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Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education

ARTICLE/STORY TITLE: The importance of family time


Children, from birth to adulthood, need time and attention from their parents. The
impact of personal interaction cannot be underestimated. The importance of family
time has a bearing on the social and emotional maturity of children and establishes
deep understanding among family members.

The role of the family can have a significant impact on emotional and behavioural
issues in children. A number of studies have recommended spending quality time with
children as the first step to raising happy children who will make a positive
contribution to society.

The ultimate goal of family time is to create opportunities for all members of the family
to love and understand each other, in the process growing happy, well-adjusted

The following benefits further reinforce the importance of family time:

1. Fosters communication
Being together as a family creates opportunities to have important family discussions.
Your children are more likely to open up to you if you’re spending quality time together
away from your normal routines. Maybe they have questions they want answered or
are having troubles and seek your advice. Spending time together could be all the
encouragement they need to ask you a tough question they’ve been pondering on or
open up about an issue that is troubling them.
2. Helps build confidence and self-esteem
Spending quality time together provides an opportunity for parents to discover what
their children’s strengths and weaknesses are. It also opens the door to sharing new
experiences together which can help build confidence and improve self-esteem. The
more opportunities a child has to experience and excel at various activities, the greater
the self-confidence will be.
3. Provides opportunities to role model
Parents are a child’s greatest and most influential teacher. Spending time as a family,
provides parents with the opportunity to role model the behaviour that they expect of
their children. It’s important for children to see how their parents cope with risks,
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
problems and social interactions. We all grow into versions of our own parents at some
4. Teaches children vital social skills
Good social skills are essential in adolescence. It can be challenging for teenagers to
understand appropriate social behaviour and navigate sticky social situations.
Spending quality time as a family allows the opportunity for children to practice social
skills at home in a natural context. Playing board games together can help children to
resolve conflict and come to a mutual understanding, for example.
5. Provides bonding opportunities
There is no doubt that creating shared memories together goes a long way toward
strengthening family ties and bonds. Trying new experiences, supporting one another
and communicating are positive steps toward building healthy relationships.
6. Improves mental health
When spending time together, children can voice their thoughts and feelings and seek
advice about issues that have been troubling them. Participating in happy, shared
experiences can also have a profound effect on mental wellbeing. Experiencing the
great outdoors and enjoying positive social interactions are known to reduce stress
hormones and help the body become calm.
7. Helps a child feel loved
If a child has your undivided attention, it signals that they are loved and important to
you. This can be further nurtured by experiencing joyful activities together, as it
demonstrates that you want to spend time with your children over and above all of the
daily demands.
The key to spending positive family time together that will enhance positive
relationships, is to give your full attention. Don’t schedule family time if your mind has
to be elsewhere.

Here are some suggestions to encourage quality family time:

1. Get out in the great outdoors – go hiking, take a picnic, try surfing or wind surfing
2. Homework – sit down with children to assist them with their homework in a non-
demanding fashion. Be sure not to provide the answers for them … but make yourself
available to provide advice and tips that will point them in the right direction.
3. Play board games – place an emphasis on sportsmanship and fun.
4. Sport – watch or play sports together.
Family meal time – sitting down to eat together each night can be a great way of
opening up discussion. Asking about each family member’s favourite part of their day is
a great conversation starter that prompts positive discussion.
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
My Meaning/Synonym(s) Sentences
underestimated - to think or guess that Ex 1: The statistics seriously
the amount, cost or size underestimate the number of
Pron: of something is smaller people affected.
than it really is
Line: 2 - to not realize how good, Ex 2: Don't underestimate
strong, determined, what she is capable of.
difficult, etc.
really is
emotional Emotional maturity is Ex: Emotional maturity is
the ability to take full crucial in two aspects:
responsibility for own personal growth and
Pron /ɪ emotions relationship.

ˈməʊʃənl/ /mə


Line 3
ultimate - Happening at the end Ex 1: our ultimate
of a long process goal/aim/objective/target
Pron /ˈʌltɪmət/
 The ultimate decision lies with the
Line 9 parents.

