Nov Candor - Future Fit Corporate Governance

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Future Fit Corporate Governance

November 2018
Carolynn Chalmers
Technology is connecting the world
like never before

2 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Vast data is generated and tremendous amounts
of computing power is required
Moore’s Law:
The speed of technology doubles every year

3 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Keeping pace with Demand
- Digital computers use bits 1s and 0s
- Consider options separately

4 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Today, Digital Computers are just too slow
- Digital computers use bits 1s and 0s
- Consider options separately

Quantum Mechanics
- Consider all options simultaneously
- Quantum computers use Qubits
Qubits can exist as 1 and 0 at the same time
10 Qubits = 1000 calculations at once
30 Qubits = 1 billion calculations at once

5 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Quantum Computers are fast!
March 2018, Google unveiled Bristlecone
– 72 Qubits…

6 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

DNA Computers are faster!

7 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

DNA Computing is set to disrupt
computing power
“ DNA computing is a form of computing which uses DNA and
molecular biology, instead of the traditional silicon-based
computer technologies”

• Greater storage capacity

16 zettabytes of data were produced in 1 year (1 billion terabytes)
• Massive parallelism
DNA -based computers can work on two answers at the same time
• Lightweight:
500g = more computing power than all the computers ever made

8 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

June 2017

University of Manchester, Prof Ross King

Turned strands of DNA into the basis of a computing and data
storage system

“Imagine a computer is searching a maze and comes to a choice

point, one path leading left, the other right,” explained Professor
King, from Manchester’s School of Computer Science. “Electronic
computers need to choose which path to follow first. But our
new computer doesn’t need to choose, for it can replicate itself
and follow both paths at the same time, thus finding the answer

9 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

June 2017

University of Manchester, Prof Ross King

Turned strands of DNA into the basis of a computing and data
storage system

“Imagine a computer is searching a maze and comes to a choice

point, one path leading left, the other right,” explained Professor
King, from Manchester’s School of Computer Science. “Electronic
computers need to choose which path to follow first. But our
new computer doesn’t need to choose, for it can replicate itself
and follow both paths at the same time, thus finding the answer

10 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

11 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
Tech-driven Change
• Augmented Reality
– Heads Up Displays (HUD), HD virtual objects

• Chatbots
– Natural language bots, automated customer service agents, wearable device advisory

• 3D Printing
– Disruption of the manufacturing one-size-fits-all industry

• Pressure to automate
– Increasing cost of human survival outstripping Reducing cost of technology – pressure to automate

• Pressure for “answers” - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

– Data proliferation, analysis, algorithm-based data manipulation, data-driven process execution

• Pressure for connectivity

– Networks: 4G -> 5G mobile | 802.11ac -> HaLow, WhiteFi wireless | copper-> optic wired | LiFi

12 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Machine Intelligence Research Institute
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - 2011
Bostrom & Yudkowsky

“Current AI offers us few ethical issues that are not already present”

But in the future:

• Social roles - transparency and predictability
• Unpredictable contexts - safety assurance & engineering design
• Mental states - moral status and “persons”
• Superhuman intelligence and abilities – super-ethical behaviour

“These challenges may seem visionary, but it seems predictable that we will
encounter them; and they are not devoid of suggestions for present-day
research directions.”

13 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

World Economic Forum
9 Ethical Issues in
Artificial Intelligence

14 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Ethical Issues
in Artificial Intelligence

1. Unemployment. What happens after the end of jobs?

2. Inequality. How do we distribute the wealth created by machines?
3. Humanity. How do machines affect our behaviour and interaction?
4. Artificial stupidity. How can we guard against mistakes?
5. Racist robots. How do we eliminate AI bias?
6. Security. How do we keep AI safe from adversaries?
7. Evil genies. How do we protect against unintended consequences?
8. Singularity. How do we stay in control of a complex intelligent system?
9. Robot rights. How do we define the humane treatment of AI?

