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Decreasing External Ventricular Drain Infection Rates in the Neurocritical Care Unit:
12-Year Longitudinal Experience at a Single Institution
Konrad W. Walek1, Owen P. Leary1, Rahul Sastry1, Wael F. Asaad1,3,4, Joan M. Walsh5, Leonard Mermel2,6,7

- OBJECTIVE: External ventricular drain (EVD) placement days (95% CI, 0.50e7.30; P [ 0.011), associated with
is a common neurosurgical procedure, and EVD-related combined standardization of reduced EVD sampling fre-
infection is a significant complication. We examined the quency, cutaneous antisepsis with alcoholic chlorhexidine
effect of infection control protocol changes on EVD-related before EVD placement, and use of a subcutaneous
infection incidence. tunneling technique during EVD insertion.
- METHODS: Changes in EVD placement protocol and - CONCLUSIONS: The most significant reduction in EVD
incidence density of infections after implementation of infections may be achieved through the combination of
protocol changes in the neurocritical care unit were reducing EVD sampling frequency and standardizing alco-
tracked from 2007 to 2019. EVD infections were defined holic chlorhexidine cutaneous antisepsis and subcutane-
using a modified U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ous tunneling of the EVD catheter.
Prevention National Healthcare Safety Network surveil-
lance definition of meningitis/ventriculitis for patients with
EVDs in situ for at least 2 days confirmed by positive cul-
ture. Contribution of protocol changes to EVD infection risk
was assessed via multivariate regression. INTRODUCTION
- RESULTS: Fifteen major changes in EVD protocol were
associated with a reduction in infections from 6.7 to 2.0 per
1000 EVD days (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.1e5.3;
P < 0.001). Gram-positive bacterial infection incidence
E xternal ventricular drain (EVD) placement is a common
neurosurgical procedure. Indications include severe trau-
matic brain injury, acute hydrocephalus, intraventricular
hemorrhage, spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage, ven-
triculitis, shunt infection, and other need for urgent cerebrospinal
decreased from 4.8 to 1.7 per 1000 EVD days (95% CI, 2.3e fluid (CSF) diversion. Infection is a serious potential complication
3.9; P ¼ 0.00882) and gram-negative infection incidence of EVD placement and increases the risk of poor neurosurgical
decreased from 1.9 to 0.5 per 1000 EVD days (95% CI, 0.6e outcomes, obstruction of EVD flow, prolonged hospital length of
2.3; P [ 0.0303). Of all protocol changes since 2007, the stay, systemic infection, and death.1 The incidence of EVD
largest reduction in incidence was 3.9 infections per 1000 infection reported in the literature ranges from 0% to 27% of

Key words Q: Quarter-year

- Catheter VP: Ventriculoperitoneal
- Central nervous system infection
- External ventricular catheter From the Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of
- Nosocomial infection Medicine of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; 3Department of Neuroscience,
- Ventriculitis Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; and 4Norman Prince Neuroscience Institute,
Division of Critical Care, Department of Nursing, 6Department of Epidemiology and Infection
Abbreviations and Acronyms Control, and 7Division of Infectious Diseases, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode
4Q: 4 quarter Island, USA
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention To whom correspondence should be addressed: Leonard Mermel, D.O., Sc.M.
CI: Confidence interval [E-mail:]
CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2021) 150:e89-e101.
EVD: External ventricular drain
H: Half-year
ICC: Infection control committee Journal homepage:
NCCU: Neurocritical care unit Available online:
OR: Operating room 1878-8750/ª 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e89


