzane traymasz' punk 6.1. Powieds konduktorowi w pociagu do Londynu, ie zgubites bit. AL Thave got lose, B.Thave lost my ticket Cee my ticker at home 6.2. Zapyta, ile Kosztuja pocztéwki ‘A. How much cost the postcards? B. How many posteards are there? ©. How much are the postcards? 6.3, Powieds koledance, co robileé/robilaé w poprzednie wakacje. A. Tstayed at home and watched TV all day ong. B. Tyas swimming n the lake and climbing the mouncains. GC. Iyvas skiing and skating with my best fiend all weekend, 64. Zaproponuj kole#ance wyjscie na basen w sobote. ‘A. _ Shall we goto the swimming poo! on Saturday? B. Gowith me tothe swimming on Sunday . Do you like swimming at the weekend? Zadanle 7. (4 pk!) “Zapozna| sige reselg 2adania. Uzupetn uk (71.~7.4) w dalogu zdaniam (A~€), Jednozdaniezostalo pode dedatkowo | ne pase do dalogu. 2a kxdde poprawne rozwiqzanie otrzymasz 1 punk. A: Hello, is this 555 567 678? way ‘Good morning, this is Sally Bele speaking. May I speak to il please? Fm aftaid she's not at home now. Ca leave her a message? 72) Will you tell her that I won't be able to meet her tonight? 73) Thank you very much. Goodbye! ca) Yes, ofcourse. Yes, could Yes, itis Yes, will You're welcome. Bye. POOR EEEEERERE Zadanie 8. (4 pkt) Prayiyi sie fotografi, Odpowieds po angitsknapytanla 81.8.2), Use! ocpowleds pelnymzdaniamt 2a aa poprawna odpowied?otrzymasz2 punky 8.1, What isthe woman in the piture doing? 8.2. Do you often do the housework? What do you do? (1px Preeceyta tekst | zapoznl sez esc zadenia U6 2dania (AE) take holenotc, by powsta fogiczmy Tapoiny tekst. Wybiere wlscina odpowied! A, Bub Ct wpiz jaw oznaczone miejce (1). Za poprewne rzwiqzane otrzymasz 1 punk A. Adit salt, pepper and some hierbs B, Cook them for about 20 minutes stirring from time to time, CC. -irst Boil one ftre of Broth and ad some pieces of tomatoes. Finally, adit some cream and serve fot BE. Jlow to make a good tomato soup! 9 pee poe neo A D> Zadanie 10. (4 pkt) Preece tokat ober do pyah (101-104) takl fragment teksts (AE), wktryn Jest na nie odpowied. sled fragment nie pasuje do adnego pyana, Za kadde poprawne rozwizanieorzymasz punk. ‘A. Kilburn Youth Centre is organizing a photo contest for amateur and professional photographers. Ifyou are interested in photography and are good ti, send usa few of your best photos. 1B. The subject ofthe contest is the house. You can send us photos taken outside or inside che house, including photos of furniture and other household items. ©The winner will receive the latest Canon model - Canon EOS camera Also the best pictures ‘willbe published in che May issue of Ow Lovely Howse. “The results of he contest will be announced on January 15th Ifyou have any questions, contact the manager of our photo section on 660 661 660. 10.1. What can you win? 10.2, What is the subjec of the contest? 10,3. Who can you ell for more information? 10.4, Whois the contest fr? Zadanie 14. (4 pkt) Preeczyajokst i zaznacz znakiem Xw abel tre zdane(11.1.~ 1.4) jest2godne 2 ogo treécia (TRUE), ‘kore ni (FALSE). Za kate poprawne rozwigzanieotrzymasz 1 punk TMesaye recs setin hy Cl ‘My Friend by Alison Hardy, the psychologist from Vienna University. ‘Are you a good parent to your child? When was the last time you spent a happy afternoon with your laughter? How often do you talk to your children about their problems at school? ‘you have any questions about your relationship with your children, itis time to read this fascinating bestseller. My Child Is My Friend the latest publication, by Red Arrows Publishing House aims to help parents ‘make their family life happier. [true | FALSE | 11. | Alison Hardy works in Austria, 11.2. | The book isnot very popula. ‘My Chil Is My Fiend is an old book ‘This book is for parents and children, Zadanie 12. (6 pk!) Praveaja otal zapozna) sez redeigzadana(12.1.~ 126). Wybierz wlatelwq edpowiod, zakretisiac erg, B lub €. Za kaze poprawne rozwigzane otrzymasz 1 punk 12.1. Who asked Patricia to doa project? ‘A Her fiend, Pa. BL Herteacher, Herman, logy 12.2. Why can’t Rosie take her mobile phone with her? A. Because it's broken, B. Because the battery is Mat C._Because she gave ico Pat 12.3. Where did Ben's mum go? A. Tohave something to eat, B. Towork ©. To buy some pizza 12.4. When is Ben’s mum going to be back? A. Lateat right B. Around 7 pm. © Intheevening. 12.5. What message did Mrs Potter leave for John’s mum? ‘A. Mrs Potter wants to meet John's ‘um in the afternoon, [BL Mrs Potter is busy tomorrow morning. © Mrs Potter can't meet John’s mam in the afternoon, 12.6, Why is Mrs Potter busy in the afternoon? ‘AL Because she has to stay at work bit longer BB, Because she has another meeting, 1. Because she has to make an important phone cll 8 eres EN erased omer ae ie the wowing os roneing. By See you a Zadanie 13. (5 pkt) Pravczytaj hasta reklemowe (1.1 ~ 13.5) | zdecydu, okie produkty one reklamula, wpisuite prey nich dpowiednia iere (AF). Jeden produkt nle pasui do 2adnege nasa. Za katde poprawne rozwigzanie ctzymasz 1 punk ALWAYS ON TIME! 132, 133. SHI 136. Juice Watches Shampoo Shoes Airlines ‘Washing powder mmone> Zadanie 1. (2 pki) Zapozn) si treiciq zadania,Postucha|rzech wypowieda | zaznac znaklom X tab doko] wypo- wieds\odnoeza aig zdania (1.1.