Kelsey's Visitation Logs

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Visitation Date: 05/09/2005

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit with GM was 11-1 today. GM brought Kelsey a happy meal, some cranberries and Kelsey's sippy cup. GM read to Kelsey while she laid down. Kelsey wanted to hide under the covers. Around the middle of the visit Kelsey began to swing her arms like she was trying to hit GM. GM told Kelsey you know your not suppose to pinch people. GM received three phone calls while in visit. One from Papa and one from Step Mom Ashley. the other was unknown. Kelsey was very agitated and screaming at this time. This is when aide called in worker in to observe. Yolanda spoke to GM about getting phone calls; GM brought family pictures for Kelsey to look at. At one time Kelsey was playing with a doll and I heard her say your'e in time out and baby not nice. Kelsey was playing with the tv and began to scream when GM told her not to play with the buttons. Several times today Kelsey

told GM she wanted to go with her. I feel she was tired of being coup up in a little room. Since GM had her previous visit

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/10/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 9-10. Kelsey was excited to be with Mom today. She went right into her arms. Mom and Kelsey laid in the floor watching TV most of the visit. CW Yolanda came in to take a picture of Kelsey. Kelsey gave Mom hugs and kisses today.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 05110/2005

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit was 10-11. GM brought Kelsey new dora books today. They sat on the floor for a while and read. Kelsey began to throw all her books across the room. GM tried to correct her then. GM gave Kelsey markers to draw with. Kelsey would rather write on her casts. GM told Kelsey she wanted to read her a book and Kelsey said I want to set on your lap. David Burgess and Yolanda came in to observe. Kelsey tried to play with the monitor but GM took it away. Kelsey did not like this and screamed out.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:

Visitation Date: 05/13/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 9-10. Grandma and Papa had the first visit today. They brought new books for Kelsey today. Visit did not start on time due to daycare fixing Kelsey's breakfast. Kelsey was very agitated this morning. Daycare said she was up most of the

. night due to the weather. She cried most of the visit. She kept crying saying her toes hurt. She wanted GM to keep rubbing them.

At one time she laid down and coverd herself up. GM asked her why all of sudden do you want to hide. ( She has been doing this at every visit) GM started reading a book then Kelsey uncoverd and started laughing at the story. Papa also read to Kelsey while she sat on GM's lap. Kelsey did not want to eat her breakfast today. Grandma was able to malce her own schedule for next week.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford -case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 05/13/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit was 10-11. Mom was waiting for Kelsey in the visit room. Yolanda carried Kelsey over to Mom. Kelsey and Mom played in the floor, read books, and colored. Kelsey talked the whole visit. Family changed rooms to watach TV. Monitor in room 2 had a lot of static. A schedule was made with Mom for next week.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/18/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparentrs) (Paternal)


LIncoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 1-2. Kelsey was in a talkative mood today. She played with GM with no problems. GM told Kelsey she talked to her Daddy yesterday. Kelsey did not say anything about this. She wanted to watch TV. Kelsey then started drawing. GM stated Kelsey you are ina good mood today. When visit was over GM asked me ( case aide) if! heard what Kelsey said about her legs. I· said I did not catch it. GM stated when Kelsey was putting the broken pencilsl back in the box she said something about her leg and Daddy Mike. Kelsey also said something about her head hurting. I told GM that I would let Yolanda know about this

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 05116/2005 Court Ordered: Yes

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (paternal)


2020 East First Street, Chandler, Oklahoma 74834, DHS office, visitation room


Grpts Briggs first visited with Kelsey. Gpts. brought books and a case of toys. Kelsey kept hitting her head with her hand and telling the grandparents to "stop it". Kelsey tried to scratch grandpa. Kelsey throws the books on the floor and the papers too. Grandmother tries to redirect Kelsey with the continuing of reading the books. Kelsey continues to be mean to the grandpa. Grandmother gives Kelsey kisses but Kelsey continues on a mission to be mean to grandpa telling him "stop". Grandpa tries reading the book and Kelsey listens but pulls on the boole telling hun, "stop, that is my book". Kelsey keeps pinching and pulling at grandpas ann. Kelsey yells at grandpa "No, No". Kelsey keeps to herself, not wanting to interact with the grandparents. Kelsey starts coloring on her own.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Yolanda Hunter, CWS II and Jennifer Murrison, Case Aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/06/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County visit room