15 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Increasing Demand
Feb 2018, Deloitte Netherlands

• Disease diagnosis and illness treatment

• Fashion design and customer interaction
• Cyber crime and fraud detection
• Personalized advertising and support
• Logistics and on-time delivery
16 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
IT Governance Failures across the World

17 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

It’s not just the ill-informed…

• Uber
• Facebook & Instagram
• Twitter
• Youtube

18 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

NZ organizations are not immune

19 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Multiplicative and Incentivized Change

20 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)



4th Industrial
Tomorrow will look different

Our Natural World will look different

Our Urban World will look different

Our Work World will look different

22 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
Leaders must be equipped for Uncertainty
Usually, business leaders have little difficulty articulating what needs to be done
when resolving problems when there is certainty. But in uncertain times, business
problems are complex and often intractable (hard to control).
Martin Webster

What do we need in times of uncertainty?

Role Clarity Decision Transparency
Facts Structure
Purpose Capacity
Guidance Rules of the game
Risk Clarity

23 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Effective leadership in times of uncertainty

24 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Governance V Management

Leadership /
Corporate Governance
Doing the right things

Management / Doing those things

Operational Governance in the right way

25 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Tomorrow’s leaders use Governance…
• To articulate what needs to be done and why

• To guide when problems need to be solved

• To provide authority and role clarity

• To resource and nurture

• To communicate effectively and transparently

To provide certainty.

26 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

How to “use” governance?


Laws and

Codes and Standards

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 27

South Africa’s King IV™
The King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016, The
Institute of Directors in Southern Africa

28 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Guidance for Governance
• International Standards Organisation
• Technical Committee TC309 - Governance of
• British Standards Institute - November 2016
• 4 Projects:
– ISO 37000 - Guidance for the Governance of
– ISO 37001 - Anti-Bribery Management Systems
– ISO 37002 - Whistleblowing Management Systems
– ISO 19600 / 37301 - Compliance Management Systems

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 29

ISO 37000

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 30


• Mindful • Size and turnover

• Purposeful • Resources
• Responsible • Complexity
• Contextual • Industry

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 31

Ethical and Effective Leadership

Apply the Principles as practices

Explain how you are applying the principles in practice

Recommended Practices not Required Practices

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 32

Leadership by the Governing Body

a. Steering the organisation and setting its strategic direction;

b. Approving policy and planning that give effect to the direction provided;
c. Overseeing and monitoring of implementation and execution by management; and
d. Ensuring accountability for organisational performance by means of,
among others, reporting and disclosure.

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 33

Policy – same word, different meanings

• Governance Policies
Principles which should be applied as management Practices

• Management Policies
Lower-level Principles which are executed as Procedures

• Employee Policies
Rules to be complied with, for example Employee Handbook

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 34

Governance Policies Management Policies
doing the right things in the right way

Governing Body



© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 35

Governance Policies Management Policies
doing the right things in the right way

• Principles • Practices
• Delegation • Procedures
• Oversight • Management

Quarterly / Weekly
/ Annually / Monthly

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 36

Governance Policies Management Policies
doing the right things in the right way

• Principles • Practices
• Delegation • Procedures
• Oversight • Management

Direction Alignment
Outcomes Efficiency

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 37

Governance Policies Management Policies
doing the right things in the right way

• Principles • Practices
• Delegation • Procedures
• Oversight • Management

Direction Alignment
Outcomes Efficiency

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd IT Governance is a System 38

Evidencing governance activities

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 39

Evidencing governance activities
Goals Addressing
Cascading Governance
“Therefore…” Risk

Principles Terms of
& Reference,
Authorities Responsibilities

Quantitative Qualitative and

and Factual Descriptive

© Candor Governance (Pty) Ltd 40
IT Governance - What does this entail?