~1.2). 2a ade poprawne rozwgzanie clreymaezt punk B © wypowieds 2 | wypowieds 3 LA. | This CD is not erginal This CD contains muse from concert hall. 12. 13. | This CDis horrible tT (9) Zadanie 2. (8 pk) Zapozns sie 2 tresca zadaia. Postuchal audye} na tematznanego sportowes | zaznscz wlasiwe odpo- ied, zakrosee liter A 8 lb C. Za kate poprawme rozwiqzane otrzymesz 1 punk. 2A. Kobe Bryant isa 4) S@ 4 1 ‘ CO 2.2. Kobe lived in 2.3. Asa child Kobe wanted to became a ZS) (2 zadanie 3. (4 pkty Zepozns sig ztekci zadana. Postucho|opisu rower | uzupetni luk w oloszenis ( zgodnle _Enagraniem. 2a kadde poprawne rorwigzanie otrzymasz 1 punk. (a) zadanie 4. (4 pkt) Zaposna| sig tedciq zadania, Postuchalcztrech rekich wypowiedsl ( | wpisz do taba, Kore 2 odpowieda! (AE) do nich pabua. Jena odpowieds nie pase do ade] wypowiedz Za kadde poprawne rozwigzanleotzymasz 1 punkt. ‘A. You must report it tothe police You should go tothe dents. Don't worry, I wil tell her. Thank you. Have a nice holiday. a © D. E fe 42. [43 Zadianie 5. (4 pkt) Zapozna| sig 2 trescig zadania. Dopasu) odpowiedz (A - ) do pytah (6.1. ~ 5.4), Jedna odpowied? ne sue do 2adnego pytanla Za kaide poprawne rozwiqzane otrzymasz 1 punk. 5.1. Who's calling, please? 5.2. Can Ihave a ticket to Brighton, please? 5.3. Would you like to dance? 5.4, Could you pass me the salt, please? Single or recurn? W's Tom, Yes, of course. Here you are 1 bring it for you. Yes, Fd love to! PoOR> [sa.[s2.[s3.[ 5a. Zadanie 6. (4 pkt) Zapoansi se = tesciazadania, Wybierz do yung (6:1.~ 6.4) wlagclwereakce,zakresiaie org A,B ub . 2a kaise poprawne rozwigzanie otrzymas2 1 punk. 6.1. Jestes zmeczony/2meczona i nie motesz is z koledanka do kina. W jaki spos6b ‘grzecznie odmowisz? ‘A. I'm tired, go with somebody else, B. I'm sorry but lam too tired to go anywhere CF gowith you iam tired 6.2. Powieds grzecznie kelnerowi w restauracji, 2e ewoja zupa jest za zimna. A. My soup isn't t00 cold. B. Mydinner is very warm, C___My soup isn't hot enough, I'm afraid 6.3. _Zapytaj kolege 2 kursu jezyka angielskiego, co robi dss po lekejach, ‘A. What do you do aftr school? B. Where are you going to spend your fre time? C. What are you doing after schoo! today? 6.4. Przepros wspéllokatora z pokoju w internacie, 4 nie pospr2qtales/posprzatalas rano. A. I'm sorry, wll clean it now. B. Excuse me, can you clean it now? (C.__Somty I didn’t clean the room before I went to school Zadanie 7. (4 pkt) Zapoansj se rete zadonia. Uzupeti ist, wpisuge w luk (71.~ 7.4) beakujgce wyrany Uy wyrazow {rami w odpowiedne| formic. Za katde poprawne razwiqzanie otrzymasz 1 punk write know say come Zadanie 8. (4 pkt) Pray] se fotograti. Odpowiedz po angielskunapytaia (8.1, - 8.2). Udzeledpowie!polnymi zdaniami Za kanda poprawna odpowieds otrzymase 2 punky 8.1, What are the people inthe picture doing? 8.2. How do you usually spend your winter holidays? Zadanie 9. (3 pkt) Praeceyt|ogloszeni | zdecydu zjakiego powodu je napisano. Dopasu)intencj autoréw (AD) do treéel ‘loszen (, Jednazintenei ne pasue do 2adnego oploszenia. Za katde poprawne rozwigzanio ‘otrzymase 1 punt eon JY HAY MY AOURITE UNBRELA. 7 AS ‘PSN a0 AY ORIN 1 HIN LT Irn TH comD08 ON THE SCO 008 NEAR THETA. BILE OOH TA ABE ED UML TH A NOODEX HANDLE OVE FOUND PEASE COAT ACE MATSON ROM cuss 20 9a. For salet ‘Abeautiful, big, old house inthe city centre: 5 bedrooms, two living rooms, a huge kitchen, two bathrooms with separate twilets,a double garage and a large garden. For more information call Mandy Claire, 555 654 655. 92. ‘We would like to invite you to Pe rere We have prepared a lot of Poet k dd invited a magician. Free snacks are AL Syczenia 1B zaproszenie C.prosba D. oferta Zadanie 10. (5 pkt) Preeczta teks, zKoregousunigto pie fragmentow zd, Uzupetn ul (10.1. 10.5) w ekécie odpowied: rim ragmentami (AF) tak, aby by spony |logizny-Joden fragment zdania zsta podany dodatkowo {nie pasuje do acne uk 2a kage poprawne rozwigzanootrzymasz 1 punk. Ihappening a school But even if they do, 102.) ‘There are two basic reasons ‘why pupils are bullied. 20.3.) Anotherressonisthee social status, that i, whether they ate rch or poor. There are leo other reasons, for instance, and paychologically stronger Bullies call out names and are ominant, they often physically attack weaker students. They it or punch them, Pupils can also be attacked paycheogially They may receive ‘unpleasant phone calls. Bullying Bullying is a situation when ‘one person, 10.1.) is treated in avery unpleasant unfair even violent way. Every «ay lots of teenagersareafaid to 00 achool because they know that they willbe bullied again Quite afte, parents and even teachers don't know what is (a0.4) Both boys and girls can be bullies. you don't know what todo they bave no idea what co do about it taswally weaker and younger, prop e> Zadanie 11. (6 pk!) theirsace or their religion. there are more b boys because they ae physlly If you are bullied, (10.8.) "Dae will ty to help you and Gnd a way to solve the problem, However, fs among First ofall, it happens because ofthe way they look you must tll your parents or teachers about i. Preeczyia| tekst na temat tego, ok odrabiae zadania domowe | zaznacz znakiom X w tabll, Kore zane (144. 