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Ms. Phuong Ms.

Ly B2-C1 courses


ĐỀ 1:
Compulsory attendance in university has always been a highly debated subject. Professors
view class attendance as an individual student responsibility. However, many students want to
be given the freedom to decide which classes to attend. Due to the difficulty of regulating a
school-wide attendance policy, most colleges and universities give professor the authority to
set their own attendance rules. Some people believe that university students should be
required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for
Write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.

- Mandatory = obligatory = compulsory >< optional
- Mandatory attendance
- Non-mandatory attendance = Optional attendance
- Skipping classes in college
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

People hold different views about whether a student should be required to attend classes
or not. Some people hold the opinion that the university students should be required to
go to classes. However, others have a negative attitude. Personally, I side with the
latter/ former for the following compelling reasons.
1. There are many reasons why class attendance should not be obligatory

- Mandatory attendance policy does not really enhance students' school performance as it
is usually expected. Some teachers and schools believe students would study better if they
come to class regularly. They argue that all lessons in text books should be explained,
discussions should be held with full class. If students do not come to class, they would study
nothing or make no progress. However, what this argument fails to take into account is
that attending classes regularly does not mean a student will have better understanding or gain
high-achieving academic performance. Some learners sometimes miss class but they still study
well. That is because there are some lessons they can study by themselves at home without
spending too much time as those who study in class. (PHẢN BIỆN)

- College students are adults and should have the freedom to prioritize activities they need.=>
Universities should not monitor whether or not students are going to class. 

- Some classes are not valuable (because students feel that professors just merely give examples
from the books, which makes the lecture useless) => instead of attending these time-wasting
classes, students can study by themselves at home with available materials.

2. There are certain grounds for those who believe students need to attend class regularly

- Class attendance is an important part of the academic process and should be considered both
a privilege and a responsibility => students need to attend classes to show their commitment
to schools.
- Although it is not the only factor, research shows that class attendance is positively related
to academic performance. In particular, attendance has been linked to higher performance on
- Attendance means being mentally and physically present in class
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

=> allows students to learn and grow alongside their peers, enabling them to hear
different perspectives and ways of understanding various concepts. This type of positive
learning environment can play a fundamental role in bettering students’ learning.

ĐỀ 2: Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer
necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (OPINION)
- Students = pupils = learners
- Online = Internet-based = web-based (a)
- Online information / online documentaries/ Internet-based references/ web-based
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Students are currently able to acquire information on the internet in a much easier way than in
the past. While I accept that online resources of information have advantages over traditional
libraries, I would argue that there is still a great need for libraries in today’s world.
BODY 1: It is true that accessing information online has several benefits.
+online sources store a lot more information than any physical library > allows researchers to
easily get information of myriad topics without traveling.
+students can look for information on the internet whenever they want, while most libraries
can only be visited during certain hours of the day > finding information online is easier + more
BODY 2: However, I believe that libraries still have special features that online sources
can never have.
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

+ Providing high quality, welcoming research and quiet learning environments that meet group
and individual needs => greatly benefit students since they are less likely to be distracted =>
study and work more effectively.
+ Students can reap tremendous benefits of quiet studying spaces without any distraction in the
+ Online resources are not always reliable > spend a large amount of time selecting the
>< In contrast, documentaries and materials in the libraries are carefully checked by staff
members => the most credible information sources.
In conclusion, while I agree that there are several benefits to get information on the internet, I
disagree with the idea that traditional/ conventional libraries are no longer important.

Đề 3: Some people think that studying from the past teaches us nothing about today’s life.
Others argue that history is a valuable source of information. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
While some people hold the belief that …, others argue that … Personally, the former/ latter
seems more convincing for a number of compelling reasons.
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

-People hold different opinions about the role of history in our present life. While a lot of people
insist that there would be nothing to gain from doing research on what happened in the past, I
suppose history does teach us precious lessons.
-Some people believe that studying about the past brings no advantages to human beings in
modern society, others argue that history still plays a key role in people’s lives. Personally, I
agree with the latter point of view for several compelling reasons.
On the one hand, I understand why some people think it is pointless to learn from the past.
On the other hand, I would argue that studying from past events is essential for two
principal reasons.
In conclusion, acquiring knowledge about historical events, although redundant according to
some, seems to be of great value to me.