EVDs placed.2,3 There are several established risk factors total EVD days in past 4Q). This choice of metric was made to
associated with EVD infections including extended EVD dwell minimize excessive variation (19 of the 50 quarters assessed had
time, CSF leak, frequency of CSF sampling, frequency of EVD 0 infections) and is well suited for our analysis of the long-term
manipulation, number of attempted EVD insertions, tract outcomes of protocol changes assumed to have instantaneous
hemorrhage at placement, and insufficient hair clipping.1,3-16 time points of implementation. EVD days were calculated in terms
Some hypothesized risk factors for which there has been no of point-prevalence at 9 PM daily. Data were analyzed from 2007 Q1
definitive evidence of association with EVD infection include age, to 2019 Q2. These data result from quality assurance initiatives at
sex, Glasgow Coma Scale score, increased intracranial pressure at our institution as part of our standard infection control program;
time of EVD placement, systemic infection, presence of blood in no patient-specific data were reviewed or presented. Thus, this
drainage system, use of periprocedural antibiotics, length of study was exempt from institutional review board approval. For
hospital stay, involuntary EVD disconnection, placement by a ju- this type of study, formal consent is not required. The Standards
nior surgeon, or coverage of the insertion site with a for QUality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) guide-
dressing.1,3-6,8,10-15 lines were followed.19
Incomplete understanding of which factors contribute to EVD
infections and why has led to poorly standardized EVD infection Statistical Analysis
prevention strategies. Several institutions have shown a significant Multivariate logistic regression against both noninformative and
reduction in EVD infections through implementation of protocols informative previous distributions was used to assess the strength
for EVD insertion and maintenance, although specific protocol of effect of protocol changes on EVD infection rate, the primary
changes implemented at each institution have varied.2,10,17,18 In end point. Major protocol changes from Table 1 (EVD Infection
2007, the Department of Epidemiology & Infection Control at our Control Bundle) were grouped into 15 bins by calendar year
institution identified a high incidence density of EVD infections quarter of implementation for analysis. We report the estimated
(approximately 7e8/1000 EVD days) in the neurocritical care unit degree of contribution of the 15 protocol amendments to
(NCCU) involving both gram-positive and gram-negative patho- changes in the EVD infection rate and 95% confidence intervals
gens. In response, an EVD infection control committee (ICC) was (CIs). Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS (IBM Corp.,
formed with members from the departments of neurosurgery, Armonk, New York, USA).
nursing, and neurocritical care. Since its inception, the committee
has recorded all EVD infections as they have occurred (e.g., date of Current EVD Placement Procedure
EVD insertion, patient location, EVD dwell time, and EVD in- At our institution, EVDs are routinely placed in the NCCU by
fections using criteria noted later), periodically recommended qualified neurosurgery residents or, occasionally, qualified
changes in practice, and assessed the impact of these interventions advanced practice practitioners under direct supervision of a
over time. Here, we summarize the protocol changes enacted since qualified resident. A resident or advanced practice practitioner is
2007 and the quarterly incidence of EVD infections. deemed to be qualified after having successfully completed 5 EVD
placements under the observation and guidance of a more senior
METHODS resident or faculty. Starting in December 2017, the NCCU was
equipped with EVD insertion kits containing 1 Codman (Integra
This is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data de- LifeSciences, Princeton, New Jersey, USA) cranial access kit, 1
tailing EVD infections in the NCCU of a 719-bed tertiary-care ac- Codman ventriculostomy catheter, 1 Integra AccuDrain system
ademic medical center. The NCCU consisted of 12 beds from 2007 with access port, three 10-mL sterile saline flushes, four 3e0 nylon
to April 2015, was expanded to 18 beds from April 2015, and was sutures, one 3e0 monocryl suture, 1 electric clipper, 3 swab sticks
moved to a new location within the institution in early 2018. EVD containing 2% chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% isopropyl alcohol
infections were defined using a modified U.S. Centers for Disease (ChloraPrep [Beckton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey,
Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network USA]), 1 sterile gown, 2 pairs of sterile gloves, 1 hat, 1 face mask
surveillance definition of meningitis/ventriculitis for patients with with eye shield, 1 full body drape, 1 packet of bacitracin ointment,
EVDs in situ for at least 2 days, requiring positive CSF culture and and checklists for EVD insertion and the EVD infection control
CSF glucose, protein, and cell counts consistent with infection for bundle20,21 (Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). The
diagnosis (CDC/National Healthcare Safety Network. Patient current procedure for EVD placement in the NCCU (as of 2019
Safety Component Manual, January 2020). EVD infection rates Q3), which has resulted from the longitudinal institutional
were assessed over time and compared with timing of changes experience shown in Figure 1, is described as follows.
made to EVD placement and/or maintenance policies. Written and Before the EVD insertion procedure begins, all doors (or cur-
electronic records in the department of epidemiology and infec- tains in double-bed rooms) are closed and “Procedure in Progress”
tion control, as well as personal records from the nursing quality signs are posted to minimize intraoperative entrance and egress.
and safety manager for the NCCU, were reviewed to document the All personnel entering or remaining in the room must wear a face
timeline of recommendations from the local ICC, as well as mask and cap. All tubing and cables are removed from the pro-
implementation of specific protocol changes. cedure field, and a mobile procedure table is positioned to
maintain a sterile field for the duration of the procedure. No
Data Collection preprocedural prophylactic antibiotics are administered because
All EVD infections per quarter are reported as a 4-quarter (4Q) several studies1,22,23 have reported no benefit or minimal beneficial
moving average of the previous 4Qs (total infections in past 4Q O effect of antibiotic prophylaxis on infection risk. Sedation and/or



Table 1. External Ventricular Drain Infection Control Bundle and Ventriculitis Review Form
EVD Infection Control Bundle Ventriculitis Review Form