11.5) Jest agodne 2 jogo trig (TRUE), a Kore nie (FALSE), Za kazde poprawn ‘zymasz 1 punk ‘You have 10 do your ‘homework, but you don't know how to ‘organize your work. Here are some tips tohelp you. Create a homework plan. Write down what you have todo and when. Start with the ‘most important things. Find a suitable place. Ifyou start doing your homework inthe kitchen where your mum is cooking or inthe living room where your dad is watching the news on TY, you ‘will not beable o concentrate. What's more, rozwigzanio doing your homework wil take you more time than usual t's beter to find a quiet place were nobody can inteerupt you. ‘When you have started doing your homework, do dhe mos difficult tasks first When you are ful of energy. When you get tired, you ean do the simpler task. there is something very hard and you have no idea how to-do it, don’t worry, just ask an adult for help or call one of your friends ‘Take a break. I's avery god idea to stop working from time to time, especially if you cannot concentrate any more. Be careful, though, Ifyou decide to take, for example, 15 minute break, don’t make it longer. [TRUE | FALSE) 112, | You should write a plan of your work 112, | Make a ist of things to do. | 11. | The kitchen isa good place lam. 114, | You should do the easiest tasks fist, 115. | You should do your homework without any help 116. | You shouldn't work al day without breaks. Zadanie 12. (1 pk) Prasezylajtagment emia zapozna sez tredeigzadanla. U6: zdania (AE) w take Koejnodc, aby jowstal ogieeny | spiny tekat. Wybierz wlascwa odpowiods A,B lub Cl wplz ja w oznsczone mises (42:4).2a poprawne rozwiazanootrzymasz 1 punk. arueee Dear Anne Marie, You asked me what my day looks like. ‘Well, Fm very busy! A. Igetto school at about 8:15 and I start lessons a 8:30. 1B. Leave my house at 7:30 and Igo to school by bus. C._Itakea shower, ge dressed and have breakfast. D. _Lusually getup early on weekdays because I need alt of time to get ready. E, _Ietakes me about 40 minutes to get to shoo. Ofcourse, this is only the beginning Com] pee =o9 Pee one a>e 1a. rascal x plaka (13. - 125), decyl jo gatnok th . tuk fnoy one eam wl pray ich edpowleni tere (A=) Jeden gain mane pede do 2achege oe je do tadego pleas Ze pope rozwigzanie otrzymasz 1 punkt. me seven mmpoe> 13. 132. 135. cartoon Horror movie Historical movie Western Action movie Comedy toch Zadanie 3. (4 pkt) Zapoznaj sip z trescig zadanla.Postuce)dilogu | uzupenbrakujace informacie (2.1. 24) zo0dne _2graniem Za katde poprawne rrwigzani or=ymatz 1 punks Ga) Zadanie 1. (9 pkt) spines onsen Zapouna sig teseiaZadani (11.~1.2).Postuch) audycl ozwierzeach | wybirz sees vakresilae tere A,B ub C. Za katde poprawne rzwiqzanie orzymasz 1 punk BURGLARY REPORT 1.1. Giraffes nooness: (ay) Képp Avenue fr Then the won and doses nescamnon: Ho's @2) and tate. .areheay. His hair is sy Na ca he weep ts 60 pour cl cinta: He's wearing @.4) clothes. BL arethe biggest animals omer: 20-25 years of age ate very clever 13, Tigers A AL liveonly inindia 6) zadanie 4. (apkt) B. _canatack old people Zaposna| sg reselgzadani,Postuca| extrac krikich wypowiedi(8..~ 4.4) wpe do abel kore C._ are the largest cas 2odpowids (4-6) dich pas. Jedna oopowied ne pasue do 2ane wypowiedz Za kadde poprawne rozwigzanl orzymas 1 punk ae eee dopseu do nich wagoive fotografie Zapoury 22 reéigzadana,Poslchs|treech opsbe przedmiotow | dopest) carted retical {AD} dednefotograta nie pes do anego opt. Za kaide poprawneronwitzanie 41. [42 [43. [44 ‘That’ £16, please OK, see you soon, Congratulations! OF course itis. Say “cheese No, I'm afraid this bag is 100 big moose A Zadanle 5. (4 pit) Zapozna| sg 2 wesea zadania, Wybierz wlaclwe odpowied! na pyania (61. ~ 8.4), zkresaje Iter A B lb C. 2a kate poprawn rozwiqzanieotzymas2 1 punk 5.1. Where are you, Mum? A. Yes,Lam. B. nthe kitchen. © ACS pm, 52. Good morning. May I speak to Gary, please? A. sorry, he's notin. BL Don't worry, wil ell him, C_Tm sony, he can't 53. Are you coming with us? AL Yes, did B. nthe morning Cm sony, Lean 54. When will you be back? AL Yes, il B. No, note. © Atabout 3pm, Zadanie 8. (4 pkt) Pray sie fotograti. dpowiedz po angiesku na pytania (1. 7a kadda poprawna odpowied otzymasz2 punky Zadanie 6. (4 pkt) Zapoena siz rescig zadania. Wybierz do sytuel (:1.