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KEYSTONE SPECIES : they interactions with other species through predation symbiotic dependencies
and such a plant pollinator relationships or ecosystem modification

LIFE : how do u call he dynamic and involves multi-scale ecological patterns and process?

NATIVE SPECIES : those that naturally exist at given location or in particular ecosystem

FRAGMENTATION : the degree to which ecological structure facilities or impedes the movement of
organisms between resource patches

ECOSYSTEM BASED MANAGEMENT : refers to the area that has some form of protection and typically
has a minimal human footprint

ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT : It is an inherent aspect of decision-making

ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT : a systematic learning process that formally plans and monitors the
outcomes of decisions to improve our ability to better manage natural resources given uncertainly

ECOSYSTEM BASED MANAGEMENT : an adaptive approach to managing human activites that seeks to
ensure the coexistence of healthy fully functioning ecosystems and human communities

COARSE FILTER : a metaphor to express the idea that by conserving the ecological communities of a
given region the majority of soecies will be conserved

ECOLOGICAL RESILLIENCE : The capacity of ecosystem to cope with disturbance or stress and
return to a stable state

Native species are those that naturally exit at a give location or in a particular ecosystem . they have not
been moved there by humans.

Keystone species ecosystem or process has a disproportionate influence on an ecosystem or landscape

such as the role beaves play in altering the hydrological characteristics of streams and wetlands. A
keystone species interacts with other species through predation symbiotic dependencies such as plant
pollination relationships, or ecosystem modification

Population viability/thresholds viability” in this context refers to the probability of survival of a

population/species in the face of ecological processes such as disturbance.

Ecological resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to cope with disturbance or stress and return to
stable state. The concept of ecological resilience is consistent with the notion that ecosystem, are
complex, dynamic and adaptive systems that are rarely at equilibrium ; most systems can potentially
-exist in various states. Moreover, they continually change in unpredictable ways in response to a
changing environment

Disturbances are individually distinct events, either natural or human-induced, that cause a change of
existing condition of an ecological system.

Connectivity/fragmentation is the degree to which ecosystem structure facilities or impedes the

movement of organisms between resource patches

Coarse & fine filter approaches build on that concept “coarse filter” is a metaphor to express the idea
that by conserving the ecological communities of a given region . The majority of species will be

Risk is an inherent aspect of decision-making. given the complexity and variability evident in concept 1,
4, 5 & a 6 above, we can never be wholly certain of the consequence of a management action.

Adaptive management. Adaptive management is a systematic learning process that formally plans and
monitors the outcomes of decisions to improve our ability to better manage natural recources given

Ecosystem-based management (EBM). EBM can be defined as an “adaptive approach to managing

human activites that seeks to ensure the coexistence of healthy, fully functioning ecosystems and human

Protected area. Protected area in this context refers to any erea that has some form of protection and
typically has a minimal human footprint.

Life is dynamic and involves multi-scale ecological patterns & process, although each scale is important,
the inderpendence of scales needs to ebe understood and assessed in order to conserve biodiversity.

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