EVD insertion protocol EVD insertion and maintenance

Hand hygiene with alcohol hand gel or chlorhexidine immediately before procedure Insertion bundle elements:
No preinsertion prophylactic antibiotics  Full drape over EVD insertion site?
Insertion site scrubbed with alcoholic chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine if patient is <2000 g  Hair clipped?
or allergic to chlorhexidine and allowed to dry (30 seconds scrub/30e60 seconds dry time)
Patient's head and body covered with full sterile drape  Chlorhexidine skin prep?
Sterile field maintained, including proceduralist (and direct assist) use of cap, mask, sterile Queries
gown and gloves, eye protection
All personnel entering or remaining in room must wear mask and cap Number of attempts at EVD insertion?
Only necessary personnel should enter or remain in room Number of times patient transported to the OR, general radiology, CT
imaging, or other areas outside of the intensive care unit?
Maintain closed door (and curtain for double-bed rooms) during procedure, place “Procedure Did patient have surgery/procedure (OR or patient care unit)?
in Progress” alert outside room
Aseptic technique used for connection of transducer (if required) Was it an EV shunt?
Catheter is tunneled under skin and secured in a coiled pattern with sutures Was EVD placed before infection?
Blood is cleansed from insertion site and alcoholic chlorhexidine applied; site is left open Did EVD become disconnected?
without gauze or occlusive dressing
No postinsertion prophylactic antibiotic Was EVD flushed or accessed before infection?
Antibiotic-impregnated EVD is to be used in patients for whom a ventriculoperitoneal shunt Was site care completed every 8 hours per protocol?
or EVD was removed because of proven or suspected infection
Maintenance: Site care Was chlorhexidine bathing done daily?
Hand hygiene immediately before procedure
Don mask and sterile gloves before performing site care
Gentle 30-second alcoholic chlorhexidine scrub to EVD catheter insertion site and
surrounding 50.8 mm (2 in) of skin every 8 hours (use povidone iodine if chlorhexidine
EVD insertion site without dressing unless oozing from site in which case cover with 2  2
gauze dressing and occlusive dressing over gauze dressing
Maintenance: Changing collection reservoir
Hand hygiene immediately before procedure
Don clean gloves, cleanse Luer lock connection between drip chamber and collection
reservoir with povidone-iodine or alcoholic chlorhexidine; remove gloves
Hand hygiene, don mask and sterile gloves
Disconnect full collection reservoir at Luer lock connection; aseptically attach new collection
reservoir; discard old collection reservoir
Maintenance: Unintended disconnection
Hand hygiene immediately before procedure
Cover end of drain and clamp with Kelly clamp to prevent cerebrospinal fluid drainage
Do not reconnect old drainage system

EV, extraventricular; EVD, external ventricular drain; CT, computed tomography; OR, operating room.

analgesia are administered at the discretion of the proceduralist. per the proceduralist's discretion. A full body drape is used for
Because no specific area or dimension of hair to be clipped is the procedure. Once the patient is draped, the insertion site is
stipulated in our institutional bundle, hair clipping is performed marked, cleansed for 30 seconds, and allowed to dry for 3

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e91


Figure 1. Neurocritical care unit (NCCU) external ventricular drain (EVD) Major protocol changes are annotated above at their corresponding
infections per 1000 EVD days. The 4-quarter moving average infection points of implementation. EVD days per half-year are graphed on the
rate decreased from an average of 6.68 to 1.98/1000 EVD days (95% horizontal axis. CoNS, coagulase-negative staphylococci; CSF,
confidence interval, 4.09e5.31; P < 0.001) when comparing 2007 cerebrospinal fluid; H1, year first half, January 1eJune 30; min,
H1e2009 H1 with 2017 H1e2019 H1. The mean incidence density of minimum; MSSA, methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus; OR,
EVD infections from 2007 H1 to 2019 H1 was 3.41/1000 EVD days. operating room; d/c, discontinue.

minutes. Local anesthesia (lidocaine HCl and epinephrine least once every 8 hours.20,21 The site is not covered with a gauze or
1:200,000) is administered to the scalp. Hand hygiene is occlusive dressing unless oozing from the site. If an EVD
performed immediately before gloving for the procedure. The replacement is required, it is typically conducted at the bedside in
proceduralist placing the EVD then dons a sterile gown and a the NCCU. Consistent with the 2016 recommendations of the
pair of sterile gloves. The scalp is incised and a burr hole is Neurocritical Care Society, no prophylactic antibiotics are
created through the skull with a manual drill at the proper administered while the EVD is in situ and the EVD is removed and
anatomic location (typically the Kocher point). A none the wound is sutured as soon as the EVD is no longer clinically
antimicrobial-impregnated Codman EDS 335-cm clear ventricular indicated.1 In the event of an infection after EVD placement, a
CSF catheter is passed into the ventricular system and tunneled ventriculitis event review form is completed (Supplementary Table 3).
approximately 5 cm subcutaneously. Antimicrobial-impregnated
EVD catheters (Bactiseal, Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA) are RESULTS
used only in patients for whom a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt
or EVD was removed because of suspected or proven infection, or Observations of Infection Trends
for whom ventriculitis or meningitis is the indication for EVD Of the 50 quarters assessed, there were 19 quarters without an EVD
placement. A nylon stitch is placed in the scalp to secure the infection, 21 with 1 infection, 7 with 2 infections, and 3 with 3
placement of the EVD and flow of CSF is confirmed. The incision infections. Of the 19 quarters without an EVD infection, 12
is closed and the catheter secured to the scalp using nylon sutures. occurred in 2013 or later, and there was a 5-quarter period without
A drainage system is connected using a sterile technique. Blood is an EVD infection from 2014 Q4 until 2015 Q4. The average number
cleansed from the insertion site and alcoholic chlorhexidine is of infections per quarter for 2007e2012 was 1.08, whereas the
again applied. average number of infections per quarter was 0.60 for 2013e2019.
After EVD placement, routine maintenance includes site care,
change of collection reservoir when filled to capacity, and manage- Incidence Density Analysis
ment of unintended disconnection. All maintenance procedures are The mean infection rate across all quarters (2007e2019) was 3.41/
performed after proper hand hygiene and donning sterile gloves. The 1000 EVD days. The initial incidence density of EVD infections was
EVD site is cleansed with alcoholic chlorhexidine for 30 seconds at 7.5/1000 EVD days in 2007 Q1 and reached a peak of 8.0 in 2008



Figure 2. Multivariate regression coefficients of individual protocol Statistical significance denoted with *. See Supplementary Table 3 for
changes. Coefficients graphed as 95% confidence interval of the estimated detailed confidence intervals and P values. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NCCU,
change in incidence density of external ventricular drain (EVD) infections for neurocritical care unit; OR, operating room.
protocol changes, grouped based on similar times of implementation.