~6.4) watcive reakee, zakresaie tere A, 8 hb ©. Za katde poprawnerozwiqzaneolrymasz 1 punk £2), Udsiel odpowiedpetnymi zdaniam, y 6.1. Zapytaj mame, czy modes is deié do kina 8.1. Whats the boy in the pieture doing? ‘A. Mum, do you think I ean go tothe cinema today? B. Mum, may go to the theatre now? C.Mumm, may gor the cinema next week? 62. Wyjasnij Koletance, dlaczeyo jutro nie pojdziesz na dyskoteke. A. wll eome tothe disco tomorrow because my grandma is il B. _Ican’t go to the disco tomorrow because I must visit my grandma in hospital, CC. can’t go to the disco yesterday because I must help my grandma, 8.2. What do you use the computer for? 63. Powieds tryscie, jak dojéé do najbliészego sklepu, A. There aren't any kiosks inthis tven B. The nearest bus stop is over thee. €. The nearest one is atthe end ofthe street, 0 go straight ahead and you will see it on your right. 64. Zapytajkolege, aka jest dss pogoda. AL What weather itis tay? B. _Doyou like the weather today? ©. Whats the weather ike today? Zadanie 9. (1 pkt) Preeczya| eka | zdecydu, 0 czym on jst, Wybierz wiascivg odpowieds, zakresaja tere A,B lub C. 2a poprawne rezwigzaneotrzymasz 1 punt cee Serre arg et Zadanie 7. (4 pkt) Pree ae eta ett Zapozna sig ztrecigzadania. Uzupotne-mal, wplsugcw luk (7.1.~7.4)brakuce wyray. Uy wyrazow Pena ets =ramkl w odpowiedle forme. Za kasde poprawne rozwigeani clvzymas2 1 pun nar eamne ae LiT ond freee att) Luckily, more and more people are Perey anes ees stay hear go walk Peete ee neer ts ene ere stp ir cee cee Pace Eire eee resent) Pea eee afés and restaurants, People are more and more awar Deat Karen, Se een eet rs er ets How are your? I haven't (7.1) from you fora lng tim. met ee pemeragerenes Tm writing to tell you that we are (7.2) at home during the summer so ifyou Seren en ea er }- want, you can visit us as soon as you get beter. There are plenty of things to doin the ae, paveeeripnphe BREE NP nr nein IF the weather is nice, we can (7.3) swimming inthe ake o go sunbathing. Hit Hs Pen ern isnot oo hot we ean also go eyeing or (7.4) inthe woods nearby acces eit Write co me soon t tell me if you are coming, Lots of love, Steve aa. [42 [43 [44 Zadanie 5. (4 pki) 2apcena ge trescigzadania, Usvpen log, wpauge w uk (6.1.~ 5.4) brakugee dana (A-E)-Jedno ‘anion pasule do ese! slog. Zs ate poprawmne ozwiqzane otzymasz 1 punk’. A: Good morning, Miss Nowak. May I1alkto you for awhile, please? BL) ‘A: Well, 'm afraid, I haven't done my homework fo today’s lesson ‘Why? You know that I don't lik it when students forget about their homework ‘A: Tknow, and that’s why Lam so sory. 5.2.) He's sila puppy and yesterday he ate rmy copybook with my homework in it B; That's a strange sory. A 63) 1B: OK, Tomek, but you mast promise that you wil bring me your homework tomorrow. AD GA) But it's eve But, you know, it's because of my dog, Sif. Ofcourse, 1 will (OF course, Tomek, what's the problem? mone z (pit) apoana sig = rtelazadania, Wybiere waseiwe odpowledal na pytania(6.1.~ 6.4), zakreiaiae Mere A, Bub ©. 2a ade popranne rezwiqzanie otrzymasz 1 punk. 6.1. What's the weather like today? A. Kee really late Bie geting dark. €. esreally warm 6.2. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest bank? ‘A. What time does the bank close? B. The bank is over there, C. Wsfiveroren 6.3. Can you help me with the washing-up? A. ‘Sorry lean’ now. I'm doing my homework B. Tile fee in an hour © Whars the problem? 6.4. Where have you been? I've been waiting here for half an hour! A. Lean’ come later BLT sorry, I'l doit later, © sony t'miate Zadanie 7. (4 pkt) apo ag rca zadania,Usupeti nog wpe w Wk (21. - 7 pug Wl (73.-7.4 wading edpowied A (©. Za kazde poprawne rozwigzanie otrzymasz 1 punkt. » sospowieds A: Where (7.1) you yesterday? I was looking for you all day BIsen ising my grandma a Londo ieee me em Ac My (2). anther snd? B Ohaus Help oun, nae B hine © te 4 ily hep me wih ny Ea mest Fad (73) benset very busy now Maybe ie, AL can't " oa aan 2 ed ©. couldnt A: Areyou (74) anything tonight, Chris? Bs Nothing special. Why? A do B doing done (4px) Pray] se fotografi. Odpoweds po angiesku na pytania (@3.~8.2), Udoielodpowiedtpetnyn zdaniami Za kala Poprawna edpoweds otzymass 2 punky, 48.1. Whats the woman inthe picture doing? 82, What clothes do you usualy buy? Zadanie 9. (3 pit) Praeceytaj teksty | zdecydu),zjokiogo powodu je napisano. Dopasu)intence autorow (A~D) do reel tke ‘stow (2.1. 2.3), Jedna inene ne pauje do 2adnego tkstu. Za kazda poprawna odpowiedsotzymasz 1 punt. ou. © new easy sov BL Ld Zadanie 10. (5 pki) Praeezya wypowieds uezennicy na tomat swoje] szkoly | zaznacz 2naklom X w tabel,téra intormacia (10.1. ~ 10.5) Jest zgodna z jego tredcia (TRUE), a ktora nie (FALSE). Za kazde poprawne rozwigzanie ‘trzymase 1 punk ee Se ea a eens i rte ker Penni Tate those navy blu cone f cee ees rhe core Tee a pre ceer eeennerees eee eee See eer ace im 10.1. | The headmaster is middle-aged '’m so happy about your vist! Can't wat to see you tomorrow! ‘Could you do me a huge favour? As you know, my brother is getting married next week. The problem is [can find a handbag that would go with my beige dress. Could you Tend me ‘tha tl, brovsn bag of yours? I'd really appreciate that. See you tomorrow &. Lowe, Katie ete A. yezenia B.zaproszenie C_prosha D. ogloszenie 10.2. | Pupils in her school wear uniforms. ra | caer se as NO 104, | biscosreoanzal ines month el See ee Zadanie 11. (6 pkt) Praeczya teksty zaproszeh | zapozna) sig 2 treéclgzadanla(1.1.