Transition /
Information Technology

41 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - ISO 38500

Transition /
Information Technology

• Responsibility
• Strategy
• Acquisition
• Performance
• Conformance
• Human Behaviour

42 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

43 © Business Relationship Management
© Candor Institute
Governance Pty (Ltd)
IT Leadership Maturity

44 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Effective IT – Business Engagement
Business Level 3 Business Needs Level 3 IT Focus
Transformation • Business growth and Innovation
• Continuous strategy and planning

• Rapid reconfiguration capability

• Market information • Converge business and IT

• Business integration orientation • Expand and extend infrastructure
• Enable flexibility and agility
• Embrace ‘Consumerization of IT’
Business Level 2 Business Needs
Effectiveness • Business network/process redesign
Level 2 IT Focus
• Enable business and partnerships • Establish common IT infrastructure
• Management information • Build IT credibility

• Process orientation • Improve solution delivery

• Establish Enterprise Architecture
• Respond to ‘Consumerization of IT’
Level 1 Business Needs

Business • Foundation systems
Efficiency • Cost savings Level 1 IT Focus
• Operational information
• Provide basic systems and services
• Functional orientation

• Stabilize operations and support

• Improve service delivery
• IT management fundamentals


45 Source: Business Relationship Management

© Candor Institute
Governance Pty (Ltd)
Aligning Investments

Improved information to manage, Gain competitive advantage through

control, account, communicate, positioning the firm in the marketplace,
analyze and make decisions usually with the aim of gaining sales

Reduce cost of doing business,

automating transactions,
substituting capital for labour

Shared IT services & utilities

Source: P. Weill & M. Broadbent “Leveraging the New Infrastructure: How market
46 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
leaders capitalize on IT,” Harvard Business School Press, June 1998.
Portfolio Balancing

Retireable Transactional Informational Strategic Discovery

& Staffing


Today’s Portfolio

47 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Portfolio Balancing

Retireable Transactional Informational Strategic Discovery

& Staffing


Tomorrow’s Portfolio

48 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Boston Square
Management Style Management Style
Gaining Developer Innovator
Advantage - High Risk - Very High Risk
- High Benefit - Uncertain Benefit

Critical to sustain May be important

Primary Purpose

future in achieving
business strategy future success

Useful but not

Currently depended
critical to future
on for success
or current success


Management Style Management Style

Avoiding Controller Caretaker
Disadvantage - Known Risk - Low Risk
- Known Benefit - Low Benefit

49 © Candor Governance
Source: BP and Cranfield School of Business, based on McFarlan/McKenney Pty Grid”
“Strategic (Ltd)
IT Value

Warranty Utility
Value “Fit for Use”
“Fit for

 Fitness for Use is • The Service should

defined by the be suitable for the
customer intended purpose


50 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Information

Transition /
Information Technology

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Privacy Records Management Security

51 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Dealing with this Devil
10 V’s of Big Data, George Firican February 2017

1. Volume: >90% of today’s data was created in the last couple of years

2. Velocity: Facebook claims 600 terabytes of incoming data per day

3. Variety: e.g. audio, image, video, social media updates, click data, sensors

4. Variability: multiple disparate data types and sources

5. Veracity: trust, reliability, meaningfulness

6. Validity: Forbes: 60% of data scientist time is cleaning data

7. Vulnerability: Increasing need for and cost of securing data

8. Volatility: data currency, availability, retrieval, archiving, destruction

9. Visualization: technology limitations

10. Value: Utility + Warrantee

52 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
2017: Harvard Business Review
May – June 2017 Issue

Elements of a Data Strategy

Defence Offense
Ensure data security, privacy,
Improve competitive position
Key Objectives integrity, quality, regulatory
and profitability
compliance and governance
Optimize data analytics,
Optimize data extraction,
modelling, visualization,
Core Activities standardization, storage and
transformation and
Control Flexibility

Enabling Architecture SSOT (single source) MVOT (multiple versions)

53 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Data / Information Guidance

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Privacy Records Management Security