Morn was excited to see Kelsey today. She played and read books to her. Mom painted Kelsey's fingernails. Kelsey'S is a very smart girl she can reconginize the letter K. Kelsey was crawling on her knees and fell backwards and hit her head head on the floor. Mom said I am glad someone seen that. Kelsey talked the whole visit. Kelly Mullin Supervisor came in an aobserved. David Burgess Supervisor brought in Casa to introduce to Mom. Mom asked Kelsey if she wanted to go home to GM Gayla and she said yes. Mom also asked if Kelsey wanted to to home with her. I am not positive but it soundede like no. I could tell by the end of the visit that Kelsey was getting tired because Kelsey was crawling a lot slower. When visit was over Kelsey cried.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/18/2005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 2-3. Mom was waiting for Kelsey in the other visit room. Kelsey was busy drawing when Mom came in the room. When Mom said something to her she stopped and smiled. Kelsy told her Mom she missed her. Kelsey told her Mom that Daddy Mike hurt her head. Mom laughed and said Daddy Mike did not hurt you because you have not seen him, Kelsy kept calling for me (case aide). Visit ended at 3:02

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/19/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 9-10. Kelsey was in a good mood and happy to see GM. Grandma brought breakfast this morning for Kelsey. Kelsey and GM watched a video of her and dad. All through the video Kelsey would laugh she seem to enj oy it very much. At one time in the visit Kelsey was dumping out the legos and fell backwards on her bottom .. She only cried for a few minutes. Kelsy asked GM if she could go to the bathroom but when we got her in there she started crying and would not go. When I went in to the room to get Kelsey for visit with mom Gramdma said when Kelsey saw Mike she crawled up on her lap and said she did not want to see him. I had April CWo to stay in the room while I tallced to Kristal CW about this. Per Kristal go ahead and do the switch and speak to Yolanda about this. GM stated it was in the court order not to have Mike in the visits. GM stated so it doesn't matter what Kelsey wants. I explained to her I was only the aide and the she would have to talk to worker aobut her concerns. I told GM

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide


Visitation Date: 05/19/2005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today 10-11. Visit today was with Mom and Mike. Before visit began I checked with Kristal to make sure Mike was allowed in visits. When I carried Kelsey into the room she was happy to see Mom and Mike, Family watched TV together on the floor. Mike brought suckers for him and Kelsey. Kelsey would write I love you on Mom;s hand and say look Daddy Mike. At one time Mom took the sucker from Mike and Kelsey told Mom to give it back to Daddy Mike. At no time did Kelsy show any fear of Mike. She did however stay close to Mombut this is normal in their visits.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:

Visitation Date: 05/2312005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 9-11. Kelsey was excited to see Mom. Mom and Kelsey played with lego's and watched the video Alice in Wonderland that Mom brought today. Kelsey ate the biscuit that Aide brought for her. Kellie Mullin and David Burgess observed some ofthe visit today. Kelsey went to the bathroom two times .. Visit ended with hugs and kisses from Kelsey

Who was Present;

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: OS/23/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


GJv1Visiftoday 11-1. Kelsey and Aide sta in floor playin while waiting for GM to come in room. GM asked Aide if she knew whn the cast would come. off. Aide stated she did not know. Kelsy was rady to read the books that GMbronght. Mom Ashley and Dad sent a book (Joe Moves In) with blues clues. GM brought carrots ad a grill cheese for lunch. Kelsey's Dad called from Iraq

today. Kelsey was very happy to be talking to him. Shw would laugh and kick her legs. She would say I love you Daddy but this was after GM wouuld tell her too. GM taked to DAd a few minutes. When GM hung up the phone she was crying. GM is putting something in the Shawnee, Lincoldn Cnty & Meker newspaper aobut Kelsey, Mom Ahsley and DAnd sometime this week. GM mad e a shor vidio of Kelsey wasking to sen to Dad. GM got several calls this mornign but she did not talk to anyone except Kelsey's Dad. SKelsey enj oyed playing with the stickies on the window. Kelsey at one time fell against the windo and hit her

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: OS/24/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit is 9-10. Visit went well today. Kelsey wanted to write on all the books in the room but Mom told her no. Kelsey through a fit and did not want to listen. Mom eventually took the colors away. Kellie Mullin came in and took pictures of Kelsey. Visit ended again with hugs and kisses to Mom.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford -case aide