~ 11.6). Wyblerz wlagclwg odpowied2, "akrediaige Mere A,B lub C. Za kaéde poprawne rozwiqzanie olrzymasz 1 punkt. ih Sepa ey dace ce re a cneeane) “The meeting is going to be about music. “The meeting is going to take place a school ‘The meeting is for students only. People should come ta the meeting at 7 pm. People shouldn't be late People should come to the meeting ata quarter to 7. Oe> pep 113, A B. c. A B c o> ne Dear friends, am celebrating my fourteenth birthday and I am throwing ‘a party on Saturday evening. We're starting at 7 o'clock. It’s a fancy res party so, plas some orga and funny clothes. We will choose the funniest costume. Ihave also prepared a lot of games and quizzes s0 maybe you will win Some interesting prizes. Ifyou have any questions, you can call me any time you want. Meg Teenagers must wear elegant clothes. “Teenagers must bring something to eat or drink “Teenagers may win something “They will choose the best dressed person. ‘They will choose the person with the Funniest clothes They wil choose the funniest person. Dear All, Thave some exciting news for you. My parents and have just moved into our new flat and would like to invite you to a house-warming party to show it to you. The party is on Friday, 12 May, at 7 pm. Please bring something to drink. If you want to, you can bring some champagne, You don’t need to bring any food ~ we are getting plenty to eat from a catering company. I really hope to see you on Friday. Beth Guests must come inthe afternoon, Guests must bring any food they want. Guests must bring a bottle of champagne. “Ther The Guest won't be much food. vill be a lor to eat. hold bring something to et. Zadanie 12. (1 pkt) Praeczyaj tekst | zapoznal siz treéciqzadania. Wybierz wlagclwa odpowieds,zakresaige Ire A,B lub (Za poprawne rozwizanie otrzymasz 1 punkt. Paris isthe capital of France. I is situated on the River Seine in northern France, atthe hear ofthe Ile-de-France egion, The population of the city itself is about 2,153,600, but, actualy, chere are even more people because ofthe fact that thousands of tourists visit the heart of France every day. Paris isthe most popular courist destination in the world, with over 30 million foreign visitors per year. The area around the city is even more crowded and bas population of 12 milion. Is one ofthe most heavily populated areas in Europe. There are lots of attractions there, including world famous institutions and popular parks. The most erendy places in Paris ate the Eifel Tower, the Louvre and Are de Tiomphe, The famous Champs Elysees is a seventeenth century garden-promenade and a major shopping street in Pais 12.1. A. Paris~the most crowded place in the world B._ Paris - the city of tourists and farnous places C._ Paris ~ the best place for shopping. Zadanie 13. (6 pt) Zapocn) si 2 nazwam mij (121.~ 13.5) | 2ecyy, Kae zy (AF) moga se tam znadowae \Wplsewlaszine tery pry oplsach mise Jeden ya zosta podany dodatomo ne pase do adnego Iisa. Za kaze popranmerozwgzaleorymasz eden punk. eS) ) oye ea teag 24 EEF Rau Bia Rea Sis Eo 4 Gores] LITE 13.1. park 134. museum 13.2. library 13.5. garden 13,3. restaurant ) TRANSKRYPCJA NAGRAN Arkusz | (2) ZaDaNiE 1. ‘And now some information about the weather in Poland. All pats of the country have quite a sim iar climate but winter is usally colder in the south (because ofthe mountains) and in the east [Ache seaside, che winter isnot that bad, bat onthe other hand, the summer heat i a bit milder But generally speaking, the temperatures in summer donot dif alot. Sometimes there are some ‘droughts or floods during this pat ofthe year. Occasionally, there are also periods of really hot "weather in July or Avgust and periods of easing cold weather in January or February. (2) zapamte 2. Wypowiedé 1 “The las time I went shopping was on Monday. My mum fl sick and she asked me wo buy afew things. She wrote me a list so that I dn’ forget anything, {ust had ro buy some apples, thre big carrots some dairy prot like a carton of milk and apiece of cheese. We wanted to make some ‘spaghetti bolognese for dinner, so 1 needed to buy some pasta anda tin of tomato sauce. I spent fone hour in the supermarket buying just a few things. What a waste of ime! Wypowied: 2 Good moening. 