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vocabulary • Starter unit  ★★★

1 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania. Narysuj 3 Uzupełnij dialog dziewięcioma nazwami

drzewo genealogiczne, aby ułatwić sobie zadanie. przedmiotów szkolnych z ramki.

Harry and Sally have a daughter called Julia art biology drama geography history

ICT maths music PE social studies
and a son called William. Olivia and Alex
are William and Kate’s children. Olivia and
Carrie What’s your favourite subject, Harry?
Alex have an uncle called Paul. He is Julia’s Harry Oh, I like playing the piano so
husband. Harry and Sally have got two other 1
is my favourite.
grandchildren called Peter and Mary. They are I’m also into painting so I like
Olivia and Alex’s cousins. 2
, too.
Carrie I like learning about rivers and mountains
and countries so 3 is
1 Who is Harry’s daughter’s husband?
my favourite.
Harry Do you like 4 ?
2 Who are Olivia’s cousins’ parents?
Carrie Yes, it’s interesting. We talk about what is
good and bad in society.
3 Who are Paul’s wife’s parents?
Harry I’m studying 5 this year.
We learn a lot about plants and animals.
4 Who are Sally’s granddaughters’ brothers?
Carrie That sounds good. I like
. We’re doing a play by
5 Who is Olivia’s aunt’s brother?
Shakespeare this year.
Harry Wow! Do you study 7 ?
6 Who are Paul’s niece’s cousins?
You know, dates and kings and things?
Carrie Yes, we do. I don’t enjoy it very much.
Harry I really like it. But I hate
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. 8
father-in-law fiancé nephew only child Carrie You and I are very different. I like learning
single stepbrother stepmother twins about computers and technology.
Harry And I don’t like 9 !
1 He hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. He’s an Carrie Really? I love running and swimming.
2 My uncle’s son is my mum’s . 4 Sprawdź, czy znasz znaczenie wyrazów z ramki.
3 This is John. We’re getting married in August. Następnie zakreśl właściwe wyrazy tak, aby
He’s my . powstały poprawne kolokacje.
4 Fiona is my dad’s second wife. She isn’t my
equipment  experiment ​
mother. She’s my .
problem translation
5 My wife’s father is my .
6 They are brother and sister. They’ve got the
1 science translation / experiment
same birth date – 17th November 2006. They’re 2 maths experiment / problem
. 3 PE problem / equipment
7 If you aren’t married, you’re . 4 French translation / experiment
8 My mum’s new husband has a son called
5 laboratory equipment / translation
Adam. Adam is my . 6 biology problem / experiment
7 English translation / equipment

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