Q4. The mean incidence density of infections in the first 2.5 years expected decrease of 3.1 infections per 1000 EVD days (95% CI,
(2007 H1e2009 H1, where H1 ¼ Q1þQ2 and H2 ¼ Q3þQ4) was e6.5 to 0.33; P ¼ 0.0957). Use of a chlorhexidine dressing
6.68/1000 EVD days and 1.98/1000 EVD days in the most recent 2.5 (Biopatch; Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey,
years (2017 H1e2019 H1). Thus, these protocol interventions are USA) at the insertion site, discontinuation of all routine
correlated with a net estimated reduction of 4.70 EVD infections/ antibiotic prophylaxis, and discontinuation of routine collection
1000 EVD days (95% CI, 4.09e5.31; P < 0.001) from 2007 H1 to of EVD reservoir fluid for culture, collectively trended toward an
2019 H1. expected decrease of 2.2 infections per 1000 EVD days (95% CI,
The mean incidence density of gram-positive bacterial in- e4.5 to 0.20; P ¼ 0.0895).
fections was 4.77/1000 EVD days from 2007 H1 to 2009 H1 and Several other protocol changes showed a nonzero effect on
decreased to 1.70/1000 EVD days from 2017 H1 to 2019 H1, an infection rate but did not reach our criteria for statistical sig-
estimated reduction of 3.07/1000 EVD days (95% CI, 2.27e3.87; nificance. Limiting extraneous personnel in the room during
P ¼ 0.00882; Supplementary Figure 1). The most common gram- EVD insertion showed a nonsignificant decrease of 0.83 in-
positive organisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci and fections per 1000 EVD days (95% CI, e2.6 to 0.89; P ¼ 0.296).
Staphylococcus aureus, accounting for 17 of 33 cultured organisms Implementing use of sterile gloves for all procedures that involve
(Table 1 Ventriculitis Review Form and Supplementary Table 4). There caring for the EVD site, implementing EVD site cleansing with
was a period without any gram-negative EVD infections from 2014 alcoholic chlorhexidine every 8 hours, and discontinuing chlor-
Q4 to 2018 Q1. From 2007 H1 to 2009 H1, there were 4 gram- hexidine (Biopatch) dressing use were collectively associated
negative EVD infections, compared with 5 gram-negative in- with a nonsignificant decrease of 1.4 infections per 1000 days
fections from 2009 H1 to 2019 H1. The mean incidence density of (95% CI, e3.9 to 1.2; P ¼ 0.269). These 3 protocol changes were
gram-negative bacterial infections was 1.90/1000 EVD days from implemented in 2013. Obtaining daily EVD reservoir fluid cul-
2007 H1 to 2009 H1 and decreased to 0.53/1000 EVD days from tures and use of a standard EVD kit containing all necessary
2017 H1 to 2019 H1, an estimated reduction of 1.47/1000 EVD days components revealed nonsignificant increases of 2.1 (95% CI,
(95% CI, 0.61e2.33; P ¼ 0.0303; Supplementary Figure 1). The e2.0 to 6.3; P ¼ 0.244) and 1.3 (95% CI, e1.0 to 3.6; P ¼ 0.222)
most common gram-negative organisms were Enterobacter aero- infections per 1000 EVD days, respectively. In our model, use of
genes and E. cloacae (Table 1 Ventriculitis Review Form and a standardized EVD checklist, use of wide hair clipping, use of a
Supplementary Table 4). lateral (vs. sagittal) incision, longer subcutaneous tunneling of
Regression analysis demonstrated that the combined protocol the EVD, performing all EVD replacements in the operating
change of reducing EVD reservoir culturing to 3 times weekly, room (OR), performing standardized EVD site assessments at
using alcoholic chlorhexidine for preparing the EVD insertion site, least every 4 hours, upgrading equipment from Codman EDS3 to
and standardized coiled-catheter tunneling technique imple- Integra AccuDrain, standardizing practice for managing leakage
mented in 2008 Q3 achieved the strongest independent effect per around insertion site, accessing the EVD, /managing dis-
our criteria, with an estimated reduction of 3.9 infections per 1000 connecting drainage, use of an EVD infection prevention
EVD days (95% CI, 0.50e7.30; P ¼ 0.011; Figure 2). Reduction of checklist placed in all EVD kits, and use of electronic EVD order
culture frequency of EVD reservoir fluid from 3 times weekly to 2 sets or ventriculitis event review forms did not have a notable
times weekly was nonsignificantly associated with an additional effect on risk of infection (P > 0.3).

