Undertaking On 100 Stamp Paper

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(under the Bye-Law Nos. 19 (a) (iv)

The form of undertaking to be furnished by the
prospective member to use the flat for the
purpose for which it is allotted.

I , Ms Ambiyabee Wahid Patel an Indian inhabitant of Mumbai presently

residing at 372/2986,motilal nagar no 2, M.G road ,goregaon west, Mumbai-
400104(PAN No. DQWPP9776B, AADHAAR No. 699218039073)
Wife of deceased MR. Wahid Yasin miya Patel who was the member of the said
society Tatya Tope Nagar Co-Operative Housing society Ltd, Aarey road near Jain
temple , Goregaon west, Mumbai-400104. And was holding share certificate
No. _____of fully paid up share of Rs.50/- hearby give the undertaking that I will
use the said flat premises acquired by me only for legal purposes only .
I further give the undertaking that no change of user will be made by me
without the previous permission in writing of the committee of the society.

1) Ms Ambiyabee Wahid Patel

Place :Mumbai

Date :

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