ĐỀ 4: In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a

wide range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a
particular career. Which of these two systems is more appropriate in today’s world?
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Đề 5: In some countries, parents expect their children to spend long time studying both in
and after school and have less free time. What are the positive and negative effects on
children and society they live in?’
- Children / school-aged children/ students/ pupils
- Spend long time studying = devote a large amount of time and effort to their academic
studies = spend a large amount of time on academic activities
- Have less free time/ have little time to relax/ have no time for relaxation
- Have adverse/ severe/ negative/ harmful/ detrimental impacts/ influences on
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

- A Pose a serious threat to B

- Make a great contribution to ST
- Mental and physical well-being
- Poor vision / short-sightedness/ short eyesight
- Irritation and frustration
- Pose a threat to the safety of local community
- The loss of qualified human workforce
- Basic foundation => secure/ land a well-remunerated job after graduation => lead a
decent life
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Đề 6: Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a
successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

- Go to university = enter university = Receive Tertiary education = enter higher education/ post-
secondary schools.
- get a job straight after school = Enter the workforce shortly after high-school graduation =
enter the labour market after high-school graduation.
- High-school graduates (n)
- Becoming mature
- Be independent
- Earn money > accumulate material wealth> develop their career.
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

- Gain practical skills such as problem-solving skills and communication skills> have Better
career opportunities
- Have higher social status

 Receive tertiary education

- The economy has become knowledge-based > require special qualifications and certificates.
Ex: doctors, lawyers, teachers > require a relevant degree
- Fiercely competitive job-market: numerous applicants for a vacancy > no certificates, no degrees >
will be deprived of a chance to compete.
 Join the workforce
- Service professions: require hands-on experience not heavy-going theories > no need for degree.
Join the workforce > acquire transferable skills
- Starting working early > make a living > be independent, self-reliant > accumulate wealth >
develop their career paths.

Đề 7. Online classes make conventional classrooms unnecessary. To what extent do you agree/

VẾ 1 VẾ 2
Học online tốt hơn học trực tiếp ở Học trực tiếp có lợi ích gì mà học online không
những mặt nào có được
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

 F1: Học online rất tiết kiệm  F1: Một số môn cần sử dụng dụng cụ
 F2: Giải thích: Các đơn vị phức tạp bắt buộc phải học trực tiếp.
cung cấp khoá học có thể tiết  F2: Ví dụ: Hoá học/ Cơ khí => phải làm thí
kiệm nhiều chi phí như phí nghiệm, thực hành trực tiếp.
mặt bằng, phí nhân viên, vv.

 F1: Học online giúp người học  F1: Học online có những hạn chế về tương
vượt qua rào cản về thời gian tác giữa giáo viên và học sinh.
và địa lý.  F2: Giải thích: Học ở trường cho phép học
 F2: Lấy ví dụ: Học sinh có thể sinh cải thiện kỹ năng giao tiếp, làm việc
tham dự lớp học trực tuyến ở nhóm thông qua tương tác và thảo luận,
nhà, không cần di chuyển. điều này khó có thể đạt được nếu học

 E-learning = virtual learning = online learning
 web-based class >< physical classroom = traditional classroom model
 the advent of online courses: sự ra đời của các khoá học trực tuyến
 physical interaction (n)
 being taught face to face
 classroom dynamic (n): sự tương tác trong lớp học
 interactive activity (n): hoạt động tương tác
 live discussion (n): thảo luận trực tiếp
 two-way interaction (n): sự tương tác hai chiều
 space and administrative expenses: chi phí mặt bằng và quản lý
 overcome time constraints and geographical boundaries (v): vượt qua các hạn chế về thời
gian và rào cản địa lý
 elaborate lab set-up and equipment: cơ sở vật chất và dụng cụ thí nghiệm phức tạp

Today, as the Internet becomes more accessible than ever before, e-learning has exploded. With
the advent of online courses, some say that physical classrooms have become redundant. While
the benefits of virtual learning are undeniable, I believe being taught face to face by actual
teachers offers significant advantages that can never be replaced. 

On the one hand, learning on the Internet is superior to the traditional classroom model in certain
ways. First, it is extremely cost-efficient. Online classes effectively reduce (dispense with)
numerous expenses as compared to running physical classes such as space and administrative
expenses. This allows online course providers to reduce the prices of these courses, making them
accessible to the public. Second, web-based courses help learners overcome time constraints and
geographical boundaries, which is particularly helpful for people in rural and remote areas where
schools and teachers are scarce.

However, the roles of physical classes are irreplaceable. One of the main reasons is that certain
fields require physical interaction among teachers and students. For example, disciplines that
involve elaborate lab set-up and equipment such as chemistry and engineering are impossible to
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses
learn in the comfort of one’s own home. Furthermore, there are elements of classroom dynamics
that a virtual environment simply cannot emulate. For instance, the interactive activities and live
discussions in a physical lecture allow students to improve their interpersonal skills – something
that is difficult to recreate in online classes where two-way interaction is limited.