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e93


DISCUSSION Infection control interventions implemented at other institutions

Recent attempts to standardize recommendations for EVD infection have also shown decreases in infection rates. In one study,2 a strict
prevention have included findings from meta-analyses of EVD inser- protocol for inserting EVDs only in the OR was implemented, using
tion and various maintenance techniques.1,24 Several prophylactic antibiotics, ensuring that catheters are subcutaneously
recommendations for best practice have been identified, including tunneled at least 10 cm, omitting daily sampling, and avoiding
weaning and removing the EVD as soon as no longer clinically routine catheter changes without clinical indication. That study
indicated, avoiding routine CSF sampling or changes in catheter observed an associated reduction in the EVD infection rate from
sites, and cleansing the insertion site with an antiseptic agent.1 Many 27% to 12%. EVD placement outside the OR is necessary in many
of these recommendations were implemented at our institution well settings because of resource availability and urgent need for
before the first of these recent reports was published in 2016. Several intervention. In a more recent study, implementing a best-
recommendations, notably standardization of cutaneous antisepsis practice protocol stressing hand hygiene before EVD insertion,
and tunneling of EVD, that were implemented more than a decade prophylactic antibiotics, sterile glove changes between preparation/
ago based on emerging evidence have achieved literature consensus draping/procedure, hair removal by clipping, cutaneous use of
as standard of care.2,3,7,25-29 Our cumulative protocol changes povacrylex/isopropyl alcohol, full body and head draping, full sur-
attempted to systematically address all modifiable risk factors for in- gical attire for surgeon and bedside providers, antimicrobial-
fections identified through a multidisciplinary infection control pro- impregnated catheter use, and a checklist of critical components
gram, and our analysis identified reduced risk of EVD infections after was associated with a reduction in EVD infections from 9.2% to
minimizing EVD manipulation, eliminating routine antibiotic pro- 0.5%.17 Other investigators using a similar protocol reported an
phylaxis, and eliminating routine surveillance CSF sampling, consis- associated reduction in the EVD infection rate from 9.2% to less
tent with previous studies.1,24,30-32 Our findings suggest that than 1% over a 5-year period.18
standardization across these protocol areas may cumulatively reduce Our multidisciplinary EVD ICC recommendations on several
overall infection rate over time. specific interventions were made based on available evidence at
The factors most strongly associated with lowering our EVD the time, with a few exceptions. For example, there has been
infection rate were reduction in the frequency of routine sampling considerable debate surrounding the benefits of antimicrobial-
from the EVD collection reservoir for culture, cutaneous antisepsis impregnated EVDs.1,34,35 Some studies10,13,17,36,37 have noted a
with alcoholic chlorhexidine, and introduction of a subcutaneous reduction in EVD infections with antimicrobial EVDs, whereas
catheter tunneling technique. These interventions were associated others36,38,39 have found no significant benefit. Furthermore,
with the largest absolute reduction in infection incidence density. concerns have been raised over the possible neurotoxicity of
The interventions implemented in 2013 (implementation of sterile silver ions36,40 and the potential for an increased risk of
gloves, site cleaning with chlorhexidine gluconate every 8 hours, infections with antibiotic-resistant pathogens with the use of
and discontinuing dressing use), were collectively associated with antimicrobial EVDs.36 The most recent meta-analysis of 5242
the second largest absolute reduction in the 4Q moving average cases23 found a reduction in EVD infection risk with the use of
infection rate. Limiting extra personnel in the room during EVD systemic antibiotics and antimicrobial EVDs, but less certainty
insertion, use of sterile gloves for all procedures, cleansing the regarding the impact of reduced infection risk on morbidity,
EVD insertion site with alcoholic chlorhexidine every 8 hours, and mortality, health care costs, or length of stay.
discontinuing use of the chlorhexidine dressing were associated Our EVD ICC has considered standardizing the use of antimi-
with nonsignificant reductions in the EVD infection rate. These crobial EVDs. Although the 2016 Neurocritical Care Society guide-
findings provide evidence for the relative effect of different lines advocate for the use of antimicrobial-impregnated EVDs, there
infection control measures, although these analyses are notably is also a costebenefit argument to be made for using these more
limited by inability to account for the order in which individual expensive devices.1 In light of this situation, our institution's policy
measures were implemented. Furthermore, our data showed an is that antimicrobial EVDs are recommended for use only in patients
unexplained increase in infection rate after the implementation of for whom a VP shunt or EVD was removed because of proven or
standardized EVD kit use, a protocol change that was expected to suspected meningitis and/or ventriculitis.1,34,35 Although many of
reduce infection rates by ensuring that all materials for sterile the measures that we implemented did not independently achieve
placement were readily accessible. Although it is possible that statistical significance, the collective suite of measures applied
poor initial standardization of preparation and/or use of these kits decreased the infection rates more substantially over our 12-year
contributed to this result, this may also be a chance finding given study period than any individual measure. Our institution ach-
that the absolute number of infections was relatively low at the ieved infection rates similar to, and in some instances lower than,
time of this intervention (2017 H2). The decreased infection rate those achieved by institutions that implemented antimicrobial
that we observed with decreased CSF sampling frequency is EVDs as standard of care,10,13,17,23,36-39 which we attribute to our
consistent with several studies that showed reduced infections EVD ICC's recommended policy of cutaneous antisepsis with
when EVD manipulation was minimized and sampling was per- alcoholic chlorhexidine to the EVD insertion site24 and
formed only for indications of new onset of fever, leukocytosis discontinuation of prophylactic postprocedural systemic
found on routine complete blood counts, neurologic deterioration, antibiotics.2,7,10,17,30-32,37,41-45 It is of course possible that our
assessment of CSF protein levels in consideration of upcoming VP infection rate can be further decreased with the standardization of
shunt, or other suspicion for infection.1,6,33 antimicrobial EVDs in the future.