ISO/IEC 27000 family - Information security management systems

• This family of standards includes:
– ISO/IEC 27000:2016: Overview and vocabulary
– ISO/IEC 27001:2013: Information security management systems requirements
– ISO/IEC 27002:2013: Code of practice for information security controls
– ISO/IEC 27005:2011: Information security risk management
– ISO/IEC 27018:2014: Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable
information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors

54 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Data / Information Guidance

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Privacy Records Management Security

55 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Data / Information Guidance

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Privacy Records Management Security

Information Privacy Management Standards

• ISO/IEC 29100 and related standards
– ƒA privacy framework (ISO/IEC 29100)
– ƒA privacy reference architecture (ISO/IEC 29101)
– A framework for identity management (ISO/IEC 24760)
– ƒBiometric template protection (ISO/IEC 24745)
– ƒAuthentication context for biometrics (ISO/IEC 24761)
– ƒAuthentication Assurance (ISO/IEC 29115)

56 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

GDPR has been effective since 25 May 2018
General Data Protection Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2016/679

57 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Data / Information Guidance

Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Privacy Records Management Security

ISO 15489-1:2016 Records management -- Part 1: Concepts and principles

ISO/IEC 30300 family - Management systems for records:

This family of standards includes:
– ISO 30300:2011: Fundamentals and vocabulary
– ISO 30301:2011: Requirements
– ISO 30302:2015: Guidelines for implementation

58 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Associated Information Integrity Guidance

ISO 15489-1:2016 Records management -- Part 1: Concepts and principles

ISO/IEC 30300 family - Management systems for records:

This family of standards includes:
– ISO 30300:2011: Fundamentals and vocabulary
– ISO 30301:2011: Requirements
– ISO 30302:2015: Guidelines for implementation

59 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance - Transformation

Transition /
Information Technology

Projects Requests Continuity

Planned Planned and Unplanned
Initiatives Unplanned incidents & events

60 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Change / Transition / Transformation

• The term “transition” refers to all the activities that

are carried out when a new or changed service is
moved to or from a “live” environment.
ISO/IEC 20000-1

• The term “business transformation” refers to making

changes in how business is conducted in order to
help cope with a shift in market environment.
John Kotter, Harvard Business Review, 2007

61 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Sources of Change

• Globalization Impacts
Environmental • Technology Advances
Incidents and Events
• Stakeholder Pressure
• Strategy
Planned Initiatives
Organisational • Operational Plans
and Projects
• Compliance
• Incidents
Planned and Unplanned
Operational • Improvements
Service Requests
• Maintenance

62 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

63 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

• Board oversight of “change”

• Strategy enablement – portfolio management

• Increased potential for convergence

• Increased focus on (IT) value realization

• Business Resilience not just Disaster Recovery

64 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

IT Governance ->
Governance of organizational enablement

Transition /
Information Technology

65 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Is YOUR Corporate Governance Future Fit?

66 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Sneak Peek
Governing Body Tool Set
for Governing Transformation Activities

67 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Strategic and Operational Change

Values Mission

Principles Vision


Policies Objectives

Charters Outcomes


Operating Model
Monitoring Services


Management Metrics

68 Source: Business Relationship Management Institute © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
Business Planning


69 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Planning Transformation Capacity

70 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Budgeting for Transformation



71 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Budgeting Capacity for Transformation

72 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Monitoring Transformation
RAG Forecast
(Red, Amber, Green)

H “No-go” Add resources

Additional Management Focus



L Seek Alternatives On Track

L Success to date H
73 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)
Strategic Risks

Impact of

74 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Business Value Leakage
What we get done
What IT must do Barrier
What we want to do Barrier

Suboptimal Measurement,
Accountability &
Deployment &
Organizational Capability
Misaligned Value System

Contextual Barrier
What drives our behaviours

75 © Candor Governance Pty (Ltd)

Source: Business Relationship Management Institute
Carolynn Chalmers

“Applying King IV” Group Candor Governance

@Candor_GovN WhatsApp +27 83 300 1309

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