In conclusion, while virtual learning is superior to conventional learning in several aspects, the
latter is by no means replaceable.

Đề 8.The Internet will never replace the traditional textbooks in schools. Do you agree or

- The Internet= Internet-based materials = Online resources= Web-based materials

- Traditional textbooks= conventional manuals
- Schools= educational system = institutions= educational setting

 Textbooks:
- Textbooks: are well-organized, well-designed by leading pedagogical experts in education > the
quality is ensured
- Including testing formats and criteria for assessment > enhance Ss’ academic performances.
 Internet-based materials:
- Numerous resources available, including incorrect, unreliable and harmful ones > difficult to
differentiate > time-consuming and ineffective
- Distraction: web-surfing, games-playing > do not focus on studying > low academic achievement

ĐỀ 9. Many university students live with their families; others live away from home
because their universities are in different places. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of both situations?

 Live with families

- Advantages:
+ More comfortable: no renting fee for accommodation, water and electricity bills> enjoy the
comfort of their own houses> focus more on study
- Disadvantages
+ Be dependent on family’s support, not self-reliant
 Live far away from home
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

- Advantages:
+ Go through real-life experiences and acquire transferrable skills: make one’s own decision,
problem-solving, situation-handling, etc.
+ Becoming more mature, self-reliant
- Disadvantages:
+ Financial burden, especially for students coming from low-income families > spend time to
earn a living > neglect studying

ĐỀ 10: For school children, teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social
development than their parents. Do you agree or disagree?
- teacher = instructor = mentor
- influence = impact
- A has positive effects/ impacts/ influences on B
- A has negative/ harmful/ severe/ detrimental/ serious/ adverse impacts on B
- have influences on = play a role in = contribute to
- intelligence = intellectual ability
- development = progress = growth

Gợi ý: Dạng bài Opinion trong đó người viết CÓ THỂ phân tích ảnh hưởng của cả giáo viên
và phụ huynh đối với sự phát triển trí tuệ và kỹ năng xã hội của trẻ em trước khi nêu ra quan
điểm của mình. Gợi ý dưới đây thiên về hướng cho rằng ảnh hưởng của giáo viên và phụ
huynh đều quan trọng như nhau.
Đoạn 1: Ảnh hưởng của thầy cô giáo đến sự phát triển của trẻ nhỏ
- F1: Teachers are those imparting knowledge to their schooners and guide them to get familiar with
logical thoughts via academic subjects such as math, natural science and so on.
→F2: As a result of, children’s brain is trained on a regular basis, which boosts their
intellectual ability.
- F1: Not only are children provided with academic knowledge but also they are equipped with
moral lessons by their instructors.
→F2: Stories of honesty, loyalty, responsibility, discipline, willingness to support people in
need and so on instill in children’s mind, positively contributing to their social behaviors.

Đoạn 2:  Ảnh hưởng của bố mẹ đến sự phát triển của trẻ nhỏ
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

- F1: Parents play a vital role in determining their children’s IQ index.

→ F2: Undoubtedly, children’s intelligence, which they inherit from their parents’ DNA, is
significantly impacted by their father and mother.
- F1: Parents, intentionally or unintentionally, are key influencers on their offspring’ personalities
and social abilities as they spend the most time with young children, who always imitate adults’
behaviors and speech. 
→ F2: E.g. Should a father be hot-tempered, his son will be unlikely to become an even-
tempered person.

Đề 11

- Working college students
- Working a part-time job while in college (verb-phrase)
- Paraphrase/ Give background information
- Thesis: Personally, although I admit working while in college can bring certain obstacles
to students, I still lean towards the belief that college students can gain significant benefits
from doing a part-time job.
- F1: Constant exhaustion (working all day long => being tired all the time, suffering from
sleep deprivation and other health issues) => F2: negatively affects academic outcomes
- F1: Lack of time for socialization
Working and studying at the same time => there is no time left for social events with friends
- F1: help students pay for personal expenses, and supplement financial aid
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

o F2: (Explain): the average cost of university life is relatively high, especially for
those coming from low-income family. These costs include accommodation, food,
tuition fee, transportation and so on => having a part-time job enables students to
cover a part of these fees => reduce the financial burden for their family.
- F1: gain valuable work experience and practical skills
o F2: working during college => gaining important work skills and qualities that will
be valued by future employers such as communication, team-working, problem-
solving skills and being more responsible=> All of these qualities will come in
handy after the graduation.
- F1: Expand social network => F2: increase more opportunities for future career
CONCLUSION: In short, although the drawbacks of having a part-time job to students are undeniable,
they are outweighed by the benefits.