Study Limitations our institution has achieved a significant reduction in the rate of
We did not monitor compliance with the interventions, excluding EVD infections in our NCCU population. The most effective pro-
hand hygiene compliance; however, because most interventions tocol changes have been elimination of routine EVD surveillance
consisted of recommending institutional standardization of key cultures, standardized use of alcoholic chlorhexidine for cuta-
protocol areas, it seems safe to assume that standardization with neous antisepsis, and standardized use of a modified tunneling
respect to each protocol area of focus increased immediately after technique with coiling of the catheter under the skin. We observed
the corresponding recommendation. We did not monitor the inci- a reduction in EVD infections per 1000 EVD days from 6.68 (2007e
dence density of EVD infections in other units such as our trauma 2009) to 1.98 (2017e2019), with a relative risk reduction of
intensive care unit or pediatric intensive care unit. Although most approximately 70%. Based on our experience, we believe that an
EVDs in our hospital are managed in our NCCU, we cannot be institutional EVD ICC that draws from multiple pools of relevant
certain that the reduction in EVD infections observed in the NCCU experience and meets regularly to recommend possible in-
occurred in these other patient care units. In addition, diagnosis of terventions is important in implementation of best practices
an EVD infection is complicated by the fact that infection may occur aimed at reducing risk of EVD infections.
with negative CSF cultures, such as sampling CSF after inititation of
antibiotic therapy. Our institution uses a modified CDC National
Healthcare Safety Network definition of ventriculitis/meningitis, in CRediT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT
which we have required a positive CSF culture. Surveillance for
possible culture-negative EVD infections was not carried out by the Konrad W. Walek: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal
Department of Epidemiology and Infection Control over the study analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft,
period and therefore cannot be reported. Lack of reported culture- Writing - review & editing, Visualization. Owen P. Leary:
negative infections raises the question that such infections may Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Investigation, Data
have still occurred, introducing possible selection bias and thus our curation, Writing - review & editing. Rahul Sastry: Conceptuali-
true EVD infection rate may be higher than reported herein. How- zation, Methodology, Data curation, Writing - review & editing.
ever, use of a consistent definition for EVD infections has allowed us Wael F. Asaad: Validation, Resources, Writing - review & editing,
to assess infection rates over time, under different protocol condi- Supervision. Joan M. Walsh: Conceptualization, Methodology,
tions. As a single-institutional study, the applicability of our results Validation, Writing - review & editing. Leonard Mermel:
to other institutions may be influenced by institution-specific biases Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Resources, Writing -
(e.g., teaching hospital status and local patient demographics), review & editing, Supervision, Project administration.
although our results seem consistent with literature from other
CONCLUSIONS The authors thank the Rhode Island Hospital infection control
Through the implementation of continuous evidence-based im- staff for their thoughtful assistance in mitigating EVD infection
provements to our EVD standard of practice from 2007 to 2019, risk and managing data related to this project.

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Supplementary Figure 1. Gram-positive bacterial 2.27e3.87; P ¼ 0.00882). The mean incidence density
external ventricular drain (EVD) infections per 1000 of gram-negative bacterial infections of 1.90/1000 EVD
EVD days. The mean incidence density of days from 2007 H1 to 2009 H1 decreased to
gram-positive bacterial infections of 4.77/1000 EVD 0.53/1000 EVD days from 2017 H1 to 2019 H1
days from 2007 H1 to 2009 H1 decreased to (reduction of 1.47/1000 EVD days; 95% CI, 0.61e2.33;
1.70/1000 EVD days from 2017 H1 to 2019 H1 P ¼ 0.0303). H1, year first half, January 1eJune 30;
(reduction of 3.07c/1000 EVD days; 95% CI, H2, year second half, July 1eDecember 31.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e97


Supplementary Table 1. Summary of Identified Failure Modes and Resulting Protocol Changes
Failure Mode Identified Concern/Impacts Solution (Protocol Change) Implemented