Visitation Date: OS/24/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today is from 10-11. Aide placed GM in room two before bringing in Kelsey. GM made a comment to Kelsey I wish you would not write on yourself Mom and Kelsey write on each other in their visits. GM brought a pencil sharpener from home so Kelsey could use a pencil instead of a pen .. GM asked to speak to Yolanda about a few things. Yolanda will visit with her after her visit. Kelsey and GM watched a video of Daddy. Kelsey was not in a good mood in this visit also. GM told her your're not in a very talllcative mood today. GM asked Kelsey who all was at daycare. Kelsey could name everyone ofthe children. At one time Kelsey crawled under the table and was whispiering saying I am hiding. GM asked Kelsey if she had a good visit with Mom and Kelsey said no. GM stated you did to Kelsey. Visit ended at 11

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: OS/27/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit with Mom today was 9-10. Kelsey has her cast off today. She is very hesitant to wallcing. she was very talkative this morning. Mom and Kelsey colored in the color book that Mom brought then they watched a movie together. Mom always enj oys watchinig TV as much as Kelsey.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: OS/27/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit was from 10-12. This visit made up the hour that was interrupted on May 6. Kelsey was very excited to see GM and Papa today. They all sat in the floor and played with stickies that GM brought. Kelsey's Dad called today again. Kelsey told him she got her cast off and she loved him. He did not talk very long because Kelsey was more involved with the stickies, Dad talked with GM and Papa for a while. All watched a video of Kelsey's dad, Kelsey ate on a apple most of the visit. Kristal J. observed some of the visit. Kelsey crawled under the table today and when they would try to get her to come. out she would yell at them. Kelsey would try to stand up but would never do it. She would walk with her tail end up in the air and her head down. Papa and Kelsey had a good time today. Papa sand her a song and played with a puppet boole. Kelsey stuck her finger in a pencil sharpener and cut her finger. When GM changed Kelsey's pull up aide observed redness on the back of legs. GM commented this must be from the

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinfor- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 06/0112005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was from 9-10. Kelsey was standing :in the hall waiting for GM to come in. GM and Kelsey made a picture and worked with beads today. GM put in a video of Kelsey's dad today; GM commented to Kelsey I want you to see his face. Kelsey through a fit today. She kicked and screamed because GM told her not to dump out the beads. Glvl just picked up Kelsey and sat her on the couch. It did not take Kelsey long to calm down. At the end of the visit GM and Kelsey were sitting on the couch talking about their feet when aide observed Kelsey saying Daddy Mike hurt my feet. Yolanda was notified. GM did not comment on this at the end of visit. A schedule for next week was given to GM.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide


Visitation Date: 05/31/2005

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)

Court Ordered: . No


Lincoln County Visit room


Visit today was 11-1. Grandma brought Kelsey some lunch. GM and Kelsey watched a video of Dad. Kelsey was in a good mood today. GM and Kelsey made Daddy a picture with glue and. constrution paper. At one time Kelsey stood against the wall and said she was in time out. GM stated I don't think I like that. When Aide and GM took Kelsey to the bathroom GM made the comment I guess you see I have a hard time saying no. When they went back in the room Kelsey laid down to take a nap. Kelsy did not lay douwn very long. When she got up she was trying to be mean to GM by pulling her hair. Kelsey at one time pulled open GM clothes. GM told her that was not nice. Visit ended at 1: 05

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/31/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


LIncoln County Visit Room


Visit today should have been 9-11 but Mom was running late. Kelsey was in visit room with aide waiting for Mom. Kelsey was happy to see her. Mom and Kelsey sat in floor and watched TV. Mom spoke to Yolanda about Kelsey foot turning out. Visit ended with Kelsey giving Mom a hug.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 06/0112005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Conrt Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was 10-11: 15. Mom was waiting for Kelsey in room 1. Visit was moved to room 2 because it has a TV. Kelsey was very whining in this visit. Aide bought Kelsey some crackers because she was hungry, Mom sat on the couch and held Kelsey. Kelsey did not mention anything about her feet in the visit.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 06/03/2005

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (paternal)

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit was from 9-10 today. GM was the only one present today. GM put in the video of Dad. GM and Kelsey sat in the floor and played. GM was teaching Kelsey how to use scissors and cut construction paper. CASA came in to observed some of the visit today. Kelsey seemed very agitated today and wou1d not do anything GM tried to do. At one time GM tried to take the scissors away and Kelsey wou1d not let them go. Aide felt this could tum into an accident so she went in and explained to Kelsey that she need to put them up. GM then put them in her bag. Visit ended at 10:10. Aide askedGM if she had nexts week schedule. GM stated yes but I can not visit on Fridays anymore since I am taking care of another Grandchild. Aide only said ok,