- Most extreme; best, Ex 2: This race will be the

worst, greatest, most ultimate test of your skill.
important, etc.

- From which
Ex 3: We could not trace the
something originally
ultimate source of the
foster SYNONYM  The club's aim is to foster
encourage, promote better relations within the
Pron /ˈfɒstə(r)/ community.

Line 13
 ponder over something  She
ponder to think about pondered over his words.
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
   ponder on something They were
Pron /ˈpɒndə(r)/ something carefully for left to ponder on the implications of
a period of time the announcement.
Line 19    ponder something  The senator
pondered the question for a

SYNONYM self-worth  to have  high/low self-esteem

self-esteem  You need to build your self-
a feeling of being happy esteem.
Pron /ˈpɒndə(r)/ with your own
character and abilities
Line 25
the time in a person’s  Adolescence brings about major
adolescence changes in a young person’s body.
life when they develop
Pron /ˈpɒndə(r)/ from a child into an adult

Line 38
to plan and direct the  navigate through something
navigate There's nothing worse than
course of ship, plane, car
navigating through heavy traffic.
Pron /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ etc., for example by
using a map
Line 39
something that forms a  bond between A and B A bond of
bond friendship had been forged between
connection between
Pron /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/ people or groups, such as
a feeling of friendship or
shared ideas and
Line 46 experiences
fair, generous and polite  He has a reputation for fair play
sportsmanship and good sportsmanship.
behaviour, especially
Pron when playing a sport or

Line 70
II. What it is about
 Read the article/story and make notes about the events/characters and ideas.
 Summarize the article/story in a short paragraph, try to use your own words.
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
NOTE: You may need to read the article/story more than once. Do NOT include
your personal opinions about the story/events discussed in your reading.
My notes:
The article talks about 6 benefits of family time:

- It helps children feel loved.

- Children can learn experience.
- It creates a stronger family bond.
- It helps younger children feel secure.
- It has many physical and emotional health benefits.
- It doesn’t cost money.
Beasides, the author give some suggestions to encourage quality family time such as:
outdoor activities, assist them with their homework, play board games, watch or play
sports together, family meal time.

III. Let’s talk about it

 Read the article/story, write at least five questions about it. The questions can be
about the facts in the article or events in the story, but preferably about your
partner’s opinions of the facts/events in the article/story.
 Give the questions to your partner at least three days before the next class session
to have him/her write down his/her answers in this worksheet.
NOTE: Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts and
feelings as you read (what surprised you, made you smile, made you feel sad?).
My questions:
1. What is the most important benefits of a family night?.......................................
2. What activities do you like in your family time?.................................................
3. What do you usually do in your family time?......................................................
4. How do you feel when you spend a night time with your family?......................
5. Do you think family time is the most important thing building the connect between parents and
children? .................................................................................................................
My partner’s name: Trịnh Hoàng Minh Anh
His/her answers:
1. I with my family always gather together at the dinner after each day to enjoy the meal and share
news with each other.
2. I like having a babecue party with my family on Sundays
3. I usually cooking and having dinner with my family
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
4. My emotions when spending a family night is happy, warm, cozy and interesting I think it is the
opportunity to enhance the family bond.
5. Yes, I think so. In family times, people can share about anything, which helps parents have deep
understanding with their children.

ARTICLE/STORY TITLE: The Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Family

Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education


There are so many benefits of spending quality time with family! Having a weekly
family night dedicated to family bonding activities is one way to make memories with
your children.

The Benefits Of Spending Quality Time With Family

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Family night.  These words can stir up many different feelings.  
For some families, family night means organizing and executing one more thing on your
already lengthy to-do list.  Other families may have to decide how to fit family night in
between soccer practice and the band concert. 
For many others the question comes up, why is family night important?  We spend time
feeding, teaching and playing with our children already. Why do we need to add family
I know that it can be hard to fit in, believe me! But every single sacrifice made to spend
more time with family will be worth it because spending time with family has so many
Here are 6 important reasons why taking the time to have a family night is important.  