Nonstandard clipping procedure; Pre-2006 Poor adherence of dressing to scalp Surgical clippers for removing hair before 2006
chlorhexidine dressing used over EVD placement procedure
insertion site (Biopatch)
Inconsistencies in EVD site care 2008 Q1 Increased risk of infection because of Ensure scrupulous EVD site care during 2008 Q1
possible insertion site contamination and after insertion, including alcoholic
chlorhexidine (ChloraPrep) at least every
8 hours for all EVDs
EVDs left in place beyond period of 2008 Q1 Possibly increased risk of infection Remove EVDs as soon as not absolutely 2008 Q3
clinical indication associated with prolonged EVD duration indicated
Inconsistencies in EVD site preparation 2008 Q2 Increased risk of infection because of Alcoholic chlorhexidine used for all EVD 2008 Q3
possible insertion site contamination insertion site cutaneous antisepsis
Consideration of using antimicrobial EVD 2008 Q2 Possible increased risk of using Decision to continue use of 2008 Q3
nonantimicrobial EVD nonantimicrobial EVD because
of concerns regarding increased risk of
antimicrobial resistance with routine use
Oversampling of EVDs (daily) 2008 Q2 Increased infection rate because of risk Reduced culturing CSF from EVD 2008 Q3
of EVD contamination during sampling drainage reservoirs to 3 times weekly
No standard checklist for EVD placement 2008 Q3 Inconsistencies in EVD placement Checklist developed for standard EVD 2008 Q3
possibly leading to higher infection risk placement (Table 1 Ventriculitis Review
Nonstandard EVD placement 2008 Q3 Inconsistencies in EVD placement Standardized technique: tunneling, 2008 Q3
possibly leading to higher infection risk suturing, chlorhexidine dressing, coiling
catheter under dressing
No standard protocol for duration of 2008 Q2 Possibly increased risk of infection due If dressing dry and intact, then change at 2008 Q4
dressing placement or timeline for to prolonged use 72 hours. Emphasis on not leaving
changing dressing dressing wet. Use nonocclusive dressing
to redress insertion site
Oversampling of EVDs (3 weekly) 2008 Q3 Increased infection rate because of risk Reduced culturing CSF from EVD 2008 Q4
of EVD contamination during sampling reservoirs to 2 times weekly
Oversampling of EVDs (2 weekly) 2008 Q4 Increased infection rate because of risk Reduced culturing CSF from EVD 2008 Q4
of EVD contamination during sampling reservoirs to only when infection
Discontinue all sampling in
asymptomatic patients
Setting (e.g., emergency department, 2008 Q3 Inability to identify potential Routine documentation of EVD 2010 Q2
NCCU) for EVD placement not routinely contamination sources without placement setting
tracked documented placement setting
Excess traffic in/out of patient rooms 2010 Q2 Potential contamination of the sterile Minimize extra personnel from entering 2010 Q3
during EVD placement field during insertion room when an EVD is being inserted
No standard for frequency of assessing 2012 Q4 Potential delayed recognition of EVD EVD site assessed every 8 hours 2013 Q1
EVD site complications (e.g., leak) that risk minimum, every 4 hours in ICU or with
contamination pediatric patients
No formal written protocol available for 2010 Q2 Potential risk of contamination because Development of protocols and 2013 Q3
EVD care and dressing change policy of nonstandard EVD care and implementation of formalized updated
maintenance EVD policy, including insertion, care,
maintenance, and removal
Sterile gloves not being used for EVD- 2013 Q2 Potential contamination of EVD during Use sterile gloves for any EVD 2013 Q3
related procedures (except insertion) manipulation manipulation
Recalls issued on Codman EDS3 CSF 2014 Q3 Potential contamination of EVD because Switch from Codman EDS3 to Integra 2014 Q3
external drainage system of faulty equipment AccuDrain with longer tubing




Supplementary Table 1. Continued

Failure Mode Identified Concern/Impacts Solution (Protocol Change) Implemented

No standard practice for accessing EVD 2014 Q1 Potential contamination of EVD during Ensuring sampling of CSF is performed 2015 Q2
to obtain specimens or inject manipulation with sterile technique and only with
medications known leak or suspicion for CSF infection
Lack of standard EVD insertion kit 2009 Q4 Equipment unavailability or omission Creation of a standard EVD insertion kit 2017 Q3
may delay procedure and/or increase risk for NCCU, trauma ICU, pediatric ICU,
of contamination adult and pediatric emergency
departments, with all necessary
Increase in number of infections after 5- 2016 Q3 Cause unknown. Possible lack of EVD infection prevention bundle, 2017 Q4
quarter EVD infection-free period adherence to infection prevention including protocols for insertion, site
protocol care, and unintended disconnect, drafted
for inclusion with EVD kits
Inconsistencies noted in systematic 2017 Q4 Potential lack of critical information New electronic Ventriculitis Event 2018 Q2
reporting of EVD infection cases about confirmed infection cases Review Form implemented (Table 1)
Unexpected increase in EVD infection 2019 Q1 Cause unknown. Possible contribution of Standard protocol developed for EVD 2019 Q2
rate nonstandard EVD flushing techniques or flushing. Reduction of surveillance
drawing of surveillance cultures every 48 culture frequency under consideration
hours for persistently febrile patients
No standard practice for managing leaks 2014 Q1 Suturing EVD insertion CSF leak site vs. If a single suture does not stop a CSF 2019 Q3
around EVD insertion site replacing/removing EVD; best practice to leak, the leakage is taken as a sign of
minimize contamination risk is unclear refractory high intracranial pressure and/
or EVD wean failure and the EVD is
either decreased to a lower pressure or
opened (if previously clamped)
No standard practice to manage EVD 2014 Q1 Potential contamination of EVD during Cleanse the proximal catheter with 2019 Q3
drainage tubing disconnection manipulation alcoholic chlorhexidine and, under sterile
conditions, attach a new sterile drainage
system to the previous site of