'm terribly ill, have a runny nose, a bad cough anda splitting headache, This ‘morning {also had high temperature and [kept shivering but luckily it’s better now. Anyway can you recommend something fr this bad cold? Wypowiedé 3 \We offer our customers many benefits First ofall we can guarantee security and comfort in an institution where yout money is safe and you can have quick acess to it any time you need. In ‘ase of any problems, we offer you free telephone service. You can also easly transfer your money provided you ean use the Internet. Additionally, after you have been a customer for more than half year, you will e given a credit card ZADAMIE 3. ello everyone! In today's programme, we are going to make 2 delicous vegetable salad. Bur, i's ota pypial one ~ it's going co be something realy special and unique. Ti start by telling you what ingredients you have to prepare. Listen carefully, We need 6 slices of bacon (I know. It's nota vegetable, but we will stil use It), 100 grams ofeach of the following: cooked brccol caulilower, celery, green peas and carrots. We wil also add some peanuts and onions, if you lke Don’ fongee about a bit of salt and pepper and... a spoonful of sugar. Stange, isn it? Bu trust ‘me, i's going to be the tastiest salad in the whole world, At the end, we wll need some cheese fd one cup of ereamy mayonnaise. Let's stat. Put the bacon ina large, deep pan, ry it in olive cil uni it gets esp. Put ito one side. In a large bowl, nix the broccoli, cauliflower, celery, peas land cartes In another bowl mix the salt, pepper, onion, cheese and mayonnaise, Anal the sugar, ‘of course! Pour this delicious sauce over the salad, add the nuts and fied bacon and... enjoy your meal! (6) ZADANIE 4. 4a. Tes 50 hot here. 42. How can help you? 43. Do you know where the nearest post offices? Arkusz II ZADANIE 1. ‘Wypowied# 1 Polly is my bestfriend, We've been classmates for ages and we know each other pretty well. Polly is quite al, but noc as tall as me. She's the slimmest grin the las. She's also very beautiful ~ very girl would like to look ike Polly. That's not al. She's not only prety but also incredibly ite ligent and smart. She's goe the best grades in the class. Last year she got a specal award from the school principal. Ido like my bestfriend and 1am proud of hee Wypowied: 2 ‘My mum isa very hard-working person. She wakes up cary in the morning and prepares breakfast for our family, Then she goes to work where she spends more than eight hours. When mum comes ack home, she is very fed. She cooks dinner, cleans up and, ifit's necessary, she goes shopping, er day finishes late at night, She is a fantastic mum, aways helpfl cheerfal and optimistic ove her very much! Wypowied: 3 Simon, my brother, is avery naughty by. I hate the way he treats our younger sister and me. First, fal, he never shares anything with us, Whenever he has some sweets, he eats everyting him- self and never thinks about other people. Another thing is that he always uses our computer to play games or sutf the Net and I never havea chance to do my homework, The worst thing is that be listen to loud rock musi and nobody ean concentrate on anything, Living with him isa zeal disaster! (7) ZaDANIE 2. ‘Wypowiedé 1 eter, come here, please. We have to set the table, the guests willbe here at any moment. Put the ‘asses and the plates on the ble. There are going tobe twelve people, you know. Wypowied! 2 [as sitting on the soa, watching TV, when suddenly 1 heard the doorbell. Dad, who was sleeping inn armchair, didn’t hear anything, so I went to open the door. Wypowieds 3 [Mum was making a salad, Kathy was decorating my birthday cake and grandma was washing the shes, We were all getting ready for my bithday party when, suddenly, the lights went out. ZADAMIE 3. Fanaa spent his hikdhood in the abuso ici He ned nan ld ose wit is ao er brthers utter te ware hoon way in uns, here was no let of ‘Sapte we ip ae se war whe He a ucla ico a ad The ea whee re ater pot and most ofthe len fe dd have moch eat, Whats ore, sre aes nt gs cool because ty had to work an ear money. any f them happens 0 sia co anyhing about ecu terete no detosn the neighbourhood. Pet dpa aa tout tee times away fo really sory othe people who a sth afer the wat () zaDaMIE 4. 4a Kate, why don't you getup early inthe morning? I hope it will not happen again 42. ‘Toby, there are lot of mistakes in your homework, Why is that? 43. Mie, have you finished writing the project? 4a. , Stay, do you happen to know when the evening news is going to star Arkusz II (0) ZADANIE 1. Wypowieds 1 seu “Teme album of Blue Key is a ea disaster. This is the worst mesi Ihave ever heard. H's 0 Tots and he singe ean sing You can only hear ee drums anda litle bit ofa guitar, but no aber TMtuments ao the musi alo boring. There isn anything positive I ean say about It. Wypowieds 2 rere plano concert corded by Kathrine Wall has ust been released This young musician ‘Tele bom places of Chopin's music, s wel as Mozar’s and Bach's. She played this concere inthe biggest concert hall in Berlin, Cres say that Kathrine isthe most alented musician of our Wypowieds 3 . Trepe neve liked countey music and that's why I dont like any ofthe albums by Country Singers "Tete moc typical ofthis style o their ltese CD isn interesting al. The newest songs are ‘Gilat che ones on their previous album so theres no point in buying this one If were you, Twould buy the CD by Village Singers ~ i's definitely much beter. (0) ZADANIE 2. Kobe Bryan is one ofthe ost popular basketball players inthe National Basketball Association, sane tthe NBA. He pays forthe Los Angeles Lakers. His