Reasons For Planning A Family Night

Spending quality time with family during a family night is so important! As you spend
time with your spouse and kids you’ll see clearly these benefits of spending time with

Quality Time With Family Helps Children Feel Loved 

Children need to feel loved and safe, just like we all do!  When we are deliberately
planning family nights and spending time with them, they will feel that. 
Quality time with family spent doing something together shows your children that you
love them and love being with them. A family night set apart for family bonding
activities is the perfect opportunity to have that quality time! 
A huge reason for family night is the excuse to put away all of the distractions that we
have throughout the week! 
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
In our new technological world, parents spend inordinate amounts of time focused on
their devices. This sends a message to your children that the device is more important
than they are.
Family night is an opportunity to put the phone away and give all your attention to
your children. When your focus is on them, they will feel the love and safety they crave. 
Children Learn From Example When Spending Time With Family
“Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.” Dr. Haim
Children learn more from our own behaviors than from what we tell them.  If we are
teaching our children that time spent with them is important they will carry that into
their own families. It shows them a healthy way to show love in any relationship!  
Many things we do with our children will be the same things that they will do with their
own children. If we make family night a priority and a habit they will remember that.  
When you spend more time with family, you give your children a safe place to learn and
grow and develop. They can learn how to help plan family night. 
Children can learn emotion regulation when things don’t go as planned (never happens
right?).  They can learn the interests of family members as you plan family nights
All of these valuable lessons can be taught through something as simple as spending
time with family during a family night!.

Quality Time With Family Creates A Stronger Family Bond

We all have a desire to bond with our families. Family bonding activities are the perfect
environment to improve your relationships! Family night offers a chance to get to know
each other in different ways.  
You can work as a team, you can be creative together and you can learn about each
other’s personalities.  Family night is where I learned my youngest daughter is very
competitive. This was the perfect chance to teach her about losing and how to regulate
those emotions.  
Siblings can really use family night to strengthen their bonds. More sibling bonding will
hopefully result in less sibling rivalry. Families are designed to be close and family
nights give us a platform to create that closeness.
Rituals Help Younger Children Feel Secure
Rituals are a vital part of a child’s development.  Family nights offer a consistent ritual
that creates feelings of security.  The ritual of family night can create an identity and a
sense of belonging for a child.  The security of a family night ritual will help them learn
They can rely on the routine of family night and learn to look forward to the time spent
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
Family night can create an emotional and meaningful ritual that sends a message of
acceptance and belonging. When families have rituals that are meaningful, then
children will perform better academically and socially.
How amazing would it be to have your child know that every week they can always
count on some special time with their family? 
Spending Time Together Puts The Focus On Family 
When you spend quality time with family, you improve the overall happiness as a
family unit, and individually.  
Family night and family bonding activities creates long-lasting memories that your
children can cherish through their lifetime. Family night shifts your main focus and
priority onto what is most important, your family!  
Focusing on your family helps you to learn how to communicate better with them,
make them feel loved, and get to know them in every way! 
In order to fully get the benefits of family bonding activities, you’ll each need to make a
commitment to leave the world behind! When your focus is on the family you are not
distracted by work, or electronics or the tasks of daily life.  
If you choose to spend more time with family, your whole focus will shift and your
family members will notice!

Quality Time With Family Has Physical And Emotional Health Benefits
Connecting with your children during family night gives them an opportunity to share
their lives with you.  They will become more open to sharing things with you which is
so good for their emotional health!
Emotional health isn’t the only thing that spending time with family helps with! Studies
show that when children spend quality time with their parents and families, they get
better grades. 
Children who have routine family game nights are less likely to get involved in
dangerous situations.  Children also act out less when they are participating in quality
time like family night. 
For parents, family night gives them time away from work and more time with
children. I think we all know that taking time away from our daily stressors is a huge
relief, especially when it’s spent having fun with our kids!