EVD, external ventricular drain; Q, quarter; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; NCCU, neurocritical care unit; ICU, intensive care unit.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e99


Supplementary Table 2. Checklist for External Ventricular Drain

Before Procedure: During Procedure:

Verified ID of patient? Use of hat, mask, sterile gown and

gloves, eye protection, maintain sterile
Is the procedure elective/emergent? By physician?
Previously used site/new site? By assisting personnel?
Site of insertion marked? After procedure:
Briefing and time out? Connect to drainage apparatus with
aseptic technique?
Before the procedure, did the Number of attempts?
Cleanse hands immediately prior?
Use clippers to remove hair as
Cleanse insertion site with
alcoholic chlorhexidine and allow
to dry before proceeding?
Use large barrier drape around
insertion site?

Supplementary Table 3. Number of Neurocritical Care Unit External Ventricular Drain Infections by Pathogen (2007 H1e2019 H1)
Gram-Positive Bacteria Gram-Negative Bacteria Fungi

Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus 22 Enterobacter aerogenes 4 Candida albicans 1

methicillin-sensitive 18 Enterobacter cloacae 2 Candida parapsilosis 1
methicillin-resistant 4
Staphylococcus aureus 4 Stenotrophomonas maltophila 1
methicillin-resistant 3 Klebsiella oxytoca 1
methicillin-sensitive 1
Enterococcus faecalis 3 Klebsiella pneumoniae 1
Cutibacterium acnes 3 Citrobacter koseri 1
Enterococcus faecium 1 Pantoea agglomerans 1
Finegoldia magna 1 Serratia marcescens 1
Micrococcus luteus 1



Supplementary Table 4. Estimated Impact of Infection Control Interventions

Estimated Change in
Infection Rate/1000 EVD Days
Intervention Period of Implementation (95% Confidence Interval) P

Culturing CSF from EVD reservoirs daily Start: 2007 Q1 D2.14 (e2.04 to 6.31) 0.768
End: 2008 Q2 (EVD sampling
frequency later further reduced)
Scrupulous site care during/after insertion Start: 2008 Q1 e0.44 (e2.96 to 2.08) 0.441
Removing EVDs when not indicated
Standard checklist for EVD Start: 2008 Q3 e0.15 (e3.24 to 2.93) 0.502
Reduction in EVD sampling frequency from daily to 3 weekly Start: 2008 Q3 (EVD sampling e3.91 (e7.30 to -0.52) 0.011
ChloraPrep before EVD. Tunneled EVD technique frequency later further reduced)
Reduction in EVD sampling frequency from 3 weekly to 2 weekly Start: 2008 Q4 e3.07 (e6.46 to 0.33) 0.096
End: 2008 Q4 (EVD sampling
frequency later further reduced)
Reduction in EVD sampling frequency from 2 weekly to only when infection Start: 2008 Q4 e2.16 (e4.52 to 0.20) 0.090
End of routine antibiotic prophylaxis while EVD in place
Wide hair clap, lateral incisions (vs. sagittal), longer catheter tunneling under skin. Start: 2008 Q4 e0.94 (e3.37 to 1.50) 0.343
All EVD replacements performed in operating room
Limit extra personnel entering room during EVD placement Start: 2010 Q3 e0.83 (e2.56 to 0.89) 0.296
Standardized assessing EVD site at least every 8 hours Start: 2013 Q3 e0.16 (e1.63 to 1.32) 0.474
Sterile gloves for any EVD manipulation. Cleansing EVD site with ChloraPrep at Start: 2013 Q3 e1.36 (e3.88 to 1.16) 0.269
least every 8 hours. No longer using Biopatch
Equipment upgrade from Codman EDS3 to Integra AccuDrain Start: 2014 Q3 e0.39 (e2.75 to 1.97) 0.446
Standardized practice for accessing EVD, managing CSF leakage, and discontinue Start: 2015 Q2 e0.35 (e2.66 to 1.97) 0.454
of drainage tubing
Standard EVD kit for neurocritical care unit with all necessary components Start: 2017 Q3 D1.29 (e1.03 to 3.60) 0.789
EVD infection prevention bundle included with all EVD kits Start: 2017 Q4 e0.95 (e4.04 to 2.13) 0.454
Electronic EVD order set implemented in Epic EMR Start: 2018 Q1 e0.44 (e3.53 to 2.64) 0.457
Electronic ventriculitis event review form implemented for reporting EVD infection Start: 2018 Q2 D0.30 (e2.22 to 2.82) 0.581

Bold values indicate multivariate regression coefficients of individual protocol changes.

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EVD, external ventricular drain; Q, quarter.

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 150: e89-e101, JUNE 2021 e101

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