father was a basketball player ‘00 —he Played forthe Philadelphia 7ers. He was also a coach forthe Los Angeles Sparks Kobe was born in Philadelphia in 1978. When he was six yars old, his father let the NBA, and the ‘whole family moved to lay. Kobe liked the country and the lifestyle there and he learnt speak Iallan fluently. When he was a child, he used to play football and his favourite team was AC Mi Jan. At chat time he sid that he would like to become a professional soccer player. In 1981, the Bryant family moved back tothe USA and Kobe's career a8 a professional basketball player started for good. ZADANIE 3. | would lik to sell my new racing bike. don’t need it anymore because 'm going to buy a moun- ‘ain bike so I would be happy if managed to sll tas quickly as possible Ie is made of aluminium sot is really light and i has gota very comfortable sade eis in excellent condition because Ihave only used it fortwo months. The pric is reasonable; it's only 50 pounds or the nearest offer. You won' find anything cheaper. Ifyou are interested in buying it please contact Adam from class 3b (sb ZADANIE 4, 4a. "et tereble. Because of this afl toothache, I havea terible headache, c00. leant eat or drink anything 42. [saw the two students who were runn something, 43. ‘Tm going to spend afew days with my fiend in aly swimming in the sea and resting on the beach, 44. Here are your tickets and your passports. Enjoy your Might. away fom the shop and I'm sure that they had stolen Arkusz IV 4a) zapamte 1. [A giraffe isan African animal which isthe tallest ofall the animals living on earth. Males can be 4.810 5.5 metres tall and weigh up to 1,360 kilograms. Females are generally alittle bit shorter and weigh less than the males. Giraffes can live in savannas or open woods. They often drink wa- ter, and as a result, they can spend a long time in dry areas where there isn'e much water, Elephants are mammals, and one ofthe longest living animals living today. An elephant may live as long as 70 years, and it happens sometimes that they live even longer: The largest elephant was found in Angola in 1956. It weighed about 12,000 kilograms and was 4.2 metres tall. The smallest elephants, about the size ofa large pig, lived on Crete milions of years ago. In Asia elephants are symbols of intelligence and wisdom, and are famous for their long memory and high intelligence. ‘Tigers are the largest and the heaviest ofthe four big groups of cas living today. The Bengal Tiger is the most popula of all and can be found mainly in India. Some people believe that they attack. humans, but, in fact, it doesn't happen very often. But the ones which might attack are only those \hich ate old and injured ~ others do not usually hure people. On the other hand, tigers have killed ‘more people than any other cats. (05) 2ADANIE 2. Opis 1 “They are made of meal. You use them for opening doors opis 2 Ie made of cloth eater or plastic. You wear it on your back. You use it for carying things opis 3 Tes usually made of leather. You hep your money in it 6) zapame 3. besa Po lint toe th pone Theres iar ey vere Tsu gc wy bt en fan see him very el Police oer: OK, hep cal. Whats your addres? Womans 12 Kipp Avenue, Pieter Cul onc in Woman: Wells young He's wearing dark clothes. He's wel-bult and al is aire ‘ond es quis handsome = mors handsome than most burrs you e001. Police officer: That's very helpful. Now pleas, tll me ‘Woman: Oh, hurry! He has all my jewellery and he's leaving! Police fier: We're on our way. We'l catch him! (a) ZADANIE 4, 4a. Can Ihave tha big buneh of lowers, please? 42. (Can take this as hand lagage? 43. Can Ihave everyone's attention? Susie and Late geting marsed 44. Is the Nash on? ARKUSZ V (ah Zadanie + ‘Tom Hi Samay! Have you got all the CDs for today's party? Sammy: Hi Tom! No, didn’ hve time to select any yesterday. {had lots of English home- work to do, Bur don’ worry, I'l do it right now. How about the drinks? om: ‘Thought thre big botles of Sprite and some mineral water yesterday. But we have ‘noone to take care ofthe snacks Sammy: OK. ll get the snacks then, What should I buy? Some crisps, nuts, popcorn? Tom: Yes, chat shouldbe enough. And Lasked my mum to prepare a huge chocolate cake for us. ‘Sammy: Great Tom, ask my mum to help me make some sandwiches. But we better start moving if we want to be on time. (oh Zadanie 2 Hi, 'm Sue Johnson. Ive in London, England. Would you like to know something about me? OK, Yma typical teenager. like my school. My fvourite school subjects History and my worst are Science and Maths. In History Ilove learning about British and world history. At the moment we'Te learning about the First World War. 'm always happy to go to school although all the students have to wear a school uniform. I don't like my uniform, but there is nothing {ean do about it ‘Apart om schoo, also enjoy many activities in my fee time. 