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 06/03/2005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit with mom was 10-11 today. CASA visited with mom at the beginning of visit. Kelsey was ready to see mom. Kelsey's attitude changed with mom. She was happy and very playful in this visit. Aide did not observe any outburst with mom. Kelsey only walked if mom could hold her hand. She kept saying come on mom. Yolanda came in a veiwed some video tape that Raydawn had brought in. Mom and Kelsey ended visit with hugs and kisses.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 06/06/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child



Todays visit was sceduled after court. But due to Kelsey being sick the visit was cancelled. Grandma Smith will be given extra. time on next visits.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Status Category: Cancelled

Supervision Type:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 06108/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Mother -Child


Lincoln County DHS visit room


The visit today was from 9-10:30. The visit started on time today. A few minutes into visit Sooner Start showed for an evaution of Kelsey. Visti was not supervised today, although the aide did check in form time to time. The visit went from 9-10:30. Aide went in when evaluation was over and got Kelsey so visit with Grandma could get started.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 06108/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (paternal)


Lincoln County DRS Visit Room


Visit today was from 10:30- 12:30. This vist did not get started on time due to Sooner Starts evaluation. Aide went out befor visit started and explained to GM about the delay. Aide offered GM more visit time, but GM declined stating she has an appt. Aide stated there was nothing that could be done about the delay. Visit started approx, 10:30 om visit room #1. When room #2 became vacant visit was moved this room. GM stated later that she would go ahead and stay for the longer visit. Kelsey signed a FAthers's Day card and made a picture for him out of stickies. Kelsey ate on the lunch that GM brought today. Kelsey asked to watch the tape of her Dad today. GM made a comment about Kelsey having circles under her eyes agin.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide


Visitation Date: 06/10/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Step-Parent


Lincoln County Visit Room


BThis visit today was from 10-12 with GM and Ashley. The visit was for 2 hour because GM visit was cancelled on June 6 because Kelsey was sick. David Burgess brought GM and Ashley back to visit room. Supervisor Kellie M took Kelsey back for some snacks. Aide observed GM and Ashely waiting patiently. All were excited to see each other. Ashley and GM brought sacks and a present for Kelsey. Aide observed Kelsey sitting on Ashley's lap through out visit. GM kept commenting on Mom (Ashley). Kelsey at one time addressed Ashley as Mom. GM sat on the couch while Ashley and Kelsey sat in floor playing. The video of Dad was watch again today. Visit ended at 12. A scheduel was given for the next 2 weeks.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:

Visitation Date: 06/10/2005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County Visit Room


Visit today was from 9-11 and with Mom. Mom was talking to David Burgess while waiting for Kelsey to arrive .. Kelsey was asleep when we arrived at DRS but she woke up when she heard moms voice. Kelsey was very proud of the necklace and

sunglasses her mom brought her. Kelsey was in a talkative mood today .

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Visitation Date: 06113/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County Visit Room


The visit today was from 9-11 < Grandma brought Kelsey a new alphabet book today. Kelsey was really excited about them. Kelsey played with GM most of visit but towards to end she bagn to get fussy. Visit ended at 11.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:

Visitation Date: 06/13/2005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


LicoIn County Visit Room


Visit with Mom was from 11-1 today. Kelsey was ready for Mom. Mom and Kelsey sat on the floor watching some movies that Mom brought. Kelsey also enj oyed her happy meal that was also brought. Kelseywas not ready for Mom to leave. Visit ended at 1

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Status Category: Completed

Supervision Type:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 07i06/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Step-Parent


CWS - DHS - office - visitation room, 2020 East First Street, Chandler, Oldahoma 74834


Mrs. Briggs came in to the office alone. W orIcer asked where Mrs. Kathy Briggs was and she told worker that she would not come to the office because DHS told in court what a bad person she was and she did not want anybody to state any more bad things about her. When Kelsey came for her visit she was sleeping and Mrs. Briggs was informed that this is Kelsey's nap time and she will have to roll with the flow of the nap time as parents do. Mrs. Briggs said she would hold her and did so the whole hour while Kelsey slept. Mrs. Briggs sat down with her on the sofa and worker sat with them. Mrs. Briggs started crying and worker asked her what was the matter and 111·s. Briggs said "she has no one and this is the only person she can have in the form of her husband who is overseas". Mrs. Briggs talked with worker about the ISP and visitation perhaps at the Pottawatomie County office with secondary worker. Mrs. Briggs said what ever is comfortable for Kelsey but she would like to have it closer to her work and home