Đề 1:
While most of us make use of some form of the media on a daily basis, we may not think about the
functions or purposes the media serves in our society. One important function is entertainment. On
television, in particular, the variety of entertainment programs is extensive, ranging from soap
operas, to comedy, to talk shows, to sports.
Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the purposes of mass
media. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at
least 250 words.
1. provide and interpret news and information
First, one the most basic purposes of mass media is to provide information about events around
the world.

Mass media keeps citizens informed of news and events. In times of crisis, mass media
announcements offer warnings and instructions.

For example, when natural disasters occur, such as hurricanes, blizzards and tsunamis,
traditional and social media outlets are the key communication tools to relay information about
the path of an impending storm or to inform people about school and business closures, and
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

how to seek shelters and find evacuation routes. Media is also used as tools of government
authorities to protect citizens with important updates.

2. mass media can simply be used to amuse or entertain audience.

The other important function of mass media is the entertainment. It is also views as the most
obvious function of media.  Mass media fulfill this function by providing amusement and assist
in reducing tension to large degree. Newspaper and magazines, radio, television and online
medium offer stories, films, serials, and comics to entertain their audience. Sports, news, film
review, columns on art and fashion are other instances. It makes audience recreational and
leisure time more enjoyable.

3. Education: Media provides education in different subjects to people of all levels. They try to
educate people directly or indirectly using different forms of content. Distance education
program, for example, is a direct approach. Dramas, documentaries, interviews, feature stories
and many other programs are prepared to educate people indirectly.

4. Surveillance:  The function of mass media is to observe the society closely and continuously
and warn about threatening actions to the mass audience. Likewise, mass media also informs
about the misconducts happening in the society

Đề 1
The Internet is the source of many rumors or unverified stories. Rumors are generally spread from
one person to another by word of mouth, and the story evolves or changes in the process. But the
Internet has allowed rumors to spread much further and faster than ever before.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the consequences of
rumors on the Internet and what can be done to solve this problem. Include reasons and any
relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

-Fake news


Rumors can be Damaging, Distressing and Dangerous to Individuals
-Those who are the target of rumors generally find the experience to be very painful. Being the
focus of gossip is not only to be humiliating in the moment, it can also have a long-term
negative impact on a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem. This impact might, in some
cases, contribute to the development of depression , anxiety, suicidal thoughts , and eating
-Rumors on the Internet can also negatively impact a person’s performance at school or work.
When people know they are the subject of gossip, they may have difficulty focusing on
important tasks and may even avoid going to school or work because they feel embarrassed ,
hurt, or anxious . 
-The first solution is education. Specifically, it’s about giving people the power of critical thinking.
If people are better thinkers, they will become better judges of information => know how to
distinguish the right and wrong; they will be aware of the detrimental consequences of fake
news and rumors.
-The government/ official workers/ technological firms or tech companies should impose stricter
laws/ regulations and censorship on the content that is being shared on the Internet => impose
heavy fine/ punishments on those who spread fake news/ misinformation about other people =>
deter people from sharing unverified rumors.
Đề 2
One of the growing areas of concern is that of Internet addiction. An Internet addict is someone
who is unable to control his or her own use of the Internet and whose behaviours threatens to
overwhelm his or her normal life. Internet addiction can result in many problems including a lack of
sleep, lateness for appointments, neglect of work responsibilities, and the disintegration of
marriages and families.
Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about solutions to Internet
addiction. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write
at least 250 words.
-Overuse the Internet = use the Internet excessively = spend a large amount of time on using the

Society (the -With the rate of Internet addiction among people increasing higher than ever before,
government, it is imperative for schools/ educational institutions to teach safe internet use
schools) practices for students => reduce the risk of Internet overuse.
-Launch workshops/ educational campaigns to raise students’ awareness about the
detrimental effects of Internet addiction
-Provide necessary treatments and supports for students who are addicted to Internet
Families -It has been shown that the family is a protective factor in preventing adolescents
from taking part in problematic and hazardous behavior including IA
-Monitor/ supervise children’s Internet use at home
-set a limit on the amount of time allocated for watching television, and may forbid
the watching of particular programs.

Each -engage in other healthy activities such as doing sports, taking part in community
individual services or volunteering organizations instead of spending time on the Internet.


Physical health Psychological Academic Family relationships
development performance

Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

Many American believe that the death penalty is effective in deterring people from committing
murder. However, others disagree, and many sociologists argue that the evidence does not support
this view.
Now, write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.




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Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses

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Ms. Phuong Ms. Ly B2-C1 courses


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