'm not a couch potato, love all kinds of spores Volleyball and tennis are my favourite ones. L also go swimming with ny best, friend, Alice. But my very special hobby is cooking 'm learning to cook with my grandmother and we often prepare some dishes together. | particularly enjoy baking cakes and cookies. What about you? Do you have any hobbies? (2 zadanie 3 ‘Most of us use some kind of walkman, CD player or other portable equipment to play music. But ‘the most popular ones nowadays are MP3 players which ae not only getting cheaper and cheaper, but are also very fashionable and useful However, sometimes you can have some problems with this kind of device. f your MP3 player ever {gets broken, you should check a few things before you start ro wry and take it back tothe shop. First of all, you need to check the battery ~ ics at, your player will not work. You wil have to recharge the battery: best of ll for atleast four or five hours ‘There may bea problem withthe memory. Ii is fll, you will ot be able to download any more ‘music. You had better delete the musi that you don listen to anymore Another problem may be withthe headphones and withthe wire. Ifyou can't hear the music very well itis probably because the headphones ate broken, and you should buy new ones Sometimes it happens that you cannot turn the music en, Possibly you have pressed the buttons ‘oo hard and they won't work anymore because they ate pushed too fa in. Nothing can be done about that ~ you must buy a new one but, next ime, you have to be more care, you stil can’t turn icon and nothing helps, you had better go back tothe shop and ask the shop assistant fora refund ofa new MPS player Gi zadanie 4a Excuse me, have you got any envelopes? 42. Beautiful day today, isn it? 43, Excuse me, where is the police station? 44. Can Lask you something? Arkusz | Zadanie + LLB, 124, 13.6 Zadanie 2 21.0, 22.6, 23.4 Zadanie 3 Sil. slces, 3.2.hundred, 33. peanuts, 3.4 cup Zadanie 4 41D, 42.8, 43.4 440 Zadanie 5 SLE 52D, 53.A, 54.8 Zadanie 6 BLA, 62.6, 63.6, BLA Zadanie 7 Tas writen, 7.2. was, 73. going 74 could Zadanie 6 8.1, The woman inthe picture i siting ona sunbed and she is sunbathing 8.2, Wolne odpowiedsi Zadanie 9 91a Zadanie 10 101.8, 102.6, Zadanie 11 Ute 114. fle Zadanie 12 12:1, Mama nie poswala Kathy chodeié na calonoene rythm wolno je si pena. Nie woo jj $e spor = proyacin wleezoram 122. Kathy nie arabia pracy domo), poniewat 123. Brak odpowied 12.4 Mike ma lecje angllskego, gra w kossyRowhy 103.f 104.6, 1058 112. false, 115 false, 113. eve 116. true lub otviedza babe Zadanie 13 TLE, 12D, BSR BAB Arkusz Il Zadanie t LLB 12.6, 13.8 Zadanie 2 21.8, 22.0, 23.¢ Zadanie 3 53.1 grander, 32.100, 433. difiewk, 3.4 school Zadanie 4 416, 42.8, 43.0, 448 Zadanie 5 51.C, 52.8, 53.4, 54E Zadanie 6 61.8 62.6, 6A, 64A Zadanie 7 TC, 72.8, 73.0, TAE Zadanie 8 48.1. Shei vacuuming the carpet and oor £82. Wolne odpowiedsi Zadanie 9 OLA Zadanie 10 WO1,C, 102.8, 103.6, 104A Zadanie 11 Thalstrue, 112.false, 11.3. fase, 114 false Zadanie 12 121.8, 122.8, 23.8, R&A, 25.C, DEA Zadanie 13 TRB, BLA BE BAD, 135.6 Arkusz III Zadanie 1 LLG, 12.8, 13.4 Zadanie 2 218 226, 23 Zadanie 3 Ss racng, 3.2 excellent, 533.50 pounds, 3.4 Adam from clas 3b Zadanie 4 418, 424, 43.6 440 Zadanie 5 51B S2A 53 540 Zadanie 6 618, 62.6, 63.6 646 Zadanio 7 TA.wtting, 7.2.9, 7.3. know, 7.4. coming Zadanie 8 8.1. They are holding their snowboards and aking £82. Wolne odpowiedzi Zadanie 9 91. 92.0, 93.8 Zadanie 10 101.8, 102.0, Zadanie 11 TL. erue, 114. false, Zadanie 12 12.8 Zadanle 13 LD, B2E, 103.8, 104.4, 105.F 113. flee, 11.6 tre 11.2. ee, 115. false, 133.6, 34.8, 5A Arkusz IV Zadanie 1 LLA, 126 Zadanie 2 21.B, 22.¢, 23.4 Zadanie 3 3.1.12, 32.welhbult, Zadanie 4 1A, 426 43.6 Zadanie 5 51.8, 52.4, Zadanle 6 BLA, 62.8, Zadanie 7 Ta head, Zadanie 8 8.1, Hes surfing the Internet 82. Wolne odpowieds Zadanie 9 91.8 Zadanie 10 101.D, 102.8, Zadanio 11 false, 114. false, Zadanie 12 12.1, Kate ne rob sobie kanapek do szkoly, ponicwat nie ma czasu 122. Toby nie lub proegrywat 123. Brak odpowiedsi 124, Grace waigla duo ubrah do praymierzenia 13.c 33.blond, 34. dark 44.0 53.€, 54.6 63.6, 64.0 72.staying, 7.3.go, 7A. walk 103.4, 104 E 12. tue, 115. false, 113. false, M6.true, 11.7. ve Zadanie 13 BLE B26 BIA BAF Arkusz V Zadanie 1 ‘A. Sammy, B. Tom, C. Nie pase do tadne} zos6b,_D. Tom, Nie pasuje do Zatine) zos6b, F Sammy Zadanie 2 21.8, 22.6, 23.8 Zadanie 3 3.1 barter, Zadanio 4 ALD, 42.6, 43.4 44.0 Zadanie 5 SLE 52.8, Zadanie 6 6LC, 62.8 63a, 64. Zadanie 7 TLA, 72.B, TRA, 74.3 Zadanie 8 8.1. She's looking at clothes, 82. Wolne edpowiedsi Zadanio 9 9.1.D, 92.6, 93.8 Zadanie 10 10.1. false, Jos. te, Zadanie 11 nb, 12.6 4B, 15.4, Zadanie 12 21.8 Zadanie 13, LG, 132.8, 3.2. memory, 3.3. headphones 53.4, 54. 102. false, 105. false 103. true, 13.¢, 116.8 133.4, BAF 138.D OS nT ER Oe Ceca ci dh PEO Cea eee ee Rae OUR ua Ta CULT Go mL Cmca aa DO LCs ae RS RL ec cet Pee ee ake tet ee eT COM eee kee De aU CUTE CUOMO Ley rum] wiedzy i oswojenia sig z nowa forma egzaminu. sam aaisdi Se on) i v1) Le | |) Ht ere oll758574!469029!

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