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Yolanda Hunter, CWS IT

Snpervision Type:

Status Category: Cancelled

Visitation Date: 08/01/2005

Visitation Type: Step-Parent

Court Ordered: No



Mother, Raye Dawn Porter, called worker and left message that she needed to reschedule visit. The parents are closing on their loan for their home and were only told on Friday plus Kelsey has a little cold, not feeling well. Worker explained to call the step parent and explain the visit was cancelled to alert the step mom to this information. Mrs. Porter agreed to do so. Mrs, Briggs came in on Monday morning and spoke with her husband on the phone while worker and supervisor were speaking to her. Mrs. Briggs said she did not take Mrs. Porters word for it when she had called and stated it was cancelled and that Mrs. Porter had told her that the visit would have to be rescheduled for another time. Mrs. Briggs stated to worker arid supervisor that she wanted Kelsey taken in to a doctor because she is worried about her and how did we know that she was fine. Worker explained that the eBBS person goes in the home twice a week, she has the same secondary worker in the same countythat does worker visits as well, plus CASA

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 08/03/2005

Visitation Type: Step-Parent

Court Ordered: No


2020 East First STreet, Chandler, OK. DRS office, visiting room


Kelsey was not excited to see Ashley at meeting in the lob by. Ashley came to Kelsey. In the visitation room, Ashley and Kelsey look at a lot of pictures and Kelsey laughs at animals in the pictures. PRone call at 8:45 a.m. from Kelsey's dad. Kelsey talks to her dad on the phone for about 2 minutes about toys she is playing with. Ashley tells Kelsey to tell dad "love you, miss you". Called ended at 8:50 a.m Kelsey tells Ashley she needs to talk to Yolanda. Ashley offers to go get worker. Kelsey continues playing and talking to Ashley. Ashley asks if Kelsey has played with who? Mom? Who else? Ashley and Kelsey sit in the floor playing. Ashley and Kelsey talk about hurts and scabs. Kelsey told Ashley she saw a scary movie with a scary man with scabs on him. Ashley took a picture of Kelsey on her cell phone. Kelsey had been sick and came with a scab on her nose. The inside of her nose began to bleed a little and Ashley asked for some tissue. They play with leggos. Visit ended at 9:30. Kelsey went with

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Jennifer Murrison, Case Aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 08/27/2005

Visitation Type: Step-Parent

Court Ordered: Yes


met at Braums on harrison in Shawnee,OK. then on to her home.


Took pictures - talked with her father by cell phone - 9-2 visit as ordered.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:


Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/06/2005 Court Ordered: No

Visitation Type: Grandparent(s) (Paternal)


Lincoln County visit room


GM brought a happy meal but she acted like she did not want to eat it. Kelsey yelled at GM at the time. Kelsey gtried to bite GM's fingers and hands two different times. GM tried to correct Kelsey. Gm asked Kelsey if she wanted to make Mom Ashely a mothers day present. Kelsey put all her books and toys under a blanket like she was hiding. GM recieved phone calls from Papa and Ashley. Kelsey carried on a conversation with Papa but would not talkk to Ashley. At the end of the visit Kelsey crawed over th the comer and covered up like she was going to sleep. GM also reminded Kelsey her Dad would be home in 521 days. Visit ended early due to Kelsey having a DR appt. GM was not happy and kept questioning Yolanda about it.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford-case aide

Supervision Type:

Status Category: Completed

Visitation Date: 05/0912005

Visitation Type: Mother -Child

Court Ordered: No


Lincoln County visit room


Visit for Mom was 9-11 today. Kelsey was very excited to see her mom. Mom took Kelsey to the .bathroom and she somtbing red :in her bowel movement. I notified Yolanda Hunter and it was confirmed with GM Gayla that Kelsey bad ate alot of tomatoes last night. Mom and Kelsey read books and watched TV. Kelsey seems to be very comfortable with Mom Today when Mom told Kelsey the viist was over Kelsey gave Mom two bigs hugs. Mom was crying when she left today.

Who was Present:

Supervised By Txt:

Denise Annette Swinford- case aide

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