Something To Remember: Family Night Doesn’t Have To Cost Money!

Family night does not need to cost anything. In fact, most of the time it won’t! There are
many ways we can spend time together without it breaking the bank.  
Family game night is an excellent way to spend family night. Playing games teaches
valuable lessons about cooperation.  It also helps build problem-solving and critical
thinking skills.
And it is fun! My daughter’s favorite way to spend family night is playing board games.  
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
Another free idea is to take your family night outdoors. Walking trails, biking or just
going to the park to play frisbee or catch is a great way to bond. 
Many communities offer free movies in the park during the summer and other free
community events year-round.  
Check with your local library and city offices to see what they have on their schedule.
Take advantage of what your community has to offer and work it into family night.
Of course, you may occasionally have an activity that costs money, but you should
never feel like you have to! The important thing is that you are spending quality time
with family and doing things that bring you together! 
I always have new ideas for inexpensive activities on the blog that you can check out in
our family section!

Now that you understand the importance of family night, go plan something fun!  Don’t
worry about the details. The most important part is that you are together and it
becomes a tradition your children will always remember.
MyWords/Phrases Meaning/Synonym(s) Sentences

adulthood the state of being an adult Adulthood begins around 20

years old and has three distinct
stages: early, middle, and late.
impact on a powerful effect that It has made obvious impact on
something, especially the development of the children.
something new, has on a
situation or person
maturity the quality of behaving It is along time from the
mentally and emotionally childhood to the period when
like an adult you get the maturity.
foster to encourage the Constantly practice can foster
development or growth of your English Skill.
ideas or feelings
self-esteem belief and confidence in This can help students to
your own ability and value develop their self-esteem.

vital extremely important Education plays a vital role in

the development of a child.

bonding promote the process by It can give children bonding

opportunities which a close emotional opportunities to get closer to
relationship is developed their family.

undivided complete attention Please pay undivided attention

attention on the lesson to understand all
the new language.
Fullname: Nguyễn Thị Sao Chi Class: 68K. Faculty: Primary of Education
emotional relating to the emotions You should avoid emotional

opportunity the possibility of doing Travelling abroad can give you

something: great opportunity to experience
new things and discover new

II. What it is about

 Read the article/story and make notes about the events/characters and ideas.
 Summarize the article/story in a short paragraph, try to use your own words.
NOTE: You may need to read the article/story more than once. Do NOT include
your personal opinions about the story/events discussed in your reading.
My notes:

The article state that Family is of great importance to a child’s life. It has significant
influences on the child’s social and emotional maturity. Below are all the benefits of
spending aquality family time with family:
- Fosters communication
- Helps build confidence and self-esteem
- Provides opportunities to role model
- Teaches children vital social skills
- Provides bonding opportunities
- Improves mental health
- Helps a child feel loved
In conclusion, it is indispensable for parents to spend time with their child.
III. Let’s talk about it
 Read the article/story, write at least five questions about it. The questions can be
about the facts in the article or events in the story, but preferably about your
partner’s opinions of the facts/events in the article/story.
 Give the questions to your partner at least three days before the next class session
to have him/her write down his/her answers in this worksheet.
NOTE: Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts and
feelings as you read (what surprised you, made you smile, made you feel sad?).
My questions:
1. What are the benefits which further reinforce the importance of family time?
2. What is the ultimate goal of family time?
3. How to encourage quality family time?
4. How to make a family night that doesn’t have to cost money?
5. What is the most important part of a family night?

My partner’s name:

His/her answers:

1. Creates A Stronger Family Bond

Help Younger Children Feel Secure
Has Physical And Emotional Health Benefits

2. The ultimate goal of family time is to create opportunities for all members of the
family to love and understand each other, in the process growing happy, well-adjusted

3. Get out in the great outdoors together, assist them with their homework, play board
games – place an emphasis on sportsmanship and fun, watch or play sports together.

4. Family game night is an excellent way to spend family night

5. The most important part is that you are together and it becomes a tradition your
children will always remember.

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